Crown of Chaos

Chapter 427, ringing the death knell of Baldur’s Gate!


Even in the Cloak Forest, which is a certain distance away from Baldur's Gate, Aaron, Nestia, and Shar all felt a very obvious earthquake. They witnessed a twin-tailed comet falling towards the direction under Shar's fingers. Baldur's Gate.

The ground shook, and both Aaron and Nestia saw a green mushroom cloud rising at the end of the horizon.

Baldur's Gate!

Aaron immediately understood what was happening in the distance of his sight. He tried again to find traces of the comet in the night sky, but the twin-tailed comet had disappeared, replaced by a giant cloud gradually rising on the horizon.

"Things don't look good, Aaron, do you know what that is?" Nastia clenched the Sanye sword in her hand: "The only thing I can think of is the powerful legendary magic. This kind of power, Normal meteor bursts can’t do it.”

"I'm afraid even ten meteor bursts can't do it, because a normal nine-ring meteor burst is just a few large meteorites falling from the sky." Aaron's expression was gloomy and uncertain. He squinted his eyes and stared at the mushroom cloud in the distance, subconsciously raising his hand. He raised his thumb, squinted one eye, and pointed at the mushroom cloud in the distance with his thumb.

Damn it, Suellen, what does Beelak do for food?

After a little comparison, Aaron found that the mushroom cloud was smaller than his thumb. He breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Shar: "You know everything?"

"Of course." Shar's incarnation nodded disapprovingly: "I have discovered it a long time ago."

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?" Aaron frowned: "You knew that the Horned Rat God had launched a comet, why didn't you tell me? And you suggested that we camp in the forest? This is a waste of time!"

After Aaron said this, Shar's original amethyst-colored pupils turned into the original pitch-black ink color of nothingness. The goddess was still lying on her back on the recliner, stretching out a pair of beautiful legs wearing black stockings with a graceful high-gloss color. The goddess of the night's There was no unnecessary expression on his face, as if he was saying something that had nothing to do with Him: "The reason is simple, you need to rest."

"Am I right? Nestia, my dark patriarch?" The goddess of the night asked the dark elf sister for her opinion.

"Ms. Night is right, Aaron, you need to rest now." Nestia obviously agreed with Shar's view. The dark elf sister only had Aaron in her eyes: "Even if you can rush back now, with your remaining strength Magic, what else can you do?”

"It's not important to you that the rats blew up Baldur's Gate, it's not important to me, it's not important to Nastia, Aaron, the important thing is that you need to rest." Shar said easily : "What big deal is it if a few mortals die?"

"It's not just a few mortals who died, Baldur's Gate is a city with a population of 400,000!" Aaron looked into the distance, very upset. Although he prepared a lot of back-ups, the Skaven used the dimension Even though the stone nuclear bomb blew up Baldur's Gate, he still desperately wanted to go back: "This will be a huge disaster!"

"Disaster? Similar disasters happen every year in the country. Can you save it?" Shar said disdainfully: "Don't follow the arguments of my useless snack sister and Elminster and his Harper allies. , this is also a disaster that may affect the multiverse, and it is also an evil that may destroy the country. Taking care of such things will only harm you, my dear, do you think the Pantheon and God AO are just decorations?"

Shar really has the power to not care about anything.

A black line appeared on Aaron's forehead. He knew that there was no point in arguing with Shar on this issue, so he simply said instead: "You are right, Lady Night..."

"Just call me Shar. I like you to call me that, or...don't you like to call Su Lun Mama? Then you can call me Sister Shar." Shar's long black hair fell to the ground, in the dark night The goddess's long hair has a slightly "moist feel" and is as tight and integrated as silk satin. She, who is already almost perfect, has a slightly teasing look that is even more charming and charming, coupled with the vaguely angry look in her eyes. , is really the "male killer" who destroys the world.

Well, a real male killer, the kind of killer who has killed countless people.

"I have many relatives and friends in Baldur's Gate, including my high-level contract dragon Egil and the elf princess Buyel. Putting aside the civilians, I have an obligation to protect my relatives and friends." Aaron said solemnly Said: "I care about their safety, just like I care about our relationship. They and you are both my treasures."

"Oh? Then you do have a lot of treasures." Shar turned his gaze from Aaron to the starry night sky. He couldn't hide the look in his eyes that wanted a knife: "Okay, you convinced me, I I originally wanted to host the engagement ceremony between you and Nestia tonight, but seeing that you have no intention of having sex with her, let’s leave it to next time.”

"However, you still need to rest." Shar's incarnation gradually dissipated: "Remember to take the forest road near Feilong Pass before sunrise tomorrow morning. There will be a surprise."

