Crown of Chaos

Chapter 381, Shar’s temptation

Catherick didn't make any move to resist the whole time. The old general just stood there. He closed his eyes, spread his arms and knelt down on one knee, signaling to Eileen that she could take action.

Catheric lived for his wife and daughter, died for his wife and daughter, believed in Selun for his wife and daughter, and betrayed Selun for his wife and daughter. In his early years, he worked hard for his wife and daughter, but now he wants to conquer the Moonrise Tower. He sacrificed his people and troops for the sake of his wife and daughter.

Now that he has seen Isobel resurrected with his own eyes, the old general has no regrets.

If everything could end here, it would definitely have a very wonderful ending. My daughter would inherit my territory and become the lord here. I could bear these unspeakable sins on her behalf, and the honor of the family could be preserved. The Thom family will be able to continue to maintain their rule over the Moonrise Tower.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

Lady Erin spread her wings in the air, and the angel wings carried the anger from Selun to help the divine Aasimar glide down. When she was about to give Kesric a decent ending, the shadow suddenly appeared.

A strange shadow enveloped the old general's body, and the long whip stretched out from the darkness of nothingness tore open the cracks in the space. The power of the gods from the Shadowfall Underworld exploded, and ghost fires fell in the air, howling. The flow of shadow turned into a tsunami-like shock wave that shook away all attacks on Catherick. Amidst the flying angel feathers, Ms. Irene fell heavily to the ground, making a big crater along the carpet of the hall.

People around were also hurt by the shock wave. Many people fell to the ground, but the physical damage was far less than the shock to the soul. Amidst the wailing and screaming of hundreds of shadow energy creatures, the lady of the night in the kingdom Shar appears here.

The dark light of the dark tide is bright, and the wax light from the candlestick on the side hits the screen. The graceful and beautiful silhouettes in the shadows slowly come from the shadow world, and matter and energy blend together one after another.

The Night Lady Shar appears in the form of a Nightsinger. The twelve-foot-tall (3.6-meter-tall) Lady of the Night only wears the lightest silk dance clothes. Apart from barely covering her important parts, her lavender skin Completely exposed to the public, the dance clothes are very simple except for the decoration of gold-rimmed silk threads. The slightly dyed dance clothes have a slightly exposed neckline and a busty chest, which is displayed unrestrainedly in the silk material. The curves are like the full moon, and the mountain top is slightly tilted, in the shadow. Two scimitars hung in the haze.

Viewed from the side, the goddess of the night's spine is pink and purple, her waist is slender, and her body contours are full and plump, showing the most basic vitality of women. Her long black hair is braided like a waterfall on the back of her head. The hair on the temples, half of the stunning face is covered by the crescent-shaped black mask, but it cannot hide the beauty and temptation of the other half. The charming face is both lazy and relaxed, with pink and red lips, delicious and straight and round legs. They were stretched out together, with no trace of fat on their long legs, and their jade feet went from stretched to curled up, floating down in the air.

"How foolish, Catheric, how foolish, the divine aasimar Erin who claims to be the daughter of Selun, and the priest Isobel who has risen from the dead."

Shar's magnetic voice was cold and emotionless. Her charming face hidden behind the mask looked indifferent, and her aloof eyes were full of contempt: "Want to escape me through death?"

It's Shar, it's really Shar!

The officers and nobles present were already shaken by the beautiful and aloof grace of the goddess of the night and the spiritual terror of the howling of thousands of shadow ghosts. Even though many of the officers had fought against Shar's believers, even though many nobles believed in Luo At this moment, no one of Shanda, Su Lun or the Three Gods of Justice who were opposed to the goddess of night dared to resist or respond. They instinctively knelt on their knees to pay the most basic respect to the incarnation of the ancient goddess. .

Powerful divine power.

"Shar, Shar!" Irene tried her best to resist Shar's power. The moonfire on her body was flickering. The desperate resistance of Asmo in the heaven attracted a quick glance from Shar, and the goddess of night pointed her finger. With a gentle click, Irene flew backwards, punched through the castle wall, and landed among the rubble.

At this time, the only person present who could still stand firm was Aaron.

The Son of Chaos spread his arms to fight against Shar's power. Behind Aaron, three golden rings were superimposed. There seemed to be gold flowing in the arc on the golden central axis of the magic ring. The power of all the gods close to Aaron was completely blocked. Blocked by the Dharma Ring, all things, whether evil, justice, order, or chaos, return to the Golden Law.

At the same time, Aaron's fingertips spit out black flames to form a cone, pointing directly at Shar's incarnation.

