Crown of Chaos

Chapter 390, Iron Warriors Legion!

Even in the Livington District, the vitality exuded by the city of Baldur's Gate always infects everyone. After the sun elf Barrel signaled the half-elf Velati to get out, he couldn't help but put his hands on his hips and breathed hard. Such clean air: "If you are interested, Your Excellency, would you like me to describe the situation in Baldur's Gate for you?"

"I'd like to hear the details." Aaron nodded.

Barrier-Moonflower is a very cunning fat man. Ever since he was forced to reveal his strength on the Mind Flayer's shell ship last time, he is now unwilling to take action at any cost. In the following battles, As long as Barrel is not involved, the fat sun elf will always move if he can, and he will not cast spells if he can.

According to what he said, you have only paid me a total of about 10,000 gold coins in two years. I still lost money after I put in a nine-ring time stop magic!

This reminded Aaron of a joke in his previous life, saying that a museum in Neon was stolen. The thief team had actually triggered the alarm, but when the security guard went to check, he only looked at the situation inside the exhibition hall through the glass of the door. Seeing nothing strange, he returned to the security room, which eventually led to the exhibits being swept away by the team of thieves.

Afterwards, the police discovered that when the security guards went to check the situation in the exhibition hall, the thieves were hiding in the blind spot behind the exhibition hall door. They were only one door away from the security guards. However, the security guards did not open the door to check the situation. When the police asked the security guards why they did this , the security guard’s answer was simple.

"This meager salary is not enough for me to take such a risk."

Afterwards, this issue also aroused widespread social discussion. The focus of everyone is whether the security guard's reasons are correct?

Aaron believed that if it was Barrel, the sun elf would definitely approve of the security guard's behavior.

As Barrier's employer, the monthly salary of 500 gold coins to hire a legendary time mage was indeed too low, and Aaron didn't have much objection to this.

"For the people of Evermeet Island or Waterdeep, Baldur's Gate is an out-and-out stinking ditch. There are all kinds of religions here. According to our family's saying, it's called 'all the stolen goods go there. I'll do it at my own house." Barrel sneered and spoke in a pure old Bode accent: "Oh, we old Bode people got up like this. Guess what? Hey, it's capped. That’s called authentic~”

Several people couldn't hold back their laughter, and Eleanor turned her head away with laughter, covering her mouth desperately, until her face turned red.

The eldest lady and Aaron didn't care about that much, a daughter of the ancient sun god who was personally chosen by the Four Gods, laughed as much as they wanted.

Even Anuoming didn't just smile. The pasha's son always felt that it was very darkly humorous when he thought of his own power.

The Flame Fist guard next to him couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. He had been a Flame Fist for many years, but he still didn't know the urine properties of the Bode clan nobles in the upper city? Barrier's performance is too vivid.

However, after saying the funny part, Barrel did not continue to despise him like the Sun Elf habitually did. Instead, he pushed up his glasses and put away his smile: "But the good thing about Baldur's Gate is that it is good. here."

"You have also seen along the way, humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, half-elves, half-orcs, tieflings, aasimars, and some Gith, beast-turned-dragonborn, Baldur's Gate welcomes them all with open arms. , this kind of tolerant attitude is the reason why Baldur’s Gate is developed.”

"This is a place that anyone can call home, regardless of their race, creed, or personal history, as long as they come here in a harmless or non-overtly hostile way, Baldur's Gate welcomes them, and it's a place where they acknowledge Any of your pseudonyms will admit your weird and diverse beliefs." Barrier sighed: "This is a true free port, and it is precisely because of the greatest degree of tolerance that Baldur's Gate can become the Sword Coast even though it was late. One of the largest ports.”

"But... won't such freedom lead to turmoil?" Eleanor couldn't help but ask: "Trade is always accompanied by crime, and freedom is always accompanied by chaos."

"This is one of the costs of a free port, Ms. Moon Maid's high-ranking priest." Barrier nodded with a smile: "Since you have chosen the free port model and enjoyed the dividends brought by the free port, you must accept the negative factors of the free port model. You can't have both... and..., failure to respect objective laws will eventually reap the consequences. Guess what one of the not-so-nice nicknames of Baldur's Gate is called?"

"The capital of national espionage!"

Before Barrel could finish speaking, the Flaming Fist guard interrupted him: "Those things will become a thing of the past!"

"The Iron Warriors created by Lord Takeshi will completely destroy the cults, spies, undead and thieves lurking in the city!"

"Any evil will be brought to justice!"

In response to the call of the flame fist guards, several tall tin cans with a height of more than 2.2 meters appeared on the streets of Livington. They were wearing silver helmets and silver armor, with large iron backpacks hanging on their backs, and holding giant swords in one hand. Holding a giant crossbow, he stepped on the mud road step by step, leaving footprints one after another in the middle of the road. His body covered with iron armor was majestic and powerful. Judging by just the naked eye, he possessed destructive power that was no less than extraordinary power.

