Crown of Chaos

Chapter 384, The Mystery of Chanem

Ogma Monk Rubick confirmed that Chanem does not exist in Candlekeep.

Chanem doesn't exist at all?

Aaron continued to try to ask for information about Chanem's adoptive father. He remembered that Chanem, who was the son of God Baal, had an adoptive father named Ge. Because it had been so long, Aaron could no longer remember it. He only remembered that his adoptive father originally brought him with him. Chanem lived in Candlekeep and lived a happy and warm life, but a letter from the Harper broke this peace. Apparently his adoptive father knew something and fled with Chanem, but unfortunately he was killed by a Baal believer. After catching up, after a fierce battle in the wild, his adoptive father died in the battle, Chanem escaped and met Imoen on the road, and the story of "Baldur's Gate" officially began.

A letter from his adoptive father told Chanem to go to the Friendly Arm Inn to find his friends the Harper Druid Jahira and her husband Khalid.

Now, Aaron met Jaheira and Khalid and confirmed that there is indeed Imoen in Candlekeep. Then you tell me that there is no Chanem in Candlekeep?

Ogma's monk Rubick refused to reveal a single word. Monks were always responsible for delivering messages, not investigations. Rubick did not accept any vague search options. If he wanted to find someone, he must provide specific and accurate information. Information, such as house number, job title, name.

The pulling between Aaron and Rubick attracted the attention of Eleanor and Charlotte. The pastor said helplessly: "Aaron, if you can't provide accurate information, don't embarrass Mr. Rubick. He doesn't know either. Why don't you think about it again?"

Charlotte took the menu from the hotel owner Prigozhin presumptuously. The eldest lady was in a good mood and ordered a lot of dishes. She wanted to order all the signature dishes of the Mamba Hotel before turning her attention back. On Aaron, hearing that Aaron was always struggling with the name "Chanem", the eldest lady said with a smile: "You must have remembered it wrong, brother, who would name his child Chanem?" , the character name is so funny, it might as well be Prell! Hehe, Eleanor is right, can you think about it again?"

"On Evermeet Island, if someone names a child Chanem, the elder elves will definitely lament that there is an illiterate among the sun elves." Barrel also complained: "So, we sun elves think that any species Getting married and having children before you're a hundred years old is a very strange thing."

"One hundred years is enough for humans to reproduce for five generations." Anomin opposed Barrier's point of view: "Don't apply your view of time to humans."

The conversation between several people made Aaron enlightened.


Wrong, wrong, he was wrong from the beginning.

Chanem is not called Chanem at all! The name Charname is the transliteration of Charname (character name)! His name is different from what the player named him. However, since he did not understand English at the time, the default name and the string in the dialogue were called Chanem. Over time, everyone became accustomed to calling the protagonist Chanem.

Damn it, so what was the original name of Chanem in the story?

Aaron really doesn't know this.

But because of this, he was relieved.

No news is good news. This means that Billak has not noticed the brothers and sisters of Baal in Candlekeep. Aaron is already one step ahead of Billak. Next, he only needs to use this world of activities in Candlekeep to contact Imoen. By the way, Just dig out Chanem, and you can also vaccinate Imoen and Chanem in advance.

The fate of the Son of Baal is actually doomed to tragedy, because Baal always controls his divine bloodline behind the scenes. There are only two endings for the Son of Baal, either to use the power of divinity to become powerful and become Baal, or to resist God. The power of sex kept a low profile, and was eventually killed by other sons of Baal and became the trophy of this chicken-eating contest.

There is no third way, this is the fate of the Son of Baal.

Aaron didn't play to the end of the game at first, so he had to read what other people who had played it had to say.

Starting from Aaron's own interests, he is determined to gain the divinity of Baal, which is one of the foundations for his deification. At the same time, it would be better if he could prevent the tragedies that happened to Chanem, Imon and others.

He could offer Chanem and Imoen a third, unimagined path, if they chose.

If they don't want to, Aaron will try to "convince" them that they will.

Otherwise, Aaron doesn't mind taking advantage of others. There is no need to discuss this issue. Otherwise, once Baal's divinity is controlled by Bealak, Aaron will be in a very passive situation.

Just because he can make appropriate concessions and give adequate compensation to the Sons of Baal doesn't mean he won't take action.

Making a plan in his mind, Aaron asked Rubick to go back. The two parties agreed to take Aaron and others to the library to read the books tomorrow. The monks from Ogma left, leaving space for Aaron and others, and Aaron began to really pay attention to Man. The interior of the hotel.

The lobby of the hotel is grand and atmospheric, with purple and gold elements everywhere, a row of brown leather balls hanging from the ceiling, and a gyroplane propeller that the chef owner Prigozhin once shot down hanging in the air with iron ropes.

