Crown of Chaos

Chapter 25, Unique Chaos Technique

PS: Updated, watch the game, watch the game, rebuild the glory of EDG, it is our duty!

As the most typical royal country in the country, Cormyr has a very detailed aristocratic system, headed by the Obeschier royal family. From top to bottom, they are the king (queen), prince (prince and princess), duke, marquis, and earl. , viscount, baron, baron, knight.

As mentioned before, there are subordinate titles in this system, that is, the prince is attached to the king, the marquis is attached to the duke, the viscount is attached to the earl, and the baron is attached to the baron. The former is only an attached palace title, while the latter is hereditary. noble.

But it's not absolute.

for example.

If an earl owns an actual fief, he can only designate one person from his children or relatives as the heir to the earl title. His remaining children born to the countess will automatically receive the title of viscount. This kind of subsidiary title It cannot be inherited.

If the earl likes a non-heir apparent son very much, then he may allocate a "fief" to him from his own fief. Then the viscount is a real noble, but he is still subordinate to the earl and the fief does not belong to the earl. It cannot be hereditary, and the earl has the right to take it back at any time after his death.

If the earl does not like a non-heir legitimate son but does not intend to deprive him of his surname and drive him out of the family, then the most likely option is to send the child to the church to become a priest. In this case, even if the legitimate son has the title of viscount, it means nothing. No, he is just a church member.

This shows how much power the nobles on the ground had, at least in Cormyr.

There are only a few dukes in Cormyr. Among them, the dukes in the royal family only have honorary titles. There are only two real dukes, namely the Duke of Kayneth-Ireland in front of Lothair and the other Duke of Marelli.

Duke Kayneth, a veteran of the Kingdom of Cormyr, fought against the Zambian mercenaries all year round in Guangze in the east, with great military exploits. He was also a master Purple Dragon Knight, a being who was feared by Zambians.

He only needs one order to pull out a ducal legion composed of 200 fully armored knights and 1,200 heavy armored infantry from his territory!

With dark skin due to years of fighting, long black hair as thick as a lion, and carefully groomed beard, Duke Kayneth's amber eyes are always filled with a strong spiritual power. 23 Ten years of military career gave him an extremely strong self-confidence and undoubted power. Although he kept smiling and was very polite in front of Lothair, a horse breeder who had never seen the world could still feel that he was wrapped in Underneath this shell is a mighty and strong soul.

When the Duke of Kayneth called him to get up, Lothair struggled on the ground several times and failed to get up. The horse breeder felt that his legs were weak and he could not stand up.

"You have worked hard, you must be tired, right? This..." The Duke of Kayneth naturally discovered Lothair's predicament. He naturally helped the horse breeder, but for a while he couldn't call Lothair out. name.

The butler immediately whispered a few words in the Duke's ear, and Kayneth immediately said: "Mr. Lothair, would you like to have lunch with me as a favor?"

"Yes, yes!" Lothair could feel that although His Highness the Duke seemed to be inviting him, there was an unquestionable and undeniable meaning in his words, and he quickly nodded in agreement: "It's a great honor."

Things became much simpler after that. The horse breeder accepted His Royal Highness the Duke's warm invitation to dine at a high-end restaurant near the Royal Stables.

At the dinner table, Lothair, who had drank a few more glasses of high-end red wine, felt much more relaxed. While he was devouring the plump roast swan, he recounted what happened to Aaron.

Duke Kayneth listened carefully to all Aaron's performance after returning home this time. His Highness the Duke became even more interested in this little warlock who had awakened his charisma.

Kayneth naturally knows about the Salian family. Kayneth also knows about the level of this earl family. Aaron's grandfather suffered a humiliating defeat in the Tukan invasion. Why was the Duke deprived of his title? It is clear, as to how much level Aaron's father Manuel is, Kayneth has also seen it.

When a knight reported to him that a charismatic warlock had appeared, Kayneth, who happened to be in Susar, was extremely interested. Only when he arrived did he find out that the charismatic warlock was Aaron Salian.

This little guy is really a genius. Kayneth thought to himself that Manuel was a mess in terms of political tactics, but his son actually had such a level. Although the strategies he devised were a little immature, they were far beyond those of ordinary aristocratic knights who had just grown up. It can be compared.

Salian, after all, such a character appeared!

Thinking that Aaron was a native of Cormyr and the son of Manuel, Kayneth subconsciously felt very happy. However, he was not happy for a few minutes when he suddenly remembered a detail that he had forgotten.

"Wait, besides Kanter, who else did you tell this news to? The person after Kanter?"

"I also told Mr. Modern."

