Crown of Chaos

Chapter 424, I am your god!

The three overlapping golden rings are divided by vertical lines, and the two lower arcs are located at the upper and lower ends of the vertical lines. Aaron, the legendary Chaos God Warlock and the controller of the Golden Law, appears in the light, following the curves of his body. Incarnate, the lines of the golden law ring are full of light, and the red lotus karma fire is rushing, wrapping the law in it.

The Dharma Ring flows, and in the forest, the golden fire is blazing.

"Aaron!" Nestia cried with a hint of tears, and the dark elf sister looked at Aaron's appearance in disbelief.

Didn't he go to sea?

Why? Why!

Why does he always appear at critical moments? Why is he always there when I need him?

Is this destiny? !

"Ugh~" Nastia just said two words and couldn't continue. She covered her mouth desperately and couldn't help crying.

"Who?" Rose on the legendary giant demon spider narrowed her eyes, and the spider queen immediately recognized Aaron: "Hey, isn't this the son of chaos who fascinated my daughter? She is indeed very beautiful. .”

With a flick of her eye, a new evil plan emerged in Rose's mind: "It seems that my daughter cannot satisfy you. Do you want me to help you understand what it is like to be a real woman?"

"Shut up, Spider Queen." Aaron said softly: "You god, you have become very unfaithful, unfilial, unkind, unrighteous, unwise, unbelieving, since you fell."

"Did Corellon accidentally land on your face when he knocked you into the abyss, ugly ass?"

The Spider Queen's expression changed slightly, but after all, Rose is a god from ancient times to the present. His mood will not be affected by a few casual words. The one who can really make him feel unhappy is Nastia. of luck.

He is jealous, He is madly jealous!

It's okay... Rose had a deeper vicious thought in her heart.

"Sister Nastia, don't be afraid, I'm here." Aaron turned around and whispered towards Nastia. His eyes gradually changed from sky blue to red, and his eyes symbolized the blood god. The fire of Khorne's brass skull burns.

"I said before, I am your god."

Aaron was angry, and the consequences were dire.

Aaron sensed the problem through the Holy Emblem of Chaos on Nastia's body. This emotional change, which can be called a complete collapse, is the nourishment that the four gods of Chaos dream of. When Rose chewed Nastia's pain with her fangs, When drinking mead, Aaron also felt Nastia's emotions.

She is calling herself, she needs herself!

So Aaron teleported here without hesitation. Although this long-distance teleportation required a lot of his magic power, which prevented Aaron from appearing in the form of a meteor beast, he knew he had to arrive.

The dark elf sister can no longer hold on.

He said that he is her God, the God who responds to her requests!

"Aaron... help me!" Nastia knelt on the ground, tears on her face: "Please!"

"of course."

Spider Queen Rose... Aaron had not felt such raw anger from the depths of his soul for a long, long time.

So vicious, so cruel, so taking pleasure in the suffering of his own family members.


Kill kill kill kill kill kill!

"It doesn't matter, at most it's just another story about Katniss and Gina Fey." The legendary giant spider incarnated by the Spider Queen said: "You actually dare to come to die at this time, I guess your fate is not good, the Chaos Divinity in you and the Golden Law are mine!"

"the same as you!"

Aaron clasped his hands together, the power of Khorne and the power of Slaanesh merged into one, and the golden ring of law flowed down his body.

The incarnation of the golden law beast is here!

As soon as the complete golden ring of law appeared, Rose's expression changed in the form of a giant widow spider. The spider queen suddenly realized that her enemy had moved one step further from its original strength. The stars in the universe in the dark void giant were wrapped in golden threads. The beast rushed out of the sky fire - a shadow wrapped in the original darkness, ever-changing, and collided head-on with the legendary giant widow spider.

The first time the two sides met, there was no winner!

Aaron controlled the Golden Rhythm Behemoth to fight in the giant web incarnated by the Spider Queen, wielding the sharp blade formed by Draconion. The Golden Rhythm Behemoth poured into Dorne's power continued to spin, and the red lotus fire burned. Burn.

Rose's incarnation showed no sign of weakness. The seven-meter-tall giant widow spider from the bottomless abyss strode forward. The red lotus fire from the Baixiang Furnace blackened the outer shell and ignited the down on it.

The golden law - the law of cause and effect!

Seven-ring magic—Tzeentch Firestorm!

Aaron roared under the Golden Rule beast. The Son of Chaos had never been so angry. Every time he roared, the essence hidden under his body became closer to reality.

So cruel, so unfair, so vicious, Rose's behavior completely angered Aaron.

He's going to rip Rose's face off, now!

The voices of the four gods of chaos also appeared with Aaron's roar, the hatred of Khorne, the curse of Tzeentch, the regret of Nurgle, and the scream of Slaanesh. At this moment, the angry faces of the four gods appeared behind Aaron at the same time. , the Blade of Dark Moon chopped the cobweb, and under the gaze of the four gods, the transformed Aaron moved forward with such overwhelming rage that even Rose felt a little afraid.

