Crown of Chaos

Chapter 42, Bar Fight

In Cormyr, the conflict between the navy and the army has been going on for a long time.

The Kingdom of Cormyr is located in the center of the country and is a country that exports a large amount of goods. The kingdom does not rely heavily on foreign imports. The goods imported in large quantities are only glass, spices and ivory, while the bulk export trade includes armor, ivory products, Clothing, coal, food, weapons, wood.

Cormyr has enabled the kingdom to earn huge profits through a large amount of exports, but this has also caused dissatisfaction among many neighbors. For example, Zambia in the east has had many frictions with Cormyr over trade matters, and the two sides have also had direct conflicts over territorial disputes. Diplomatic relations were severed, and there were countless small-scale armed fights on the border.

The Moon Sea region in the north is also very hostile to Cormyr. The Moon Sea city-state centered on Zhentil Keep has always been under the control of a well-known evil organization, the Zhentarim. The highest goal of the Zhentarim is to completely destroy Cormyr. It monopolizes all trade in the Moon Sea region and even the entire northern part of the country. For this reason, this organization has fought many times with Cormyr.

There are rumors that the orc tribe occupying Arabel City in the north is funded by the Zhentarim, but there is no evidence.

The activity frequency of the Zhentarim has dropped significantly in recent years, because Bane, the god of tyranny behind it, has died in the Cataclysm of the Saints. The Zhentarim have doubts about their loyalty to Cyric, who inherited Bane's priesthood.

To the south is Dragon Lake, and only the Sword Coast area to the west can trade.

Therefore, many places were blocked by land, and sea routes greatly affected the kingdom's trade, and the role of the navy became increasingly important.

The navy always looks down on the army: we can make blood for the kingdom! Without us protecting the routes, where would the kingdom's economy and trade prosperity come from?

The Army also looks down on the Navy: Can your broken sampan go to land? Where was the navy while we fought bloody battles to defend Arabelle? When we were fighting the orcs in the forest, where was the navy?

Aaron thought to himself that military expenditure is like a cake. If the army is cut more, the navy will be less. Similarly, if the navy is more, the army will be less.

This is the lower city area. Both sides glanced at each other a few times and maintained restraint. They sat down around a few tables. No one said hello to the other or provoked the other.

After the recruits sat down, Aaron found that most of them were unsmiling. Some recruits had obviously never experienced such an occasion. They tried to maintain restraint and did not want their actions to arouse the ridicule of the marines next to them. Other recruits stared at the people next to the bar. Cat lady watch.

"There is a waiter here who believes in the goddess of cats and dancing. He is very popular!" someone whispered.

Aaron immediately noticed a very cute cat lady standing in front of the bar to attract customers. She was holding drinks on the tray and the cat ears on her head were beating.

What's even more interesting is that Catwoman's cat ears are real - she's clearly a lycanthrope.

A sign around her neck reads "Purified, not contagious."

Cat lady? Why not a bunny girl? Aaron thought to himself that cat girls are not bad, they are so cute!

A new recruit stared at Cat Girl fiercely. Aaron remembered that his name was Ramsey, who was also from out of town. He was like a newborn, looking around and curious about everything.

Havre went to the bar and asked for a drink.

"Is this really where we should come?" Ramsay stared at Cat Girl excitedly: "I remember that the Knights did not allow recruits to come to this kind of place, right?"

"As long as they don't say we can't come, of course we can come." Aaron said casually: "Don't put yourself in a trap, brother, this is Susar, not a military camp."

"If you are so worried, you can go back to the fortress now, Ramsey." A recruit next to him said.

Roswell, the tailor's son.

"Oh my god, Ilmat, I've never seen such a girl." The Purple Dragon recruit from the countryside looked like a pig, staring at the cat girl's thighs and drooling: "King City The world is so wonderful!”

"Oh, please, in the name of the God of Suffering, wipe your saliva, Ramsey!" Moore from Shenhai Town couldn't help it: "Your behavior shames your God!"

"Don't be so strict, buddy." Havel came with the waiter and several large trays of "Water of Amn" beer: "Today is a party."

The water of Amn is an expensive and mellow beer that is very common in the northern part of the country and the Sword Coast region. People give it a resounding nickname "the welcome wine".

A whole barrel (approximately 10L) of Amn Water is worth 36 gold coins, and Aaron will spend a little money today.

"To health, to honor, to the test in a few months, cheers!"

"Cheers!" The recruits raised their glasses together.

After a few sips of beer, the atmosphere was naturally very heated. Seeing a few recruits still staring at Cat Girl, Havel simply took out a handful of silver coins from his body and said: "Here they are, sit down and have a drink with our brothers! "

"Okay, meow~" Cat Girl felt the weight of the silver coins with satisfaction, glanced at the bar, spun around lively and sat down, drinking down a 500ml large beer glass in one gulp: "One more glass Meow!"