"Hey!" The Duke patted the table in annoyance, stood up quickly, and signaled to a knight next to him: "Goodman, you have lunch with Mr. Lothair."

"Mr. Lothair, this is Goodman. He is an excellent knight and my friend. You can talk to him more and tell him if you need anything."

Kayneth stood up in a hurry and took the people away.

"My Highness, what's wrong?" the butler asked after following the Duke: "Is it that stupid horse-breeding guy..."

"Damn it, Goddess Taimora didn't favor us this time. I originally wanted to block the news and let our Irish family personally train this little guy." Kayneth's face didn't look good, and the Duke's eyes narrowed slightly, like a male. Exuding a devouring power like a lion: "It's too late, the Queen's Blade must already be in the palace by this time, telling our Queen Regent the news!"

"My Highness, if this is the case, wouldn't we..." The housekeeper also realized the problem: "Our regent has always been very... Now that she knows this, how can she let go? Aaron - Salian currently belongs directly to the royal family, and his salary is also paid by the royal family. We are too late."

"No!" Kayneth waved his hand domineeringly: "At least, I want to enter the palace as soon as possible and report the news to our regent. Even if there is no way to seal the matter, I will formally recommend this little girl to the royal court. Guy, in this way, even if Aaron gets key training from the royal family in the future, he must remember this favor of mine."

"Let's go into the palace now!"


————I am the dividing line for entering the palace————

There was a turmoil outside because of the news released by Aaron. Even Aaron did not expect that Lothair would meet a duke who came to interrogate him personally. In the end, Salian knew nothing about the outside world for the time being. He was in the library. I had lunch nearby and continued reading books related to warlocks.

"Every corner and every existence in the kingdom is saturated with the power of magic. Every stone, every stream, every living creature, and even the air itself contains untapped potential energy. These native magics It is the raw material of creation, and it is also the silent consciousness of existence. It permeates every bit of matter and exists in the form of various energies in the multiverse."

"Primitive magic is wild, and it can hardly be used directly by mortals. The power of original magic is very likely to destroy the caster itself in an instant, so unless the caster is powerful enough to touch the power of the 'inside' ( Extremely rare), otherwise if you want to cast spells, you can only use the 'Magic Network'."

"The 'Magic Weave' is considered to be a magical woven structure that serves as a bridge between the caster's consciousness and the original magic raw materials. Its origin is 'Mystra', the goddess of magic."

"In most cases, spellcasters can only cast spells by relying on magic nets. Whether it is arcane magic (spells) or divine magic (divine magic), without magic nets, spellcasters are just like ordinary people."

Aaron frowned.

Can't you cast spells without a magic net? But why did the online articles he read mention that there were great arcanists who could cast spells without a magic net?

Also, what is the power of "inside"?

law? cause and effect? The root cause of the disaster? Door to truth? The man in the bottle? Brain in a vat? The nameless ultimate chaos deep within the stars?

The book doesn't say that.

Aaron also believed that if this could be easily understood in the royal library of Susal, then it would be impossible for only a very few people to be able to cast spells without the need for magic nets.

Without reading the chapters such as "Mage", "Druid", "Priest", "Paladin" and "Ranger" described in the book, Aaron directly turned to the chapter on Warlock.

"Warlocks are the arcane opposite of mages. Using spell materials, even weak magical energy, warlocks can release powerful explosive energy through their bodies. They obtain magical energy not through rigorous study and research, but through A gift of magic waiting to be awakened in the blood. If a wizard wields his spells like a warrior wielding a sword, then a sorcerer's magic is like a great ax in the hands of a barbarian."

Warlocks' spellcasting abilities mostly come from their own body blood, and magical energy surges and roars in their bodies.

There are four main sources of power for warlocks:

Dragon Bloodline: The most common and well-known source of warlocks, derived from the magic of dragons, whose essence is mixed with your blood or the bloodline passed down by your ancestors. Warlocks of this origin can often trace their lineage to a powerful warlock who made a pact with a dragon in ancient times, or even to be a blood relative of a dragon.

Dragon Vein Warlock is the most common and well-known warlock in the country. He is born tall, rich and handsome.

Wild magic: the wild power of chaos that comes from the opposition to the order of creation.

Wild warlocks are all masters of manipulation. Their power is violent and disorderly. They often cannot control their own power. Some wild warlocks even simply let their power be manipulated at will, so they are always easy to control. It kills and hurts oneself, but sometimes it works wonders and even saves the entire battle.

Wild warlocks are also quite famous in the country. They are not rich and handsome. They may kill themselves directly during the whole job, but they may also take away the enemies in a wave. They are born to be the masters of survival.

Storm Warlock: Power comes from unfettered natural forces, such as thunderstorms, storms, seaspouts and other primitive magical powers.

