Crown of Chaos

Chapter 430, the last lesson

PS: Congratulations to Sprite for winning the TI12 championship. Yatoro is so strong that he is truly invincible. I also hope that Brother Chao, Brother Sen, and Zhuzhu can compete for another year.


Baldur's Gate Livington District, Temple of Ilmater.

Gillian suddenly opened his eyes on the bed in the nursing home.

Once again, he dreamed of Baal and his bloody heirs, and again, he dreamed of his unbearable past, and... Eboud-Adrian.

His adopted son was also the source of nightmares, but when Gillian dreamed of Eboud, the old mage knew what was going on.

Opening her eyes, sure enough, Imon was lying on her bedside. The girl was very surprised to see Gloria waking up: "Mr. Gloria?! Are you awake?"

"Well..." Old Gillian had just gotten up when he felt a stabbing pain in his abdomen. The cursed wound cut by the mysterious armored man had not yet healed. The old man's move immediately turned pale with pain, and he almost fell to the ground.

"No, Mr. Gloria!" Imon quickly helped Gloria up: "Your injury has not healed yet, Father Lal asked you to rest."

The old gentleman gasped hard: "How is the situation? Where is Eboud?"

"There was a big explosion in the city. Countless rats flooded the city. We have a temple guarding us. Fortunately, brother Eboud, sister Jahira, and Mr. Khalid are outside. Brother, he has been making trouble. We need to go out and deal with the mice!" Imoen said.

Since being rescued, Gillian has been placed in the Ilmat Temple by Barrel. The sun elf mage asked the priest Lal here to take care of Gillian. He himself still has things to do.

After a period of adventure, the four-person team of Eboud, Jaheira, Khalid and Imoen also gained some fame. When they arrived at Baldur's Gate and were about to accept employment, they met the boss of Baldur's Gate. big Bang.

The Livington District is already far away from the city of Baldur's Gate. The walls were cracked by the aftermath of the explosion. The Skaven also attacked here. However, due to the protection of the Iron Warriors and the blessing of the temple's divine power, the Ilmat Temple was not affected for the time being. Too many influences.

The first thing Eboud did when he brought Imoen and others to Baldur's Gate was to visit Gillian. To Eboud's disappointment, Gillian did not want to see Eboud.

Until just now.

"Are you still thinking about killing at this time?" Gillian took a deep breath, his old face was covered with wrinkles, and he struggled to leave the ward.

"You can't go out, