Crown of Chaos

Chapter 229, the best friend under the bed

The princess stared at Aaron with burning eyes. It was obvious that once Aaron gave an answer that she was not satisfied with, she was ready to give him a good look!

But Aaron was also very calm. He pretended not to be too energetic, smiled and nodded: "Xia Lu was here just now."

"You pass." Aliceser let Aaron go. This was also her judgment.

After confirming her guess, Alice Sayre showed the same annoyed and complaining look as Charlotte: "Damn it, I knew it, she told me she was going to teach at the college in the afternoon!"

The eldest lady under the bed heard Alice's cryptic explanation, and her eyes almost rolled to the sky.

Alice! You bastard! Didn't you also tell me that you were going to inspect the military camp in the afternoon? !

you are done!

The princess on the bed and the eldest lady under the bed thought almost at the same time.

Aaron couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and he said gently: "It seems that you all thought of it together."

"Don't mention her to me!" Aliceser immediately denied it.

Don't confuse me with this guy! The eldest lady was also angry and gritted her teeth and clenched her fists.

Charlotte always felt a little weird. The eldest lady had clearly told Aaron to help him take down Alice Serre, but she actually saw Aaron and Alice Serre sitting on the same bed. The eldest lady still feels a little strange in her heart.

This feeling is a little sour, a little heart-wrenching, a little joyful, and a little unspeakably exciting!

The eldest lady felt as if she had opened the door to a new world.

No matter what the eldest lady under the bed thinks, Alice Sayre on the bed has already tried to stir up the topic: "How are you? Do you feel better?"

"I don't feel good. My body is very weak. Now a goblin can crush me to death with its strength. Then my head hurts. I can't cast any spells above the second level. I am always very sleepy." Aaron said honestly. , but he then added: "But I feel much better if His Highness can come to see me."

"Tsk, it's really in line with your character all the time to say such things to me."

Alice Sayre pursed her flaming red lips and scolded Aaron in her heart for using various words and words with her besties to trick her all day long.

I hate myself even more for being a soft-spoken character who likes this!

Isn't this man afraid that he has already studied himself thoroughly?

"Do you like me to come and see you?" Alice Searle crossed her long black stocking legs. The regent's beautiful black stocking feet habitually took off the heels and only used her toes to pick up the toes of her shoes. The black ultra-thin transparent oily stockings produced in the special magic workshop made a rustling sound when they rubbed against each other. The calves exposed under the skirt were white and round, but they did not lose the streamlined muscles of a master warrior. They were really beautiful.

"Of course I do." Aaron smiled and said: "I just wanted to ask Your Highness, when do you plan to ascend the throne as king? And... do you like my gift? Now, you can finally do what you want to do. This In the chaos, 30% of the nobles in the capital died, and the Kingdom Council fell into the whirlpool of civil strife and was unable to defend itself. Now you are truly free and can truly govern the country according to your own ideas."

"This is the gift I give you, my Highness. I'm sorry that I deceived you about some things, and there are some things I didn't do well enough, but... I have tried my best." Aaron leaned back and raised the corners of his mouth. Qi: "Your Highness, please promise me first and don't be angry!"

Aaron didn't say these words. As soon as they came out, the regent princess was stunned. Her sharp scarlet eyes were locked on Aaron's face. She stared at this man with her gorgeous and proud peerless beauty. There was a trace of deep affection like water in it.

How come she doesn't know what Aaron has done for her? Why didn't she know how the situation in the kingdom had changed after this civil strife?

Assan IV was a very great king, but his overly centralized governance style left his daughter with a very rigid kingdom.

From the regent to the cabinet ministers, from the Kingdom Council to the Purple Dragon Knight, everyone feels uncomfortable. Everyone feels that the kingdom is not theirs. Everyone feels that there are many rules and constraints everywhere. Everyone feels that something is restraining them.

Who does Cormier belong to? This is an unsolvable answer, and it is also the biggest problem that Assan IV left to Alice Searle.