Cosmic Warlock: Also known as the Destiny Warlock, an extremely rare type of Warlock. This Warlock integrates the original laws of the universe and the laws of the rotation of the sun, moon and stars into his own blood. All changes can find the corresponding laws and relationships. They are born with a deep affinity with the laws of the universe and can easily control magic with the power of the laws.

In addition to these four kinds of warlocks, the book also mentions a kind of existence called "spiritual warlocks", that is, some warlocks have divine sparks or the blood of gods or celestial creatures, and they can use this as a basis to release magic or It's magic.

Aaron closed the book.

Who is he? What kind of warlock is he?

His power comes from the Four Gods of Chaos, which corresponds to chaos and disorder as opposed to the order of the universe. So according to this classification, he should be a wild magician.

But according to the power of the four gods of chaos, he should be a cosmic magician.

Also, if we look at the power granted by the gods, it would make sense to say that Aaron was a spiritual sorcerer.

Hum, I am nothing, I am the son of Chaos. Even if I am, I am a unique Chaos Technique!

Finally, Aaron skimmed the book a little and turned back to the first page to see who the author was.

The author's signature is "Ms. Ereshkigal".

I seem to have heard this name somewhere. Aaron felt that this name had a strong sense of familiarity, but he couldn’t remember who it was.

Looking out the window, it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon.

Aaron did two things next. First, he spent two silver coins to seek a test in the library to test his professional level.

After testing him, the library's testers came to the conclusion that if according to the current professional level,

According to the existing national professional level standards, Aaron is an apprentice-level chaos warlock/warrior.

Afterwards, Aaron summarized the list of spells he can master now.

Cantrip that costs nothing: Charm Human.

Level 1 magic: Blue Flame of Tzeentch, Pink Flame of Tzeentch, Whip of Slaanesh, Dream of Slaanesh, Chaos Missile.

2nd level magic: Tongue of Slaanesh.

Special bloodline magic: Create chaos eggs, gifts from Slaanesh.

Among them, the second-level magic, Tongue of Slaanesh, has clearly appeared in Aaron's mind, but with his current level of warlock, he cannot release this magic at the moment.

After summarizing, Aaron knew where his problem lay, and he immediately borrowed a "Spell Encyclopedia" from the library.

Compared to other spellcasters, he only has the trick of "charming humans".

Tricks are simple small spells that can be cast at will without consuming any magic power or memory. These 0-level spells are the magic most commonly used by low-level spellcasters in combat and can be understood as the caster's normal attacks.

But Aaron didn't master any cantrips except Charm Human, which was mutated into cantrips through the power of Slaanesh.

This is a very strange thing for a warlock, and it means that Aaron is not a qualified spellcaster at all.

However, something unexpected happened.

When Aaron randomly picked a small trick from "The Encyclopedia of Spells" and tried to recite a spell, the violent magic surging inside his body was rushing through his body uncontrollably. Before he could finish reciting the spell, he felt a sensation in his abdomen and chest. Feeling a strong sense of pain, the Viscount looked ferocious, and a mouthful of bright red blood spurted out from his throat.

"Ugh!" Dark red blood splashed on the ground, and Aaron's performance shocked the battle mage apprentice next to him.

"Your Excellency, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Aaron's handsome face wrinkled up, and he took out a towel and wiped it on his mouth randomly a few times.

idiot! Aaron scolded himself like this: You dare to do whatever you want when you don’t understand anything! Are you willing to risk your own death?

Sure enough, I still need a warlock mentor. My own power is special, and if I fumble around randomly, I will probably get myself killed.

Aaron didn't dare to try again. He left the bloody towel on the ground and said to the battle mage apprentice: "What's the matter?"

If nothing happens, the War Mage Apprentice won't come in and disturb him.

"Someone is looking for you, Your Majesty the Viscount." The war mage apprentice glanced outside.

A Queen's Blade stood at the door of the training room.

"Your Excellency, the Regent has ordered that Viscount Salian appear in the throne room at nine o'clock in the morning two days later."

"Understood." Aaron nodded calmly to show that he understood.

Queen's Blade left, and Aaron also realized that it was getting late. He packed up his things and left the library directly.

It's time to go home.

From the royal library to the Salian House in the Triple Crown neighborhood, you have to pass through a long alley. For some reason, when Aaron passed by here today, there was no one here.

In the darkness, a cloaked figure appeared quietly, approaching slowly from behind along the corner of the wall.

A steel dagger slipped out from under the cloak.

Time to kill!

The protagonist’s current professional level: Level 2 Warrior/Level 1 Chaos Fate Warlock

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