Crown of Chaos

Chapter 268, Return with a full load!

Void, shadow, desolate place, cursed place.

A broken body fell on the throne made of shadows. His strong body was now in pieces. The power that used to dominate the shadows now only has echoes on the edges. Golden cracks were all over the once smooth and toned parts, like ancient boulders. A majestic body.

"no no!"

The King of Shadow, the King of Darkness had to pay great pain every time he took a step forward. He struggled to claw around the floor with his broken claws, moving himself inch by inch. His face had been torn into pieces, and both of his giant horns were broken. broken.

Perhaps, Reservoir Dog is the best name for him now.

But he is still alive.

The Shadow King Be'lakor dragged his broken body back to the Shadowfell Underworld. The original demon prince was very cunning. He had a backup plan before entering the kingdom and opened up a small territory in the Shadowfall Underworld to prepare for unexpected events. .

The situation was extremely bad for Bilak. Moradin's thunder blow completely destroyed the body of the original demon prince. He now escaped back to the Shadowfell Underworld with only a fragile remnant soul.

Not only that, his stupid and arrogant behavior caused his remnant soul to be discovered by Lathander, the Lord of the Dawn, when he escaped. In anger, Lathander cursed Be'lak's soul. This curse made Be'lak's soul upset. In his world, the blazing sun would explode in his soul every once in a while, and each explosion would make Bilak's soul weaker and weaker.

Light is the enemy of shadow.

Be'lak was no stranger to curses, but he was temporarily helpless in the face of a curse from a powerful god.


Be'lakor's broken soul sat on his Throne of Shadows. He had lost his body, and all that was left of him was a shadow, a complete shadow. This was a shameful failure, but he would surely come back.

The light of morning began to crackle around him again, and Be'lakor closed his eyes, waiting for another onset of the curse.

However, the curse did not occur this time, and the light of the morning light soon dimmed.

But Be'lak felt no joy.

"The Four Gods of Chaos!" The original demon prince roared into the void: "Are you here to laugh at me?!"

Disdainful laughter came from the void, and the will of four supreme beings descended here.

"Be'lakor, you failed once again. It's really pathetic." Khorne's laughter was disdainful and harsh: "You are confident every time, but you have regrets every time. Fortunately, you are not a coward, you are just... incompetent! "

"Jiejie, a hard attempt, a failed ending." Tzeentch's laughter was deceitful and full of interest: "You have brought changes to Aaron, but your failure has not changed. You have changed again." Changed, turned into a ball of withered bones, hahaha~"

"Prodigal son." Nurgle said in a very hateful tone: "I don't give you favors just to see you fail all day long. Dad will be very unhappy if you do this."

"Oh, don't say that, my brothers, don't you like this battle? Don't you enjoy watching it enough? Didn't Bilak give us a wonderful opera?"

Slaanesh interrupted the words of his three brothers. The Prince of Joy stuck out his slender tongue, and a series of copper rings on it shook, making a pleasant sound: "What do you think?"

"..." The other three Chaos Gods all made a sound. There is no doubt that although they despised Bilak, even though they were contemptuous, they still generally responded with a positive attitude.

They love this showdown, Chaos loves change.

The power from the Chaos Realm twisted and opened, and the shadow of Slaanesh jumped in front of Be'lak's throne. The sharp blade at his fingertips went straight to Be'lak's head. It seemed that this was the last doom of the Shadow King.

With just one blow, Bealak's story will end completely. The Prince of Joy will forever destroy the shadows and darkness brought by the original Demon Prince to the mortal world. The sharp fingertips are coated with 666 kinds of magical poisons. Either one can bring complete destruction to Be'lak.

The original demon prince let out a desperate cry. He struggled hard and wailed, his face full of fear.

Slaanesh's fingertips stopped on Be'lak's forehead, just swiping lightly.

"So, we have decided to give you another chance, Familiar." Slaanesh hissed and chuckled: "This is the last time. I am very curious, does this count as our mercy for you?"

Beelak, who had survived the disaster, leaned slumped on his throne. He inhaled hard and his body couldn't stop shaking. The fire of his soul flashed in his empty eyes. He was obviously very happy for the decision of the four gods.

Billak would not thank anyone, but at this moment, he did feel deeply scared.

He had betrayed the Four Gods of Chaos three times. In the end, it turned out that he would still be enveloped by the fear of death. He never truly escaped from the control of the Four Gods for a day, no.

Mortals are so powerless.

Seeing Be'lakor's expression, Khorne, Nurgle, and Tzeentch all laughed loudly.

"This will be your last chance." Slaanesh smiled ferociously. He clapped his hands, and tens of millions of potatoes filled the void near Berak's throne.

A small knife fell in front of Be'lak. Slaanesh pointed his finger, and a huge hourglass appeared on Be'lak's forehead.

