Crown of Chaos

Chapter 209, Duel with the Princess

"Your Highness, your request scares me a bit."

The man covered his chest. He seemed to have been hit by a javelin. His face was filled with love and fear. The exaggerated expression made people smile. Alice was already used to it.

She knew that Aaron had reason to be surprised, because she always looked aloof and kept away from strangers. Only when the two of them got along in private would Alice show a little bit of her true nature, relieve her stress, and reveal her true nature. The happy grudges and sweet smiles of a female soldier are extremely destructive to a man.

The satisfaction brought by contrast always fascinates human beings, and the joy in it is always difficult to describe in words. This is true for Aaron, and why not for Alice Searle?

"I'm just telling the truth. Besides, Aaron Salian, do you know that you really deserve a beating like this?" Alice Serre easily hooked her fingers and motioned for Aaron to come over. She pinched his chin, Her beautiful burgundy eyes were domineering and powerful, waiting for his answer.

At the same time, this is also a way for her to hide herself. The more she does this, the more she can cover up the uneasiness in her heart, relieve her tension, and even cover up her slightly red cheeks and the expectations hidden deep in her heart.

There is no way, she is too proud, she is too proud to accept any possibility of being rejected. When it comes to emotional issues, every initiative she takes means that if she is rejected by Aaron, it will be a great damage to her dignity, so She always chooses to create an environment where rejection is not allowed, provide Aaron with an offer that he cannot refuse, and then carefully ask what he means.

She couldn't accept being rejected, even if it was love, the princess was so overbearing.

"It's hard to imagine that you would be nervous too?"

Aaron squatted down in front of the princess. He stared at Alice Serre's beautiful legs wrapped in black pearlescent translucent stockings with fascination. He pressed his palms on her knees and gently separated them from the soft silk stockings. The fabric caressed her skin, she raised her head and looked into the crimson eyes that looked evil because of her bold move, and sighed with a smile.

"Mr. Salian, you are a little too bold!" Aliceser tilted her head, and the regent princess became a little angry.

"Go change your clothes, and then let me test your appearance, little one!"

"Don't forget, your father was once defeated by me."

"the same as you!"

The two of them changed into officer's uniforms respectively. Aaron chose a wooden half-knight training sword, while Alice Searle also changed into her own officer's uniform. The regent princess stood opposite Aaron and raised her hand. The hand signaled that it was okay.

It has to be said that the regent princess looked stunning in her military uniform.

The patent leather black boots not only shape her proud legs, but also give her a cool and proud temperament like a queen.

The slim-fitting uniform top and the simple knee-length skirt complement each other. It not only shows the solemnity of the soldier, but also gives the princess a rare sense of youthful beauty. She has always been wearing formal clothes and finally reveals her charming youthful appearance.

The purple dragon ribbon that stretches diagonally across the entire body adds a touch of solemnity to the clothing with gold as the main tone, and the broken and irregular blood-red dragon skin cloak draped over the right shoulder is the finishing touch, symbolizing the princess's deeds. The great military exploits and supreme honors made by soldiers.

"Come on, Aaron, don't use magic, don't try to cheat, really show your strength." Alice raised her sword: "Let me see how much strength you have."

"Please advise."

Aaron nodded, he picked up the long sword, and faced Alice Ser's gaze. He could vaguely feel that there was a giant dragon in the shadow of the princess looking at him.

【The majesty of the dragon! 】

That is the gift of the ancient dragon's blood. Any creature may fall into a state of panic when facing the gaze of Alice Sayre. Moreover, because Alice Sayre is powerful and has the blood of the ancient dragon, the dragon's power is particularly powerful!

Aaron is naturally not afraid of this state, and Alice Searle also knows that Aaron is not afraid of this state, otherwise he would have been frightened by the dragon's power and ran away some time ago at the Battle Mage Academy.

Taking a step back, Aaron's eyes turned ferocious, and his figure disappeared into the purple mist in the blink of an eye, drawing a long arc of light that spread out and went straight to the back of Alice Ser's head.

The Queen Regent did not turn around at all when faced with the sudden attack from behind. She ducked out of the way with extraordinary agility. At the same time, she twisted her waist in an extremely skilled posture, exerted her strength with her legs, and used the strength of her thighs, waist, shoulders, and arms to turn around and strike with a sword. , perfectly blocking Aaron who used his sword for the second time in a row!


The two wooden swords collided together. They were obviously wooden weapons, but they made a sharp sound like fine iron clashing!

"Extraordinary power!" Aaron barely managed to hold back Alice's sword. His arms vibrated, and his body spiraled up like a moth, spinning in a circle in the air as gracefully as a ballet dancer.

However, Aaron's movements seemed elegant, but in fact they were awkward. As he turned, strands of inner energy were released, until red flame energy flowed out of his mouth and nose, and he landed smoothly.

Wiping away the blood at the corner of his mouth with his hand, Aaron fell to a distance and observed his enemy.

