Crown of Chaos

Chapter 22, Future Direction

Lucian Buckman, the flag officer of the Purple Dragon Knights, is a good friend and comrade of Aaron's father Manuel. He is a master purple dragon knight with a thick beard and long curly hair. After the catastrophe of the Saint, he served as Lucian, the Knight Commander, was awarded the post of Flag Officer for his merit.

This master purple dragon knight has always felt guilty for the death of his old friend, so he actively worked for Aaron after Manuel's death, and offered to be Aaron's knight mentor, responsible for teaching him the way of the purple dragon knight. .

Aaron did not give a formal reply, and Lucian also asked Aaron to think about it first and not make a hasty decision because he was very busy with things at hand.

Unexpectedly, he came to the door again.

Aaron put down his knife and fork, frowned and began to think.

Seeing that he seemed to be thinking about business, Eleanor also knew that now was not the time to settle accounts with him. Miss Pastor put away her angry eyes and transferred her anger to the rabbit cream stew in front of her.

Hmm~ Although this guy is hateful, his food is really good.

Holy Silver Virgin, this rabbit meat is delicious.

Is it a domestic rabbit?

"I guess he came here specifically when I was not at home." Aaron said to Aunt Mellie: "To give me a chance to refuse."

"Yes, Mr. Lucian has very deep intentions. Aaron, I think he is right. You can't continue like this. You have a viscount title without an actual position." Aunt Meili saw that Aaron seemed to be really thinking seriously. Regarding this matter, he tentatively said: "If nothing else, you know, Aaron, you are the last Salian. You are already qualified to be a replacement for the Purple Dragon Knights. Why don't you take this opportunity to officially enter the Knights and accept the order?" Where’s the training?”

"And, you know, Aaron, you are a viscount. Even though the family is in decline now, if Her Highness the Regent wants to be called up for war, you will still have to go to the battlefield. Otherwise, your annual salary of 800 gold lion coins... ..." Uncle Lothair also said: "If you refuse to be recruited...according to the character of our regent, you will definitely..."

My uncle spread his hands and didn't finish his words.

Others had no reaction, but the pastor lady frowned subconsciously.

Eleanor vaguely felt that Melly and Lothair's words were not entirely for Aaron's benefit.

Yes, after living in a mansion and living a good life, no one wants to leave here and go back to the lower city to live a simple life.

This is just the case for everyone in the world. Holy Silver Mother, everyone is living for their own interests.

Thinking of this, Miss Pastor's will became a little depressed.

She is not from the Salian family, so naturally it is difficult to talk to her.

But thinking of this, the pastor lady felt that although Aaron's aunt's family had some selfish intentions, what they said was not unreasonable.

As a noble of the kingdom, a touch recipient of the Silver Virgin, and a charismatic sorcerer, Aaron would be looked down upon if he really relied on the fixed salary given by the royal family to live at home and wait to die!

Our Lady of Silver has spent so much divine power on your treatment, and Lady Silver Star has spent tens or hundreds of years of faith power accumulated in the temple. She is not here to let you stay at home and show off!

As your supervisor, I have the responsibility to strictly supervise you so that you don't become those cruel, ruthless, drunken and lewd wastes!

You won't let me down, right?

Eleanor looked at Aaron secretly. This man had always left a very good impression on her. He was proactive and enterprising, had rules and strategies in doing things, and had his own bottom line.

There is nothing wrong with the Silver Dame picking him, at least there is no problem for now.

Everyone in the restaurant had different thoughts and were waiting for Aaron's answer.

Aaron lowered his head and thought for more than a minute.

"I need some time to think about this matter. I will make a decision in the next two days." Aaron finally gave an ambiguous conclusion. He then said to Lothair: "I will wait until after dinner." Come to the study, uncle, I have something to tell you."

"...Yes." Lothair was a little sluggish.

Aaron, there is something you want him to do?

Lothair doubted whether Aaron was joking. Seeing that Aaron's expression was serious and vaguely unwilling to refuse, Lothair could only agree.

After a mission, my nephew seemed to be a little different!

In this way, the sumptuous dinner was over. Mellie asked the maid at home to clean up the place and boil hot water for Miss Priest to take a bath. Meanwhile, she looked upstairs with some worry.

Yes, Miss Priest ended up staying the night.

The reason is directly related to the lightning and thunder outside the window and the sudden pouring rain.

It was raining heavily outside and after receiving Aaron's hint, Aunt Mellie stopped at the door very enthusiastically, making sure to let Miss Priest stay. Cousin Jutta went straight up and hugged Eleanor's calf, saying "Sister" "The cry is very sweet.

Eleanor herself didn't know when and why she agreed, but anyway, she stayed.

This suit of clothes is very expensive, these shoes are very expensive, we can’t get them dirty!

