Crown of Chaos

Chapter 263, Chaos, I have become a god!

Belak, the cunning original demon prince, seized the body of Anomin, took the body of the Pasha's son for his own use, and successfully materialized again and came to the kingdom.

Be'lakor has never been a fool. As the first original demon prince chosen by the Four Gods of Chaos, Be'rak is actually very smart. In those ancient times that have been forgotten, the original demon prince once accurately grasped the four gods of Chaos. He continued to benefit from the "Great Chaos" of the Four Gods of Chaos. When he fought against Khorne, he sought support from Slaanesh. When he attacked Tzeentch, he offered his loyalty to Nurgle. This As a result, Bilak was never disliked by the four gods of chaos at any time, and he remained the number one among the four gods for a long time.

Similarly, Beelak's invasion of the country was not without preparations.

Before entering Myth Drannor, Be'lakor had divided a small part of his power to stay outside the Mystery Lock. After the incarnation within the Mystery Lock was destroyed, the remaining power of the original demon prince heard Anomin's words. pray.

Myth Drannor's Mystic Corruption made it no longer able to completely control Be'lak, and Anomin didn't even know that he had been possessed by Be'lak.

"You didn't expect it, I'm back again!"

After Belak's body re-materialized, his power did not return to its peak.

The previous encounter in the temple of the Fire-Haired Lady caused Bi'lak heavy losses. At this time, the original demon prince only had 40 to 50% of his peak combat effectiveness.

What's even more fatal is that Be'lak does not have a kingdom of gods. As a foreign god, Be'lak cannot connect to the subspace, cannot communicate with the Chaos Demon Realm, and does not have his own home in the outer plane, so his power is used less. There is no way to recover.

But even a god-like power with only 40 to 50% combat power left is still a god-like power!

Only quasi-divine power can defeat quasi-divine power!


Aaron entered a broken church with a dome in the valley.

The steps covered with strange flowers and vines were shattered under his steps.

As he entered the building, the poisonous fog swallowed Aaron's face, and there was only a yellow-green fog in his sight.

The dome hanging high above the head is carved with images of Moander bestowing favors on mortals, constantly changing like an illusion: some mortals are bound by vines, with opened tentacles inserted into their mouths, bestowing Moander's "blessings" .

The floors and walls were carved with words Aaron couldn't decipher, squirming under his gaze.

This is the place where Vande-Dragon Thorn once fought with the incarnation of Saint Moander. Before this battle, Moander had gathered many believers to build a temple here.

The building was like a lifeless shell, but the hatred that pervaded the entire tomb kept it alive. Aaron could feel that under his footsteps, even the divine blood of Moander was shrinking and trembling. The power of Nurgle was like an insatiable monster clinging to his body and waiting to be fed. The breath of grain reincarnation exuded made the walls It was difficult for the statues to turn their heads away.

Nurgle's level of divine power is much higher than that of Moander.

Getting closer and closer to his target point, Aaron also began to think about the relationship between the gods.

In fact, there have always been many disputes between gods due to the overlapping of their priesthoods. For example, before the fall of the Phantom Goddess Leila, there were actually many gods involved in the priesthood of shadows. In addition to the Phantom Goddess Leila, Night Lady Shar, the god of thieves Mask, the god of murder Baal, and the god of the dead Melkor all believe that they should hold the priesthood of shadow.

Another example is Tempus, the god of war who loves fishing and law enforcement. This powerful man has given out his marginal priesthood time and time again, then taken it back, and given it out again.

There is also what Elminster mentioned, the dispute between the first-generation magic goddess Mythril and the sun god Amaunata regarding the priesthood of "time". It was just that the two gods once had an agreement, but in this contract , one of the symbols was written incorrectly, so Amaunata believed that she also had a claim to the priesthood of "Time".

As the god of decay, Moander undoubtedly holds the priesthood of "rot", "wither" and "corruption", and is the key to activating the power of Nurgle.

But decay, corruption, and decay do not represent all Nurgle. In addition to the teaching that everything is corrupt, Fat Grandpa also represents pathological reproduction, recovery from damage, determination to unite, and selfless love.

Without Nurgle, there would be no "stability", "security" and "peace of life and death". Nurgle dominates reincarnation and symbolizes prosperity and prosperity. From a certain perspective, Fat Grandpa is the incarnation of nature.

Yes, naturally.

Aaron found that he had arrived under the giant rotten tree in the sky. He summoned the Tzeentch Frisbee and ascended.

The original low call gradually turned into an excited shout. Aaron felt that the power of Nurgle in his body was constantly stirring. That little life, the girl trapped in the middle of the rotten giant tree, was attracting the power of Nurgle. Unprecedented attention!

The giant rotten tree was really tall and strong, and Aaron looked extremely small in front of it.

Gradually, the place arrived.