Similarly, silver light and blue-purple lightning also enveloped Alice Ser's body. However, the Regent Princess shook it off disdainfully, and the magical energy that entered her body was immediately expelled by her. The Regent Princess's face gradually entered a frenzy, and she He hooked his fingers towards Aaron, signaling to continue.

[Master Level Blind Fighting] [Master Level Military Weapon Proficiency] [Dragon Tenacity] [Dragon Breath] [Dragon Power Bonus]

After just one fight, Aaron knew that Alice Sel must have an extraordinary attribute. She either had extraordinary strength or extraordinary physique. She was not afraid of her own enchantment attack. Not only did she have it, but she also dared to fight with Aaron quite confidently. Be tough.

Alice Sel seems to have more than just ordinary master-level strength. In terms of close combat alone, she can even compete with many peak master-level beings.

"The power gap is too big." Aaron silently swallowed the taste of blood in his mouth, and he subconsciously wanted to release magic.

But he didn't. The two parties had agreed before that no spells would be used.

Even Aaron doubted that his magic would really be effective on Alice Sayre?

"Please enlighten me!" The giant wheel of the universe turned, and Aaron activated his power as a cosmic warlock, pouring all the magic into his body, calling on the power of Khorne in his body.


The two sides fight again.

Dang Dang Dang Dang~

Two brand-new wooden swords have become rotten wood in the blink of an eye, and both sides have an understanding of each other's strength.

Aaron is a typical person with high agility, high number of attacks and high enchantment damage, while Alice Searle is a typical person with high physique, strength and physical output. Faced with Aaron's lightning-fast onslaught, the Queen Regent just stood firm, and Aaron became more and more powerful. The faster she went, the slower she became, but a wooden sword that was starting to decay and turn black protected her body tightly.

After a series of fierce attacks, Aaron flew out after releasing Slaanesh True Silver Slash three times but was perfectly blocked, and he landed on the ground.

Now Aaron knows very clearly that with his current strength, it is impossible to defeat the princess in close combat without using magic.

Therefore, he no longer hesitated and pressed his hands on his waist. The power of Slaanesh was opened, and the spark of divinity enveloped his whole body.

Keeper of Secrets, transform!

"Oh? Are you finally willing to use your true skills?"

Alice Searle couldn't help but blush when she saw this strange scene. The regent princess slowly moved her arms from one side of her body to the other, ready to strike hard at her opponent at any time.

She moved with the footwork taught by her father, and her muscles strengthened by dragon blood were always ready to dodge or block attacks from any direction.

Aaron's stature is taller than Alice's, so she stretches her body, ready to extend her attack range.


Secret Keeper Aaron swooped in at a speed approaching the limit of a mortal. He quickly raised the wooden sword in his hand. Alice Seale parried as Aaron expected - she turned her body half sideways to dodge the blow of the wooden sword. Lunge forward, then firmly block Aaron's attack as he delivers his second blow.

However, Aaron's agility attribute has been greatly strengthened in the Secret Keeper state. He immediately sent out the third sword, forcing Alicesel to return the sword to defend, then took advantage of the situation to sneak behind the princess and launched the fourth attack!

Alice Serre was finally broken through the defense by Aaron's continuous attacks. She was knocked off balance by this blow. Aaron seized this opportunity and squeezed into the princess's defense circle, putting his weight on the strength. The opponent who was obviously stronger than her had two wooden swords mixed together. The princess was obviously affected by Aaron's double attack. She staggered slightly, but immediately turned around with a force that Aaron could not resist. He resisted Aaron's hands with one hand and punched Aaron in the stomach.

The heavy punch carrying dragon power had an effect similar to the dragon's breath explosion. The flame energy enveloped Aaron's abdomen. Fortunately, the Keeper of Secrets spark kept flickering. Although Slaanesh's spark was dimmed by the Queen's iron fist, Aaron still managed to hit it hard. This blow was not directly knocked unconscious by her dragon power blasting fist.

Seizing this opportunity, the princess lifted Aaron up over his head and smashed it against the magic-blessed wooden floor of the practice room.

Aaron released his strength in the air and tried to land smoothly. He tried his best to launch a counterattack, but he suddenly felt a huge force coming from behind - a long black stocking leg wearing leather high-heeled boots had already tightened Suppressing his body firmly, like a hunter seizing his prey, Aliceser pressed on his back, grabbed his wrists and neck with both hands, and the two began to fight on the floor. strength.

Naturally, Aaron's strength attributes were still not as good as those of the Queen Regent. After struggling for two minutes, the Secret Keeper state ended. Aaron gave up and patted the floor.

"You lose, Aaron." Alice Ser's voice couldn't stop being excited. The Queen Regent let go of Aaron's body. She put away a slender leg wrapped in black stockings and pulled him up from the ground.

The fierce fight left Aaron out of breath. He looked at the broken wooden sword with some disappointment, at the empty royal duel practice room, and shook his head: "So strong, Your Highness."

