Crown of Chaos

Chapter 248, escape from marriage

The fallen leaves of late autumn fell in the courtyard, dyeing the mud on the ground a deep red.

In the independent courtyard, the bamboo waterwheel is rotating. The sweet spring is fished out and poured on the stones, splashing a touch of sweetness. The afternoon sun is weak but full of warmth. In the warm pavilion, the fine wooden floor It was covered with a thick layer of animal skin.

Miss Maria Lysa, dressed in full aristocratic attire, is sitting in a warm pavilion looking at the autumn scenery. Like some noble ladies, Maria Lysa has always been considered a fragile item, and her body has never been fragile. Neither of them can be described as "strong". Every time the seasons change from spring to autumn, you must pay attention to keeping warm, otherwise you will easily get sick.

However, she is also a very standard aristocratic lady. She does not need so much social interaction and does not have so many trivial matters. If necessary, she can participate in many activities and cope with it appropriately. If not, she can hold a few books and With a set of cards, you can spend a whole day quietly. She has a very quiet and peaceful temperament about her.

The engagement day was getting closer, and she had been at home during this time, with two maids standing next to her, one holding a towel, the other holding a coat, and magic instruments from the Netherese era played music.

It was an uneventful day.

Until a waiter walked in from the outside. He looked anxious and disturbed Miss Lysa's reading.


"Here comes His Excellency Grosskreutz."

Miss Lysa raised her head with a look of surprise on her face. She glanced outside and found the Five Arrabelles and Master Paladin Leonard standing at the entrance to the courtyard.

"You guys go down."


After receiving the permission order, Leonard strode into the courtyard. He was dressed in a white robe and had a handsome and sunny face, like the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning, full of hope and enthusiasm.

But his brows were full of gloom, as if they were covered by dark clouds and were indescribably obscure.

During this time, he has been living in self-blame and pain.

Disma's departure was not only a major blow to Lucian's mentor, but also a major blow to Leonard. As a paladin master who had sworn an oath of devotion, Leonard immediately chased him outside the city. He went to Disma and asked him why he did this and why he said such things to his mentor.

Leonard couldn't understand why Disma would choose to leave.

Isn't the glory on him enough?

He has been named a hero of the palace and is qualified to attend the court. He has become one of the Five Heroes of Arabelle. He is well-known. He is already a master of strength and his future is limitless.

Isn't this enough?

What do you want? Disma? !

But when Leonard told Disma his thoughts, Disma sneered in return.

"Why, are you going to act like a senior and suppress me now? That's right, you will be the flag officer soon. A superior will naturally use a commanding tone towards his subordinates."

"What nonsense are you talking about? I have never expected to hold the position of flag officer. If you want it, I will give it to you! Why do you treat your mentor like this?" Leonard finally became rarely angry: "Now, go back , apologize to the instructor!"

"Yes, that's right, this is it. What I hate about you the most is this!" Who knew that as soon as he said this, Disma became even more angry. He pointed at Leonard's nose and cursed angrily: " You are always like this, you get more every time you give in! Every time you are generous, you gain fame and fortune. They rush to give you what you don’t want. The more you give in, the more everyone likes you. .”

"You get everything! Now, how dare you accuse me?! Are you qualified to accuse me?!"

In the end, the two sides fought hard and each was injured. Leonard originally had a slight advantage, but Disma used a life-for-life strategy. In the end, the paladin was unable to kill his junior, and Disma successfully escaped.

Leonard, wounded on his body, returned to Sousal alone.

I can always get more...right?

Just when he was reflecting on his mistakes and the role he played in Disma's escape, the lost paladin master met a monk wearing a black robe and a skull mask on his way back. .

The previous encounter flashed back in front of Leonard's eyes, until Miss Lesa's gentle voice interrupted his memories: "Your Excellency, Champion Knight of Oberszil, what's the matter with your sudden visit?"

Yellow flowers and leaves fell, water flowed, and light fell along a diagonal line into the courtyard. Leonard knew that his sudden visit must surprise her.

In a few days it will be their engagement day.

"Long time no see, Miss Lysa, how are you?" Leonard's voice was very low, and he said silently.

"Please take a seat...Yes, everything is fine." Lysa asked Leonard to sit down. She asked the maid to get the wine, and hesitantly wanted to ask again: "Your Excellency?"

Leonard took out a piece of jewelry from his body and handed it to Lesa.

This piece of jewelry is a necklace with a pearl inlaid on it. The surface of the pearl is glowing with bright silver light, which has both a sacred and warm atmosphere.

"This is?"

"This is the Sun Flame Pearl. It is produced on the fourth level of the Heavenly Mountain of the Seven Hills of Heaven." Leonard nodded: "I made it into a necklace. If you wear it in the future, you will often have stomach cold and hang up. It will definitely be useful to you if you have it on you.”

A huge sense of surprise broke down Miss Lesa's psychological defense. The good tutor made her subconsciously want to refuse, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't say them out.

The two will be engaged soon, and the engagement ceremony will be in a few days. At that time, all the dignitaries of the kingdom will be present, and the princess will also be present.

"Take it." Leonard emphasized unconfidently.

"Thank you..." Miss Lesa accepted this grand gift. She was about to say something to express her gratitude when she heard Leonard's next words: "You don't have to say thank you to me, Miss Lesa... I'm sorry, I A coward, a real coward."

After saying that, Leonard was about to stand up.

He is a person who is not good at expressing himself. He has said what he needs to say and it is time for him to leave.

Maria-Lisa's expression changed very quickly, including shock, surprise, humiliation, sadness, and sorrow. Facing Leonard's back that was about to leave, she finally couldn't help it and asked in a voice: "Why?"

