Crown of Chaos

Chapter 395, Who do you want to marry first?

The lower city of Baldur's Gate has never been so crowded. The streets, parks, markets, and residential areas are all crowded with refugees fleeing from all directions in the Sword Coast. They are crowded together, lining up from street to end, facing each other. He stretched out his hands to every ordinary person passing by, praying for them to do a good deed and give them a little favor.

After Aaron and Billak reached a ceasefire agreement, Billak immediately announced the release. They passed through Feilongguan Bridge from Livington District, passing by Gemini Song District, Sow's Trotter District (yes, it's called that), Whitbury District. District, Nochepool District, Stone Eye District, and finally arrived at the gate of Baldur's Gate Lower City.

It is worth mentioning that there is the only high-end gathering place in the city outside Baldur's Gate in the Nochepur District. It is called the wealthy area of ​​Little Calishan District. Most of them were built during the previous struggles and conflicts of the Calishan Empire. The exiled Calimshan nobles and elemental wizards established a settlement at Baldur's Gate during the changes. They built many manors and built high walls here, and eventually became the only rich man with high walls in the outer city. district.

"If there weren't so many things, my destination would be here." Annuoming looked at the high wall on the Little Kalinshan District and the gaseous elements stationed above. The son of Pasha sighed: "I might be here. Run a jewelry business.”

"Then where will your capital come from?" Barrel pushed up his glasses.

"Your Excellency Aaron once gave me some jewelry and currency for multiverse trade." An Nuoming looked at the high wall in the distance.

"Hahaha, those things will be gone if you can't bring them with you to Feilong Pass. With your strength at that time, bringing so much money in Baldur's Gate is equivalent to generating income for thieves." Barrier shook his head: "If you want to hold wealth, We must have the power to match it, even the upper city groups like the Bode clan nobles are the same."

"Maybe." An Nuoming clenched his fist, the power of chaos flowing in his veins.

"Okay, let's stop the gossip." Aaron frowned: "After entering the city, Eleanor and I went to the Storm Coast Chapel to seek help from our Lord. Barrel, you go and talk to Arian and Lucian. , Ms. Silver Star, meet up, Nestia, you and Anomin contact the Knights of the Shield together and tell them that I want to get Bodean's sea chart, no matter what the conditions are!"

"After the matter is settled, we will gather at the Elf Song Hotel! Mr. Reinsdorf has booked an entire floor for us, and we will be active there."

"Yes." "I know." "Understood!"


The convoy entered the lower city of Baldur's Gate and everyone split up.

The Storm Coast Auditorium is located not far from the entrance to the lower city of Baldur's Gate. There is a fountain garden at the entrance of the auditorium. A row of refugees are sitting around the mermaid fountain, eating a meal not far away from Priest Ilmat and Refugee relief meals provided by Ilmater paladins.

Aaron took one look and was happy.

Isn't this the fish and chips and sandwiches he provided to the Ilmat Church? There were also small bottles of bad ale on the floor.

"It's the relief meal we provided~" Eleanor also noticed what the refugees were eating, and the pastor lady subconsciously felt joy: "It seems that our relief meal has really been delivered to the refugees!"

"The church of the Three Gods of Justice is still reliable." Aaron nodded.

At least nine out of ten relief meals donated to the Ilmat Church are delivered to refugees.

"Please, sir, you look like a rich man!" The three halfling refugees noticed Aaron looking at them, and the female halfling among them said helplessly: "We have traveled for more than ten days and it's hard to eat. It’s a full meal. If you want, you can go to Baldur’s Gate Zoo and buy a ticket to watch the sea lion eat! I guarantee it will eat faster than us!”

"If you want to eat, you can go there and get it from Mr. Marvin, the pastor of Ilmat, but these things may not be to your liking." The male halfling wolfed them down.

"No, just enjoy your delicious meal." Aaron pulled Eleanor away.

"What's wrong, Aaron?" Miss Pastor noticed that Aaron's expression was not very good. He was obviously in a good mood a few seconds ago!

"Have you seen those Iron Warriors on the street?" Aaron pointed at the Iron Warriors: "Part of their raw materials are made from refugees who have not received relief meals."

"What?!" Eleanor's eyes widened.

