Crown of Chaos

Chapter 236, Four Gods Meeting

After arriving in the Sunset Territory, Aaron immediately carried out drastic and comprehensive rectification of his viscounty territory.

The total area of ​​Sunset Territory is about 200 square kilometers, with a registered population of about 2,500 households. Including the 500 households that Ms. Raul granted to Aaron for immigration, the total population is about 3,000 households, and the total registered population is more than 26,000.

The position of Lord Lord is naturally held by Aaron himself.

Aaron then organized his own court. He designed a series of palace positions and formed his own cabinet.

First, Aaron appointed Miss Eleanor Dineful (although everyone prefers to call her Miss Eleanor Salian) as the high priest of the Sunset Territory, responsible for all matters related to the church. In addition, he also granted She can be said to be the first person under Aaron to preside over cabinet meetings and make major decisions in Aaron's absence.

The Inspector General is served by Norrington, the paladin of the Oath of Vengeance. This Purple Dragon Knight performed well in the Fire of Suzal, so he was asked to come over from the Purple Dragon Knights by Aaron. Norrington was also willing to follow Aaron. Build a career.

The magical advisor is Barrel Moonflower from Evermeet Island. This fat sun elf has already started playing dice and darts poker with the locals.

The master architect is Kimgun-Fireweave from the Moradin Church, and the white-bearded dwarf is already leading the engineering team to build the building.

The warehouse manager is Maximian Suplin. As an ascetic monk from the Sword Saint Sect, his cousin is more suitable for this position.

The weapon master is the half-orc Doherty-Bloodsword.

The clerk was his cousin Robert.

The captain of the guard is Guards Knight Fiolena.

The master craftsman is naturally the master craftsman Foujar Wilhelm.

The medical officer is served by cousin Anna Suplin.

There are currently two positions vacant, that is, archery master and judicial justice. Aaron decided to find suitable candidates later.

At this moment, the grass-roots team in Lord Viscount's palace has finally been established. Aaron gave a speech at the first Viscount's palace meeting and felt quite satisfied with the current situation.

Then there is the construction work of the territory.

When building a new territory, there are many places that need to be repaired and newly built. The first thing to build is the Viscount Castle. The most important part of the Viscount Castle is the "Chaos Contract Palace", which was personally chosen by Aaron as the Four Gods of Chaos. Aaron named it the "Round Table Palace" where the core building is located, where he will meet, discuss, and bargain with the four gods of chaos.

The blacksmith building guild of Foggal, the chapel of Suellen Mama, the wizard tower of the eldest lady, and even Aaron's own residence are all set back.

During this period of time, Aaron, Eleanor and others simply lived in the village, with chickens and ducks as companions every day.

The previous savings were spent like water. Bags of gold coins were exchanged for a large amount of building materials and overtime work by the dwarf engineering team. Due to the good treatment, many dwarves even took the initiative to work overtime. Under the leadership of Jin Mugong, many dwarves The project was completed with great success.

It is worth mentioning that Cormier was very dissatisfied with Aaron's move to ask the dwarf engineering team to contract a series of projects.

"Why do we let foreigners make money from us? Isn't it better to ask our own people to do it?"

"I see, Mr. Salian has forgotten his origins and how kind our people have been to him."

"Hmph~ He's the only one who admires short and seductive girls, and why should he still be the hero of the Five Heroes of Arabelle?"

There were some complaints from the people, but Aaron ignored them at all, because he had personally inspected it. If a human engineering team was hired to do it, among other things, 80% of the funds would be lost and 20% of the work would be lost. This would already give him face. The price of the marble shipped from Serre in the East can be doubled if it is transferred to the middleman. It is normal for the price to be tripled if reported to Aaron. At that time, the businessman of Susar proudly told Aaron: " Whoever comes here will pay this price."

Magic consultant Barrel-Moonflower said naturally, "This is you humans!"

At the same time, Barrel-Moonflower also strongly suggested that Aaron should personally control the funds and finances so that every payment goes somewhere. The Sun Elf even personally joined in the supervision and accounting.

Aaron also understood why most kings like to have elf or half-elf advisors.

The thinking of elves is different from that of humans. The contentment shown by most elves comes from their habit of self-sufficiency. Therefore, many communities of elves are closer to the public ownership system. They share a warehouse and most of their property. They only Obtain resources that meet the needs of personal life and projects - every elf has the equal right to support himself, and acquiring more than one person will overstep this right, which is a violation of the elf's own rights moral standard.

"It's not that elves won't embezzle public property. In fact, even Corellon's favorite child, that is, some of us sun elves will embezzle and embezzle the wealth in the warehouse." Barrel explained: "But There must be a reason for an elf to be corrupt, for example, it is because of his family interests, for example, he urgently needs a sum of money, for example, he has a goal to achieve, so he will embezzle."