The three Iron Warriors followed several Flame Fist guards. Their movements were somewhat mechanical, but the red light swept out from behind their helmets kept them alert to their surroundings.

"You see, these are the Iron Warriors. With them, Baldur's Gate will be great again!" The Flame Fist guard proudly emphasized to Aaron and others: "Listen, I don't care what your status is. Noble, please pass by Baldur's Gate and learn to bow deeply to Lord Takshi. Without him, there would be no Baldur's Gate. With Takshi's Iron Warriors, Baldur's Gate will surely stand firm in the rat tide. Does not fall!"

The bright red eight-pointed skull emblem of Takshi is branded on the large shoulder armor. The iron tower-like steel warriors can indeed bring a strong sense of security to the civilians.


Aaron stared at the Iron Warriors. As the person chosen by the Four Gods of Chaos, he probed a little and felt the biomass inside the Iron Warriors. They were bodies soaked in chaotic energy, including men, women, old and young.

Billak actually relied on his own strength to create a large number of his own Chaos Warriors?

Aaron continued to explore, the eight-pointed star emblem flashing in his eyes.

No, not exactly Chaos Warriors. In addition to the mutations produced by the power of Chaos, Be'lak also used some of the Space Marine-like transformation surgeries on these Iron Warriors, which made them better controlled, more powerful, and more powerful. Like a normal creature.

It seems that our original demon prince is indeed well prepared this time.

So, how did Be'lakk create these Iron Warriors?

The answer should be in Baldur's Gate.

Aaron didn't say much. He pulled Eleanor and the eldest lady and walked together towards the end of Livington District, Feilong Pass.

Along the way, Aaron and others saw at least a dozen Iron Warriors. These large iron warriors patrolled back and forth. Their super deterrent power made the refugees entering the city dare not act rashly, but they were really effective in maintaining law and order. The door is indeed as all-encompassing as Barrier said. Aaron can even see a few little devils summoned by a group of tieflings openly moving on the street. A group of violent orc mercenaries have set up camp, looking forward to... Find some great ways to make a fortune in Baldur's Gate Lower Town.

Feilongguan Bridge stands on a huge arch, providing ample space for maritime traffic.

It is spacious enough to allow overland travelers to pass many of the buildings above and follow the road into Baldur's Gate. And all goods arriving in Livington District by land are taxed here. There are at least five Iron Warriors and a Flame Fist team monitoring the passers-by at the pass. Due to the recent special circumstances, everyone trying to cross the border must pass the security check.

The meeting place agreed upon by Aaron and Nestia was at the hotel "Charis' Caress" on the bridge in front of Feilong Pass.

As soon as he saw this store, Barrier wanted to learn a foreign language. According to Barrier, Charis' Caress was more like a large brothel than a hotel, where you could find people from all walks of life. Services of all races, and as long as you have money, no matter how perverted your requirements are, you can get them met.

Eleanor couldn't help frowning deeply after hearing this, and she complained to Aaron: "Why would Ms. Nestia choose to meet in such a store?"

"Because it's convenient." Barrel answered, and the sun elf pushed up his glasses: "Xia Ruisi's Caress accepts any pseudonym you register. No matter you are a person or a piece of slime, the clerk will provide you with a safe room. , here you can find all the services you can imagine. As long as you have money, the hotel will provide the highest level of information confidentiality for each guest, and even... you can also get married. The cat goddess is willing to help any team that has known each other for more than 15 years. We provide marriage registration services to newlyweds every minute, and Pastor Xia Ruisi is on standby online 24 hours a day. As long as you have 60 gold coins, a brief marriage ceremony is ready."

"It doesn't matter if you don't have a witness. Every clerk in Xia Ruisi's Caress can provide wedding witness services. It only requires a tip of 30 gold coins. If you give a little more money, the best man and bridesmaid will be all included." Barrier said with a smile: " Divorce is also very easy, and both parties can revoke it immediately within 48 hours after registration, but revocation requires double the handling fee."

"Pfft." Aaron couldn't help but shake his head. He had seen the cat goddess Xia Ruisi. If anyone remembers it, he had seen it in Su Lun Mama's kingdom. At that time, Su Lun Mama and another goddess Shuni I just feel like the cat goddess is unreliable.

Now it seems that Xia Ruisi is indeed very unreliable. The teachings of the Cat Goddess can be summarized as follows: As long as it makes you happy, anything will do.

"Hey, is it true? Is it true?" The eldest lady was excited. Charlotte grabbed Aaron's hand: "Then, do we want to try it? Aaron Aaron~ Let's go and register, okay?" Wait until you cancel within 48 hours! I have long wanted to experience the feeling of being a bride. Hey, Barrel, does Charis Caress provide wedding dress rental services? "

"Only if you can't think of it, they can't do it." Barrel nodded.