Aaron helped Aliceser break through this difficulty. As he said, the princess is now the true master of the kingdom.

The Regent Princess said a faint "Yes", lowered her head, and whispered: "Thank you."

The atmosphere in the room gradually changed.

hateful! Why is Aaron so nice to Alice!

The eldest lady under the bed turned pale with anger. After having a princess, did she forget her sister?

When I go out, I must let you know how powerful I am? Dirty brother! Stinky bestie! You all betrayed me!

She was still angry, but Alice Searle had already started to change the subject.

She was a proud princess. After being briefly moved, Alice Sel immediately realized that Aaron had taken away the initiative in the topic. How could she bear this?

So she did two things.

The first thing she did was to give Aaron the benefit of a knee pillow. She pulled Aaron over very domineeringly but very gently and let him lie on her lap. She moved gently to avoid hurting him, but at the same time, her eyes exuded Unquestionable authority.

If you dare to refuse I will kill you!

Don't refuse! No excuses!

Fortunately, Aaron did not refuse. He happily accepted it, using his face to feel the softness of her thighs and the delicate silkiness of her black silk stockings.

As for the second thing, it is about Aaron's reward.

The princess offered a reward for Aaron:

The Viscount of the Sunset Territory will seal 300 square kilometers of territory, and will also be granted the right to develop the Hurek Forest and the right to develop the north.

With the right to develop, Aaron will be able to conquer as much land as he wants, and the princess promises to grant him the title of the corresponding level.

Formed the Northwestern Military District of Cormyr, handed over the Cormyr Marine Corps and part of the Cormyr local army that participated in the rebellion to Aaron, disrupted the reorganization, and appointed Aaron as the general of the Ninth Legion. Within five years, the Ninth Legion was paid by the royal family. Military pay, within ten years, the royal family will pay half of the military pay, and the appointment and dismissal of personnel and the establishment of the army of the Ninth Legion are entirely decided by Aaron.

Aaron was promoted to a hero on the wall and painted like Zilong Pavilion.

According to Aaron's wish, Aaron's cousin Maximian and cousin Anna were given the surname Suplin and existed as vassal families of the Salian family, which was equivalent to creating a new noble family.

The Anaheim military industry was completely transferred to Aaron's control, and half of the proceeds from the seizure of Duke Casper and the Anaheim family - about 100,000 gold lion coins were rewarded to Aaron.

After talking about her reward plan, Alice Serre looked away and said unnaturally: "How is it? Are you satisfied with this plan?"

"I was a Viscount before, and am I still a Viscount now?" Aaron half-smiled but said, "Your Highness is very calculating."

"If you want, you can become a duke now." Aliceser calmly tried: "You decide for yourself."

"No, I don't want to get married." Aaron shook his head violently and gave the most resolute reply to the regent's daughter's tricks: "Your Highness, you should give up. I will not change my surname to Obeschier."

"Ha, I knew it, so you'd better go and be your real Viscount." The princess's little plan was seen through, and she became a little angry: "I gave you a chance."

"You have to fight for the opportunity yourself, Alice." Aaron said quite confidently: "I will find a way for you to marry me without changing your surname."

When Alice Serre heard Aaron's idea, she instinctively thought it was impossible. She rolled her eyes and was speechless to Aaron's "ambition" to the extreme. She thought to herself, "You kid, don't you want to marry me?" How can it be? Cormyr has not changed its royal surname in more than a thousand years!

The two must have a formal marriage relationship, and the child born from them can legitimately inherit the throne. Alice Searle has already suffered a loss in this matter. She will never accept having an illegitimate child with Aaron and reluctantly inheriting the throne. Then came another round of finger-pointing and civil strife, another round of twists and turns over inheritance.

She was tired, really.

But looking at his determination, Alice Searle felt that Aaron had accomplished so many miracles. He said there was a way, maybe there was really a way, anyway, both of them still lived a long life.

Thinking of this, the way the princess looked at Aaron suddenly changed.

Huh? It seems that Aaron has no power to resist now!

