Crown of Chaos

Chapter 275, a festival of chaos

Aaron and Eleanor were unaware of what Buyer was thinking. At this time, the two sides were discussing the new guests in the territory.

"Fortunately, you are finally back." Miss Priest breathed out a deep breath as if she was receiving amnesty: "I can help you deal with other things. I really don't know what to do with those snow elves."

"Snow elves? Are they coming?" Aaron's eyes flashed.

Cousin Robert, who was following him at this time, also sighed: "They just arrived yesterday. Each of these elven subspecies thinks very highly of themselves. They use arrogant words and have a tough attitude. They want to see you by name. It will take less than a day." , they have already had a conflict with the dwarves and the people, Aaron, I almost doubt whether your decision to invite them was right."

"Almost?" Aaron felt very interesting when he heard this. He then laughed and said, "Why is it almost?"

Aaron knew very well how difficult the Snow Elves were. If he hadn't had the power of Slaanesh, he wouldn't have invited this group of independent, arrogant elves from the mixed camp.

"Mr. Barrier-Moonflower heard about this." Robert said fearfully: "We found him in the Bald Eagle Tavern opened by the elves, and he rushed out of the tavern without saying a word. He turned into a magical giant bear and slapped the troublemaking snow elves into the ground. The snow elves were dissatisfied and wanted to sue him. Mr. Barrier asked them to go directly to Evermeet Island and the Elf King's Court to sue. The elves were silent."

"Hey, Ms. Silver Moon is here. I was there at that time. I was so scared that I thought they were really going to fight in the street. But it turned out that the snow elves were timid for some unknown reason and did not dare to offend Ba again. Mr. Riel.”

Barrier was smart, he chose a way that would least affect the relationship between humans and snow elves.

Aaron thought.

Hiring Barrel for 500 gold coins a month is indeed very profitable. This is the second time that this fat elf from the Yuehua family has helped Aaron.

Aaron knew Barrel was up to something, but why did it matter?

As a son of Chaos, he fully understands that everyone has a purpose and desires.

"Hey, let me tell you, cousin, you are really smart at keeping this skill!" Seeing Aaron's good expression, Robert immediately turned to flattery: "Before, we all thought you were just raising this fat elf as a symbol, no? To think that he is so energetic?"

"Snow elves are originally afraid of orthodox high elf descendants like Barrier." Aaron whispered: "Their arrogance and arrogance are often just to cover up their guilty conscience and the mistakes they have made."

Cousin Maximian then said that this Sword Saint Sect monk has now fully accepted his position. Although he still lives a very hard training life, there is light in his eyes: "Aaron, there is another The problem is, these snow elves have a lot of requirements. They choose a good place to live in and ask to build their own settlement. They don’t like farming but they ask us to provide them with enough food every month. They also ask that we provide them with enough food in their settlement. There is no need to abide by the laws of our Kingdom of Cormyr."

"I'm also worried about this problem, Aaron, what should we do?" Eleanor cast her eyes on Aaron.

"The answer is very simple." Aaron took Buyer's small and delicate hand like a baby in a leisurely manner: "After seeing me, they won't dare to be presumptuous!"

Aaron's Viscount Castle is located in the corner of the town in the Sunset Territory. The stone walls of the castle have been built to a height of more than three meters. At this height, unless it is some giant super giant beast (such as a giant dragon), it is no longer very big. It may be directly broken through. The three arrow towers have been capped and the Dragon-breaking Crossbow has been installed.

Sunset Town is already comparable to medium-sized towns in many countries, but unfortunately it ends here. Aaron does not have more money to expand the city.

He first needs to develop in a wretched manner for two or three years.

The shepherd's two-handed sword battalion of the Ninth Legion is lining up to welcome Aaron's return. The Khorne champion Doherty-Bloodsword is still so unsmiling, but what surprises Aaron is that the snow elf siblings Relta and Evanna They are all here, leading a team of snow elf magic archers.

After it was confirmed that Aaron was holding the hand of the legendary elf princess, the snow elves no longer showed any arrogance. They all bowed together and paid the highest respect to Buyer.

"Elf Princess!"

Although the snow elves are very arrogant, they are not stupid. As an elven subspecies inherited from ancient times, they know how powerful Oberon and Titania are, the god-like powers of the Elf Wilderness.

So when word of Aaron and his feats spread across the land, even the most arrogant snow elves were shocked.