"..." Leonard stopped but did not answer.

"Even a champion knight, even a paladin, can still marry a lady!" Big tears fell on her dress. Lysa burst into tears in just a few seconds: "Marriage, It has never been a stumbling block on the road to righteousness."

A trace of guilt flashed across the face of the master paladin. He knew that his decision was very willful and he was evading responsibility, because for the paladin, once the engagement ceremony is completed, unless the other party goes back on it, his oath determines that he cannot Regret.

So he can only do this.

My existence will only bring greater disaster to this country, and Disma's incident is just the beginning.

With his back to Lysa, he looked at the falling leaves: "I..."

The paladin turned around slowly: "I have dedicated my whole life to my lord Tom."

"..." Miss Lesa wiped away her tears vigorously. She wanted to speak several times, but she didn't know what to say.

She finally said: "I haven't heard you play the flute for a long time. Mr. Leonard, can you play for me one last time?"

The master paladin's eyes condensed, he nodded slowly, took out the recorder from his body, and played melodious music.

The ethereal music penetrated the small courtyard, startled the fish in the pond, and spread the sound into the distant sky.

After that day, Sir Leonard, one of the Five Heroes of Arabel, the champion knight of Oberszil, a hero of the palace, and the official flag bearer of the Purple Dragon Knight, disappeared.



Aaron, who rushed back from the north, couldn't believe the news he heard.

After the second senior Disma ran away, the senior principal Leonard also ran away! ?

Similarly, the pastor lady who rushed back to Susar to attend the engagement ceremony was also very anxious. She held Aaron's hand and said, "According to what someone in the Forest of Kings witnessed, Senior Leonard traveled through the Forest of Kings and the Storm after leaving Susar. He went all the way to the west from the Horn Mountains. At that time, everyone thought he was going to perform a mission, but they didn't expect that he left a letter in the Knights, saying that he was sorry to everyone."

"Border guards confirmed that he had crossed the Thun Marshes and had not been seen since."

"Damn it!" Aaron slapped his thigh.

One or two, let me run away with them all, right?

Disma had a reason to run away. Why did you, Leonard, run away?

Is this guy afraid of marriage?

So if that's the case, why didn't he say it earlier? Teacher Lucian didn’t force him!

Cousin Maximian Suplin also hurried over: "Oh no, Aaron, Count Lysa has brought people to make trouble in the Knights."


Knights, in the office of Lucian Flag Officer.

For a moment, Lucian's flag-bearer, who seemed ten years older, was bowing and apologizing to Count Lysa.

Facing the extremely angry Count Lysa, the only thing Lucian Flag Officer could do was to keep bowing and apologizing.



"Lucian! Look at you, what are you doing? You've made a mess of everything."


"You stupid son of a bitch, it's over now. Everything is over. My family has been shamed by this. We sent out so many invitations for this ceremony. What do you want me to tell them now?"

Mentor Lucian kept apologizing. This once heroic warrior who had experienced countless wars without changing his face was now just a desolate old man. He apologized to Count Lysa over and over again.

Half sea water, half fire.

Aaron did not hesitate at all. He immediately entered the room and stood next to Tutor Lucian. He also bent down and said, "I'm sorry! Your Excellency Lysa, what happened is not only the tutor's responsibility, but also my responsibility. I my apologies!"

Count Lysa watched in surprise as the upstart of the kingdom bent down for him. Just as he was about to say something, he saw Eleanor, the Priest of the Silver Virgin and the "Miracle Daughter of the Silver Moon", quickly coming to Aaron's side. They all bent down and apologized: "I'm sorry."

Count Lysa's expression changed a few times, and he waved his hand coldly: "Hmph~ For the sake of Your Excellency Salian and Miss Dineful, I will temporarily bypass you today."

"Wait to go to the Kingdom Court, my flag-bearer."

After speaking, Count Lysa turned and left.

"Cough cough cough~ cough cough cough~" Lucian coughed repeatedly. He reluctantly stood up with the help of Aaron and Eleanor: "Why, why did it become like this?"


"I have raised both of them since they were young. Why? Why?" Lucian clenched his chest with his hands in pain, and the flag officer cried out sadly: "Why, they all abandoned me!"

Lucian rolled his eyes and fell straight to the ground.

"Mentor! Mentor!"


Leonard's engagement ceremony eventually turned into a farce. The university president who was the protagonist of the engagement disappeared where he was, and it could only be confirmed that he had left the border of Cormyr.

The Earl Lysa family felt that they had been humiliated by this incident, and they filed a lawsuit directly against the Kingdom Court. The lawsuit was not only directed against the Lucian Flag Officer, but also included the Church of the Three Gods of Justice. The Church of Heim accepted the lawsuit. .

Lucian's flag officer was admitted to a sanatorium directly due to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Fortunately, this is a country, and there are many magics that can cure diseases. However, Lucian was so angry that he once suffered a stroke and couldn't even speak clearly.

At the same time, the nobles who came from all over the kingdom also watched a big joke. What made Alice even more embarrassed was that three of Arabelle's five heroes were missing - Leonard and Disma were missing, and Samir was missing. He went to Waterdeep City to fool around.

This incident has since become a joke in the country - the story of the Purple Dragon Holy Warrior's escape from marriage.

Aaron originally planned to attend the engagement ceremony, but unexpectedly, a series of changes made him very anxious.

However, it is not without valuable news.

Countess Millman-Laure, Countess Arabelle, who also came to attend the engagement ceremony, brought a crucial piece of information.

"Disma was sighted in the Great Forest of Cormanthor, with several Zhentarim."

"Sir Disma may have committed treason!"

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