Miss Pastor kept making excuses for herself in her mind. Although she helped clean the dining table in the living room, she also cast her eyes upstairs from time to time.

After Aaron finished eating, he went into the study and locked himself up.

what is he doing?

In the study, Aaron stood in front of the window with a grim expression.

Outside the window, there was lightning and thunder in the dark night sky, and heavy rain was falling. The dim streets were occasionally illuminated by the light brought by lightning, but they immediately returned to darkness.

The rain pounded on the glass window and also pounded on Aaron's heart.

"Lotel, listen to me." Aaron put his hands behind his back and made a fist with his left hand, and held his right hand in his left hand. The Viscount said calmly: "Tomorrow you go to the stable to work. If you encounter any knights coming over, ask them if they have any. The individual awakened the charisma and became a sorcerer, and asked them if there was a suitable sorcerer mentor here in Susal.”

"Warlock mentor? Aaron? Have you...become a warlock?" Lothair looked puzzled at first, but then his face lit up: "Oh my god, Holy Silver Virgin, why didn't you tell this good news? us?"

Spellcaster? Aaron becomes a spellcaster?

For Lothair, who lives in a small world all day long and has been raising horses for thirty years, the spell caster is the superior person who can easily earn a large amount of wealth and gain the respect of the nobles. Just ask him to cast a spell. If you need to take out a bag of gold coins, at worst, you can be an administrator and scholar in the library, a tutor in the War Mage Academy, and a big boss who sits around collecting money all day long!

Is the name of Master Fa so called in vain?

"The current situation is not suitable for announcing this matter." Aaron said in a deep voice. His bright eyes suddenly turned sinister and violent, and purple-gray cyclones swirled along the pupils, making people shudder.

Lothair swallowed, yes, his nephew is a master, and he is just a horse breeder: "Aaron, tell me again, what should I do?"

"Tomorrow you go to the stables and do your own thing first. When the knights come to pick or use the horses, you tell them that there is a person who has awakened the charisma and became a sorcerer. He can cast spells by himself, but he doesn't know how to do it. Use your awakened power and hope to get appropriate guidance." Aaron gestured to his uncle to sit down: "Remember, no matter whether the other party agrees or not, you must not say that I am the person who awakened the charisma."

"But, how is this possible? If I do this, how can I live in the stable in the future?" My uncle immediately raised his own question: "This is impossible, Aaron, I can't do it."

"You can tell them, it's not that you don't want to say it, but that this person won't let you say it." Aaron gestured: "Don't say it so quickly. Wait, someone higher up will naturally ask you. Think about whether to say it or not.”

"Oh! I understand!" My uncle immediately understood: "It's like choosing a horse. At the beginning, you ride on a disguised bad horse, deliberately letting the guests see through it, and then pretend to be helpless and then ride on the good horse. The guests will feel that they are very good. If you are smart, most of them will immediately pay for a good horse."

"Yes, then it is up to you to judge who is a bad horse and who is a good horse. When the time is right, get on the good horse, that is, spread my news." Aaron nod.

"I understand." Now his uncle understood it completely. Lothair couldn't help but laugh. Why did his nephew bother him? "But, why do you do this? If you directly talk to the royal family, the Duke, and Sta. The Supreme Leader of Val reports, no, the royal family will definitely try its best to find a magic tutor for you! Aaron, you are a native of Cormyr and the son of Manuel!"

"It's different." Aaron shook his head, his expression indifferent: "Uncle, when you sell a horse, does it cost more when the other party comes to pick it up, or does it cost more when you take the horse to the market?"

"Of course it was when the other party came to pick it, which means he was eager to use it... Oh! I understand!" Lothair slapped his thigh.

Why did my nephew suddenly become so smart?

Is going on an adventure really such a workout? If that's the case, should he choose a simpler mission next time and take Robert out to see the world?

After the matter was explained, Aaron waved his uncle out. He sat in the study, looking at the books in the room, the map of Cormyr hanging on the wall, the swords and weapons on the shelf, and the many beasts next to the fireplace. First, staring at the huge head of an owlbear, slightly lost in thought.

Whether it was him in his previous life or this life, he basically didn't understand spellcasting at all. His current spellcasting relied entirely on the instinct flowing in his blood.

Yes, even warlocks who are "rich, handsome" among spell casters and are born with the ability to cast spells still need spell-casting mentors. However, compared to general-purpose mage mentors, warlock mentors are harder to find.

Seeing Lothair go out, Aaron sat in his seat, his body relaxed and tilted, his left hand resting on the cherry wood armrest, and the index finger of his right hand gently tapping on the sandalwood tabletop.

Why did Aaron let his uncle accompany him in a play like this?

The reason is very simple. For example, Aaron is now a young man with skills who is ready to start a business. What he lacks is start-up capital. In this case, he went around with his technology to ask for investment and sponsorship. Someone discovered him. The two situations of being an angel investor when a promising technology comes to him to inject funds are completely different.

