Crown of Chaos

Chapter 224, High Dragon Clan Covenant

In the kingdom, dragons are always considered prey. There are few poems that every bard likes to tell in taverns without dragons appearing. Dragons play different roles in different adventure stories.

In some adventure stories, dragons exist only as monsters, enemies, and trophies.

There are also stories in which the dragon is the mastermind, the conspirator, the mastermind behind the entire adventure.

Even in some stories, the dragon is the initiator, planner, and sponsor of the adventure, and the entire adventure begins with the dragon's commission and mission.

"How can one imagine anything more majestic than the dragon, the paragon of creation?"

——The famous saying of the ancient red dragon

The two legendary power dragons were met by Kelben-Blackstaff, the Lord of the Black Staff in Waterdeep City, when they were exploring the outer plane. The two met once because of a treasure, and the power dragon Founyut at that time got to know this man. The chosen one of the Goddess of Magic, although the Power Dragon does not like to communicate with mortals, considering that the Black Rod is the chosen one of the Goddess of Magic, it still gives him face.

God is a god after all. Even if it absorbs its own echoes in multiple universes and truly transforms into an ancient dragon, it only has quasi-divine power at best. It is still one level lower than a true god, not to mention the goddess of magic controlling the magic network.

Surprisingly, the Black Rod then offered to give away all the spoils as a way of making friends.

This move of his caught up with Founyut's appetite, coupled with the Black Staff's own in-depth understanding of magic, the knowledge from the goddess of magic, and the profound origins of being born in the empire of Misdrannok Manso, one person and one dragon After walking together for a short period of time (referring to a few years), when they parted, Fernyut and Black Stick made a verbal promise to help each other.

This is why the Power Dragon came here with his daughter.

"I want him, I want him!" The young power dragon looked at Aaron with interest. Her eyes were full of interest. Egil flicked her tail and faced her father, an old power dragon. Said: "Father, I want this, I want this!"

"Well, this is a very valuable thing." Fuenyoute also saw Aaron's extraordinary, and looked at Aaron in his eyes: "You decided to have him?"

"Yes, it's him!" Egil possessed him and smelled: "He has a good smell on his body, and he is a very valuable creature. I am extremely sure that he is the treasure I have always wanted to find. ~”

The two power dragons talked to each other and ignored everyone in the palace. Until hearing this, the regent Princess Alice finally chose to interrupt the arbitrary conversation between the two power dragons: "Sorry, you two Your Excellency, I am very grateful for your assistance, but we are not a kingdom of slavery, we..."

"No one dares to default on the payment to the giant dragon!" the elderly power dragon Foenyoute said extremely domineeringly: "The giant dragon knows everything."

"He is not an object." Alice Ser insisted: "You can take away whatever you like from the palace treasure house, but not him, absolutely not."

"We are not discussing with you." The power dragon's father directly reached out to touch Aaron. He adjusted his pupil lens and focused his gaze on this divine creature lying on the stretcher: "Well, it's very interesting. A creature does have some value. It’s not a loss to be my daughter’s servant. Our kind are all over the multiverse. Our world is bigger than you imagine. Our experiences are beyond the reach of these mortals. You follow my daughter. , there are only advantages and no disadvantages.”

Eleanor immediately stopped in front of Aaron, and the priestess glared at the two giant dragons: "I will not let you take Aaron away, he is my Lord's favor."

"I'll do it." Aaron opened his eyes. With Eleanor's help, he stood up and said to the two power dragons: "I have no idea of ​​leaving here yet, you two."

"Keke, who asked for your opinion?" The young power dragon opened its mouth and bit Aaron, intending to take him away directly: "I know you are in a hurry, but don't be impatient yet, Keke~ I've had enough fun I will let you back!"

The force field energy unfolded, and Egil was domineering and mighty, planning to swallow Aaron first.

Just as he opened his mouth halfway, a sudden burst of energy suddenly came. Egil was caught off guard and knocked to the ground on the spot. The young energy dragon looked at the holy symbol floating in the air with silver stars surrounding its eyes in astonishment, and was deeply angered. Take a deep breath.

Power Dragon Breath!

The jet of destructive white light quickly condenses! The expressions of the people around him changed drastically. The legendary paladin Dawn Hand of the Church of the Three Gods of Justice stopped directly in front of Aaron and roared: "Stop!"

"Stop!" the elderly power dragon Fernyut also roared. He directly pressed his daughter's head with his claws. The old power dragon was obviously angry: "How many times have I told you, daughter? Don't do it because of things. Why don’t you just use Dragon Breath randomly if you want!”