"But you humans are different. You humans often don't need a reason for corruption. They can just do it because 'he took it, so I have to take a share, otherwise I will lose money.' It's an established practice. Over time, everyone Everyone will join in this behavior and eventually the warehouse system will collapse quickly, so our elves’ public warehouse system is not suitable for you humans.”

"This is human beings, we always have huge ambitions." Aaron responded to Barrier's statement.

"You are right. Only ambitious humans can become the dominant race on the mainland. Elves who lack ambition only deserve to retreat to Evermeet Island to enjoy peace and the protection of Father Rathrian." Barrel agreed with this: "We What the clan lacks now is ambition, we need the courage of the Crowned King Ilta Green, and may his free and open spirit last forever."

This was the first time Aaron had an in-depth communication with Barrier, and both sides learned something.

While the construction project was in full swing, Aaron did not neglect the construction of the army.

According to Alice Searle's order, Aaron will form the "Cormyr Ninth Legion" with some of the broken and reorganized Cormyr Marine Corps, some of the soldiers stained in the Fire of Suzal and the local militia of the Sunset Territory.

The Ninth Legion has a strength of 1,000 people. Alice Searle will pay all the military expenses for the first five years, and half of the military expenses for the next five years. After that, Aaron will be responsible for his own profits and losses.

As the commander of the legion, Aaron almost subconsciously named the legion "White Horse", but he soon realized that this was not an appropriate move. After careful consideration, he named his legion "Shepherd".

The name Shepherd comes from his real name "Ra-Endymion" when he was a member of the Emperor's Guardsman. Ra is the name of the Egyptian sun god, and Endymion comes from the beautiful man in Greek mythology, a shepherd. Man, the son of Kaluke and King Aetelius of Elis, one said to be the son of Zeus.

Endymion's most famous deed is his love affair with the moon goddess Selene. In the end, Endymion fell into a long sleep under the punishment of Zeus and could only meet the moon goddess in his dreams.

It is worth mentioning that the ancient Greek moon goddess Selene is spelled in English as (Selene), while the Silver Virgin and Silver Moon Lady Suellen is spelled in English as (Selne).

This is profound.

It seems that my encounter with Su Lun Mama was not accidental.

The Legion's LOGO was also determined to be a shepherd holding a staff under the silver moon.

Aaron cut off some of the old, weak and hard-headed and replaced them with local militiamen. Then he used the fist of Kabanha to punch several soldiers who challenged him in public and questioned him into the ground. The soldiers of the Ninth Legion were completely defeated. Convinced, the soldiers were demoralized and slowly resumed training under the encouragement of Doherty, Maximian and others. Aaron tentatively asked them to start by solving some small troubles near the village and re-establish their confidence.

Things were done one by one. Aaron was very busy during this period. Seeing that he was so busy, Egil simply said that I would take a nap and see you in half a year.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye.

As the first ray of autumn wind blew through the golden fields and Tianlongshui Lake in the sunset collar in October 1361, under the overtime work of the dwarves, the most important part of the Viscount Castle, the Round Table Hall, was finally completed.

Aaron thanked the dwarves for their hard work and announced that they would have two days off. He walked into the Round Table Hall alone.

The Round Table Hall is circular from the outside and stands on one side of the castle complex. It adopts a very classic dwarf architectural style, which emphasizes practicality and defense rather than beauty. The building is about 6 meters high and 66 meters in diameter. All buildings are paved with stone materials, surrounded by green lawns, and the water of Feilongshui Lake can be vaguely seen in the distance.

The palace includes many rooms such as lounges, libraries, conference halls, training rooms, and restaurants, but there is no dedicated living area. Because it has just been built, there is a lack of furniture and decoration in the palace, and there is also a pungent smell of stone powder.

Aaron ignored these and walked deeper into the Round Table Hall alone.

Passing through the entrance, lobby, lounge and meeting hall, Aaron began to release his power of chaos. When he entered the lobby, it was just a newly built gray building. As he moved forward, golden and silver The threads gradually spread from his body to the entire building.

One piece after another, the sculptures appeared on the empty pedestal. Along the slender windows, exquisite embroidery and paintings gradually decorated the room. His footprints left golden marks, which gradually spread to every brick. Above, a blurry image formed on the ceiling, gradually taking shape as Aaron advanced.

After arriving at the meeting hall, the magic spread on the broad round table in the center of the hall, forming a silver eight-pointed star pattern. There was no firewood in the fireplace and it spontaneously ignited. The colorful flames without smoke illuminated the meeting hall brightly. The chaotic words on the surface of the round table followed. The brand of magic appears.

This will be the key place for Aaron to create Chaos Warriors in the future, and the place where his Silver Dragon Knights hold meetings.

Aaron then moved on.

Passing through the meeting hall, a long corridor and a heavy gate blocked the way for any visitors. The holy emblems of the four gods were carved on the gate.

