Crown of Chaos

Chapter 408, this place, Happy Castle!

The little girl hid her body behind the statue of Dorne. She seemed unable to imagine that outsiders would appear here. She was terrified for a moment, and her voice was trembling: "Strangers, strangers are coming!"

The girl is about thirteen or fourteen years old, with simple and capable gray shawl long hair, a pair of sky blue eyes full of fear, and a pair of gray fur animal ears protruding from the gray hair shaking back and forth, very cute.

The girl's face is also very delicate, with no signs of malnutrition at all. Her delicate and small face is slightly tinged with baby fat. She is wearing clothes made of animal skins and burlap, and a gray scarf, like a porcelain doll. Just as cute.

When she saw such a cute lycanthrope girl, Eleanor suffered from an occupational disease. Miss Pastor habitually showed a bright smile for business, took the initiative to step forward, and took out a candy from her arms with great skill: " Kid, why are you here?"

"..." The girl with animal ears quickly backed away, and she continued to retreat behind the statue.

"Hehe, it seems our Eleanor is very good at deceiving children!" Charlotte said with a smile.

"After all, she is the priest. Our Lady of Silver has always had a tradition of accepting a large number of babies of all races." Aaron couldn't help but smile as he recalled the past between the two.

"It seems that Ms. Eleanor's trick didn't work this time." An Nuoming dusted himself off.

Sure enough, no matter how Eleanor showed her kindness and kindness, the little girl with animal ears always shook her head. She wanted to escape several times in nervousness, but could not find the chance, and she was about to cry out of grievance.

Eleanor used most of the tricks she used to bring up children, but she was really at a loss, so she had to show that she had no ill intentions and slowly backed away: "Aaron, look at this..."

But just after retreating, Aaron's figure was revealed. The little girl with animal ears lit up her eyes the moment she saw Aaron. She ran a few steps excitedly and threw herself on Aaron's pants: "Mr. Guardian! "

"Ah?!" The girl's reaction shocked everyone.

Aaron squatted down and held the girl's shoulders with both hands: "Do you know me?"

"Of course I know you!" The girl's hand touched Aaron's leg: "You are the big brother of the Guardian! I have seen you in the statues of the gods on the island, and you look exactly like the stone statues!"

"Don't pester me." Aaron put the girl down: "Where is this place? Who are you? Why do you appear here? What does this statue have to do with you?"

The girl didn't answer any of Aaron's questions, and her eyes were suddenly filled with tears.

"Help me! Mr. Guardian!"


Half an hour later, somewhere in the forest on the island coastline.

The dense forest is lush and green, and the big trees that cover the sky completely cover up the sunlight. A wisp of smoke rises from the top of the tree house. The small room is carpeted, and the five people sitting inside are slightly crowded.

The big pot was placed on the fire in the center of the tree house. Aaron was putting the pickles, pork belly and spices in his hand into the iron pot, and then took out the tofu and put it in the palm of his hand.

"I ate pickles and rolled tofu~I, the emperor, am not as good as me~"

The chopped tofu was thrown into the pot and rolled, and it was cooked quickly. He picked up a piece and put it into the bowl of the girl with animal ears. The girl looked at the white and slightly dyed tofu pieces with suspicion. This was the food given by Mr. Guardian. Full of courage, she stuffed the tofu into her mouth, then closed her eyes, ready for sacrifice.

beep! The girl's furry animal ears suddenly stood up, and the black tip on the top of the gray hair pointed directly at the ceiling.


"It's delicious, thank you!" The girl was very polite.

Eleanor smiled sincerely when she saw that the girl liked it. Miss Priest was proud of Aaron's cooking skills and proud of the animal-eared girl's willingness to accept their food.

And Charlotte always stared at the girl's pair of cute gray-haired animal ears. The eldest lady wanted to touch them, she really wanted to!

"Tell me, where is this place?" Aaron sat cross-legged, looking very tired from the continuous racing.

"This is Happy Castle, Mr. Guardian!" The girl ate pickles, rolled tofu and dry food. As she ate, she answered Aaron's question: "My name is Bai Zi, and I am a resident of Happy Castle. Mr. Guardian, you are finally Come, please, save Happy Castle, save this island, right?”

"Don't be anxious, speak slowly." Seeing that the girl was getting anxious again, Aaron quickly motioned for her to eat slowly and speak slowly.

From the girl's mouth, Aaron learned something about "Happy Castle".