"But we don't have the ability to stop these things now, because the city needs Iron Warriors to protect it, and the neighborhoods need Iron Warriors to maintain law and order." Aaron shook his head heavily: "What we have to do now is to end all this as soon as possible, are you willing to believe me? Dear, of?"

"I will always believe in you, Aaron." Eleanor squeezed the man's big hand, and the pastor whispered in Aaron's ear: "If one blow can't solve it, then give it another blow!"

Aaron nodded after hearing this and felt better.

A row of huge Gothic-style white stone pillars supports the tall square building structure of the Storm Coast Auditorium. The house number is written on the stone plate of the thick double wooden door. When Aaron opened the door, he was greeted by a strong scent of incense. odor.

This is a temple belonging to the gods, a small pantheon. Starting from the left hand side of the entrance, the national gods carved in stone are lined up in a row. Headed by the noble goddess Sheenworth, there are statues of each national god. Looking down at the visitors vividly.

In Baldur's Gate, belief is completely free. Any god can freely gain belief here, including many evil gods. They will also be tolerated to a certain extent. There are hundreds of churches, large and small, and many small secret societies. The group is spread out in the shadows of Baldur's Gate's lower city.

Of course, Baldur's Gate also has a bottom line.

Belief is free. If you believe in gods from the evil camp and follow the teachings and commit crimes (for example, Baal feels uncomfortable without seeing blood every day), you will go to jail and be executed.

Speech is free, but speech that demeans others because of their race, color, or sexual orientation, that incites hatred and violence, or that denies, trivializes, or justifies criminal behavior is not allowed.

Although the city is all-encompassing, there are three gods that the citizens of Baldur primarily worship.

For the favor of the sea and the safety of navigation, the worship of the sea goddess Umberli has been the main belief in the city's history.

The favor of Tymora, the goddess of luck, is often coveted by merchants, gamblers, and business owners seeking greater wealth and prosperity.

Finally, worship of Gond, the god of craftsmen, was widespread, even beyond his temples and museums, thanks to constant expressions of gratitude for the prosperity that technological developments had brought to the city.

Among the statues on the left, the ones Aaron is most familiar with are naturally the Silver Virgin Suellen and the Magic Goddess Mystra. The Bode people are more willing to believe in the appearance of Suellen, the Moon Maiden, so the statue of Suellen looks... relatively young. The 23-year-old half-elf priest Eleanor beside Aaron, who was nourished and nourished, looked much more mature than the Suellen statue.

The statue of the goddess of magic Mystra is as bold and unrestrained as ever, with long hair flowing down and a low-cut suspender dress.

There are also statues of Tyr, Shar, Talos and others on the right hand side. All the gods of the kingdom are here...except for Cyric the Dark Sun, although the statues of the three gods of death are still there, Aaron can clearly perceive the statues. Lost his divine power.

At least for now, the three gods of death are indeed "dead".

"Welcome, believer, Storm Coast Chapel welcomes you. Where can I serve you?" A halfling priest who was dressed cleanly and freshly, with only gold and silver on his sleeves and collar came forward: "Pray for divine grace. ? Seeking good luck? Divine services? Or... buying and selling holy objects, everything is available here, faith is priceless, and goods have a price."

"I need a dedicated prayer service." Aaron said in a deep voice, "I need a separate space."

"You want to get a personal response from the gods? Have you brought enough money? This service is not cheap!" The halfling priest's eyes lit up.

"Is this enough to pay the bill?" Aaron took out a gold coin from his arms with a photo of Tymora, the goddess of luck.

"Wow! This is Ms. Lucky's gold coin! You have been favored by Ms. Lucky!" The priest took the gold coin: "Of course, wait a moment, I will arrange it for you!"

Half an hour later, in the secret room of the chapel, Aaron and Eleanor met Su Lun Mama as promised.

"Aaron, Eleanor, my children, what makes you so anxious to see me? For this reason, you did not hesitate to use the lucky gold coin Tymora gave you?"

Su Lun always tried to use the face of the Silver Virgin in front of Aaron. The ancient goddess's stunningly beautiful, gentle and lovely face was painted with light makeup, adding a bit of maternal grace, and she had long, smooth silver-white hair. Her slender and round legs were worn with a pair of open-toed Greek-style high-heeled shoes. Ten plump toes painted with cherry pink nail polish were exposed, and she wore a slim-fitting white gold-rimmed off-the-shoulder dress. Showing off her proud and graceful perfect figure, the noble and gorgeous temperament unique to the most ancient goddess comes to the face.

