Crown of Chaos

Chapter 267, King of Goblins Oberon

Eternal Vengeance, a long stabbing sword with a total length of 1.05 meters and a blade length of 0.89 meters. It is wrapped in a special leather. The hilt of the stabbing sword looks like a stone material. The whole body is stone gray, only the load-bearing ball of the stabbing sword. There is a blood red mark imprinted on it.

Annuoming had not yet left at this time, and Aaron, Buyer, and Annuoming simultaneously cast their sights on this artifact of the "King of Brands".

Anoming's eyes shone brightly. The son of Calimshan seemed to appreciate the stabbing sword. However, he knew his current situation, so he took two steps back and clenched the spirit stone on his chest with his hands. He just hoped to leave this cursed forest as soon as possible and return to Calimshan to save his mother.

Fairy Princess Buyer had a somewhat uncomfortable look in her big eyes. She put her hand around Aaron's arm, her silver-white eyebrows slightly wrinkled: "Mr. Knight, be careful, this sword gives me a very... Uncomfortable feeling.”

Aaron nodded, he also felt very uncomfortable: "If this is a divine weapon, the value of 30 boxes of things cannot be compared."

Son of God Ben raised his eyebrows: "Without me, you wouldn't know where the demon elves' treasure house is."

"Without us, you wouldn't have been able to deceive the demon elves, or even escape from the Lord of Shadows." Aaron raised his head and signaled to Buyer not to worry.

"What nonsense are you talking about? If it hadn't been for me, you would have been captured by that demon lord at that time!" Shamu also became a little angry, and Son of Benn said coldly: "I saved you!"

"You saved me, I saved you, you helped me, and I helped you." Aaron raised his lips: "Half and half, I'm not an unreasonable person, but all the artifacts belong to you. It’s unfair, and besides, how do I know I can’t use it without trying it?”

"I'm not lying to you. This artifact can only be used if you have the blood of the evil devil and the constant evil camp." Shamu shook his head: "This sword was made by the King of Brands. You can give it a try and hold it. It, what happens.”

"What will happen?" After Chamu said this, Aaron gave up his plan to touch this artifact.

It was obvious that Shamu recognized the artifact, but Aaron did not.

Only a fool takes the initiative to touch it.

Some artifacts were not intended for human use from the moment they were manufactured.

Seeing that Aaron refused to touch the artifact, Chamu was a little disappointed. Son of God Ben thought that this guy was indeed very cautious.

It doesn't make any sense for the two of them to waste it like this, and... Chamu glanced at Buyer, thinking that this little loli might call her father at any time.

Shamu decided to take a step back: "Forget it, let me tell you, this sword can only be used by those of the evil alignment. It will test the user's alignment every 15 minutes. If it is not the evil alignment, it will test the user's alignment." One layer of marks will be imprinted on the consciousness until nine layers of imprints are imprinted.”

"When the brand reaches the ninth level, it will..." Shamu made a gesture. He clenched his fist and then opened it directly: "boom~fire damage, body-burning explosion~"

"Also, the one who holds this weapon will get the hatred of all the elves and gods. The King of Brand will influence you every day and ask you to take revenge on all the elves."

"Considering that we are temporary allies now, I am telling you these things." God Son Benn chuckled and crossed his arms: "If you must take away this artifact, then you'd better do something bad quickly. Let your camp deviate, otherwise you will explode when the time comes, don’t blame me for not telling you.”

"If you don't plan to change your alignment, then give it to me." Shamu took out a stone from his body: "In exchange, this is the Iron Stone, what do you think?"

Ioun stone?

Aaron's heart moved.

Shamu is indeed a lawful evil person. This son of Bane does not like to use violence. Rather than fighting for the artifact and both sides losing, Shamu is more willing to negotiate terms with Aaron under coercion and inducement.

And Aaron is not willing to deviate from his camp.

From awakening to now, Aaron has spent a long time, spent a lot of energy, and done a lot of things to create his own personality. Whether he is dealing with gods, people, or other races, Aaron has tried his best to maintain it. He has established his neutral and kind persona. For this reason, he has done some things that are not of great benefit to him but have greatly harvested his reputation. He has also done some things to integrate into the good camp and fight for justice.

In addition to the consideration of interests, the imprint of Suellen on Aaron is indeed too profound. When everyone mentions the name Aaron Salian, they will almost immediately associate him with Cormier and Suellen.

The fact is that when Aaron was in urgent need of help, only Su Lun was willing to help him unconditionally.

It is so difficult to establish a relationship with the good gods. Every time the evil gods help, Aaron must pay a staggering price.

In the country, camp is not something that can be joked about and deviated at will. Once the character collapses, everything Aaron has worked hard for will be in vain.