This island is called "Happy Castle" in the girl's mouth. There are some residents on the island, not many, about a hundred people. The island has dense vegetation and abundant products. The islanders live peacefully on the island.

As for when there were residents on the island, Bai Zi said she didn't know. She only knew that the island was extremely rich in products. The land was harvested five or six times a year, there were endless fish, and the livestock grew in abundance. very fast.

The residents settled here and lived a life without any worries.

They were all infected with lycanthropy, but due to the protection of some kind of divine power, the lycanthropy of the islanders was controlled to the weaker form of excessive body hair and the growth of animal ears.

What is that divine power?

Statue of Rogal Dorn.

"You have lived here for so many years, haven't you ever wanted to go out and ask for help?" Eleanor held Bai Zi's little hand distressedly, and Miss Pastor held her in her arms: "It's so boring to stay on a small island, isolated from the world. !”

"None of us can leave Happy Castle." Bai Zi shook his head in embarrassment: "As long as we leave the protection of the gods, we will immediately turn into irrational werewolves!"

Aaron understood that Happy Castle was not actually happy.

"Then why do you call me Mr. Guardian? What's the matter with asking me to save Happy Castle?"

Aaron asked next.

"The gods guard Happy Castle, according to the old people..." The girl told Aaron the matter.

There is a forbidden place in the underground center of Castle Joy, which is the sealing place of the god (most likely Rogal Dorn). There are many stone statues there that he once carved with his own hands. One of them looks almost exactly like Aaron. Every year during the sacrifice, Bai Zi would see the appearance of several stone statues.

Things are not going well in Fort Joy.

Over the years, the power of the god has gradually declined, and the power of the seal has gradually loosened. From time to time, demons will appear and attack the castle. The islanders can neither leave the island nor strengthen the seal.

The end of Castle Joy seemed preordained.

The only hope circulating among the islanders is "Bod'an's Promise", the navigator once promised to bring a powerful fleet, full of goods and strong men, to solve the problem of Happy Castle once and for all.

Hundreds of years passed, but Bodean did not appear again.

The islanders went from looking forward to it every day, to sending people to keep watch with determination, to occasionally mentioning it in disappointment. In today's Happy Castle, "Bodean's Promise" has become a slang term, meaning those who A person who does not keep his word.

Apart from this, Bai Zi didn't know anything else. She just kept begging Aaron to save Happy Castle.

"I understand, Bai Zi, can you take us to Happy Castle tomorrow?" Aaron touched the animal-eared girl's head and said softly.


After eating and drinking, the five of them rested in the tree house that night. According to Bai Zi, the tree house was the "secret stronghold" she had found.

Unlike other islanders, the innocent girl always believed that Captain Bodean was not lying and he would definitely come back! must!

Now, isn't she waiting for it? Although she didn't wait for Captain Bodean, she did wait for Mr. Guardian!

That night, the girl slept extremely soundly.

"Aaron? It's very late. Don't you want to rest?" Eleanor finished cleaning up and found Aaron still sitting outside the house.

The eldest lady had already fallen asleep holding Bai Zi, and her hands were still holding Bai Zi's animal ears. According to Bai Zi, these were the ears of a werewolf that turned into a beast.

The night wind blew through the large forest on the island, making Aaron's hair and clothes whistle. He frowned: "I feel it."

"What do you feel?" Eleanor walked to Aaron and sat down. Miss Pastor leaned on his shoulder actively: "I see that you have not been very happy today. Didn't we find the island you have been looking for? Didn’t you? Didn’t we find the person you have been looking for? Tomorrow, this child will take us to Happy Castle. We have finally reached this point, you should be happy. "

"I feel it." Aaron looked at the endless horizon. In the darkness, there were constant sounds of waves hitting the rocks on the seaside: "I have told you before that I am the son of four powerful gods. Is it the right choice?"

"Well, I know that they each gave you a trace of divinity. They almost killed you, but they also succeeded in you." Eleanor nodded.

"The wind echoed with the calls of the four gods." Aaron patted his chest: "The power in my body is also calling. I can feel that their power is deep in the Island of Joy."

"Then what are you going to do?" Eleanor raised her head. There was a trace of surprise on Miss Pastor's delicate and bright face. Her sea-blue eyes stared at Aaron: "Do you want to save Happy Castle? Mr. Guardian?"

"I don't know." Aaron calmly cast his gaze into the tree house: "You have to know, dear, what she said may not be true, or in other words, it may not be completely true."

