Crown of Chaos

Chapter 203, long-cherished wish comes true!


Alice Sel covered her belly with one hand. A deep crimson gradually spread over the regent's originally cold, indifferent and arrogant face, and this crimson spread from her lower belly to her whole body at an extremely fast speed.

Hot, spicy, messy.

The Queen Regent's expression was confused, she clenched her teeth, desperately fighting against the sudden tide with reason.

How could it be at this time? Apparently I had an attack only four days ago!

This is the reason why she has been reluctant to go out for frequent activities since the regency, because if she happens to encounter such a situation, she will be in trouble. Currently, she cannot control herself with her strength.

"Your Highness?" Aaron hugged Alice Ser's waist and helped her up: "What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

The gentle and jade-like figure was as fast as lightning. Aaron's reaction was quicker than ever. The black staff ceremonial officer appointed by the princess simply flew over in one swift step, "Serving the public with all his strength", "Sacrifice one's life" and "Dedicate oneself to one's best". One hand wrapped around Alice Ser's waist, and the other supported her arm.

What a loyal purple dragon knight who protects his master, and a trusted servant of the princess. Aaron has simply used his actions to explain what "loyalty" means.

However, as her body was touched by Aaron, Alice's heart immediately beat violently and her vision became blurred. She smelled the good-smelling citrus body fragrance that kept coming from Aaron's body and looked at the handsome man. He was concerned about how he looked and felt like a switch had been flipped somewhere.

I don’t know whether it’s because the weather is getting warmer in early spring, or because of the power brought by the blood of the ancient red dragon. Alice’s cold and smooth face is covered with red clouds, as if it is soaked in fire, and the burgundy pupils are hazy with mist, including pink. There were bursts of love halo, and it seemed that as long as she blinked, she would shed tears.

"Your Highness?" Aaron hugged her even tighter. He pressed one hand on Her Royal Highness's belly through her clothes. Taking advantage of her loss of concentration, the Chaos Magic took advantage of it. The power of Slaanesh in her body was fully opened, and her divinity was revealed. The flying sparks activated the chaotic energy that had been accumulated in the princess' body. Under the blessing of the two phases, Alice's footsteps were even softer, and her red-soled high heels dragged a thin track on the ground.

At this time, the princess no longer had the extra energy to think about why the ancient red dragon blood in her body suddenly broke out. She could only subconsciously grab Aaron's sleeve and pull it down hard. Her whole body tensed up, and she was so angry at Aaron. Lun said: "Quickly, send me back to Charlotte!"

"Your Highness?" Aaron pretended to be surprised and asked in a low voice, "Is it true?"

"That's... what you think... like that!" At this time, Alice Serre no longer cared about Aaron's suspicion of taking advantage of her. The regent princess continued to emphasize: "Hurry!"

I don’t know why, but this time the tide is more ferocious and violent than any other time.

Is it because he is by his side? But he is not a Dragon Vein Warlock or a Dragonborn!

During this time, the princess has discovered that her body is very responsive to Aaron.

"Yes!" Aaron quickly helped Alice Ser up. The Viscount, who was clearly strong and fast, now seemed much slower. He supported Alice and tried to return to the battlefield out of breath. In the mage academy.

"Don't, don't stick so close!" Alice Serre already felt that something was not right at this time. The regent gave a lesson in a low voice, her voice trembling: "And... don't, don't breathe so fast!"

The most contact between the two parties before was just shaking hands, but now, the princess felt her head buzzing, especially the smell of Aaron's body. His breath and the citrus breath from his mouth seemed to be enveloped in a layer of pink and purple. These smells Alice Sel, who was attacked by the ancient dragon's blood, took all the orders. The princess felt a violent flame burst from her body, and waves of heat flowed throughout her body.

She vaguely felt that there was another "self" inside her, roaring, roaring, and trying to escape!

"Yes, Your Highness." Aaron kept saying yes, but the movements of his hands and body showed no intention of correcting himself.

Iriselle was so angry that she could only close her eyes and hold her breath.

At this time, she could only believe Aaron.

Battle Mage Academy, the entrance to the office of the Royal Chief Grand Wizard.

Liv and Vigo were very surprised when Aaron and the princess came back. Especially when the princess put on the mask again and was supported by Aaron, the curiosity of the two apprentices suddenly rose. Vigo stepped forward: " Your Highness, Your Excellency, what’s wrong?”

"Is your mentor here?" Aaron supported Alice Serre, who was all weak. He took out the spare key from his pocket: "Your Highness is feeling a little unwell!"