"Hahahahahahahahaha!" The recruits burst into laughter, and the atmosphere became even more heated.

The waiters served the food one plate after another from the back kitchen, the aroma was overflowing and the wine was splashing.

"Look, Aaron, do you know who the guy in purple clothes with gold stars on his shoulders is among those navy idiots?" Havre secretly pointed to the navy.

"Who?" Aaron was actually a little interested, but he really didn't recognize that person.

"Gordon, the grandson of Duke Marelli." Havre said with a bad smile: "We are lucky today, in every sense of the word."

"Oh? He is Duke Marelli's grandson Gordon?" Aaron's heart moved.

There are two actual dukes in Cormyr, namely the Duke of Ireland and the Duke of Marelli. The former he has met and established friendship with, and the latter... It is a pity that since he chose to be close to the Duke of Ireland, he is destined to have sex with the Duke of Marelli. Bad relationship.

Then let’s get some excitement!

The power of Slaanesh in Aaron's body that had calmed down due to the improvement of the sorcerer's professional level began to agitate again.

He suddenly stood up in front of everyone's eyes and patted his chest: "Brothers, let me perform a song for you, okay?"

"Okay!" the recruits cheered together.

"Come!" Aaron came to the stage, still drunk, and gently pushed the bard who was performing on it away. He took out a gold coin from his body and handed it to him, pointing to the tambura in his hand.

"Of course, sir!" The bard looked at the sword on Aaron's waist, handed the piano to Aaron without hesitation, and walked off the stage with the money: "Don't break it, sir."

"Haha~ Today I will perform a song for all my friends here. I hope you all like it." Aaron hung the piano around his neck and shouted very coquettishly: "Shalish Palace!"

The Purple Dragon recruits were shouting wildly, while the navy was silent.

In fact, Aaron couldn't play an instrument at all.

But it doesn't matter, Slaanesh will.

As his fingers began to play with the strings, sweet music sounded inexplicably from every corner of the Longya Bar.

"Driving on the dark and desolate road~the cool breeze blows my hair~

A strong musky smell~fills the air~

Looking up into the distance~I saw lights flashing~

My head is getting heavier and my vision is getting blurry~

I had to stop and look for a place to spend the night~

He (She? It? Him!) is waving to me ~ I hear the church bells ~

I said to myself in my heart ~ This is heaven and hell ~

At this time he lit a candle for me and showed me the way~

There were echoes in the circular theater~I thought I heard someone saying~

Welcome to Salish's palace~

What a lovely place ~ What a lovely face ~

There are so many guest rooms in Salis Palace~

No matter what time of the year you can find it here~”

Applause is like thunder, cheers are like a busy city, music is a common language for all mortals.

When Aaron first started playing, the naval officers responded with indifference, but as the melody continued, even the most hostile of him among the naval officers could not help but clap their hands in applause.

At the end of the song, Aaron returns the tambura to the bard.

He knew more about charm casting.

If warlocks attract magic and project their will through the power of their own blood, then bards influence the world through poetry and music.

This is a profession that is easy to learn but difficult to master. It has everything, knows a little bit of everything, is difficult to master, and is relatively dependent on teammates.

No wonder the bards have the smallest number of legends.

"I want to see your boss." Aaron said calmly when he found the bartender behind the bar.

Relying on the shock brought by the song "Salix Palace" that just covered the entire tavern, the Viscount got his wish.

The leader of the Longya Gang is named Ma Long. He is a strong man who looks to be in his early thirties. He is over two meters tall. He has a very strong and strong figure. He has the strongest upper body Aaron has ever seen, with bronze muscles. Covered with scars.

As the weather was getting hotter, the leader of the Dragon Tooth Gang was only wearing a short vest and shorts common to sailors. His round black eyes were full of confusion and indifference as he stared at Ya, who was brought to the third floor by the bartender. Lun.

"Actually, I don't welcome you very much, Lord Viscount Salian." Malone opened the bottle of rum. The gang leader didn't seem to have any due respect for the nobles of Susa: "I don't want to see you either. "

"Do you recognize me?" Aaron sat down naturally and stretched out his hand to indicate that he also wanted a drink.

"You are somewhat of a celebrity in Susar." Malone shook his head: "As for respect, Your Majesty the Viscount, let's keep it simple. If you are here to arrest me on behalf of the royal family, then my respect is worthless. If you need my help with something, then my respect is also worthless."

"You are honest." A little sneer came from Aaron's nose: "Mr. Dread Pirate? You can't live a lifetime by dealing with cats."

"So, is the Viscount here to take me back? Or do you need help with something?" Malone pushed the rum in front of Aaron: "Anyway, please drink this glass."