For the sake of an artifact, the cost was too high to risk losing both sides, to give up the personality and relationship network that he had worked so hard to build, and to give up Su Lun Mama's love for him.

As for the compensation proposed by Shamu - the Iron Stone, a legendary magic item.

Revered in many worlds as the god of knowledge and fables, after whom this stone is named, Ioun exists in many varieties, each with unique combinations of shapes and colors.

Each Ioun Stone has a powerful special effect and is one of the most precious collections of gems in the multiverse.

An artifact that is unusable, attracts hatred, and has negative effects is not as good as a treasure that can be put to immediate use.

The two haggled for a while and finally reached a deal.

The Branded King's artifact "Eternal Vengeance" goes to Shamu, and all the remaining 30 boxes of treasures, legendary magic items, spell bottles and ioun stones belong to Aaron.

In addition to the iron stone, Zham made another concession under Buyer's watchful eye.

Son of God Benn gave Buyer an extremely rare treasure - the Mianwang Incense Burner.

Buyer liked this gift very much. She hesitated for a while and took the incense burner with Aaron's nod.

Once again, a fight was avoided, and Aaron made a small addition.

Who is the King of Brands? Why do the demon elves believe in him?

The Son of Bane satisfied Aaron's curiosity.

"The King of Brands, Marchekid, was once a powerful Seraph." Shamu said in a cold and mocking tone: "In that ancient era, before the civil war in the elven pantheon, Marchekid was One of the Seraphim who serves the Elf God King."

Son of God Benn talked about a past event that was buried in the dust.

Before -30,000 years in the Vale Calendar, when the Spider Queen Lolth was still called Aerosyne and was Corellon's goddess, the Seraph Archangel Marchekid was given by Corellon his wife as his envoy.

Later, Elothine betrayed Corellon and summoned a large number of Corellon's hostile gods to attack the Elven Pantheon. She was eventually defeated by Corellon. Elothyne was cursed by Corellon and turned into a spider, falling into the bottomless world. abyss.

Marche Kidd was also implicated because he was Rose's servant. The Seraph once thought that Corellon would not punish him, but he was wrong. As a good-natured joke, the Elf God King's logic was very high. Affected by his personal likes and dislikes, Corellon still cherished his old feelings for his wife Aerosine, but for Marche Kidd, Corellon gave him the most terrible punishment - he gave Marche Kidd His face was marked with shame and he was condemned to hell.

The mark on Marche Kidd's face will bleed forever, forever reminding him of his shameful past, so he is also known as the King of Brands.

"The King of Brands once became the Grand Duke of Devil in hell, but he was eventually disgusted by the Lord of Nine Hells and was exiled from hell." Chamu said: "The King of Brands instead established his own purgatory in the bottomless abyss. Kingdom, became the lord of the Yugoros demon, so he is both a great devil and an abyss demon. He hates the elves extremely, not only hates the elven pantheon, but also hates the Spider Queen."

"The demise of Myst Drannor was behind the full support of the Brand King, and the birth of the demon elves is also inseparable from the Brand King."

"When you reach your level in the future, you will naturally know the reason."

Shamu finished telling this short story, and Son of God Ben did not want to say more.

"Finally, where is Disma?" Aaron said in a deep voice, knowing that the two sides were about to part ways.

"He doesn't want to see you." Chamu chuckled and shook his head: "You have to learn to respect other people's choices."

"Then please tell him that every choice he makes will cost him." Aaron nodded.

Son of Bane left the Cormanthor Forest with the artifact, leaving behind 30 boxes of treasures.

"Don't die until I succeed in defeating the Dark Sun and reclaiming my father's throne, Kingmaker of Cormyr."


The two sides said goodbye, and Aaron held the iron stone in his hand.

[Ioun Stone-Healing]

After this iron stone is bound to Aaron, it can release a healing spell for free every hour, and the effect is equivalent to a 3-level divine spell.

Simple, crude, and surprisingly effective.

It is indeed the most famous gem series in the multiverse!

Aaron placed the ioun stone on the top of the staff of Sunless Night, allowing the silver blade of Gith to deform and be firmly embedded in the head of the staff.

From then on, everyone knew that this adventure in the Great Forest of Cormanzo was over.

An Nuoming immediately said goodbye.

But Buyer stopped him. She held Aaron's hand tightly: "Mr. Knight, desert ancestors, wait a moment, okay?"

"Father, it's coming."

"I asked him to take us home."

Aaron: "?"



The appearance of Oberon, the King of Goblins, is somewhat special.

After a burst of emerald green light enveloped Aaron, Buyer, and Anomin, a fairy tale-like country replaced the scenery of the Cormanso Forest.

On the surface, this place looks no different from the forest in the world. The same forest, the same distant city, the same trees, the same light and shadow.