There is a subspecies of elves called eladrin. They live in the land where the Fey Wilderness connects with the kingdom. They are elegant warriors and natural mages. The eladrin have the same arrogant character as the snow elves, but they must submit to the Titans of the Joyous Court. Near and the Goblin King Oberon bowed their heads.

Naturally, the Snow Elf no longer has any mental barriers to bowing to the Fairy Princess and her Flower Knight.

"Hello... hello!" Buyer was slightly shy, hiding behind Aaron, her mind still full of the forbidden knowledge she had just seen.

Mr. Knight, you turned out to be having so much fun!

"Your Excellency Aaron!" Leerta and Evana bowed to Aaron again, and they couldn't help but have admiration and admiration on their faces.

"You finally chose to come?" Aaron stood in front of Buyer and smiled at the snow elf brothers and sisters: "This will never happen again."

"Yes." The faces of the Snow Elf Demon Archer team were a little embarrassed.

When you go back, you must tell the snow elves elders not to test Mr. Aaron again!

He is now the Flower Knight of the Fairy Princess, the high-level contractor of the Power Dragon, and the chosen one of the Silver Virgin!

Relta thought so.

As the speaker, Leerta knew very well that the snow elves were somewhat intentional in causing trouble when they arrived here, and wanted to test Aaron's "sincerity".

As a result, Aaron was surrounded by people from the Queen's family of Everjum Island. Aaron brought back the title of Flower Knight and the Fairy Princess. It was their turn to be embarrassed.

"You've worked hard all the way back. Come to the Round Table Hall to find me tomorrow, together with Edward Teach. I have a reward for you." Aaron nodded, and then motioned for them to leave.

He saved some face for the snow elves, hoping that these pointed ears would understand.

The changes in Sunset are all-encompassing.

As soon as little Loli Buyer stepped into the town, she felt a strong visual impact.

The towns designed by Aaron cannot be said to be very beautiful. Like the Elf Empire or the Cormanthor Empire, art is depicted to the extreme, and artistry is even considered over practicality.

The style of Sunset Town is more reflected in harmony. Everything here has become extremely harmonious under the planning of the dwarves. The straight bluestone road divides the town into four areas. The complete underground water sewage system ensures that the city will not fall into a sea of ​​feces. , the houses in residential areas are almost all in the double- or three-story single-family style. Each house is equipped with a small garden. Huge reservoirs and water canals make it much more convenient for residents to collect water.

The tall buildings in the Temple District, the orderliness of the industrial area, and the chaotic hustle and bustle of the market and entertainment area are in sharp contrast. The blacksmith's guild of Foggal-Wilham is the busiest place in the entire town, and the snakeskin produced here Steel weapons have been sold as far away as Mulhorand. In addition, lively duels are held every day in the Skull Arena. The three newly built taverns are opened by dwarves, elves, and humans respectively.

The colleges that teach and educate people are currently affiliated with the names of major churches, and the Silver Moon Grand Theater, a grand and majestic building that is the most luxurious and charming in the town, is already under construction.

Buyer saw a lot of human natives! Most of them are not professionals.

However, these human aborigines are neither numb nor depressed. On the contrary, they all work hard and their faces are glowing with joy. Because Aaron is engaged in urban construction and provides good treatment. , at least they won’t have a problem with having full stomachs this year.

"Aaron, I know you want to be better to your subjects." Miss Pastor said helplessly to her boyfriend: "But if you spend money like this, even if you can always get a lot of wealth from outside, we It will also go bankrupt.”

"It doesn't matter, we just need to survive this year." Aaron turned his attention to Buyer.

There is no point in accumulating money in a warehouse. Only when it is spent can wealth flow and the economy be active.

With Buyer's presence, Aaron no longer has to worry about next year's harvest.

After returning to the territory, His Excellency the Viscount immediately issued a decree.

Starting today, the entire sunset collar will add four statutory holidays!

June 6th every year is the Carnival. On this day, the curfew is lifted and all residents can have a good time!

July 7th every year is the Flower Goddess Festival. On this day, the Fairy Princess, which symbolizes fertility and healing, will ride on a float and parade around. Buyer will give all the people the joy of a good harvest and a healthy body.

Every year, August 8th is the Day of Courage. The final day of the Skull Champions Cup is held in the arena. The winner can get unimaginable rewards (certainty).

September 9th every year is the Day of Trickery. On this day, spellcasters will collectively preach knowledge and publicly select children with magical talents among civilians to become magic apprentices!