"Before the hourglass runs out, peel all these potatoes and our blessing will come."

"Before that, think carefully about how you should seize this last opportunity."

After speaking, the four gods of chaos disappeared from the same place.

Only Beelak continued to sit slumped on the throne, silent.

Last chance, right?

Humans can never be trusted, gods are abominable, and everything in the world is like ants. Only by ascending to the gods can we change our destiny.

"Aaron Salian." Be'lak's shadow picked up the potato and the knife.

"We will meet again!"


Fairy Wilderness, the land of fairyland.

The Goblin King, who was nearly ten meters tall, pressed against Aaron with the power of a huge wave. His muscles bulged all over, and his cloak almost broke. The nearby giant trees and creeks were deflected by his power.

The surrounding midsummer scenery almost disappeared immediately, replaced by the loneliness of autumn, with dry trees, fallen leaves covering the ground, and even the flowers withered.

This is the Fairy Wilderness. The scenery and creatures here are different from those in the ordinary world. This is a world of idealism. The so-called "I think, therefore I am". Any emotional fluctuations will undergo huge changes with the emotional energy of the creatures, thus directly changing the world. The reality of the Feywild.

An Nuoming was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, but Aaron, the instigator, did not react.

Now that he has traveled through time, he has experienced many battles and seen a lot. What powerful divine power has he not seen before?

The dwarf god-king Moradin is the pinnacle of powerful divine power in the multiverse. I chatted and laughed with him!

It is true that Oberon is very powerful in the Feywild, but in the final analysis he is only a quasi-god. He cannot establish a faith organization in the mortal world like a true god. Therefore, Oberon's greatest influence on the mortal world is the warlock contract. .

The King of Goblins, or the Fairy Wilderness, a large group of divine-like beings, is a major producer of warlocks. Many warlocks choose to sign contracts with these divine powers to gain the ability to cast spells.

Furthermore, Aaron is very confident in Su Lun Mama’s connections. The fact that he is the chosen one of Su Lun is written on his face. Su Lun Mama is not very good at fighting among the gods, and her ability to bestow divine magic is not outstanding. , the power of the church is not top-notch, but its connections among the gods are very strong.

He didn't believe what Oberon would do to him without a reasonable excuse.

"Your Majesty, the King of Goblins." Aaron pretended to be helpless: "I did not trick your daughter. She wanted to follow me. You should ask her her reasons? Why did she come to me to ask for an explanation?"

"Hmph~ My daughter is still young. She is only 500 years old this year. Who knows what you told her!" Oberon showed off his muscles, with a very unkind expression on his face, and stared at Aaron fiercely: "Look at how tall you are. If you do this, you must have charmed a lot of females, right?"

"Isn't that right?" Aaron was not ashamed, but instead proudly put his hands on his hips, with an expression that made me feel awesome: "How else could I sense your daughter's call for help?"

"Yes, yes!" The fairy princess, Little Loli Buyer, also clapped her hands and cheered excitedly: "Mr. Knight is awesome!"

daughter? You were deceived by this pretty boy!

"..." The Goblin King was interrupted from casting a spell by his daughter's reaction. A tangled expression appeared on his handsome and wild face, and he hesitated to speak. From time to time he glanced at Buyer who was sitting on his shoulder.

Aaron thought to himself that the Goblin King was probably thinking about how to punch himself to pieces, right?

Hmm...for example, the magnetic field rotates! A million horses of power! Fairy blasting fist?

Boom~ The smoke and dust dispersed, and there was a pool of mud with Aaron's pattern on the ground.

Buyer seemed to feel the change in her father's expression. She immediately flew down from Oberon's shoulders, spread her arms and stood between Aaron and Oberon. Her big eyes were filled with light and dark green irises. The green four-leaf clover pattern is full of seriousness: "Father, I am not kidding, I really want to follow Mr. Knight! He is very important to me, and... he has the inheritance of the gods! That beautiful Big sister wants to teach me all her heritage through him.”

"If you don't believe it, look!"

Buyer raised his young arms, and the bright red Isa Holy Emblem with the image of a tearful heart appeared.

Buyer told Oberon about Isa's inheritance.

Sure enough, after hearing this, the King of Goblins showed a hesitant look on his face.

As a quasi-god, Oberon doesn't care whether he needs faith or not. Part of the Feywild is him, and he is part of the Feywild.

But as a father, he always wants to leave power and wealth to his children. Buyer, as his daughter, is just a divine creature. He loves his daughter and has always protected her very well. He does not want She was in danger, but she didn't want to give up this opportunity.

If the entire inheritance of a complete god can be successfully inherited, his lovely daughter will have the opportunity to become a god, just like the three gods of death accepted the inheritance of the ancient god of death, Yeager.

There was no reason for him to let his daughter miss this opportunity.