"Well~" Egil was slapped on the head by her father's claw. She whined and stopped breathing, still muttering: "But... I want that, I just want him~"

"In our long lives, not everything can come true and make you laugh, Ms. Silver Moon." The old power dragon narrowed his eyes and looked at the holy symbol floating in the air.

The Silver Virgin—Sulun's will descends here.

"My lord!" cried Eleanor in surprise.

"Your Excellency Our Lady of Silver!"

"Ms. Silvery Moon?!"

Fernyut frowned. Legendary dragons are never afraid of gods, but legendary dragons will show basic respect to gods. The reputation of Silver Virgin Suellen has spread throughout the multiverse, and it is impossible for Fernyut not to know about it.

"You can't take Aaron away." The phantom of the Silver Virgin Mother Su Lun appeared. Su Lun glanced at Aaron, touched his head a few times with a very distressed expression, then turned around, and said in her voice Full of majesty: "He is my chosen one."

"No one can default on the dragon's payment." Fornyout negotiated: "This is the law."

"No dragon dares to bargain with me!" Su Lun's phantom said coldly and sharply: "Power dragon, this is not a place where you can do whatever you want. Please change your proposal."

"Aaron, I'm guaranteed! No one can force my child to do something he doesn't want to do!"

The Silver Virgin's attitude made Fornyut even more cautious.

Everyone present was stunned.

Although everyone has always known that Aaron has a close relationship with the Silver Virgin Suellen, but this too outrageous?

Normally, it is enough for the gods to issue an oracle or send a petitioner. This is also an unwritten rule between gods.

But in order to protect Aaron, Su Lun actually came forward in person? !

Now there is a good show to watch, some secretly unhappy guys thought with schadenfreude.

On one side is the legendary dragon species Power Dragon. The three major legendary dragon species are existences with legendary strength even after they are young.

On the other side is the true god, the most ancient goddess, Selun, one of the twin goddesses of creation.

Many people have said that dragons are not afraid of gods. These ultimate creatures have the strength to rival gods. Facing the incarnation of gods, many powerful ancient dragons can theoretically defeat the incarnations of gods.

These rumors are correct. Indeed, as one of the most powerful races in the country, the dragon clan is not an existence that can be easily killed by the gods. If they provoke a large group of giant dragons, even the gods will feel troublesome. .

But it is just tricky. Facing the real gods, the dragons are still invincible. Even those dragons who have successfully collected all the "dragon echoes" about themselves in the multiverse and successfully promoted from ancient dragons to ancient dragons are, at best, unable to defeat them. That is to say, the weak divine power, the only one that can compete with the gods head-on is the Dragon God.

There are two dragon gods who are more active in the kingdom, namely the platinum dragon god Bahamut and the five-color evil dragon Tiamat.

It's a pity that no one will support Fornyut and Egil.

Not to mention that Bahamut has not appeared for a long time. It has been a long time since the last time a dragon received Bahamut's oracle, and it is said that the oracle only has one sentence.

"I'm so handsome."

Gods are gods after all, and even as an old power dragon, Fernyut didn't dare to bargain too much with Suellen.

"No one can deny the High Dragon Clan Covenant, not even you, Your Excellency, the Silver Virgin." Founyoute said in a deep voice.

"That's your contract with the Black Rod, that's your contract with the Obeschier royal family. What does it have to do with me?" Su Lun also had a tough attitude: "Aaron is my child, I don't care about your so-called contract. I will never tolerate you taking him away!"

This goddess has no intention of being reasonable!

The two power dragons looked at each other, and both father and daughter saw the helplessness in each other's eyes. The old power dragon felt angry in his heart, while Egil felt a little aggrieved.

Seizing this opportunity, Aaron spoke again: "How about this? Your Excellencies, I would like to make a suggestion."

"I can sign a compensation contract with one of the two. I will be forever grateful for your assistance this time. We both signed an agreement. In the future, my territory and my personal adventure income can be divided into part to you. The term is, 100 Year, how about it?" Aaron rolled his eyes. After the power of Khorne and the power of Slaanesh were silenced at the same time, he only had a little power of Tzeentch left to use. At this time, it is absolutely stupid to choose to go against the arrogant dragon clan: "I think I should have this qualification, right?"

As soon as this statement came out, Egil had no reaction, and Fernyut first said impatiently: "100 years is too short, and how can it be so easy to sign a dragon covenant with our power dragon clan? We will not... "

"I think it's okay!" Who knew that before his father finished speaking, Egil was already excited: "I will sign a high-level dragon covenant with you."

"Daughter?!" Fuenyoute turned his head.