Got an appetite! The unparalleled princess licked her lips.

It's finally your day, Aaron!

The humiliation you brought me before is now my turn to take revenge.

Time of reckoning!

"Alice?" Aaron also felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere, and he shrank back a little in fear.

"You little kitten, you don't want to marry me and you still want to marry me? You are very confident, but you don't even look at yourself now? Do you think you can escape from my grasp?" She leaned against his ear. , exhaling like a orchid, her beautiful face was stained with a red glow of excitement: "You can't, hahahaha~"

Sure enough, Aaron showed a fearful expression in cooperation and his eyes shrank.


The desire to conquer and collect in Alice's heart suddenly exploded. She laughed and held Aaron's wrist with her hand and then hugged his waist. Finally, she revealed her private, happy and casual side: "Little kitten has a bad temper." Test, hell version!”

Lowering her head, slightly opening her flaming red lips, the domineering princess kissed Aaron's lips fiercely.


Clear sounds and tuts echoed in the quiet room.

Full of the fragrance of roses, it contains a strange charm, like an intoxicating dream, which makes people unable to wake up. It is obviously not the first time that the two of them have done this kind of thing. The princess is not only very proactive, Moreover, the technique is also very proficient under Aaron's guidance.

Aaron tried to struggle at first, but he soon felt the panic mixed in Alice Searle's enthusiasm.

Too many things happened during this period. The constant fear and the pain of killing her people with her own hands had already tortured her mentally and physically. If she hadn't let the strange Xiling replace Duke Caspar, God knows what the princess would have been like. Therefore, what a heavy psychological burden is carried, and through the intimate communication of kissing, Alice Sayre releases this pressure on Aaron.

Now I have become her pressure relief valve? !

It's over. In this case, once she gets stressed in the future, the first thing that comes to her mind under the influence of the Chaos Stigmata will definitely be me.

Although this is also part of my plan, but... the eldest lady is still down there!

Aaron did not refuse again. He knew that once he refused the princess, his self-esteem would be damaged, and she would never be so proactive again.

As a result, the movement above became louder and louder, even affecting Charlotte under the bed.

The eldest lady's face turned pale with anger at this time.


Alice! You beast!

If you do this, you will pollute the pure Aaron!

Ahhhhh! So angry! So angry, so angry!

While Charlotte was angry, the eldest lady also felt herself inexplicably excited, simply extremely excited!

His best friend, his boyfriend, he was not only present, but also under the bed.

Damn it, why does it feel so weird and exciting?

The eldest lady was surprised for a while, and the noises from above became even more endless.

Just when she was thinking about whether to go out and give justice to this couple, suddenly, there were footsteps on the stairs outside the bedroom door.

Aliceser opened her eyes suddenly, and the princess immediately withdrew from the chaotic state of her mind, and her body subconsciously stepped back.

Damn, I got a little lost in it and forgot this was at Aaron's house, in his bedroom.

There was a knock on the door: "Aaron? What's wrong? What's the noise in your room?"

It's Eleanor! The pastor noticed the noise in Aaron's room and knocked on the door!

The regent's face turned pale with fright. She thought to herself that I must not be discovered by that Pastor Su Lun!

If Eleanor knew that she, the majestic Obeschier, the daughter of the regent, had climbed over the wall and through the window to have a tryst with Aaron, then the reputation and dignity she had carefully maintained would be over! She would be unable to hold her head high in front of Eleanor for the rest of her life.

How could she suppress the pastor of Sullun in the future as Aaron's wife?

No, it cannot be discovered.

Alice Serre immediately made a "shh" gesture towards Aaron. The princess looked around Aaron's bedroom and found no place to hide. Like Charlotte, the regent princess immediately noticed the bottom of the bed. .

She decisively lifted up the sheets and crawled under the bed.

However, the moment she lifted the sheets, the princess was stunned.

She saw the long pink hair she was most familiar with and the slightly angry golden eyes.

Charlotte? !

Alice! ! !

Updated, there should be another update today~

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