"My lord, I have very important news to tell you!"

Aaron told Suellen Mama about the fortune lady Woking being imprisoned by Graz'zt.

Su Lun listened to this story. At first, she just smiled and motioned for Aaron to continue after hearing the news about a big devil. But when Aaron actually took out Woking's gold coin for help, Su Lun's mom was shocked. With a cautious expression, she took the gold coin from Aaron's hand: "Yes, this is Woking's blood... She was indeed imprisoned in the Six-Finger Silver Palace! Alas... Woking always believed in equal exchange. , dismissive of my teachings, she should not trust a demon lord."

"My lord, do you think this is true?" Aaron frowned and asked: "If Lady Fortune has given all her power and responsibilities to the goddess of joy, how did she create this gold coin?"

"Silly boy." Su Lun smiled and shook his head: "Wojin did hand over all his divine power and priesthood to Li'erla, but she still has the body of a saint. Every drop of her blood, every hair, every inch Her skin still contains divine power, so she can’t escape the prison of the Six Fingers, but she can still protect herself.”

"This is good news, Aaron. Since you have won this opportunity, Mommy will support you. Li Erla... I will not tell her first. In fact, Li Erla does also... enjoy it. The fun of being an agent, rash actions will only make Six Fingers alert and transfer Watkins to other places. The bottomless abyss is huge, and we will not have a second chance."

Su Lun returned the gold coin to Aaron, and Aaron then mentioned the second thing.

Be'lak's true form, the dilemma of Baldur's Gate, the arrival of the Horned Rat and the problem of the son of Baal.

Aaron has a complete plan, but this plan requires support from Suellen and more outside forces.

"The Horned Rat? I thought he was invited to the kingdom by AO!" Su Lun Mama nodded gently, showing a doting and loving smile: "There is also the question of Billak, very good, I believe Lathander and Shang Dia is definitely willing to play a role in this matter, and as for the Horned Rat's warpstone corruption... I think there is a god who is definitely willing to intervene."

"Let it go, Aaron, my child, don't forget, Mommy is always here behind you."

Suellen gently spread her arms and took Aaron and Eleanor into her arms at the same time: "My children, come on, you can definitely do it."

"Also...when everything is over and you return to Cormyr, you can start planning your wedding."

"My Lord!" Eleanor blushed at Suellen's words, but she couldn't help but look forward to it: "When the time comes, will you be there in person?"

"Of course, I understand that there will be no problem with Eleanor." Su Lun smiled half-smilingly, and said teasingly: "The problem is Aaron, my child, tell me, who do you want to marry first? ?”

Aaron was suddenly speechless.

Actually...I also want to marry you.


Just when Aaron and Eleanor met Suellen Mama.

On the first floor of the Elf Song Hotel, Nastia, who was dressed in a tight leather jacket, and the demon prince Anomin also found an informant.

The seemingly drunk golden dwarf was lying on the table selling some ancient books. He sold them very expensively, and these books were full of worthless jokes, so no one cared about them.

The dwarf didn't care much. He just drank in the corner and occasionally howled when he saw wonderful performances but never rewarded them with any money.

Until a pair of slender little hands took a book of funny jokes from his desk.

Nastia flipped through a collection of dirty jokes and asked, "Do you sell this book? How much does it cost?"

"500 gold coins each." The gold dwarf replied lazily.

"What's up, is the cover of your book made of gold or are the pages of your book made of gold?" Nastia answered casually.

"Look at where there are such cold joke books nowadays? These are all antiques published in the Bodean era. You think it's expensive, but I think it's too expensive!" The golden dwarf's eyes gradually brightened.

"Okay, pick one for me!" Nastia put the book down.

The dwarf was now fully awake, and motioned to Nestia to come with him.

In the wine room on the first floor, the dwarf looked like a completely different person: "Hello, distinguished matron of the Baenre family, I am Vicney of the Knights of the Shield. What services can I provide to you?"

"We want to find a relic of Bodean." Nestia told the contact person of the Knights of the Shield about Aaron's request.

"Regarding Bodean's relics... please visit the lower city first, and I will contact Mrs. Julia right away!"

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