"Rum means bread and salt?" Aaron took the mug and drank it directly.

"For sailors, yes." Seeing Aaron drink the rum without any hesitation, the contempt on Malone's face faded slightly.

"I chose the location." Aaron paused and blinked: "I paid for it."

"It seems that I, the Dread Pirate, am quite popular." Malone glanced down: "Have you seen the grandson of Duke Marelli? He also said the same. Look, your battle brothers are with that All the navy are fighting for that cat."

Aaron's heart moved, and some conjectures quickly surfaced in his mind!

This was extremely valuable information to him. The leader of the Longya Gang told him the important information quietly.

Interestingly, it seemed that he was also thinking of a way out, and Aaron also glanced below.

After he left, the group of naval officers led by Gordon were not to be outdone. They also took out a handful of silver coins and called the cat lady over again.

How could Havre bear this tone? He took out two gold coins from his waist and called Cat Girl over again.

"I need you to help me check someone out." Aaron took out a roll of parchment from his arms.

Malone took the parchment: "Magician Mepham? Why do you think that the Dragon Teeth Gang can find someone who the Queen's Blade can't find?"

"Since you can deal with cats and get El Toril Gray Cheese, you can definitely deal with a person, right?" Aaron intertwined his fingers, and his sky-blue eyes were full of oppression: " Don’t tell me you haven’t done it.”

"...I don't want your money, I want you to owe me a favor, the last Salian." Malone carefully put away the parchment, and he nodded to accept: "I will let the boys pay attention to such people, if there is any news , I will notify you as soon as possible."

"Then, happy cooperation!" Aaron stood up and reached out his hand.

"Happy cooperation!" Ma Long also stood up. The leader of the Longya Gang, who was as strong as a bull, thought for a moment: "I have sent you a piece of news worth 1,000 gold lion coins. Do you want to hear it?"

Aaron raised his hand.

"If you encounter orcs in Cormyr that cause trouble for you, you can disguise yourself as a drow." Malone said calmly: "The Zhentarim can also do it. Remember to have a tough attitude. The tougher the better."

Aaron frowned. It seems that the drow and the orcs are also colluding together?

It is said that there are many drow elves in Tifanton, a large city that fell in the north, and it seems to be true.

"I know how to be a good drow." Aaron is very confident about this.

"Then have you thought about what to do next?" Ma Long pointed downstairs: "Hurry up, I don't want my pub to be closed down tomorrow."

There is already a smell of gunpowder in the lobby, and the two sides have begun to fight for the cat girl.

Haver took out a handful of gold coins from his body, and also took out a magic salute and opened it directly. The fireworks illuminated the entire dim Dragon Tooth Hall, lighting up everyone's eyes.

Gordon Marelli on the other side was not to be outdone. He directly took out a "Triple Crown" platinum coin and a beautiful bell.

Cat Lady was called back and forth several times, and her brain was going into chaos: "Ugh, Nico, I don't know what to do. These people are so rich, Nico doesn't even know where to go!"

"Save the cat~save the cat!"

The smell of Mars gradually spread, and everyone on both sides drank. The most angry Havre and Norrington were at the front, arguing with Gordon Marelli, pushing each other with their hands, and making rude remarks.

Seeing everyone struggling together, Aaron appeared from the stairs, and Viscount Salian shouted: "Wait!"

Everyone stopped for a moment.

"Go out and fight! No one is allowed to use weapons, use fists!" Aaron yelled: "Also, why don't you call me when you fight? Do you think I don't exist?"

"Okay, if you have the guts, go out and fight, including Salian!" A naval officer shouted: "Let me smash your powdered cream face!"

"I'm just waiting for you, Aaron, beat up these navy idiots!" Havre got drunk, burped violently, waved his fist, and hammered his chest: "Let them know that our Purple Dragon Knights sharp!"

"Oh my God, Ms. Ocean is here, I shouldn't have opened the door today!" Ma Long covered his face, and the gang leader was so angry that he kicked the thug next to him: "Send someone to watch, don't kill anyone!"

Professional soldiers from both sides ran out of the Longya Bar in a chaotic manner and formed formations on the street. Both sides wisely left their weapons in the bar.

"Get ready!" I don't know who shouted: "Start!"

Grease technique! Aaron took advantage of the darkness and no one was paying attention. He grabbed a piece of butter from the tavern and secretly recited a spell. Large areas of smooth grease immediately appeared on the already dirty streets.

The navy officers were caught off guard and slipped and fell in droves.

"Hit him, beat them!"

Aaron was the first to charge forward, swung a punch, and hit Gordon Marelli right in the face!

Snap~! The sound of a broken nose.

I woke up at five in the morning and felt better this time~

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