Following the Eye of Tzeentch, pillars of fire enveloped the giant spider's body, and flesh and blood were peeling off its bone-like skin.

However, if Lolth could be defeated so easily, she wouldn't be the Spider Queen famous across the multiverse.

When the colorful flames of Tzeentch enveloped the Widow Spider and the Golden Rule beast prepared to drop the original demon sword, the original human face of the giant spider had disappeared without a trace, and only the black mist was drawn by the blade.

The thunder of chaos suddenly exploded, and behind the Golden Rhythm Giant Beast, the moving face of Spider Queen Rose flashed out. The venomous fangs instantly penetrated the Golden Rhythm Giant Beast's spine, and the purple toxin poisoned the Golden Rhythm Giant Beast from the inside out. The beast shrouded the body, and the sizzling corrosive liquid flowed rapidly along the golden beast towards Aaron's body!

Aaron immediately felt the deepest and purest malice from the multiverse poured into his body. This poison was powerful enough to melt away all matter and energy.

What kind of poison is this?

Half of the Golden Rule Beast's body began to melt in just a short breath, and the fatigue of the sticky muscles had been transmitted to Aaron's body. Even if he immediately strengthened Nurgle's power, he could not immediately digest this poison.

Spider Queen's poison!

Aaron turned around quickly, and the Dark Moon Sword in his hand came through the air, and the moon blade flew over the shoulder of the golden law beast like lightning.

The three moon blades collided with the spider web spewed by the giant widow spider, melting it into burning sludge. The red lotus fire reflected Aaron's burning eyes, and the lightless night returned to his hand in a blink of an eye, spinning, slashing, Killing, Aaron single-handedly fought against a pair of claws of the Widow Spider. Above him, the Golden Rhythm Beast with half of its body melted was confronting the Spider Queen's will.

"I admit that I underestimate you a little, Aaron Salian." Rose's voice slowly came from the human face of the Widow Spider: "This incarnation I prepared is not for fighting, but, do you think, Can you rely on your newfound strength to deal with me?"

"Tear your face to pieces, that's enough." Aaron's teeth were clenched, and every breath was struggling in and out. A stream of hot sweat penetrated his cheeks. He stretched out his face and cut off the sword. , a flaming crescent flew out, turning the aftermath of Rose's divine power into dust, and embers scattered in the windless air.

Aaron took a deep breath, and he brought his face close to Rose's face: "I said I was going to tear your face into pieces, right?"

"Stupid." Rose leaned towards him, and the Spider Queen looked at him as if she was appreciating or playing with him: "You don't understand God."

"It's you who don't understand chaos!" Aaron's chest swelled high, and when the spider queen came close to her, she opened her mouth wide and a large torrent of yellow-green turbidity mixed with Nurgle soup spurted out!

Nurgle's Sixth Ring Spell - Corrupting Ichor!

"Ahhhh!" The beautiful juice from Fat Grandpa's crucible spurted out over seven meters in diameter and over one meter wide. It swayed from side to side without landing, pouring Rose's transformation into a giant widow spider from head to tail, Nurgle's beautiful juice The juice melted Rose's divine shield and melted the hard shell of the Spider Queen's incarnation. The disgusting pus, the poisonous and highly corrosive damage caused by the corruption made the Spider Queen have to retreat continuously while wailing!

It seems to be barely effective.

Aaron verified a conjecture. He knew that Rose had the power of godhead and was immune to all poisons.

But what about Nurgle's poison?

Sure enough, Nurgle is not immune to the spider queen's poison, and the spider queen is not immune to Nurgle's soup!

However, Rose is a god after all, and Aaron is still a mortal who borrows divine power. As Aaron used Nurgle's power to give Rose a mouthful of juice, the Spider Queen's poison struck again, and the Golden Rule beast After all, it couldn't be sustained anymore.

The beast disappeared with a crash, but Rose remained in the form of a giant widow spider.

Take advantage of now!

Aaron could feel his magic power declining rapidly. He did not arrive at full state. He first teleported from a distance, and then summoned the golden law incarnation to release a six-ring and a seven-ring magic, which already caused Aaron's magic power to sound an alarm. But he has always been careful to hide his unique skills.

Rejoice, Spider Queen, you will be the first god to taste it!

With a tight distance, taking advantage of Nurgle's juice and Rose's negligence, Aaron dodged a blow from the Widow Spider's fang on the inside, and slid into the defensive blind spot under Rose's avatar with incredible agility. .

Stepping on the ground with one foot, rotating the waist, exerting force with both feet, and tightening the muscles of the whole body, the power of the four gods gathers and flows along the golden ring. Aaron is ready!

Nine Rings of Magic - Fist of Dorne!

The sound of thunder exploded, and golden light flowed into the air along Aaron's fist. This punch knocked Rose's eight legs off the ground. The giant widow spider flew into the air in circles, and the spider queen screamed. And black divine blood spilled out along the split spider head.

Asia? Lun?

