Crown of Chaos

Chapter 410, the original body of the Emperor Fist and the Four Gods appear!

PS: This chapter is a medium-sized chapter of 5,000 words!

The gray ocean surrounds the gray island, and gray storms swirl in the gray curtain.

Everything is gray, the primarch is dead.

Aaron walked slowly to Dorn and looked up at the dead Primarch.

Dorn's four-meter-tall body has been completely petrified, but his resolute eyes that will never lose vigilance are still open. From his eyes, golden light overflows everywhere and is constantly scattered around.

Sad, majestic, poignant, and strong.

Aaron found it difficult to describe the state of Dorne in words. The stone statue of the original body was half broken, and his left arm was petrified from the palm to the upper arm. The cracks extended to On his left shoulder, the crack approached his chest.

The right arm is slightly better, but still covered in cracks.

His face was also half broken.

"Is he dead?" Eleanor said first, but the pastor quickly rejected her judgment: "No, Aaron, look!"

Eleanor pointed to the part under the broken lines on the surface of Dorne stone, where there were still some golden threads and golden light shining.

Aaron nodded. He had mixed feelings in his heart at this time and didn't know what to say.

From a physiological point of view, there is no doubt that Donne is dead. His body is dead, he no longer has any physiological functions, and all his body organs are petrified and on the verge of fragmentation.

Dorn is truly dead.

However, from the perspective of subspace creatures, Dorn is still alive.

His soul still stubbornly resides in his body, unwilling to leave, and his will still protects the country from the invasion of the four gods of chaos.

The evidence is the surrounding sea of ​​chaos.

Chaos is colorful, and Chaos is changeable. Originally, this place should have been a colorful, chaotic and vibrant place. It was Dorn who used his body and soul to suppress the power of Chaos, making this place gray-black and colorless. Nothing, only the stone statue in the center of the island still has a faint golden color.

Endless stars twinkle and the eternal void is where Dorne guards the path carved out by the four gods of Chaos.

Aaron only had a quick glance. Thousands of years have passed, the universe has been turning, and gods have changed countless times. From the ancient war in heaven to the current stable country, he is still in the midst of it, and he doesn't know what year it is today.

The Son of Chaos looked very complicated.

No matter from any angle, the relationship between Aaron and Dorn is very unharmonious. From the perspective of the Emperor's Custodes, Dorn is the theoretical supreme commander in the defense of Holy Terra, but except for a few factions and himself Apart from his legions, he actually had few followers. Like his fellow Custodes, Imperial Chancellors, Adeptus Mechanicus and High Lord bureaucrats, La-Endymion was full of prejudices against Dorne.

As a Hammer fan in his previous life, Aaron's heart was naturally filled with jokes about the Imperial Fist, such as how the Beast War wiped out hundreds of thousands of enemies and occupied Terra, how the land was covered with Taiquan Fists, and how the sacred Guilliman finally came to him. Loyal palace.

Not to mention the Sons of Chaos perspective, there is no doubt that Dorne is the enemy.

However, from the perspective of a Cormyrian and a Kingdom person, Aaron had infinite admiration for Rogge Dorn in his heart.

A stubborn stone man, a tenacious stone man, a stone man who accepts death. If Dorn hadn't discovered this tunnel secretly dug by the four gods of chaos thousands of years ago by going out to sea, and forcibly blocked the entrance with his own life, the world would have been destroyed. The mortals on the earth don’t know how much is left.

"What shall we do now?" asked Eleanor.

"In any case, we should awaken his remaining consciousness now. I want to know what happened along the way."

Just do what he said, Aaron cut his fingertips open, and a layer of colorful light under the bright red surface flowed down his skin, but before he could form a magic circle, the light in the blood flowed down his skin. It flowed towards the stone statue of Dorne and was sucked into the body by the stone statue.

After countless years, Dorn was so hungry that he would suck any energy into him without hesitation.

Just like the Emperor's endless thirst for psykers.

In other words, Dorn's current state itself is very similar to that of the Emperor.

If that's the case, then there's no need to bother.