"The law of cause and effect, the law of regression." Shar stared with interest at the golden law ring displayed by Aaron and the black flame in his hand: "Finally, there is a smart man, tell me, Aaron Salian, Silver Elect of Our Lady, do you respect the Golden Law that you evolved?”

"Who are you?" Aaron did not answer Shar's question. He asked instead: "Are you Shar? Are you a Nightsinger? Or Misty Tanshur?"

"I am the ultimate darkness, I am the original nothingness, I am the infinite chaos, and I am the symbol of destruction." Shar said contemptuously and coldly: "Aaron Salian, the son of chaos outside the multiverse, you He should be able to understand my existence better than any mortal."

"But you only know how to believe in that useless snack." The two slender legs of the Night Goddess swayed slightly, and Shar sneered and said: "Now, I will let you see the essential difference between me and Su Lun."

"Catheric, you once prayed to me that you were willing to exchange everything for your wife and daughter, or at least ask for your daughter, right?" Shar ignored Aaron and Lady Night's voice. Incomparably cold, her strange purple eyes behind the mask were as black as coal and there was only ice inside them.

"Yes." Catherick nodded painfully.

"So, now, let me ask you, has your daughter Isobel returned?" Shar then asked, Lady Night's shadow brand becoming more and more turbid and dark.

"Yes..." Catherick was speechless.

"No, it's not like that, father!" Isobel struggled hard, and Pastor Suellen suppressed the fear in his heart: "It was the Moon Girl who saved my fate! It has nothing to do with Shar!"

"To be precise, it was Aaron Salian, the chosen one of the Silver Virgin, who resurrected you in my Fallen Shadow Underworld by borrowing my domain and power. Without my permission, Isobel, do you think Aaron can Can you be resurrected so easily?"

"The price is the price, Catherick. I have granted your prayer. Now, it is your turn."

Shar's words were as cold as ice. At a certain moment, Aaron even felt like he was talking to the emperor.

The only difference is that the Emperor's body is always burning with the flame of ideals. The Lord of Mankind is always worried about the fate of the human race. The ultimate sacrifice and strategizing on the Golden Throne form the complex image of the Emperor.

Shar is different. For the Lady of the Night, there is nothing worthy of her ultimate sacrifice and worry. Behind the dark vertical pupils of the purple demon eyes is the same passionate flame, but it is the nothingness that destroys all things. the fire.

The dark circular door was wide open, and the Shadowfell Underworld on the other side of the chaos was swallowing everything. As Shar opened the door, a strong suction force hit his face along with the thousands of wails from the Shadowfell Underworld. Kesric's body couldn't help but Move towards the gate.

"No! Father! No!!!" Isobel tried to grab Catherick. The daughter used all her strength, but could not stop Catherick's body from moving towards the Shadowfell Underworld.

Seeing that his daughter was about to fall into Shar's domain again, Catheric, who had given up all resistance since Isobel's resurrection, finally showed his resolute eyes as a general. He summoned up his last strength and fought hard to conquer her. Isobel pushed away.

"This is my destiny! Not yours!"

Without farewell or last words, the Lord of the Moonrise Tower disappeared into the Shadowfell Underworld, and his soul and body were swallowed up by the endless shadow curse of the Shadowfall Underworld.

At the end of the scene when the door closed, everyone saw Catheric being shrouded in shadow, tentacles composed of energy engulfing him, and there were only desperate screams on the other side of the door.

The halls of the Moonrise Tower were silent.

"Catheric tried to escape my punishment through death, and now you have all seen his ending." Shar's pink and purple lips lightly opened: "He will serve me as a shadow creature for eternity."

"My punishment is over. Believers of Selun, you have witnessed my miracles, and your god can only hide behind the scenes and watch me." Shar Wushen's cold face turned into black mist, Together with his divine body, he dissipated in the wind: "Now, enjoy your empty victory. I have achieved what I want. The Moonrise Tower area now belongs to you... for the time being."


Shar left, and the goddess of the night took Catheric away. Since then, the Church of Selun has taken complete advantage. Under the purges of Isobel and Irene, Catheric's forces were driven out of the moon. In the Tower of Chu and Raven Town, Shar believers were unable to resist Erin's wrath and suffered heavy casualties. Only a few Night Judges managed to escape from the nearby area, and the underground Shar temple was destroyed.

It seems that Amaunata's daughter, the eldest sorcerer Charlotte Karadnai, is the last person to pass the Night Judge's assessment in this Temple of Shar.