The goddess of the night was about to leave. Aaron hesitated for a moment and immediately asked: "Shar..."

"Huh?!" Shar stared at him with a condescending expression.

"Shar...sister, what is your relationship with Misty?" Aaron had no choice but to ask.

"Well, good Aaron, Misty and I?" Shar said with a satisfied smile: "Misty has always been the princess of Yinhun City. She is Sha Duo's daughter. Unfortunately... she was stillborn, so... With now Misty Tanshur.”


"Giggle~Misty is Misty, Shar is Shar, Misty is Shar, but Shar is not Misty."

Shar left, and now only Aaron and Nestia were left in the night.

"Contrary to the rumors, Lady Night seems to be very kind when facing us." Nestia's bright red cold eyes showed a hint of smile: "I think I probably know the reason."

Aaron hugged her waist without hesitation and said in her ear: "Did you know? Nastia, you are really beautiful now."

"Hiss!" Nestia quickly moved away. Now that the knot in her heart was untied, the dark elf sister felt that she could not resist Aaron at all. He blew her ears and made half of her body numb. "Wait a minute, didn't you say you should have a good rest at night?"

"Of course you have to rest." Aaron smiled and picked up Nastia by the waist, holding the dark elf sister in his arms: "The Spider Queen left a trace of divinity on you. I need some time to analyze the spider. The origin of the Queen, and how He understands 'Chaos'."

Nastia's face was originally blushing with anticipation. Perhaps for the dark elf sister, she really didn't care about Baldur's Gate, but when she heard that Aaron really didn't plan to do anything, she felt a little disappointed, but very soon He quickly hugged Aaron's neck domineeringly.

"Okay, but I'll be on top the whole time!"

————I want the dividing line above————

After a long night's rest, Aaron and Nestia finally recovered their condition and magic power. Before dawn, they rushed towards Baldur's Gate.

Aaron summoned two Tzeentch Frisbees, which allowed him and Nestia to approach Baldur's Gate very quickly. They rose from the Cloak Forest and flew straight to the area on the banks of the Chongsa River. go.

With the help of Eltoril, Aaron secretly deployed an army of his own near Baldur's Gate. What he has to do now is to join them. The sky is covered with dark clouds and the stratocumulus clouds are echoing. There was green lightning, and the rain that fell was slightly corrosive. The direction of Baldur's Gate was already covered by thick fog that reached the sky.

On the way, Aaron was still analyzing Rose's divinity.

The Spider Queen currently only has moderate divine power, but Rose undoubtedly has huge influence in many heavens and bottomless abyss in the multiverse. In the future, if Aaron wants to use "Chaos" as the core priesthood to become a god, then the Spider Queen Rose and the Demon Prince The two-headed baboon Demogorgon is a hurdle that cannot be bypassed.

Hmm... Demon Prince, this title sounds like the younger brother of the Four Gods of Chaos.

But in Den Nidan, the demon prince of the Abyss should be compared to another hero in the realm of chaos.

The Lesser God of Chaos, the Grand Marshal of the Chaos Apocalypse, the Eternal Chosen God, the Chosen God Chosen by the Gods, the Three-Eyed King, the Butcher of Kings, and the supreme leader of all Chaos armies in the eight realms - Archaon.

Lolth's understanding of chaos is very interesting. You must know that Lolth was once Eroxine, the patron goddess of elven art and beauty.

What made Eroshine become Rose?

Aaron didn't know. It might be out of ambition or for other purposes. In short, Rose launched the Horus (Fog) Heresy.

The rebellion ultimately failed, and Eloshine became Rose. As a loser, Rose needed to find a reason for her failure. She needed to convince herself to accept the result of failure. She needed to convince herself that one day she would be able to succeed in the future. Overthrow her ex-husband and his elven court.

[Chaos] is Rose's answer.

No one knows whether Rose is pretending to be crazy or really crazy.

The spider queen's mental state is difficult to discern. She sometimes strategizes and repeatedly uses thousands of conspiracies to carry out long-term and sophisticated plans one after another to eliminate any enemies that may hinder her.

When he is unable to control himself, he will kill his most loyal followers at will, and will also show incredible kindness to some enemies (such as Drizzt). The grandest, darkest and bloodiest sacrificial rituals may be obtained. The reward was not the Spider Queen's reward but the slaughter of the waxmelt monsters.

This is Rose's "chaos".

He actively chose to fight madness with madness and disease with disease, even if in the process he merged the essence of chaos with his half-spider, half-demon self.

At this point, it is meaningless to discuss whether the Spider Queen is crazy. Rose is obviously not crazy. Otherwise, she would not have chosen "crazy" as the logic of her behavior after weighing the pros and cons. Otherwise, she would not have been famous for her successful plots time and time again. Multiverse, but he is undoubtedly a madman, a mad god who deliberately does all kinds of things that violate logic and go against his own interests.