The citizens were all shocked by the lord's series of grand gestures.

Didn't expect the Lord to be so generous?

Moreover, Aaron also publicly announced that he would not take any additional holidays. Therefore, the seven days of continuous holidays from the Midsummer Festival on July 1st to the Flower Goddess's Birthday Festival on July 7th are also called "Golden Week".

After giving a bunch of orders, Aaron signaled his subordinates to send Buyer to rest. The garden courtyard in the Viscount's castle had not yet been built, but under Aaron's order, a room had been prepared for the fairy princess to live temporarily.

Arrangements were made for the elf princess, and Aaron already had a lot of backlogged government affairs as a lord. Maximian and Robert, as well as the elf advisor Barrel-Moonflower, all gathered together. The snow elf brother Relta and the man who had just completed the task The little pirate Edward Teach came up, obviously he had something to say.

Aaron even saw the figure of Norrington, the paladin of the Oath of Vengeance. This paladin was sent to him as a subordinate by the princess Alice. There is no doubt that Norrington has the dictation or greetings of the princess.

But Aaron waved and said everything would be discussed tomorrow.

"Not today, gentlemen and ladies, not now, not today." Aaron clapped his hands surrounded by his subordinates and said with a half-smile: "Today, no."

The lord held his girlfriend's hand, pouted at the priestess, and pointed to the plaque of the Palace of Aquitaine above his head: "If nothing knocks down the works of our dwarf friends and enters the castle today, tomorrow, okay What?"

Eleanor hung her head in shame, and she stretched out two fingers and pinched Aaron's waist.

You guy! It’s so straightforward!

Actually, I can actually wait!


The surrounding subordinates all responded with bursts of laughter, and they left one after another in a wise manner. Even Barrel-Yuehua, who was full of things to say, shook his round belly: "Then tomorrow, Your Excellency, you Don’t get up too late!”

The crowd gradually dispersed, and Aaron opened the door of the Palace of Aquitaine and pulled the shy priest lady into the room.

The atmosphere immediately became ambiguous, and Eleanor could clearly hear her own exciting heartbeat.

"I miss you, my dear." Aaron reached out to Miss Priest's knees and gently picked her up. Eleanor subconsciously pressed her skirt tightly with both hands. Those bright sea-blue eyes were also full of affection: "I miss you too, Aaron, why have you been gone for so long?"

"The flow of time in the Fairy Wilderness is always strange." Aaron held Eleanor around a few times. As if he was holding up some exquisite work of art, he first carefully placed the priest lady on the soft The big bed, and then held Eleanor's beautiful silk feet hanging on the edge of the bed with his hands.

The slender black high-heeled shoes were gently taken off, and the elegant and precious gray forged translucent stockings had slender and perfect lines. When worn on the pastor's slender legs, they were as beautiful as the mist of the morning sun, from the toes to the calves. Up to the thighs, every inch of jade-like skin is tightly wrapped in hazy gray mist. Only the iris embroidery and the details of the ankles and heels reveal a trace of wonderful luster and flesh color, which is full of One after another, there is a bright light that makes people daydream.

"Aaron!" Eleanor pursed her lips tightly. Miss Priest knew that this was her exclusive time, this was her Aquitaine Palace.

Princess? Big pink-furred fox? Dalonglong? Fairy princess?

You all have lost so much to me!

The hazy and elegant gray stockings clung to Eleanor's instep, outlining a dreamy arc. The delicate glossy texture was like a perfect satin. Aaron's skin and lips felt infinitely soft and silky. slip.

He soon understood.

The pastor lady today is actually wearing pantyhose!

The eyes of the silver statue of Our Lady Suren beside the bed were shimmering without trace.

That's right, Aaron belongs to Eleanor and no one is allowed to take it from him!


The next day, early morning.

There are several times of wind and rain, several times of spring and autumn, several times of rain and sadness.

It was not until the sun had fully risen that the gates of the Palace of Aquitaine were opened.

Aaron came out slowly, holding his waist. He immediately found two people standing at the door.

It's the magical counselor Barrel and the paladin Norrington.

"How long have you been waiting?" Aaron fastened the buttons on his collar and let out a long breath. He looked a little tired. He supported his waist with one hand and forced a smile.

"five minutes."

"Two hours."

Barrier and Norrington gave different answers.

"Very good." Aaron nodded.

"Let's go to the Round Table Palace."

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