However, compared to the country, every thing, every creature, and every scenery here is full of vitality. They all have some kind of spirituality and will interact and respond to the surrounding environment.

Butterflies, sunshine, flowers, shade.

As soon as the fairy princess arrived here, a brilliant halo enveloped her visibly to the naked eye. Her small body rose into the air, resonating strongly with the air.

The surrounding environment immediately changed. The green grass on the damp land, the big trees surrounding the three people, the mushrooms in the shade, and the elves flying in the air all shouted her name excitedly.


"Buyer, our princess, you are finally back!"

"Welcome, welcome back~"

The fairies turned into grass, the fairies turned into trees, and the fairies turned into mushrooms. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of fairies gathered together and lifted Buyer's little body. They all called the fairy princess's name and pulled them out. She lifted it and threw it into the air.

"Hehehe~Thank you everyone, thank you~"

The little Loli was overjoyed. She spread her arms and relaxed her body. She stepped on it with her fleshy feet, and her young body rose into the air.

"It seems that I have a lot of new friends~"

The surrounding environment resonated strongly with Buyer. The moment the fairy princess took off, plant vines several meters high rose from the ground, yellow flowers bloomed, and dozens of emerald green silk threads formed ancient and complex symbols. Seal, rise into the air.

Aaron and Anoming looked at each other, and they knew that at this moment, they had left the main material plane.

This is the country of goblins, the Buyer family.

Fairy Wilderness!

"You're back, Buyer."

The bright sunshine penetrated the big tree, and the majestic and majestic voices interrupted the cheers of the goblins. A muscular man nearly ten meters tall, wearing a thin robe and with pointed ears fell from the sky.

When Aaron saw this giant man, the first word that came to his mind was:

Forest... forest fairy?

He knew that this giant elf man should be Oberon, the King of Goblins and Buyer's father, but he was different from the big goblin lords he imagined or the big goblin lords with weird and changeable personalities.

Oberon's figure is really too strong. The muscles on this King of Goblins' body are bulging and as strong as balls, stacked together. His long black hair is braided with thatch, and his black eyes are full of wildness. With an unruly aura, a simple brown leather cloak could not hide his well-developed muscles. Many places were stretched to the point of obvious ravines, and they were so tight that the fabric almost collapsed.

The philosophical king of fairies?

Wait, how did he give birth to little Loli Buyer who is less than 145cm tall?

Aaron was lost in thought.

Anomin was trembling with fear. Unlike Aaron, who dealt with gods all day long, the son of Calimshan did not have that much experience in dealing with supreme beings, and his legs were weak.

"Ah, daddy!" Buyer spun around in the air. She spread her arms and hugged Oberon's calf. The goblin king, who was like a muscle boulder, saw his daughter and showed a smile on his face. He held Buyer in his hand like a wine glass: "I thought you were just going out to play. If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known you were missing. I was planning to finish this hunt." Look for you."

"Hey, I have to thank my Mr. Knight and this desert ancestor for this!" Buyer happily sat on her father's palm and shook her baby fat calves. She introduced Aaron and Anoming to His own father: "If it weren't for them, I would be in trouble!"

"Moander? I know, I will let him die without a burial place!" Oberon rubbed Buyer's white-to-green side ponytail hair with his rough face, and the Fairy King's complexion immediately turned from sunny to heavy rain. : "As for that Lord of Shadows? Humph, what is that? Just wait, I will send out wanted notices throughout the multiverse! Be'lak? He should be waiting to be hunted to death!"

After saying that, Oberon stared at Aaron: "Your name is Aaron Salian, right? I have heard of your name, the chosen one of the Silver Virgin Suellen, the creator of the silver lotion, Titania told me you still have the goods in hand?"

"You know me? Dear King of Goblins?" Aaron was not so surprised.

He has already accumulated some fame.

"From today on, not only will I know you, but the entire Fairy Wilderness and the multiverse will hear your name. You have won my friendship in the Fairy Wilderness with your actions." Oberon said domineeringly: "I will bring you Set the story of my daughter's rescue in verse, and my chosen one, Shakespeare, will create a play based on your heroic deeds to be performed everywhere throughout the Feywild."

"From now on, the entire multiverse will know that Aaron Salian is the knight of my daughter, Fairy Princess Buyel!"

After saying that, Oberon immediately changed from a domineering and powerful man to a loving father. He asked Buyer in his hand: "How is it? Is dad good to your knight?"

"No~" Buyer said coquettishly. She glanced at Aaron and her face turned red. She rose into the air, flew to the fierce man's ear, and whispered a few words.

"What?!" Oberon's expression suddenly changed: "You want to follow your Mr. Knight?!"

The King of Goblins' fierce and violent black eyes immediately locked onto Aaron.


You have a way to die!

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