The former is basically equivalent to losing most of the initiative, while the latter means that despite some constraints, the initiative can still be controlled.

Aaron knew that with his status, his status in Cormyr and his relationship with his parents, it would not be difficult to find the royal family and ask them to arrange a mentor for him, but if so, it would be a huge favor.

He already owed a great debt of gratitude to the Silver Virgin Suellen, and as he promised, he would definitely repay it. He had already figured out how to repay Suellen with his "gift package".

But on Cormier's side, Aaron didn't want to owe too much of a favor.

He wasn't even sure what the current regent, Alice Searle, thought of him.

He doesn't want to be too tied to Cormyr now. With his talent, he can get what he needs by going to Waterdeep City and Silvermoon City in the west, Aglalon in the south, the valley, and the Kingdom of Halrua. Magic guidance, there is no need to become extremely passive in finding a mentor.

This wasn't what he wanted, it didn't fit into his "big plan."

The emergence of the Queen's Blade sounded the alarm for him.

He also needs to test the opinion of the Obeschier royal family towards him.

When a "Silver Virgin Toucher", "Charismatic Warlock" and "Descendant of Martyrs" appear in front of the royal family, how will the Photographer Princess, who is always known for her harshness and coldness, treat herself?

Aaron is looking forward to it.

"Dong~dong~" Not long after my uncle left, the door to the room rang again.

"Please come in." Aaron rubbed his eyebrows, and he subconsciously restored his sincere and slightly charming smile.

Hey, I've been saying all day that Miss Pastor has two sets of faces, isn't it the same for me, I have two sets of faces?

People all live wearing masks.

As Aaron expected, Miss Pastor came in. She was obviously not very relieved because of the previous communication between the two. Seeing that there was no one else in private, Eleanor closed the door and came up angrily and asked: "Aaron, what's wrong with you?" Do you want to join the Purple Dragon Knights to be trained as a trainee knight?"

Aaron glanced at the closed door and nodded slowly: "Yes, this is my plan. My strength is very weak now. My plan is to enter the Purple Dragon Knights to receive half a year of apprentice knight training. First, Raise my strength to the elite level.”

"At the same time, I also need some time to master my magic." A strange blue flame burst out from Aaron's palm: "As you said, I need a magic mentor."

He did not disappoint me. The light in the pastor's eyes became brighter. She nodded: "Ms. Silver Star asked me to help the church in Susal. If you need me, you know where to find me."

"Aren't you going to protect me?" Aaron immediately made a sad expression.

"This is Susar, not the Forest of Kings!" Miss Pastor said helplessly: "If your life is in danger even in Susar, then what's the use of me being by your side?"

"We can go see the Silver Virgin together!"

"Aaron!!! This isn't funny!"

The pastor lady was obviously angry: "That's not the joke! You are the one who was touched by the Silver Virgin. Our Lord spent so much divine power to heal your soul. What do you think of this? Is it a farce?"

"I know, I know." Aaron quickly made a begging gesture. He stood up from behind the table, walked to Eleanor, and held her shoulders with both hands: "Aren't I worried that I won't be able to see you in the future? "

"...Didn't I tell you, you know where to find me in the future." Eleanor was obviously at a loss when faced with Aaron's attack. Miss Pastor's delicate face was flushed with a trace of red, and her perfect Faced with Aaron's pressure, the figure subconsciously took two steps back, and the tips of her high heels drew circles on the ground: "I'm at the church."

"Then it's settled. I'll look for you in the future, but you can't hide from me!" Seeing that his goal was successful, Aaron decisively gave up further pursuit. He returned to his position and saw that the pastor lady hadn't left yet: "I want to ask Just ask anything.”

"Since you plan to enter the Purple Dragon Knights and become a trainee knight, why don't you just accept the invitation of Lucian's flag officer?" Miss Priest asked the question she had been having tonight.

"Dear Eleanor, because the thinking logic between nobles and clergy is different." Aaron was very indifferent, as calm as talking about a matter of course.

"Salian is a family that respects the Silver Virgin. When I face the Silver Virgin, I can have no reservations because this is my god, my Lord."

"But there is no such relationship between nobles. Even if it is family, even if it is a marriage, even if it is a master and apprentice, we must have reservations."

"As big as the whole of Cormyr, as small as this family, the only person who can make me have no reservations is you, dear Eleanor!"

Facing Aaron's sincere expression, the pastor lady couldn't resist it at all and backed away in panic.

"I, I, I won't tell you anymore, you guy!"

Eleanor opened the door and ran away. The crisp sound of high heels hitting the ground came from the corridor, leaving behind a smiling Aaron in the study.

It's time to start planning the next step.

Everything is part of the plan.

Everything is planned! Plan! Plan! Plan!

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