But as Shar said, this was a very hollow victory. Although Isobel successfully united the Selun believers to regain the dominance of the Moonrise Tower, they could no longer feel joy.

The huge sense of oppression and impact brought about by Shar's arrival shocked the hearts of the officers and nobles of the Moonrise Tower. Many people looked depressed and had nightmares at night. When they opened and closed their eyes, they were in the shadow of the underworld. in the chaotic nothingness.

Perhaps Shar was right. Among all the people present at that time, only Aaron could fully appreciate its beauty. Not every mortal was qualified to look directly at the incarnation of the god...except Mystra.

In addition to the officers and nobles in the Moonrise Tower who saw Shar's incarnation, there was also a woman whose eyes also saw the darkness and nothingness in the Shadowfell Underworld.


Ever since she was sent back to her final destination, Miss Pastor's eyes have lost their luster. Although she didn't say what she went through when she fell into Misty's hands, based on the small props in the carton, Aaron could guess pretty well. Misty had adjusted Eleanor's body to the best condition at that time, so Aaron had no reason not to accept it.

Since then, Miss Pastor's last line of defense has fallen.

Under the multiple blows, there was no light in Eleanor's eyes.

Aaron didn't have much time to comfort Eleanor. He quickly got the news from Anoming, who was scouting nearby.

A large horde of Skaven troops is gathering nearby.

The Skaven have done a good job of concealing themselves. After the last battle at the Final Light Hotel, the Skaven were officially exposed. However, the Sword Coast area still lacks awareness of the power of the Skaven. Might be a bigger rat infestation.

What storms and waves have the residents of our country never seen? Do you know the Silver Virgin Sullun? During the Saint’s Catastrophe Era, I had a great chat and laugh with her in her tavern in Waterdeep City!

Have you ever heard of Silvanus, the father of the oak tree in the west? The god-king of the natural pantheon was still wandering in the forest of the Supreme Wasteland a few years ago!

That Baal, the three gods of death, was beheaded by a mortal sword. I was at the bridge at that time and saw it with my own eyes!

The Skaven thus continue to operate in the shadows.

The Rat People just made one mistake - they regarded An Nuoming, who had transformed into the Demon Prince, as one of their own. An Nuoming successfully obtained some information, and the Demon Prince also knew that his chat skills were not high, so he got After hearing the news, he hurried back to tell Aaron: The Skaven planned to regroup the tribe and march towards the Moonrise Tower.

This place is truly unbearable.

When Charlotte, who was responsible for taking care of Eleanor, almost fainted on the carpet when she saw Miss Priest's appearance, Aaron also found Isobel and Irene at the same time.

"Are you ready to migrate to my territory, ladies?"

Aaron informed Isobel that the Skaven were marching towards the Moonrise Tower. At this time, Pastor Suellen had successfully succeeded as the head of the Som family and became the mistress of the Moonrise Tower. .

"Okay, I can't wait!" Ms. Irene waved her fist excitedly and hammered Aaron's body: "Hey, I didn't expect you to be so famous! Now I really want to see Su Lun's mother's beloved holy place. ——I’ll take it at sunset! I want to go, and I’ll go now!”

"So anxious? Your Excellency, we are not ready yet." Isobel frowned. Compared to Irene, Pastor Su Lun was much calmer: "If we are not prepared enough to hit the road, we will encounter many people on the road. trouble."

There are about 8,000 residents near the Moonrise Tower, and at least 3,000 of them are willing to follow Isobel to migrate to the Sunset Territory.

"There is no time." Aaron said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, Eltoril owes me a favor. Take my letter, and the Hell Knight will send a fleet to take you to the upper reaches of the Chongsa River. I Immediately send a message to His Highness Alice Ser, Suzar’s army will come to support you until everyone can reach my territory safely.”

"It seems that your Excellency is indeed very influential." Isobel couldn't help but joke after hearing this. Pastor Su Lun's expression relaxed slightly, and the haze from Shar finally dissipated a little: "The period of my death A lot of things must have happened in time, and the nobles and officers under me all know you, but I don’t seem to know much about you.”

"If there is time in the future, I would like to increase our understanding in private." Aaron blinked at Isobel, responded with an ambiguous joke, and then returned to seriousness: "Set off as soon as possible, I will at most I’ll give you one day, and everyone must set off before noon tomorrow.”

"I understand, what about you, Your Excellency? Are you planning to go with us?" Isobel asked. The white-haired Pastor Su Lun trusted Aaron very much. After all, it was he who saved his shattered soul.

"No, I want to continue my journey. I have been delayed here for some time." Aaron shook his head.

"Where are you going next?"


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