Aaron pressed his chest with both hands, and the silver eight-pointed star rune of chaos lit up on his chest. The pure chaos energy extended from his chest to the tips of his fingers. The Son of Chaos retracted his palm with one hand, accumulating the chaotic spiritual energy in The palm of his right hand slowly pushed out towards Dorne's stone statue.

Colorful light shone on the stone statue, and gradually, there was some movement in the stone statue.



Outside the Happy Castle, the eldest lady was walking around with An Nuoming.

This is a dreamlike country, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, brilliant lakes, and large forests and lakes, all of which are Charlotte's favorite points. Aaron asked the eldest lady and An Nuoming to stay outside, and Charlotte simply went around to play. , waiting for his brother and Eleanor to finish.

An Nuoming followed Charlotte. The Demon Prince was always exactly five steps away from the eldest lady. Once Charlotte got close to him, he would retreat. On the contrary, if Charlotte was far away from him, he would follow. Both sides always maintained a distance of five steps. At the same time, as long as Charlotte didn't take the initiative to ask questions, Anoming would say nothing unless he thought it was necessary.

For example, after they started playing, Anuoming discovered that someone from Fort Joy was following them from a distance.

The eldest lady cast a blast of wind and a net of Amintok, and easily drove them away.

"Hey, what a great place! An Nuoming! If possible, I really want to take a summer vacation here!" The eldest lady's thin pink heels stepped on the ground, but there was no trace of dust on them. .

"..." An Nuoming said nothing. He knew that the eldest lady was just on a whim. The convenience brought by the city was not something that could be solved in this remote country. An occasional vacation was fine, but not for a long time.

"Hey, I don't know why, but I always feel that the people here are not telling the truth!" Charlotte continued: "Don't you think so? I think the words of the people here are not as trustworthy as what Bai Zi said."

"I also think..." Annuo said mid-sentence, and almost at the same time as Charlotte, he turned his attention to the bushes in the woodland by the lake: "Who is that person?"

"That's because you were deceived!" A boy about fifteen or sixteen years old secretly stuck his head out from the bushes. Judging from his dirty animal ears, he was also a wolf boy: "You have all been deceived. !”

"Who are you?" Charlotte pointed her finger at the wolf boy and prepared a human immobilization spell.

"I am Ana, Anapen-Sen!" The wolf boy emerged from the bushes. Wearing only burlap short-sleeved shorts and leggings, the wolf boy looked around cautiously: "You can call me Ana. , you are outsiders, right? I have never seen you before."

"Idiot, you have been deceived, you have all been deceived!" The wolf boy motioned to Charlotte and An Nuoming to come over: "Things are not what they said at all!"

"I am the real aborigine on the island!"


Colorful lights are constantly injected into the stone statues.

Cracks gradually appeared on the surface of the gray-white stone statue.

Ka~ ka ka ka~

The stone statue began to move, the proud head of the original body was slowly raised, and the golden pupils under the surface of the broken skin came to life.


Rogal Dorn's remaining consciousness was awakened!

"Rogal Dorn, son of the Emperor, Lord of the Seventh Legion, Chief of Guard of Holy Terra..." Aaron tried to communicate with the original body of the Imperial Fist: "I am under the orders of the Emperor..."

"..." The stone statue fell to the ground. Although the four-meter-tall majestic body was broken, it still contained unrivaled power! Along the heart, there was a mixture of golden light and black light, and a chaotic liquid as thick as petroleum stretched out from the fracture, forming flowing shoulders and arms. The stone statue of Rogal Dorn slowly stretched out his relatively intact right hand. Towards the ground, holding something.

"Primarch???" Aaron continued, and at the same time he motioned for Eleanor to step back.

"Chaos..." The stone statue spit out countless debris and a strong smoke from its mouth.

"The minions of Chaos have finally arrived here!" The Dorn stone statue's voice changed from obscure to strong. He pressed hard again, and the earth shook. The ground continued to tremble. A giant sword as big as a door panel was forced from the ground by him. Pull it up alive!

The sword of the Primarch - Stormfang!