The strength Alice Sel showed in this duel alone was at the master level, and she definitely still had a lot of power that was not used.

"So? What have you learned?" Aliceser nodded. The regent princess was obviously satisfied with the victory.

"It seems that it is impossible for me to defeat you in close weapons combat for the time being." Aaron said sincerely.

"This is nonsense... You are just a 19-year-old boy. When it comes to close combat, you are just a little chicken." Alice Searle chuckled and handed Aaron a towel to wipe his sweat. The regent princess was a A true veteran, she started fighting with her father at the age of twelve. She was once a woman with scars all over her body and a strong figure, instead of the slim, beautiful and slender figure she became after bathing in the ancient dragon's blood. She has the appearance of explosive power. She is older than Aaron and has rich combat experience. She can be called Aaron's mentor anywhere: "What else have you learned?"

"A trap, Your Highness." Aaron wiped his sweat: "You constructed a solid defense circle, tempting me to break it and letting me see the possibility of victory. I tried to break it, but I just stepped into your trap. Trap, in this kind of hand-to-hand combat, you obviously have an advantage over me."

"You wanted to break my rhythm, but you entered my deeper rhythm." Aliceser nodded slowly, and the regent princess walked to the edge of the training room, where there was a black statue of the former King Assan IV. He always had a serious look on his face, looking at the two people in the training room with an expression full of confidence but also worry.

Alice Searle spent a lot of her childhood here, with Assan IV. Now that her father is gone, she has found a man with whom she can spend private time, which makes her feel happy. Pleasure.

The Queen Regent silently leaned over and reached behind her legs, unzipped the zipper on the back of her boots, took off a pair of boots from her legs and placed them next to her, then straightened her waist again, and pulled the boots off in front of Aaron. A pair of shiny black silk jade legs are folded and raised to adjust the slightly dislodged stockings. The toes painted with bright red cardamom nail polish are slightly spread, causing the wrinkles on the surface of the stockings to be stretched out, forming a blood-red black center. hazy.

"Your lesson is that you want to break my rhythm too much. You know that I am good at melee combat and stronger, but you still want to rely on your transformation ability to defeat me. In fact, if you give up attacking my defense circle If you choose to travel to the capital, it will be difficult for me to win you over like this." Alice Sayre changed into high heels under Aaron's service, but did not change back into the princess dress: "You should play to your strengths and find your own rhythm."

Aaron nodded, tied the black ankle strap for Alice Ser with his hands, and asked: "Have you ever lost to someone here?"

"Hmm~" Alice Serre pointed to the statue of her father: "I once had my nose broken by him, and I cried and threw myself into my mother's arms."

Aaron Wan'er, Assan IV is a high-level legendary warrior, it is normal to lose to him.

But before he could make a joke, the two of them had already returned to the study. Alice Searle suddenly turned around and pinched his chin, forcing Aaron to raise his head. There seemed to be fire burning in her beautiful burgundy eyes, forcing Aaron to look at him. Looking into her eyes.

"So, you lost to me just once?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Just once, are you satisfied?" Aliceser's eyes were burning, slightly threatening.

Don't say no! Can't say no!

"My Highness, please continue to teach me!" Aaron grinned, and he requested: "Please let me become a qualified warrior, Your Highness Alice Ser! I... uh~ uh uh~ uh Uh-huh~"

The man's words were interrupted, and soon there was only the sound of "Ouch".

The atmosphere in the room turned to silence, leaving only a slight sound.

After a long time, the princess licked her lips with unsatisfied content: "Okay, during this time I will teach you the Purple Dragon Swordsmanship and close combat skills. The rules are the same as before. If you lose to me once, you have to serve me once. If you lose to me five times, you have to serve me." Promise me a condition."

"Now, let's settle the account first."

"Hug me to the table." Alice Searle's faint laughter enveloped the whole room: "Just like that day!"


After a week of special training, Aaron further mastered the Purple Dragon Swordsmanship. Under the personal guidance of the Regent Princess, Aaron's mastery of the Purple Dragon Swordsmanship became more and more profound. Compared with the normal Purple Dragon Swordsmanship, Alice Searle's guidance Knight guidance is much more flexible.

At the same time, Aaron has also mastered the ability of [Blind Combat]. He can now fight with enemies without the need for vision, relying only on hearing, smell, and perception. The ordinary backstabs and assassinations of assassins are difficult to severely damage him again. .

Of course, as a price, Aaron soon owed Alice Searle five defeated pledges.

He was forced to unlock a defeat CG.

It turns out that after eating too much ice cream, eating some chocolate doesn't seem to feel bad...?

Is this a reward or a punishment?

While Aaron was still thinking about this problem, he got some news.

The Duke of Kayneth-Ireland, the only two actual dukes of Cormyr, came and wanted to see him.

Aaron felt strange.

Duke Kayneth appears in Susal at this time? Want to see him by name?

Could it be...

Updated, please vote!

Ah Shui, my Ah Shui! I'm really going to be pissed off by you! ! !

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