"Whether it's true or not, we should go to Happy Castle to take a look!" Eleanor did not deny Aaron's words. The pastor lady said very firmly: "There are so many people infected with lycanthropy, should we just abandon them? ? Our Lord did not teach us this. At least we have to confirm whether they are kind-hearted lycanthropes and whether they are willing to leave! At least we have to give them a chance!"

"You're right, dear." Aaron stood up slowly: "But that's not what I'm worried about. I, you, and Charlotte Anno are all masters. Are we afraid of a group of lycanthropes? A villager?"

"What I'm really worried about is the moment I meet Rogge Dorn." Aaron squeezed Eleanor's little hand.

Rogal Dorn, Lord God, the devil appears, the seal weakens, save Happy Castle, Bodean's promise.

After combining the above series of intelligence and using Tzeentch's power analysis, many answers have already been revealed.

The key to unlocking Nurgle's power lies here, and here lies the key to the Emperor's mission.

Aaron had a very strong premonition.

The moment of decision is coming!

"I will go with you then!" Eleanor held Aaron's big hand with her backhand: "We will face it together!"

"What are you talking about? Eleanor, do you know what we are facing? A person with an eccentric temper, a stubborn opinion, the master of boring nonsense, a small (as) lovable (sho), and an unyielding person, A demigod known for his quarrels with his brothers and his obsession with castles, I guess he wanted to kill me the moment he saw me." Aaron's mouth twitched.

"Then I want to go with you!" Eleanor pinched Aaron's hand hard, and the pastor's tone was very strong: "Do you remember what you once said to me?"


"Aaron! You once said, 'Eleanor, I really don't know what I would do without you.'" The pastor imitated Aaron's tone and said vividly: "What? My Lord Viscount? You used to talk sweetly whenever you got the chance, but now you've got everything... and kicked me away?"

Miss Priest waved her little fist and said domineeringly: "Don't underestimate me! Don't you like to call him Terra Stone? If you really dare to bully you, watch me smash his stone head with the Tears of Selun !”

"Hahahahahahahaha!" Aaron finally couldn't hold it any longer and laughed loudly.

"Okay, let's go together! Let's see whether he blows my head off, the one chosen by the Four Gods of Chaos, or we smash his stone head!"

The two hands were held tightly together, feeling the warmth between them.

Yes, she is Eleanor!

It’s Eleanor who has been with him since he woke up until now!

In the dark forest sea, only the sound of wind is left.


The next day, Bai Zi took Aaron and others to Happy Castle as promised.

Under the leadership of Bai Zi, the beautiful Happy Island slowly unfolded in front of Aaron and others like a colorful scroll.

Under the cliff of the roaring waterfall, the animal-eared girl led Aaron and the others slowly forward through a very narrow path. The road dug on the cliff was only one person wide, with cliffs on the left and cliffs and waves on the right. The water flowing down from above forms a series of transparent curtains, which is thrilling and beautiful at the same time.

The steps in the cave were wet, and water dripped from the stalactite pillars and flowed around the cave walls.

After walking out of the cave, the island's large forests and seas are densely covered with vegetation and soaked in lakes composed of seawater. All you can see are giant trees that are more than a thousand years old. Their thick roots are deeply rooted in the seawater lake. Under the lush green, The morning light is scattered here and the birds are singing here.

Walking further inside, the scenery changes from emerald green to deep blue. The big trees in the sky block all the sunlight. The blue color of the seawater lake stops abruptly before a small waterfall. It is replaced by a clear spring and a freshwater river, which are simply made of stones. The arch bridge is covered with moss, the pebbles under the stream bear witness to the history of the island, and the air is filled with little fluorescent lights.

Everything was as beautiful as a dream. Aaron and the others, who had just survived a shipwreck, almost thought they had arrived in a fairy tale world.

"Fireflies! I have never seen so many fireflies!" Charlotte excitedly caught a firefly, but for some reason, the fireflies automatically dissipated when they touched the eldest lady's fingertips.

Energy creature?

"Here we are!"

Bai Zi pointed into the distance excitedly.

Stepping out of the forest, a small settlement appeared in front of everyone.

A large blue lake, a settlement in the forest, a complex of wooden buildings built on the lakeside and on the lake, flowing water, stone walls, windmills, lakes, waterfalls, and... a ten-meter-high statue of Dorne.

The beautiful Castle of Joy and the spectacular city on the lake are like a fairyland and a dream.

Stone Men of Terra, I come, both at the Emperor's command and at the call of the Four Gods.

What will you do to me?

Updated, please vote~

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