Crown of Chaos

Chapter 219, the sound of fireworks

The Cormyr Marines, who had high hopes from the Son of Bane, found themselves blocked by a group of mercenaries as they entered the city.

The clothes these mercenaries wear are messy and they look like they have nothing to do with the regular army. Their professions are also diverse, including barbarians from the north, druids from the south, artificers from the west, and swordsmen. Bay area adventurers.

But they all have one identity in common, members of the Harpers Alliance.

The Harpers Alliance is a very special organization. Compared to the Zhentarim, which has strict internal hierarchies, strict rules, and a strong militarization, the Harpers are more like a club. Their leaders are unknown and their internal management is chaotic. The connection between members is weak, and different people have different understandings of kindness. Some people are as aboveboard as paladins, but some people's definition of kindness is not accepted by everyone-some Harpers do things that are more ordinary than ordinary people. The punishments were much crueler, and they would kill nobles they thought were guilty without trial or notice.

Cormier's Marine Corps saw this group of people. The leader of the Marine Corps Captain was riding on a horse and roared: "Who is there? The troops are out, no one is waiting to go around!"

"I am Samir Morningstar, the junior Lord Susar, the owner of the first-class Purple Dragon Order, and a descendant of the Dragonthorn family!"

Samir, the first Chaos Warrior under Aaron, a member of the Harpers with the Order of the Purple Dragon and the lower lord's crest on his chest, spread his arms, still with a lazy smile on his face, signaling the army to stop.

As soon as he heard Samir's name, the captain of the Marine Corps immediately changed his expression slightly. He saluted Samir respectfully: "It turns out that you are Mr. Samir from the Arabel Five. What do you do for me?"

"Go back immediately!" Samir ordered to the captain: "This is an order."

The Marine Corps soldiers were in an uproar. Samir's words were different from the news they received!

"Your Excellency Samir, I'm sorry, we can't do this." The captain of the Marine Corps thought for a moment and said embarrassedly: "This is the order of Navy Marshal Biedrin Joule! We are soldiers, and soldiers are responsible for executing orders. Tianzhi, I’m sorry, Lord Samir, we have to pass here now!”

"Impossible!" Samir finally put away his lazy expression and said with rare seriousness: "Soldiers, have you seen it? The city is falling into war, the devil is attacking our homeland, and we have a lot of quarrels with each other. Misunderstanding, this misunderstanding will definitely be resolved by tomorrow morning!"

"But if you drive into the city now, if you choose to enter the city now and follow the orders you received to 'quell the rebellion,' this misunderstanding will never be resolved!"

"When the time comes, the city is destroyed, and when the time comes, humans and humans will fight on the ruins! Each of you will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history, and the people of Cormyr will feel shame when they mention your names! "

"I know that someone promised you high office and generous salary. Many of you feel that you can get this credit, or get rich? Or be promoted? Do you think? This is an opportunity to change the destiny of many of you? Or at least you can fish in troubled waters? Soldiers, tell me!"

Samir's words made many Marines hang their heads in shame, leaving them speechless.

Sometimes we should not think too noble about ancient soldiers. For soldiers, especially ordinary soldiers and middle- and lower-level officers, they do not have so much so-called sense of honor and feelings for family and country. For them, promotion and wealth are the only things that matter. It's the purpose of being a soldier.

At the end of the day, the city is in chaos. As long as you enter the rich area, there is profit at all!

Cormyr's navy has been suffering for too long.

At this time, Samir's words ruthlessly revealed their inner thoughts.

The captain of the Marine Corps noticed the soldiers' wavering and became anxious: "Your Excellency Samir! This is an order! Please don't make it difficult for us!"

"You have your orders, and I also have my mission!" Samir spread his arms, and the Harper, one of the Arabel Five, shouted: "You are not allowed to pass here. If you want to pass, just run over me! "

After speaking, Samir signaled the soldiers to make a choice.

Choose to fight us, or choose to withdraw?

He waited for the Navy's choice. He spent his whole life pursuing justice. He spent his whole life serving the glorious and just cause of the country. This was a gamble.

The bet is whether these Marines still have the pride of the Cormyrs and the dignity of being soldiers.

Samir was ready. He listened to the footsteps of the Marines getting closer and closer. He tightened the hilt of the sword at his waist and prepared to fight.

The sound of trampling military boots, the sound of weapons stations, and the chants of soldiers.

Getting closer and closer until it's close to your ear.

The Harpers behind him all made the same move. Although they were few in number, and although they certainly could not defeat a few organized legions, they would still fight to the end.

These people plan to use their own way to uphold the justice in their hearts!

This is the Harpers League.

The sound gets closer, the sound gets farther away.

"Close the team!" The Marine captain's roar sounded clearly and accurately in Samir's ears. After all, the Marine captain did not have the courage to run over these harpists, Samir, one of the Arabel Five.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Samir clenched his fists excitedly and bowed to the Marines: "Thank you!"

"..." The Marines were silent in response to Samir's thanks.

In the moment just now, all the soldiers saw a strange vision.

A phantom from the Court of Stars came to the mortal world. It was a fiery angel who conveyed the Queen's decree.

"Go back, now."

"Otherwise, I, the King of Stars, will also be your opponent."


Hurek Forest, a dark place.

Waves of suppressed noises came from the black night sky, startling countless birds, and animals shuttled through the forest, making them panic all day long.

A breath from the outer plane, a deterrent from ancient times, and a tyranny from the supreme existence descended over this forest.

The terrifying roar of the dragon penetrated from the sky, tearing apart the tranquility in the forest in an instant, causing all the creatures running on the mountain, hanging on the trees, swimming in the water, and crawling on the ground to panic all day long, and the truth was revealed in their eyes. of fear.

They subconsciously looked up to the sky.

However, there was nothing.

There was nothing above the sky. It was clear that weak creatures could feel that something was coming, but there was nothing in their sight. They saw nothing.

Except for an old man holding a pipe.

The old man was wearing a gorgeous red robe and a red wizard's hat. He was holding a pipe made of meerschaum and was smoking without a care, even if the strong wind blowing in the forest made the old man smoke. His almost white hair and silver beard braided into beautiful braids were fluttering, but it could not affect his elegance. He had a rough voice, eyes with shining eyes, and coughed from time to time. The terrifying dragon power in the sky was threatening the old man. It had no impact at all. He even had time to look at the wild flowers on the roadside. Occasionally he would smile, and sometimes his brows would be furrowed. But more often than not, he seemed like a witty and witty little old man who liked to tell jokes, drink heavily, and like to fight against injustice.

Under the influence of the shock of everything, the turbulence of the forest, and the flowing water, the old man quickly attracted the attention of the creatures in the air. A super giant dragon more than thirty meters long changed his scales, and with the refraction of light, Change, it emerges from the air and swoops down with the hurricane.

Immediately after him, there was a young dragon about eight meters long. This dragon also changed the color of its scales and appeared from the air. Although the power and size of the dragon were far inferior to those of the super giant giant. The dragon's intimidating power, but she also spread her wings and roared with the super giant dragon.

The dragon wings rolled up the wind and sand all over the sky, and the terrifying pressure enveloped all mortal things.

The old man had a slight smile on his face, and also looked at the two giant dragons that appeared in front of him with a little caution.

The leader of the super giant dragon spread its wings and landed smoothly. His wings almost covered the entire sky. The amethyst-like dragon eyes stared at the red-robed old man in front of him, first at his face, and then at his pipe. , when he was about to say something, the young dragon behind him had already spoken in a frivolous and playful tone.

"Hey, old man~" The young dragon was not very proficient in Common Language. Upon closer inspection, it was a female voice. It was obviously a female dragon: "Old man, where is this place? Do you know any treasures nearby?"

The old man took a drag on his pipe, puffed out a smoke ring, and said unhurriedly: "I already know that this lady, who is arrogant and rude will not get a kind answer."

"Unknown Ms. Long, before we have any real casualties, I think you need to learn some manners."

"Polite, are you kidding me?!" The young dragon was indeed irritated. She raised her hand and was struck by a magic blast. The force field energy condensed into substance turned into gushing dragon power lightning, which struck directly in front of the seemingly weak old man. .

However, the old man's reaction was far beyond the young dragon's expectations. He raised his hand, and all the force field energy was easily blocked under his will, turning into weak and harmless light spots scattered around him. Then he With a tap of his finger, the light spot returned, bombarding the side of the young dragon with huge force, and violently collided with the surrounding rocks and trees. The wood and stone fragments immediately exploded and shattered, sending up streaks of smoke and dust. The young dragon subconsciously used the force field to protect himself. , glaring at the old man.

"Not bad strength, unknown young man." The old man commented calmly.

As soon as he said this, the young dragon was really angry: "I am not a nobody, old man. My name is Egil, but I am the legendary power dragon. In terms of your human titles, I am the strongest and oldest one." One of the three legendary dragons! You uncivilized reptile!"

"Uncivilized reptile? I think this title may be more suitable for you." The old man took a puff of cigarette and pretended to be innocent.

"You!!!" The young dragon was very angry. She wanted to let the old man know that she was very angry, and the consequences would be serious.

At this time, the super-giant dragon spoke. This was a middle-aged male voice: "The dragon knows everything... My name is Fernyut, and she is my daughter Egil. As she said, we are power dragons. Because I came here after being summoned by Kelben - the Black Staff, I know you, Great Sage, can you show us the way?"

"I know, the High Dragon Clan Covenant." The old man took off his pipe slyly and blinked: "Is there anything I can do for you? You two?"

"Do you know where there are treasures? Lots and lots of treasures!" Egil spread his arms and said excitedly.

"Haha~ I don't know, I only know that there is a dragon lich nearby, traveling with the two of them, and it is an enemy rather than a friend." The old man smiled and said: "It has been transformed for more than hundreds of years. When the financial resources are strong, the two of them are interested. Huh?"