After analyzing Lolth's divine nature, Aaron already had a clear idea of ​​how to deal with the threat of the Spider Queen.

My chaos is above yours!

What we need to do now is to accumulate strength.

The two continued to fly, but before they completely left the Cloak Forest, Aaron and Nestia's eyes were attracted by the pile of rat-man corpses piled up like a hill below the forest.

On top of the pile of rat-man corpses, a storm rat troll was lying on the top of a five-meter-high hill, with a scimitar stuck in its back. The rat troll's body was twitching slightly, and a familiar white-haired drow was fighting with him. His pet panther stood on top of the storm rat troll. In one hand, he held the "brain rat" behind the storm rat troll, which was used to control the rat troll, and crushed it with his bare hands.

What a surprise indeed!

Aaron immediately controlled the Tzeentch Frisbee to fall, and the sound of wind blades constantly spinning around the Frisbee also attracted the attention of the drow.

"Where's your speeder?" Drizzt shouted into the air. Seeing his old friend and someone who was not hostile to him at all, the drow ranger's face became much more relaxed.

"Do you need a lift? Drizzt?" Aaron said with a smile: "Let's kill rats together! Convoy!"

Seeing that Drizzt had no objection, Aaron once again summoned a Tzeentch Frisbee, carrying the dark elf rangers and flying towards Baldur's Gate.


Go back in time to last night.

On the bow of the large sailboat in the Endless Sea, Eleanor and Charlotte were looking at the stars together.

The pastor lady and the warlock lady had a frank relationship since they wore wedding dresses and played flying chess with Aaron that night. After that, during the boring years in the ocean, the three of them flew together every day. chess).

Contrary to Eleanor's imagination, the lively and cheerful eldest daughter is always very shy when it comes to playing chess. She must throw the dice first, and only after Aaron's chess piece has entered the chessboard does she throw the dice.

As time goes by, the ways to play Ludo naturally become more diverse. For example, two chess pieces can be stacked together to move. For example, if the number of moves is just right, you can crush other people's chess pieces.

Eleanor had enjoyed the flanking attack of Aaron and Charlotte's flying chess, and the pastor's face turned red every time she thought about it.

You guys bully me together!

After having the relationship of chess friends, Eleanor and Charlotte became much closer. Aaron teleported away because of something urgent, leaving behind a relieved Eleanor and a pursed-mouthed Charlotte who cried out that she was bored.

"Ah, look, it's a shooting star!" The eldest lady, who was killing time at the bow of the ship, suddenly pointed excitedly into the sky: "Look, look, Bai Zi, Noah!"

The two girls from Fort Joy immediately ran to the bow of the ship: "Where is it? Miss Charlotte?"

"A shooting star?" Eleanor touched Bai Zi's head, and the pastor lady sighed: "I hope everything will go well."

It obviously wouldn't be a good thing for Aaron to teleport away so eagerly.

"Hey, hey, do you want to wish on a shooting star? I heard that if you wish on a shooting star three times, your wish may come true!" Charlotte said excitedly, her pink hair flying in the air, exuding an alluring fragrance.

Upon seeing this, Bai Zi immediately clasped his fingers, closed his eyes, lowered his head and made a wish. Noah, a tall girl with white hair, snickered when she saw Bai Zi making a wish, and also made a wish in a good manner.

"Ana, don't you make a wish?" Charlotte looked like a child king, she asked the five-year-old toddler Donne.

"...I have seen thousands of meteors like this in Terra." Ana said calmly: "That's not a meteor at all, it's an aircraft!"

Regardless of his status as a castle-obsessed maniac, Dorn himself is also a warboss mechanic. He has invented many aircraft and has also restarted the Phalanx, a legacy of the golden age of mankind.


Ana ignored everyone's surprise and Charlotte's look that blamed him for being ignorant of current affairs. He was already thinking about how to collect "interest" from Baldur's Gate.

After so many years, Baldur should probably be dead, but it doesn't matter, Baldur's Gate is still there, and Dorne plans to charge the city interest on his favor!

The reincarnation of the Primarch had already calculated the amount, accurate to seven decimal places.

He does need a large amount of money to settle his offspring created using the Baixiang Furnace.

However, as if to slap Dorn in the face, a meteor streaked across the night sky shortly after.


The explosion made the ocean tremble twice.

Baldur's Gate...exploded?

It was such a huge explosion, but Ana still had no expression on his face, staring into the distance.

Just blow it up. With the protection of my power, this city will not be destroyed so easily.

If it blows up, it blows up. Interest and principal will still have to be collected.

Hold a grudge.JPG

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