Recently, many people have entered Candlekeep for refuge. The hotel is full and there are many guests around. Due to the rules of Candlekeep, no one is making trouble or making loud noises. Everyone is quietly tasting the food and discussing the recent events. Rat tide.

There were merchants from the city of Neverwinter in the north discussing the harm caused by the rat tide to the trade routes. Some villages had disappeared. Some adventurers witnessed the appearance of armies of armored rats as big as a man. Amn's army was gathering at the border. It also received responses from several Amn people.

If Takshi hadn't repeatedly thwarted the Skaven's attacks, perhaps the Skaven had arrived near Candlekeep.

The mages of Waterdeep complained that Candlekeep was becoming more and more dilapidated. Some of them mentioned that the new goddess of magic, Midnight, was different from her predecessor. She always favored those of the good camp and made more changes to those of the evil camp. Due to the many restrictions, Azuth, the God of Mage, and Savras, the God of Prophecy, can only reluctantly work with Midnight, and their intimacy is far less than that of the second-generation Magic Goddess. The mages speculate that this may still be because of the gods. In the name of God AO.

At the same time, an upsurge in belief in the god AO arose in Waterdeep City. A group of people formed a church to specifically believe in the god AO. However, any attempts to contact the god AO have failed so far.

The lobby was full of people, lively without being too noisy, and Aaron could see that both Eleanor and Charlotte enjoyed this atmosphere.

After a while, the boss Prigozhin’s meal arrived.

Butter caviar, Wagner potato stew, Rostov pie, sturgeon back platter, woodland game bird barbecue skewers, shining sturgeon with refined mushrooms, beetroot soup, tomato broth, strawberry mousse, fresh homemade cucumber.

After a long journey, the traveling companions were finally able to temporarily put aside the fatigue of the journey and enjoy a feast in a foreign country.

As a master of Roman cuisine and Mao Zedong cuisine, Aaron had to admit that the boss Prigozhin's cooking was indeed good, surpassing Aaron by more than one level. This level could go to the Kremlin for a state banquet.

The only thing that made Aaron a little dissatisfied was that the game bird barbecue skewers were a little too burnt. The bird meat was so burnt that he couldn't taste the original taste of the bird meat, and there was a ball of burnt meat in his mouth.

It was so salty that Aaron wanted to drink iced tea.

On the lobby stage, two bards were singing the famous druid song "Look, Owl" in the Green Garden.

"Five rabbits are selling medicine everywhere. Five rabbits are selling medicine everywhere~"

"Frogs and lizards are selling hard goods, frogs and lizards are selling hard goods~"

"Black Rabbit only knows how to drink, Black Rabbit only knows how to drink~"

The style of this piece is particularly clean, with a raw beauty that has not been contaminated by cities and technology.

Listening to songs, eating delicious food, and chatting relaxedly by the fire, Aaron leaned back on the chair comfortably. For a moment, he even thought it would be good to live in Candlekeep like this, which was isolated from the entire country. Enjoy your own tranquility behind closed doors.

Unfortunately that wasn't possible, he had too much to do.

Thinking of this, Aaron gently patted Eleanor's little hand.

Miss Pastor probably had the wrong idea. Her delicate face immediately turned red. She stepped on Aaron's foot with the heel of her boot in embarrassment and annoyance, saying don't even think about it!

Do you just... like it there that much? !

Aaron, you are such a weak soul! Pervert, big pervert!

My lord has really misjudged you!

.........I am the dividing line between big perverts......

The next day, the refreshed Aaron, Charlotte, and Barrel came to the north of the Candlekeep Sky Courtyard.

The north side of Candlekeep's Empty Courtyard is composed of twelve towers. They vary in size, but all have gray columns in appearance. These twelve towers are collectively called the "Pillars of Teaching."

This is an area where visitors can freely enter to study. Large and small reading rooms and reception rooms are distributed in the Pillar of Teaching building complex. Visitors wait here while the Ogma monks will bring the books requested by the visitors from You can read it in the Great Library of Candlekeep, and you can also provide exchange consultation projects to seek further help from the Ogma monks.

Of course, except for access to books, other services require money. It is impossible for the monks of Ogma to survive by drinking the sea fog on the west side of Candlekeep.

A permanent silence spell has been released in the tower. No magic or divine spell can work in the tower unless someone can release the super ring magic. Visitors can take notes freely (paper and pen are sold in the tower), but no Copying of books is allowed. If you need copies of books, the bookbinding building on the south side of the empty courtyard will provide copy copy services. The standard price offered by the Ogma monks is 150 gold coins per book.

The Sky Court is also the largest area where visitors can move. Unless they obtain higher-level permission, visitors are not allowed to directly enter the Candlekeep Great Library.

The eldest lady immediately made a long list of books, and the Ogma monk immediately went to get them.