And this kid... he is the chosen one of Su Lun. If he runs away, he can directly go to Su Lun and ask for an explanation. He has heard of Aaron's name, and he has both strength and fame.

Thinking of this, the King of Goblins suddenly laughed loudly "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha", and the ground shook with laughter: "So that's it, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I thought you lied to my daughter, since there is a god passing through If you want to teach my daughter your heritage, then I have to say that she has chosen the right person.”

"..." Aaron thought that he was indeed a goblin, and his emotions changed so quickly.

The surrounding environment also turned back from autumn to midsummer with Oberon's laughter. Birds were singing in the woodland, the sun was shining brightly, and the elves danced around Buyel to congratulate her on her good luck.

"In this case, then Buyer will be temporarily sent to you to learn the inheritance of Isha, the goddess of fertility." Oberon is a kind of god with a cheerful personality. When he made up his mind, he immediately followed the instructions, and both parties agreed. " A contract was signed on the issue of “foster care”.

"Oh, by the way, I haven't thanked you for saving my daughter." Then the Goblin King remembered that he hadn't rewarded Aaron and Anoming yet. He first glanced at Aaron, with some resentment in his tone: "Aaron Salian, since you have become 'Mr. Knight', I will not give you a special reward. I will only say that you are welcome to the Fairy Wilderness at any time in the future."

"Also, since you are the chosen one of Su Lun, I have something here that I will give to you as well." Oberon shook his sleeves and dropped a piece of pure white crystal jade from his sleeves.

The jade was about the size of Aaron's hand, and it was bathed in moonlight.

"What is this?" Aaron picked up the jade.

"This is the white crescent moon."

Oberon motioned for Aaron to accept his gift: "This is a trace of divine power crystal that fell here after the battle between the Silver Virgin and the Lady of the Night at the beginning of creation. It binds the Fairy Wilderness. Through it, you will be able to use the Crescent Moon. Eight steps.”

The Goblin King explained how to use the stone.

Crescent Moon Eight Steps - an ability similar to the Lost Tracking Step. The difference is that Aaron can directly shuttle between the Fairy Wilderness and the main material world through the white crescent stone, and can even achieve a flash-like effect through two consecutive teleportations.

White Crescent Moon's shuttle ability can be charged up to eight times, and it will be automatically charged once every month during the full moon.

"Thank you!" Aaron realized how valuable this thing was, and he immediately bowed to the King of Goblins to thank him.

The ability to freely enter and exit the Fairy Wilderness is comparable to an extremely rare magic item!

From now on, he will no longer be afraid of being chased.

"Hmph, you know how precious this thing is, so treat my daughter well. Don't let her be wronged, don't make her angry, don't make her sad, otherwise you are waiting to be punched into the bottomless abyss by me." Boron said a little awkwardly.

"Thank you, Dad, Dad is the best!" Buyer clapped his hands, and Little Elf Princess Loli was very happy to see that her father and Mr. Knight had reconciled.

"And you, Anomin, a Calishite, what reward do you want?" Oberon ignored Aaron and turned to ask Anomin: "I can grant one of your wishes, as long as it doesn't go too far. .”

A wish made to a quasi-god? !

The son of the pasha felt like a pie fell from the sky and hit him on the head, making his heart surge and unable to control himself.

After thinking for a while, Anoming gradually calmed down: "If possible, His Majesty the King of Goblins, can you use magic to send me directly back to Calim Port?"

"Of course." Oberon was a little surprised by Anomin's wish. He crossed his arms and said, "That's it?"

An Nuoming took a deep breath and held the spiritual stone given to him by Buyer: "I've been lucky enough along the way, haven't I?"

"...Interesting mortal, let me ask you again, do you really just want me to send you back to Calimport?" Oberon finally looked at this mortal with no strength or resourcefulness this time: "I can I can easily extract 500 pounds of gold from water. Within this range, I can fulfill any wish for you. Do you really only need a teleportation spell?"

"No matter how much gold you have, it's not as important as your mother." An Nuoming shook his head.

"Interesting, since you think so, then I will fulfill your wish." Oberon waved his hand, and with a golden light, Anomin finally bowed to Aaron and Buyer to thank him, and disappeared from the place.

"As for you, I will send you back. Boy, where is your territory?" The Goblin King seemed to be infected by An Nuoming's emotions, and his face became much kinder.

With another golden light, Aaron and Buyer arrived at the Feilongshui Lake.

It's late autumn.

Looking at the 30 boxes of gold and silver treasures on the ground, 50 sets of Demon Elf standard equipment, the iron stone and white crescent moon on the top of the lightless night, and the big badminton next to him that was looking around curiously, Aaron let out a long sigh. After a breath, he couldn't help showing a look of joy.

This time, I came back with a full load!

updated! Please vote for me~

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