"Yes, that's it, that's it!" The young power dragon completely forgot about her previous displeasure with the old man. She gestured with her fingers: "Tell me quickly, where is that guy? The overlord of this void is coming~"

The old man pointed a random direction for them, and the two powerful dragons did not thank him or make things difficult for him, and immediately spread their wings and flew away.

The mighty dragon soared into the sky.

The old man watched their invisible figures in the air and nodded with satisfaction.

"It seems that I don't need to take action anymore, my love~"

A round smoke ring was spit out from the old man's mouth. This round shape was so standard and so perfect.

The Dragon Witch Cult is going to be in bad luck this time.

As the old man expected, the Dragon Witch Cult suffered a tragedy.

When the three half-dragon legions, led by several dragon wizard cultists and the legendary dracolich "Shadow" Yagro, advanced towards Susal, a dragon's breath of destructive power fell from the sky, accompanied by a cone The force field tore through the creatures and objects within the range of its destructive effect. Along with this breath, the super giant dragon engulfed the half-dragon army entirely!

The figures of two power dragons, one large and one small, instantly flew across the night sky above the Dragon Witch Cult's queue. The twisted cone-shaped force field dragon's breath forcibly plowed out death after death among the half-dragon army. space.

It's the Power Dragon! ! !

The discerning Dragon Witch cultists stood stunned on the spot, and before they had time to communicate, they were melted and twisted into pieces of dust under the breath of the power dragon. Wherever the slightly purple jet of white light passed, all living things were automatically decomposed in the force field. , the dragon's breath crushed through the air, crushing the Dragon Witch Sect's military formation into pieces!

Three legendary dragons, existences close to gods, terrible disasters, and legends of destruction!

"No!!!" The legendary dracolich shadow Yagrolosa roared furiously. It watched the half-dragon army turn into dust under the dragon's breath of the power dragon. It opened its wings and spit out the ashes. Dragon Breath!

The two dragon's breaths collided together, refusing to give in to each other. The energy overlapped and exploded, tearing apart large areas of nearby space.

"Huh?" When the power dragon Fernyut saw this self-destructive fellow dragon, the arrogance and contempt in his eyes grew stronger. He slightly increased the dragon's breath, flicked his long tail violently, and powerfully The tip of the dragon's tail made a sonic boom, breaking through the air and slamming into the Dracolich's ribs!

All the force field shields of the legendary dracolich are dwarfed by the power of the power dragon. Those low-level force field shields are just a piece of paper against the power dragon that fully controls the force field energy, sweeping across the dragon's tail. It was easily turned into debris. The legendary Dracolich's body was broken into two parts by this blow. Before he could struggle, the chest was pressed by the dragon's claws.


Aegir was wreaking havoc among the half-dragon army. The young dragon breathed out heartily and smashed the lowly hybrids with its dragon claws. The half-dragon army was so frightened that the entire army collapsed in the face of the legendary dragon species.

This is the deterrent power from high-level bloodlines, which they cannot match!


Outside the city, the reinforcements of the Dragon Witch Cult were being swept away. Inside the city, Divine Son Benn, who was located at Lady Yew's Club, also felt something was wrong at this time.

The devils are still besieging the palace.

The Zambian foreign army and the Anaheim private army have lost contact.

The Marines who agreed to join in the uprising have yet to arrive at the designated location.

"Where's the Dragon Witch Cult? Why haven't the Dragon Witch Cult arrived yet?!" Manakorn yelled at his subordinates irritably: "Set off the fireworks!"

The Dragon Witch Cult and Son of God Benn agreed to set off fireworks as a sign that the Dragon Witch Cult would launch an attack from outside the city.

"We are already releasing him, Your Excellency!" The subordinates sensed Manakorn's anxiety.

"Let it go, let it all go! Let it go! Let it all go!" Manakorn yelled, using his voice to cover up his annoyance.

"Bang~" "Bang bang bang~"

The sky was filled with the sound of fireworks, and the colorful fireworks bloomed in the sky of Susar, which was incompatible with the city in flames.

In this way, the Dragon Witch Cult should be able to see it, right? Manakorn stood in front of the window sill, looking at the fireworks lighting up the entire night sky, feeling a little more at ease.

"It's not good, Your Excellency!" A ranger broke in from outside: "Your Excellency, there is news from Lord Longyi! The army of the Dragon Witch Cult was suddenly attacked by two powerful dragons outside the city. The half-dragon army All were wiped out, and His Excellency the Legendary Dragon Lich was also shattered into pieces and fled in defeat."


Manakorn did not answer. He stood in front of the glass window sill with his hands behind his back, staring at the fireworks outside the window.

(sound of fireworks)

"Your Excellency?" the subordinate asked: "Your Excellency, did you hear that?"

"..." Through the glazed window, Divine Son Benn said nothing. His face was as dark as ink and extremely gloomy, but the fireworks outside the window continued to light up, blooming in the burning night sky.

It was extremely noisy outside and it was as cold as ice inside.

"Dong~dong dong dong dong~"

Fireworks are brilliant, but they get cold easily and are fleeting.

(sound of fireworks)

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