Barrel's expression was calm. He asked for a few books and said with a smile, "I want to see what the people in the kingdom think of us Sun Elves."

Aaron was taken by Rubick to a separate small room next to the fireplace. The room had a comfortable and large sofa, bright magic lamps, warm-colored paintings and simple bookshelves, providing the most comfortable reading. environment.

"Which books in the collection would you like to read?" Ogma Monk Rubik asked.

"I want to read books about the golden giant in the legend of Calimshan and the history of Bodur, the founder of Baldur's Gate." Aaron said his needs.

"Understood, please wait."

After waiting for more than an hour, Rubick brought a cart of books from Candlekeep on a cart for Aaron to read.

For the next day, Aaron searched Candlekeep in detail for information about Rogal Dorn, the original body of the Imperial Fist.

He soon made a discovery.

After Rogal Dorn left Calimshan, he spent some time in the Sword Coast. In addition to violently beating a Tarrasque beast, he once adopted some children and established a shelter during that chaotic time. It has been mentioned in the book that perhaps Bod'an's hometown of Gray Harbor has the shadow of Dorne.

The Primarch of the Imperial Fists has always taken personal action to protect the humans of the Sword Coast.

Because the time is too long, Dorne's activities are mostly detailed and unclear. Candlekeep was founded in the 75th year of the Vale calendar when Arandor came, and some records that are too long ago have not been included.

Putting aside the dusty, worn old books, Aaron flipped through the history of Baldur, the founder of Baldur's Gate.

According to previous intelligence, Bodean once obtained the inheritance about Dorne during a voyage, which quickly made the navigator a rich man with huge wealth, and eventually led to the establishment of Baldur's Gate.

Since the establishment of Baldur's Gate was very close to the establishment of Candlekeep, the historical data are very rich.

Some details immediately caught Aaron's attention.

A book once mentioned that when building the giant wall of Baldur's Gate, Bodrian used the "power of giants" to build a huge granite wall that could surround the entire Gray Harbor in a very short time. , and after so many years, the original old city wall has not only remained standing despite the long years of erosion and changes, but some scholars have discovered through research that there is some kind of powerful guardian force within the giant wall, which has always protected Bodean's heritage.

This power may be the power of Rogal Dorn, the primarch of the Imperial Fists.

Aaron was very confident.

When it comes to construction, there are two experts among the Primarchs, Rogal Dorn, the Primarch of the Imperial Fists, and Petrabo, the Primarch of the Iron Warriors.

Rogal Dorn presided over the construction of the entire Terra Palace. When it came to city repair, Dorn was professional.

"Rogal Dorn has castle addiction, which is the most serious kind. It's so severe that he would be disrespectful to the Prime Minister of the Empire."

——Imperial Chancellor Malcador

Bodean may not only have obtained the inheritance of Rogal Dorn, but he may also have communicated with Dorn and received power from the original body of the Imperial Fist.

This good news shocked Aaron, and he continued to flip through the thick stack of books.

The second detail was also captured by Aaron.

The predecessor of Baldur's Gate's Flaming Fist Mercenary Group was a military organization in the Gray Port. The founder once left a crest with an upward fist in the academy. This organization eventually evolved into today's Flaming Fist Mercenaries. group.

Flame Fist—Emperor Fist?

Then there is no doubt about it.

Aaron closed the book.

Bod'an not only received the inheritance of Rogal Dorne, but he himself must have communicated with Dorne. The navigator obtained the "power of the golden giant" from Dorne and built a huge granite wall to protect the Gray Harbor. Finally formed the prototype of Baldur's Gate!

If Bodean's navigational charts and voyage records can be found, Aaron will be able to find traces of Rogal Dorn, awaken the original body, and fulfill the Emperor's instructions.

As for whether Dorne is still alive...

Ra-Endymion, the tribune of the Imperial Guard and son of the water thief who had cooperated with Rogal Dorn in the siege of Terra, believed that the original body of the Imperial Fist would not die so easily!

The day passed in a hurry, and it was afternoon before he knew it. Aaron put down the book after completing the review.

He was very satisfied that this trip to Candlekeep was worth the money.

At this time, the eldest lady was still wandering in the ocean of knowledge, while Barrel became interested and debated with the Ogma monk. Neither of them had time to pay attention to him. Seeing this, Aaron left the Pillar of Teaching alone and wanted to pass through Return to the Mamba Hotel through the center of the Sky Court.

On the way, Aaron was thinking about what he was going to do next. Be'lak had already taken advantage of Baldur's Gate's favorable environment, but Aaron's background was obviously much deeper than Be'a'lak's.

At this moment, a voice stopped him.

"Sir Aaron! You must be Lord Aaron, right? It's me, I'm Imoen, Imoen from the Winthrop family~"

The pretty, youthful brown-haired girl stopped in front of Aaron: "I heard that you want to see me for something?"

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