"Ah, Your Highness is not feeling well?" Liv opened her mouth and said in embarrassment, "But the instructor just went out."


A strong murderous intention suddenly appeared in Alice Ser's violent eyes, which scared Liv and took two steps back and knelt on the ground: "The tutor really went out. She just went out and said she had something to do. Three I won’t be back until an hour later.”

The regent only heard Aaron rushing to reply: "Nothing's wrong. I'll take His Highness in to have a rest. You guys, please go down."

"Yes." Liv and Vigo still wanted to pay attention to the regent, but Aaron had already closed the door, and they could only leave temporarily.

"Damn...Charlotte...Why aren't you here?" Alice Serre felt vaguely that something was wrong, but she couldn't explain it. She wanted to push Aaron away, but she couldn't muster the strength and was dazed by it. Aaron hugged him and put it on the desk. Just as he was about to ask Aaron to tie him with a rope, he saw Aaron move the back chair behind the desk, suddenly knelt down on one knee, and said solemnly: "It's... I am eager to obey my authority, my highness, and I will let my ministers serve you!"

What? !

Alice's face immediately turned red, and at the same time there was a surge of anger. She scolded in a low voice: "What are you doing?"

"Please serve Your Highness!" Aaron said decisively, and then the man got up from the ground without Alice's permission.

He was like a demon from outside the universe, suddenly showing his fangs, making Alice's mind sway, and she felt extremely dangerous.

"You... are bold! Aaron Salian... do you really think that I don't dare to kill you?"

"Please serve Your Highness!"

"You...are seeking death...Oh, you are...daring!"

In the room, the voice of the princess, who had always been confident, cold and arrogant, gradually turned to panic and fear, even a bit begging for mercy: "Salian! Wait... you wait..."

"Your Highness, please have mercy!" Aaron's voice was as firm as steel and unshakable.

In the eldest lady's office, the voices became lower and lower. After a short silence, a voice so low that it was almost inaudible answered, half annoyed and half helpless.

"Hey...I knew it!"

"...Just this won't happen next time!"

"My lord, I obey!"


Two hours later, Aaron opened the curtains. He wiped his face with a towel soaked in the water of Guilun created with life magic. The viscount's neatly-kempt hair was all wet for some unknown reason. When it was wet, he also washed his hair.

The curtains were opened, and the warm sunshine of early spring poured into the room, making it dazzling and dazzling.

"Your Highness, the sun is going down."

Aaron said towards the other side of the room.

Alice Searle was buttoning the last buckle of her blouse at this time, and the Regent's face still had a strange blush. Seeing that Aaron dared to talk to her, she couldn't help but glare at him coldly. He was about to say something, but he closed his mouth subconsciously. There was a hint of warning and accusation in his eyes, but they were ten times brighter than the afternoon sun outside the window.

This guy? Why are you so skilled! ! !

The princess roared in her heart.

How many times has he tried with Charlotte?

Um? Or the little priest from Su Lun?

This guy! Do you still believe in Xia Ruisi secretly?

Thinking of this, Alice Serre thought about it for a moment, and her ears turned red.

This is Charlotte's office!

Sorry, Xia Lu!

For a long time, Alice Searle let out a long, slow breath. In any case, the regent princess could already feel all the pressure, all the troubles, and all the negative things she had accumulated in the more than a year after taking the regency. All the emotions were blown away by the wind on Charlotte's desk.

This was a complete release of pressure, leaving the princess unable to get angry at all. When she looked back, she saw Aaron's eyes blazing, and he did not hide the admiration and admiration on his face, feeling flattered.

The two people's eyes met in the room, Aaron smiled apologetically, and the princess smiled, everything was silent.

The heroism of a soldier, the charm of a woman, the nobility of the royal family, and the domineering power of a regent, several different temperaments are harmoniously integrated into Alice Sayre, exuding a strange high-level charm. Facing the sunshine, Alice Sayre The smile on his face made Aaron stunned for a while, and then he took the initiative to apologize: "Sorry, Your Highness, I have offended you."

"Huh~ I've already written down your offense." Irisel snorted coldly, raised her chin, and wiped away the fine sweat on her swan-like neck. After giving Aaron the necessary warning, the princess Then he said calmly: "You have such a good relationship with Charlotte, you should know where her spare clothes are, right?"