"Father, I have reached the age of building a nest." Egil's eyes flashed: "I think this human being is quite interesting. He is destined to live a long life. Instead of focusing on the immediate short-term interests, it is better to take a longer-term view. "

"I have been investigating suitable nesting sites. Father, I think the dracolich's treasure house is very good. I plan to build a nest there. If this human territory is nearby, I will just let him play with me~ "Egil continued: "You also know that he is relatively strong and difficult to be broken."

"Are you planning to build a nest in the kingdom? But there is a dragon madness lock in this place. My daughter, we are not golden dragons or silver dragons. This thing may still have an impact on us." Fornyoute was a little reluctant and worried. .

"Hey, didn't Dragon Madness just happen once a few years ago? The next time may be one or two hundred years later, right?" Egil didn't care: "One hundred years is enough for me to get tired of playing in this world. I will go there again then. Looking for you."

"...Since you said so, just like it." The old power dragon said no more, and it was indeed time for Egil to become independent. Even if he loves his daughter, the dragon in adolescence will It will choose to cut off its relationship with its nestmates, mentors and parents, and establish its own lair and territory (in fact, most dragons may do this in their teenage years).

Now, Egil likes the scenery here and this person wants to build a nest here, and he does not need to worry about Aaron's short life - the life span of divine creatures is measured in centuries.

"Hey, my servant, you should be very rich in the future, right?" Egil stared at Aaron with gleaming eyes, the symbols of gold coins dancing crazily in the dragon's eyes.

"Definitely." Aaron said immediately, knowing that the heat was almost there: "There will always be a share of my wealth that belongs to you!"

"That's good~" Egil clapped his hands: "Let's do it!"

"We sign a covenant with the high dragons!"

Egil's huge dragon claw was placed in front of Aaron, almost blocking all of Aaron's sight.

Aaron also stretched out his hand and pressed it on the dragon's claw.

"I, the legendary dragon of the plane, the power dragon Egil, the daughter of Fernyut, follow the ancient contract, and the person in front of me... Well, my slave, what is your name?" Egil asked After reading it once, he continued: "Conclude a high-level dragon alliance with the person in front of you, Aaron Salian!"

"I, Aaron Salian, Viscount Cormyr, follow the ancient contract with the power dragon Egil..." Aaron also read at the same time.

"Swear in the name of the nine-faced dragon god Io!"

"We have entered into a covenant, and I, the power dragon Egil, promise to share all the gains of Aaron Salian in the proportion agreed upon by both parties in the future. Similarly, when Aaron Salian encounters difficulties, I, Egil, also We will lend a helping hand and fulfill our covenant!”

"Under the covenant, the Power Dragon clan will answer the call and assist our allies under the premise of reasonable compensation."

"I swear an oath in the name of the Power Dragon, with the Silver Virgin Sullun as my witness."

"On behalf of my clan, I jointly announce with Aaron Salian that the High Dragon Clan Covenant is established!"

Sacred light enveloped Egil and Aaron, and from the depths of the multiverse plane, a dragon roar responded to Egil's oath!

It's the Nine-faced Dragon God Ao, who recognized this contract!

At the same time, Su Lun Mama, who loved her children, also signed her name as a witness without hesitation.

A contract shrouded in divine light was formed and floated in the air. After some pulling and pulling, Aaron and Egil agreed that Egil's share ratio was 22%!

Then the sacred contract turned into two rays of light and injected them into the chests of Aaron and Egil at the same time.

The contract is established!

Both parties achieved satisfactory results.

made money!

Egil retracted his dragon claw, and the young power dragon thought with joy: He took in a slave, got a free home, and got a money tree. He can lie in his lair and wait for the money to come into his account!

As for trouble? What trouble could he get into? Isn't he quite strong? He's a divine creature, he's a chosen one from Selun, and I'm a powerful dragon! Legendary dragon species! Whoever dares to come will not be killed by me and bitten into pieces by me?

She had originally wanted to come out and build a nest, but now it was just a waste of time~

made money!

Aaron retracted his hand, and the Son of Chaos thought with joy: He received a thug, got a guardian dragon, and also got a high dragon covenant of the legendary dragon species power dragon. From today on, who said Cormyr, who Are you saying that my Salian family has no guardian?

As for the share, 22% is considered a preferential price by Li Nenglong for Su Lun's sake. Although the share is indeed a lot, things that can be solved with money are already a huge profit. If I really can't bear it in the future Now, I can also spend money to ask the big dragon to beat people. As for money... When I become a god and establish my own Chaos Demon Realm, will I still worry about money?

The gold in the Demon Realm of Slaanesh could fill an entire world!

Both parties are very satisfied.


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