Aaron was immediately attracted by the scenery in front of him.

There is a piece of pure emerald green trunk in the middle of the rotten giant tree. Different from the corruption in the entire forest, this small section of trunk looks so clean and vibrant, with colorful flowers blooming on the surface of the withered bark.

Among the four emerald-green light beams, sleeping was a little girl. She had a pair of slightly pointed elf ears, and her long white to gray hair was tied into a side ponytail. There was an obvious green gradient at the end of her hair, which was tender. The white and delicate skin can be broken by blows.

The girl's height is very short, Aaron's visual inspection is less than 145cm. She is particularly petite and cute and can arouse the almost unlimited protective desire of the bad uncles. She has an emerald green cloak that looks like silk and wings, and a gold-edged green and white flower house embroidered with flower fairy patterns. Under the skirt are white bloomers, with light green leaf patterns on the inside. A pair of fleshy feet are huddled together without socks.

The girl wears a flower headdress composed of a four-leaf clover and heart-shaped leaves, and a metal bracelet on her wrist. An inscription from the outer plane is engraved on the surface of the bracelet.

"In everything, you need to listen more but speak less. Listen to the opinions of others, but reserve your own judgment."

"Are you here?" The girl's voice was intermittent, a little excited, but more of a kind of calm called the accumulation of time: "Traveler, you have finally arrived here, and maybe you are the only one who can approach here freely. "

"Who are you?" Aaron felt that the power of Nurgle in his body was about to explode with excitement. Fat Grandpa's will finally responded. He looked at the pure elf girl in front of him, and his saliva was about to flow.

"There are many things, please talk about it later, traveler, please save me first."

The green elf girl opened her eyes. In the dark green irises, the light green four-leaf clover pattern was flashing, and there was a trace of expectation on her cute little face.

"Is it you who have been calling me before?" Aaron asked.

"Since the seal was loosened, I have been calling everyone through dreams." The little fairy girl shook her head: "But only two creatures heard my call, one is you, and the other is..."


Aaron's expression changed. He and Billak actually had a lot in common. The biggest thing in common was that their power came from the Four Gods of Chaos.

One of the ways the Four Gods of Chaos communicated the oracle was through dreams. The power of the fairy girl resonated with the power of Aaron and Bilak, so both Aaron and Bilak heard the girl's call.

This girl is not simple!

Being able to passively resonate with both Aaron and Billak means that her power has entered the "dream" realm. At the same time, the power of Nurgle in Aaron's body is stirring crazily, which means that the power of this elf girl has also entered the "dream" realm. "Life" and "Nature" field!

What is her background?

But no matter what the origin, Aaron realized that the key to unlocking Nurgle's power may lie in this fairy girl. Whether it was the will transmitted by Fat Grandpa or the crazy restlessness of Nurgle's power, it all decided Ya Lun is going to take some risks with this.

He tried to reach out and pierce the gap between the corrupted vines and pure bark with his hand: "I understand."

With the power of the three gods of chaos activated, Aaron's power at this time is no longer what it used to be. With his ability to ignore the influence of divine blood and absorb decay, slowly, the seal used by the god of decay, Moander, to bind the fairy girl was opened little by little.

There is a pure and good breath of life in the cracks, which is intoxicating.

"Thank you, this has really helped me a lot!" The fairy girl bowed politely. Seeing that she was about to get out of trouble, her cute and innocent little face couldn't help but be excited.

Likewise, a similar excitement appeared on Aaron's face.

There you have it, fat grandpa, good brother Nurgle! You finally moved!

The power of Nurgle is about to open!

However, just when Aaron tried to break the seal, a shrill scream came from behind!

"Be careful!" the fairy girl screamed.

At the critical moment, Aaron immediately gave up and continued to crack the seal. He directly launched the Secret Keeper transformation at an impossible speed. He incredibly dodged the lightning sneak attack from behind in the air, and made six consecutive spins in the air like a ballet dancer. After several times, Secret Keeper Aaron opened fire with all his strength on the assassin who sneaked up on him. Rows of spells hit the enemy like a torrential rain!

All his magic was drowned in a harsh roar, and six shadow arrows whirled towards them. Aaron did not hesitate to summon the Slaanesh Mirror to absorb the six shadow arrows, sending them back the way they came. It is also clear that this will not hurt the enemy at all.

Sure enough, a giant hand with black claws tore the six shadow arrows and the whip of Slaanesh spitting out into pieces into pieces. A huge black shadow appeared in front of Aaron, and the rain washed away on his injured left arm. , the chest and the broken devil horns looked so ferocious and terrifying.

"Bilak, you are indeed alive!" Aaron said harshly.

When he saw Anomin's appearance just now, Aaron felt that something was wrong. How could an elite junior adventurer pass through the Cormanso Forest unharmed? Is Brandor, the cave god of the Underdark, so kind?