Aaron nodded in response: "The beauty of the mountains, rivers, sun and moon, and the brilliance of the great wheel of the universe are all gathered in Your Highness! It is as beautiful as a rose, but also like a fertile land. The four seasons overlap with joy and sorrow in Your Highness. Your Highness is a beauty in the world." All the flowers have faded, and I have the honor to bathe in the auspicious light of your life star. How can I not be as eager to be the first as the waves flow?"

Alice was stunned for a while, and then she understood what Aaron was talking about. The princess was embarrassed and annoyed, so she grabbed a pen on the table and threw it at Aaron's head. She said coldly: "Aaron-Sa Li Anqing, listen to the order!"

"Aaron, Viscount Salian, is a sinner. The late king and I were promoted to the position of minister of the bodyguard, and made a meritorious official in the palace. He dared to communicate with Karadnai, plotted evil against me, and sought undue favors and honors. So, Take away the title of Viscount and the title of Minister of the Bodyguard, wipe out the name of the palace, and punish you with death!"

I go! Is this woman serious? !

Although Aaron couldn't believe that Alice Serre really dared to do this, he still cooperated and came to the princess, knelt down on one knee and begged for forgiveness: "Your Highness, please forgive me. I swear in the name of my lord Su Lun, I have always been loyal to you!"

"Your Highness has treated me so kindly, and I will be shattered to pieces in repayment of His Highness's generous gift!"

The power of Tzeentch within the Son of Chaos also unfolded, analyzing the princess's meaning.

Alice Sel would definitely not want to kill him directly, otherwise she could do it now. To be safer, she could go back to the palace and wait until there are more people before taking action.

The meaning of the princess is very simple: don't think that you have relieved my 'pressure' and that you can blackmail me because of your close relationship with me. Understand your own position and don't force me to attack you.

Aaron immediately cooperated: I am a loyal minister!

Sure enough, when the princess saw that Aaron was cooperative enough, she showed a look of satisfaction on her face. She said lightly: "I will keep this edict first. If you can maintain this loyalty, this edict will not exist. But if you do it in the future, If you feel sorry for me...and Charlotte, then don't blame me for being ruthless."

Aaron took a deep breath and bowed his head: "Yes!"


"Your Majesty is here."

"By decree, Aaron, Viscount of Salian, is a member of the royal family of the kingdom. His father, Manuel, has served the late king for more than thirty years and has repeatedly made meritorious deeds. He is loyal and diligent, dedicated to his country, resisting powerful enemies externally, and making adjustments internally. Talents are rare, and I will be promoted to the title of minister of the palace, given the title of Duke of the royal family of Oberszil, and the title of Lord Protector of Cormyr!"

Aaron's heart was shaken by the price he offered for the princess. His whole body trembled slightly. He felt that all the pores were opening together, and it seemed as if these pores had turned into thirty-six thousand ropes, hoisting himself up into the air. However, they suddenly broke and fell from the sky. He fell rapidly from above and landed on his face first!

"...Yes." Aaron bowed his head again, and those ancient memories before his awakening came to life. The mediocre Aaron Salian could hardly help himself to this kind of reward, and it also affected Aaron's current mood.

"I will keep this edict for now." Aliceser pondered for a moment and said softly: "Do you understand?"

"Yes." Aaron had already understood what Alice Ser meant through Tzeentch's power.

Since you like me so much, then work hard. It’s okay to be a prince. As long as you are really loyal to this country, work for this country, and create more battles of Arabelle and silver lotion, the princess doesn’t care about herself. Give him a reward.

She is willing to sacrifice everything for this country and her people, just like her father.

After a while, Aaron finally helped Alice Sayre, who was a little weak in her steps, to come out of Charlotte's office.

The two apprentices, Liv and Vigo, immediately noticed the difference.

It’s strange, why did His Highness the Regent wear black aurora stockings when she went in, but when she came out, the stockings on her legs turned into translucent gray jacquard matte pantyhose?

Isn't this the instructor's favorite style?

The two apprentices didn't dare to say or ask, they just exchanged glances.

Aaron sent Alicesel back to the palace, and then returned to Salian House.

He was a little dull. After returning home, not only did he not say anything, he even fell directly on the bed after returning to the room.

Eleanor had never seen such a situation before, and the pastor lady couldn't help but feel worried.

"Aaron, are you okay?" Miss Pastor sat next to her boyfriend and whispered.

"It's okay..." Aaron waved his hand and shook his head.

Eleanor's expression became even more suspicious. The pastor didn't know why, but she had a strong intuition that Aaron was definitely hiding something from her.

At this moment, a golden hair mixed in Aaron's brown hair instantly caught Eleanor's attention.

This is? !

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