Holding the gate with one hand, golden magic energy flowed along the patterns on the gate. Aaron closed his eyes, and the patterns of the Golden Law were pressed on the surface of the holy emblems of the Four Gods of Chaos.

The floodgates are open.

The contract palace arrived, with eight stone pillars standing around and a throne in the middle. Aaron sat on the throne without ceremony. He completely liberated the powers of the four gods, letting them leave the body and integrating them into the palace.

"In the name of the chosen one, the blessed one, following the covenant of non-war, Aaron Salian sings here!"

"You are the cradle of life and the end of life."

"You are the beginning and the end of reincarnation!"

"You give life to mortals, and you give death to mortals."

"In the name of Khorne, I grant death to mortals. In the name of Tzeentch, I grant transformation to mortals. In the name of Nurgle, I grant stability to mortals. In the name of Slaanesh, I grant pleasure to mortals."

"Finally, in the name of Chaos Unity and the personal choice of the Four Gods, I call your names and come!"

After Aaron finished speaking, the scene of subspace materialized, rising from the ground. It looked like a blade inserted into a corpse, tearing open the curtain of the mortal world, and the empty deep space of the universe was filled with lightning and flames. and a thick fog that enveloped the entire planet.

In this hellish scene, Aaron saw shocking battles one after another. Tens of billions of chaotic armies were engaged in endless battles. Demonic worlds that were almost completely out of bounds by the rules of nature could be seen everywhere. .

Some demon worlds are filled with tumbling demon flesh, and new demons are being born in the constantly restless mother body. In some, altars that distort rationality and sacrifice to the gods of chaos have been built. Chaos lords dominate the humble s life.

Many more are blood-stained gladiatorial arenas, where bloodstained champion warriors fight each other to win the favor of their cruel masters.

Aaron responded with silence.

At this moment, he fully realized the power of the four gods in his body, and three good brothers responded to his message.

The first thing that came was blood, boiling down like a waterfall, and an oversized dog head floated in the hot blood pool.

Khorne has arrived.

The door opened in the void, and the Lord of Changes, sitting on the lotus platform, kept reorganizing his body with joy. Every sound he made turned into a seed of Bodhi, and he just held the flowers and smiled.

Tzeentch has arrived.

The rich incense filled the air, and a young man with a bisexual voice, a twisted crown on his head and a bisexual body, and a silver-white body appeared gracefully in the smoke. Under his clean appearance, he was full of youthful vitality. Only a pair of eyes filled with twisted love.

Slaanesh has arrived.

The three incarnations of the gods had arrived. Aaron glanced at the remaining empty spot and stood up.

"The contracted palace is not a place of war." Khorne laughed: "I already know your glory."

"Great, great, I like your sacrifice, I like your changes." Tzeentch circled on the lotus platform: "But it's not enough, far from enough. You must do more, more!"

"I love my family, I love my own choice." Slaanesh screamed: "So, you have finally come this far, oh my dear, this is so exciting! It's a pity that the damn fat guy didn't come!"

"Now, I have proven myself, everyone." Aaron said to the three good brothers: "I will continue to prove my strength."

"Blood God, I will offer more heads, more killings, more wars, and I am happy to offer the head of a true god." Aaron first said to Khorne: "Please stay tuned."

Khorne nodded.

"Magic Bird God, I will bring greater changes to the country. I will spread your magic here. I will return the great desert in the north to thousands of years ago. I will rebuild the Elf Cormanthor Empire. I will Establish a new pantheon of gods and break the monopoly of the old gods.”

Tzeentch picked up the flowers and smiled.

"Prince of Darkness, I will perform the script I personally wrote throughout the kingdom, and I will give everyone in the kingdom a small Shalish shock, just like I have always done."

Slaanesh screamed, slapping his hands on his face in ecstasy.

"Now, I will manifest your power here." Aaron said loudly: "Under your witness, I officially declare that the Contract Palace is completed!"

Following Aaron's declaration, the eight-pointed star of chaos and the Golden Law pattern were superimposed, covering the entire Round Table Hall under the gaze of the three gods of chaos, officially announcing the complete binding of the power of chaos to this building!

The power of chaos truly left Aaron's body. From this moment on, they were no longer personal powers, but a huge force that could affect the mortal world.

And at this moment, Aaron finally felt that the shackles that had troubled him for a long time were lifted!

Aaron Salian, Viscount of the Sunset Territory, personally chosen by the Four Gods of Chaos, the leader of the Five Heroes of Arabelle, was promoted to the master level at this moment!

Now that the battle is won, I will sacrifice my crown with the blood of the enemy.

Kingdom gods? Seek something new!

The era of chaos has arrived!

Volume 2, King Hunter, finished.

Updated, this is the end of the second volume, thank you all for your support~

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