He raised the sword with his right arm, and the gravel continued to fall. Following the golden light inside the stone statue, the Storm Fang, which had turned into stone, gradually returned to its former glory - the bright red blade on the golden hilt was covered with gilt. Carved in gold, the blade of the chain saw kept turning, and Aaron smelled the breath of destruction from above.

"Primary body?" Aaron began to prepare spells.

"Suffer! Die!!!"

Dorn is coming!

Without any warning, Aaron was instantly involved in the storm of death. Dorn's attack had no rhythm or pattern. In an instant, he rushed in front of Aaron, and the Storm Fang cut through Tzeentch's divine spark shield during the swing, cutting off the golden retriever summoned by Aaron.

block! The one-meter-long lightless staff collided with the three-meter-long Storm Fang. Aaron groaned and stepped back.

After wiping out so much of Dorne's power in a row, the two sides fought head-on, but Aaron was still no match!

So strong, is this the original body known as the demigod?

The Primarch who has been here for thousands of years, with his body dead and his soul broken, is so strong, so how amazing was the strength of the other Primarchs in their heyday?

Aaron had no time or energy to think.

Dorne is at it again!

Missing a hit, Dorn retreated again and then rushed out from the other direction, wielding the Storm Fang like a butcher, stabbing and slashing. Every time the giant sword struck, it could cut Aaron's throat in one breath. !

Are you from Angron or Dorne? Are you a World Eater? ? ?

Aaron couldn't help but cursed in his heart. In the blink of an eye, the bloodthirsty Aaron appeared!

Dorn went straight into Aaron's defense line with a single sword. Terra's stone man said nothing. Only the weapons in his hands glowed red due to the blessing of power. Every time the Storm Fang rotated, it sputtered outwards with waves of power!

Suddenly, Eleanor's Tears of Selun warhammer flashed from the side attack. This attack stopped Dorne's shallow breathing full of madness. The head of the stone statue shimmered with light, and the golden eyes shifted to Eleanor. On Nuo's body.

When Aaron was thinking about whether Dorn was awake, Selun's Tears hit Dorn's chest.

"In the name of Suellen!" Miss Priest's roar was even angrier than Dorn's.

If you dare to hurt Aaron, you are an enemy!

It was a gorgeous raid. In all his years of war, Aaron had never seen the fighting in Dorne. The stone men of Terra fought with the simplicity of a line drawn by an artisan on a blank piece of parchment. .

But it was death, destruction and endless silence...

When he thought that he, once a member of the Emperor's Custodians, could actually face off against Dorn, Aaron's heart suddenly felt filled with pride.

It's on fire!

"Add me one!"

The Storm Fang blocked the Tears of Selun, the Sword of the Dark Moon, and the Lightless Staff. In an instant, reality screamed. Silver light burst out from where the two weapons met.

"Boom! Boom~~~~"

The explosion blew away the four-meter-tall giant and the visitor.

Aaron and Dawn stood face to face, as if the entire universe had made room for this 30k era gathering.

"I'm here for you, Rogge." The bloodthirsty demon Aaron took a step back and then once again used his sword to stir up the storm. Dorn's counterattack was constant vertical slashes and cross cuts. Every slide of the weapon stirred the air. Eleanor also entered a violent state at this time. Every blow of the Tears of Suellen in Miss Priest's hand was It can make some debris fall off the original body's stone body!

The power of the artifact of Selun's Tears is so terrifying!

Eleanor's inclusion is about victory, about real victory.

When the bloodthirsty demon Aaron blocked Dorne's path, the Storm Fang instantly split through the bloodthirsty demon's torso. Then the liquid and blood in the internal organs spurted out as the corpse and armor fell.

The magical waves unleashed by Aaron the Keeper of Secrets and Aaron the Almighty Lord flooded the entire tiny ring around the Chaos Storm Island.

Round after round of indiscriminate bombardment, the tall stone body could not help but stop under the power of magic.

"Primarch, please calm down and look at me. I woke you up." Keeper of Secrets Aaron said to his former colleagues.

The four-meter-high Dorne stone statue stood in front of him, like a majestic sculpture of revenge approaching him step by step with golden armor, and then the Storm Fang suddenly froze as it approached.