"What if I want to replace the statue of the flying dragon closing Bodean with my own?" Aaron asked.

"Then I think they will give you a false identity to prove that you are Bode'an. You went to sea and returned without dying. Your wealth is buried under Feilong Pass. If anyone is willing to help you with 5,000 gold coins, after the matter is completed, Granted the status of a noble in Bode's upper city." Barrel crossed his arms and said, "As for whether everyone believes it or not, they are not responsible... After all, everyone who can get here knows what can be done and what can't be done. "

"Understood." A thin flow of people blocked the road to Feilong Pass. The street vendors made the originally wide avenue narrow. Aaron pulled Charlotte and Eleanor out of the crowd, By the way, he gently knocked on the eldest lady's forehead: "Don't mess around, sister! Our engagement was personally witnessed by the Silver Virgin Mother. How can we find the priest of the Cat Goddess if we really want to register our marriage!"

"Hmm...but sister can't wait to wear the wedding dress!" The eldest lady pursed her lips, thinking that someone has given you everything from the front to the back. As Aaron's real fiancée, I haven't really taken the final step with him yet!

"There will be opportunities, there will be opportunities." Aaron perfunctorily opened the door to "Charis' Caress" while perfunctoryly talking to Charlotte.

Summer has not yet arrived in Baldur's Gate in April, the sea breeze is strong and the temperature is still a bit cold, but as soon as the hotel door opens, a hot and debauched wind mixed with the strong smell of alcohol and perfume blows in the face.

The interior of Charis' Caress is luxuriously decorated, with mahogany floors and thick carpets everywhere. The walls and architectural structures are all exquisitely crafted works of art. To the left of the entrance is the bar, which is written on a blackboard. Looking at today's special menu, the half-elf bartender stood behind the bar making cocktails. Some maids were already sitting on the laps of the guests, enjoying the wine mouth to mouth.

On the right side of the entrance is the marriage registration office, which is in charge of the priests of Charis. It offers everything from the simplest marriage registration ceremony for 60 gold coins to a trip around Baldur's Gate in a griffon for 8,000 gold coins and finally a flying wedding in a hot air balloon.

The small blackboard next to it says "Today's special offer, the second wedding couple is half price (note: services at the same price are available)."

In the lobby, there is singing and dancing, and the music is charming. On the stage, two aquatic elves and two wood elves are dancing gracefully. Their clothes are particularly economical in fabric. The guests in the audience are hugging each other. The scene is indescribable and indescribable. Ya Lun noticed something indescribable in the red curtains of the private room next to him. In the lobby, there was a pair of drow men and women, one (undescribable) and the other (indescribable) a middle-aged human man dressed as a wealthy businessman. (Indescribable).

Nestia is not here.

The hot tiefling cat girl sat on a tall orc to accompany the drink. From time to time, the cat girl took orders at the bar, saying that our guests requested another glass of Arabelle's wine - yes, it was Ms. Raul's Arabelle. , Aaron had heard before that Arabelle's winery had resumed production, and it seemed to be true.

Barrier and Anoming were used to this kind of scene. Eleanor frowned and hid behind Aaron. Miss Pastor felt that this place was really stolen. Only the eldest lady was curious about everything. She felt that she had come to a place. In the new world, one shot and two rings are secretly used to "detect thoughts" against wealthy businessmen.

Aaron began to look for Nastia, but before he could speak, the singing on the stage caught his attention.

“Who did the line of cinnabar trap?

It has nothing to do with Fengyue, I am waiting for your reply~"

The tall and thin human male in his thirties was wearing a gorgeous black tuxedo and a crimson shirt. As soon as he came off the stage after singing, he saw Aaron looking at him with his arms folded, and he suddenly showed an awkward yet polite smile. He made a fist and put it under his nose to hide his unnatural expression: "Oh, what a coincidence?"

"What a coincidence, Morgan." Aaron said with a smile.

An old friend, the bald singer, the great devil in the third level of hell, and a subordinate of Maman, the great male devil.

The bald singer stuck out his tongue in embarrassment and ran his hands through his transformed hair from front to back: "How did you know I was doing a small business part-time here?"

"How many soul coins have you collected during this period?" Aaron asked, "It must be quite a lot, with so many refugees?"

"What we do in this business is based on mutual consent, and I didn't force them." Morgan touched his hair awkwardly, and when he saw Aaron half-smiling, he quickly pulled Aaron away a few steps. Bu: "Speaking of which, our plans last time are now clear."

"I found out where Lady Fortune is imprisoned!"

"How about it, buddy, are you interested in having a big fight with me?"

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