So Aaron always kept an eye on it and didn't concentrate on it.

"Tsk, the little thing is quite alert."

The original demon prince showed his muscular body in a mass of shadows, as well as a humanoid body tied to his chest, most of which was soaked in chaos corruption.

Anomin? !

Aaron had no time to think. Beelak opened his huge mouth and let out a terrifying roar. Even the giant rotting tree was shaken by the sound waves to create cracks.

"No one can help you now."

"Aaron Salian, your end has come!"

Aaron's magic kept hitting its face. Kabanha's fist shattered several of Bilak's teeth and sent the bones into pieces. However, these injuries had little effect on Bilak. He stretched out a The hand grabbed Aaron with a divine spark shield, and with a scream, it lifted up the lucky man favored by the four gods of chaos and threw him to the ground.

The huge impact created a big crater, and Aaron, who fell vertically for at least fifteen meters, felt cracks in his ribs.

Billak grabbed Aaron's body and threw it to the ground again, and blood instantly spread all over the ground.

Only 40 to 50% of the power of the divine power is left, so terrifying!

Bloodthirsty maniac, transform!

The giant wheel of the universe turned. Aaron, who knew that his magic was ineffective against Bilak, started to transform while vomiting blood. The fist of Kabanha hit the original demon prince, but Bilak just waved his giant hand and opened the fist of Kabanha. By the way, the bloodthirsty demon Aaron was knocked into the air and slammed into the abandoned temple of Moander.

Tzeentch's flame storm enveloped Be'lak's body in flames, but the original demon prince didn't care about these flames. He withstood Aaron's strongest magic and strode towards Aaron.

"You have failed, Aaron Salian!" Billak summoned his Shadow Sword with a sinister smile, with a sarcastic look on his face: "Unfortunately, your failure is meaningless."

"This has always been the case. The Four Chaos Gods continue to choose those interesting mortals who interest them, give them power, make them strong, and give them the task of destroying the world. They always feel that they are the special one! But in fact, this is just a game! Their game! They are happy to see this scene. Whether I kill you or you kill me, do the Four Gods of Chaos care? They don't care."

"Yes, they don't care." Aaron was covered in blood. He stood up with difficulty and acknowledged Bilak's words: "It's a pity that they are far more interested in me than you."

"It's like this every time!" Bilak roared angrily: "Betrayal is only a matter of time! You can still make them feel fresh, that's all!"

"But this freshness is about to end!" Bilak strode over, trampling a big pit with a huge foot, and the shock wave tore the entire temple into cracks.

Aaron also stood up, and the luster of the golden ring flowed along his body. He rushed towards Beelak at full speed. The giant hand of the original demon prince attacked him. Aaron dodged and spun, and quickly got close to the enemy, using his body to extend The weapon he drew struck a heavy blow.

It's time to fight for your life!


The sharp blade finally broke through Beelak's wrought-iron gray-black skin and scratched through the solid skin. The blade pierced the original Demon Prince's torso and cut into its spine.

Belak howled miserably and sprinkled swaths of demon blood, but he also gave Aaron an almost fatal blow. The wailing sound turned into an unbearable scream that penetrated directly into Aaron's body. In the soul.

With a deafening bang, the entire Moander Temple exploded to pieces in a white light like a supernova explosion!

Aaron fell into a pile of rubble and rolled down the hillside.

At the end of his sight, Be'lak, the original demon prince, was covering the wound on his waist that was injured by Draconion, looking at the original demon in Aaron's hands with horrified eyes.

Why? !

Why? Four gods? Why is this artifact in Aaron's hands? ! Why do you favor this mortal so much?

Don't I offer enough soul? Am I not working hard enough?

Why? !

The angry blood in his body boiled, and Beelak almost raised his head to question the four gods of Chaos for their partiality.

He didn't dare to attack again now, that sword was a fatal threat to him.

Moreover, Billak could feel that his power was rapidly declining, and was no longer 30% of what it was at its peak.

In addition, the possessed Anomin, a fool who was still resisting his will, had even less power than Lark could actually use.

The original demon prince, whose wings were injured, gave up the risk of fighting Aaron. He turned around, followed the corrupted giant tree, and began to climb the tree.

It didn't take long for Bilak to crawl to where the elf girl was. The original demon prince smelled the strong breath of life on the elf girl's body.

His prize, his goal.

He felt that as long as he swallowed this fairy girl, he could recover all his injuries. As long as he swallowed this fairy girl, he could analyze the power of the laws of this world. As long as he swallowed this fairy girl, the original demon prince Bilacton The day of God has come.

This is also part of his plan.

"Witness this great ceremony!" Billak shouted in the direction of Aaron in ecstasy: "Such great power is the birth of God!"

"The Four Gods of Chaos, I have become a god!!!"

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