No one could describe this punch in words. In the sight of Nestia, Vanessa, and Kafka, they just saw Aaron tightening his abdomen, kicking his legs, spinning into the air, and rising with him. It was a pillar of light soaring into the sky and a golden fist shadow, and then the invincible incarnation of the Spider Queen shattered, and her divine blood spilled to the ground. In an instant, clumps of strange-looking mushrooms grew out of the pool of blood.

Watching the embarrassed Widow Spider keep retreating, watching Rose's screams trying to use divine power to heal herself, summoning the Wax Melt Demon to block Aaron's pursuit, watching Rose's screaming voice filled with endless thoughts. Hatred, Nastia was stunned on the spot.

No drow can defy Lolth, not even Vanessa and Kafka who believe in Eilistraee. The two Eilistraee who watched the whole battle swore that the drow would just stand there and not surrender to Rose's will. Backstabbing Aaron had taken all they had.

The same goes for Nestia. Even at this level, she still can't fight against Rose.

But for the first time in her life, hope ignited in Nestia's heart. She saw Aaron's Shenglong Fist with her own eyes - let's describe it this way. This punch cracked the spider queen's head and hit him so hard. The divine blood surged, beating him to pieces and unable to take care of himself.

This punch broke the impression that Rose could not resist in Nastia's mind.

Maybe I... maybe I can... Nastia slowly stretched out her hand to her sword and dagger. Her hands were shaking and she was shaking so hard that she tried hard to hold her weapon. Sing a sword song to help Aaron.

I can do it too...Father and mother, please give me courage, please, please...

"No, you can't." Rose's whisper appeared in Nastia's ears.

Nestia shivered violently. At this moment, she finally discovered that her whole body was covered in spider silk from the end of the multiverse. Unknowingly, a small spider had climbed onto her arm, its fangs Plunged into Nestia's body.

Nestia didn't feel any pain, but she soon found that her memories began to fade away. The sword skills she was proud of, her sword songs, the skills she had honed thousands of times since she was a child, All her spells no longer exist, and even her own will is disappearing.

"Your life comes from me, your strength comes from me, your soul belongs to me, why do you resist me, my daughter?" Rose whispered maliciously: "Now, the final drama is about to begin. "

"Yes, my master." Following the pull of the spider silk, Nastia's hand grasped the hilt of the sword, and her eyes turned to Aaron's back.

"You won, but your victory meant nothing."

Rose's incarnation of the legendary Abyss Widow Spider found that she could not use divine power to repair her wounds. The Spider Queen chose to give up. When the incarnation was about to fall apart, Rose's face showed a strange smile.

At this time, Aaron's magic power was almost exhausted. Just as he was about to say something, a bloody crack spread from his back to his chest.

It's Nestia.

Tears were still streaming down her face, and she looked painful and crazy, but she couldn't control herself.

Everything she got came from Lolth, and the Spider Queen just took it back.

"Two committed lovers kill each other and end their love affair with blood and hatred. There is nothing more beautiful and joyful than this ending." Nestia, or Rose in Aaron's He whispered in his ear, a smile on his face.

The Abyss Widow Spider was defeated and turned into ashes under Dorne's Fist, and Lolth's will was transferred to Nestia's body.

The Spider Queen was indeed ill-prepared, and the giant spider incarnation she temporarily summoned was shattered under Aaron's Dornish Fist.

But the Spider Queen hasn't lost yet.

"Is it?"

Aaron's reaction was beyond Rose's expectation. The scalp of the Son of Chaos split from the middle, and a new Aaron shed his skin!

He unleashed the Slaanesh Shedding Technique on himself in advance!

Rose obviously didn't expect Aaron to guard against this move, and the Spider Queen was also moved by Aaron's cunning: "It's amazing, boy."

"But if I do this, how are you going to respond?" Rose controlled Nastia and put the blade against her throat: "I control everything about her, I can melt this body now. Body, take away her soul, what can you do?"

"No escape, no death, no resurrection. This is her end. She is my daughter."

The Spider Queen said with a smile, and once again, he felt the joy that penetrated his bones.

This is the last scene of this great drama: the separation of life and death between lovers.

Rose's plans are always so perfect. From the beginning, He will never lose, never!

The two sides faced off again, Aaron's magic power had been completely exhausted, and Rose was controlling Nastia's body, enjoying the afterglow of the last scene.

However, inside Nastia's body, a dim light point was emerging.

The Spider Queen thought that he had erased all consciousness of Nestia, but he did not. He was a little surprised, although this did not affect the ending.

Rose, you bitch!


Rose, you really pissed me off, you really pissed me off! ! !

Nestia's soul finally broke through the fear of Lolth, and the remaining will of the dark elf sister screamed in pain.

From this moment on, Nestia finally broke through the mark left by Lolth in the depths of her soul. Hatred surpassed fear, and anger overwhelmed the causeway.

Nestia's roar made Rose pause for a moment, and then she continued to ponder: "You finally showed the courage to resist, my daughter, but you don't have the strength to resist me. It's really sad."

"She didn't have it herself, but...what if I gave it to her? Rose."

An elegant voice sounded from Nastia's body.

This voice caused the Spider Queen's expression to change dramatically.


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