Aaron, the All-Changing Demon Lord, stretched out his hand, and the static force field covered the body of Terra's stone man.

"Suffer! Die!!!" Dorn continued to slash downwards with all his strength. Keeper of the Secrets Aaron raised his sword, and the two weapons collided. Eleanor suddenly spun around and approached, and the Tears of Selun swept past him. Then, the stone statue was hit on the elbow and staggered: "But you, you know nothing about what you are fighting for. We are all fighting for the future, Rogge."

The Keeper of Secrets thrust again, and Dorne suddenly dodged away in the blink of an eye. Eleanor seized this opportunity to pick up the Tears of Selun and hit him on the shoulder. More stone surfaces were broken, and Dorne's steps began to stagger. stand up.

After thousands of years of watching, endless torture, loss of strength, and physical death, Dorne's strength has declined severely.

Even so, he still roared angrily, raised his own Storm Fang, and signaled that he would come if he wanted to fight!

Even if they have been watching for thousands of years, even if they are unconscious, even if their strength has declined, the stone people of Terra are really as stubborn as a stubborn stone that cannot be moved no matter how hard they say it. Open the door to chaos!

Use the power of a demigod to resist the four gods, and use the remaining soul of the dead body to hold on to the seal.

This is the Emperor's Fist!

Aaron had never been so shocked as he was today. Rogal Dorn was fighting one against two, and in the silent confrontation, the entire gray world shook, and the storm in the sky was about to fall.

A sad song.

The original body is using his last remnant soul to play his own soul's elegy.

"Come on!" The stone man was still roaring. He was struggling to carry the giant sword. Every minute and every second, more gravel peeled off his body. His face was almost unsalvageable. Only the stone beneath the surface could be seen. The golden pattern is still burning.


Just as the two sides continued to confront each other, the surrounding gray curtain was finally completely torn apart, and the colorful and chaotic subspace, the boundless starry sky and infinite terror were revealed in front of Aaron and others. In the ultimate glory, the four true gods came here!

The All-Changing Demon Lord Aaron opened the third eye on his forehead and finally learned the truth of the matter - their battle with Dorne weakened the effect of the seal again, and Dorne no longer had the extra strength to guard the Gate of Chaos. !

A figure sitting on a skull throne first appeared among the torn curtains. The majestic body of the blood god Khorne, which was hundreds of meters high, stretched out, shaking the subspace realms: "Rogal Dorn, you have fought all your life. Although it disgusts me, it also makes me admire him.”

The twisted incarnation of Tzeentch sitting on the lotus platform made a seal with his hands, holding a lotus flower in his hand: "I guess one day I won't be able to hold on anymore, and the seal will be broken. Even though I am old and frail, I still pretend to die and try to lure us to appear. Interesting, so interesting!" "

Nurgle collapsed on the bench and stirred the soup with a large spoon: "For thousands of years, I have resisted our destined arrival for a world. Dad is really impressed by you. Is it really worth it for you to do this? "

Slaanesh leaned against his throne and spit out his forked tongue impatiently: "It's boring, it's really boring. I hate such a stinking stone that never changes. My dear, you know what to do, right?"

"Go ahead, my dear choice, and give him a decent end!" Khorne's great brass ax spun in his hand. .

"A new big change is coming!" Tzeentch was ecstatic: "Ah ah ah~ knock down that wall~ ah ah~ knock down that wall~"

"..." Nurgle was silent. Fat Grandpa hesitated for a long time before nodding: "Do it, child, this is great love. When you open this door, send my blessings regardless of national boundaries or categories. Spread space and time to everyone in this world, and love is just ahead."

"Quick, quick, quick~ My first, third, fifth, sixth, and seventh legions are already waiting. My dear, Prince Sigvald will serve as your adjutant and conquer the world under your leadership!" Slaanesh! Already screaming with excitement.

Aaron remained motionless, looking at the stubborn stone man quietly. He felt sad, hurt for Dorne.

After fighting for a lifetime, the desolate evening scene ended with the last person turning into a stone statue and watching alone.

Is this really what you want?


updated! ! !

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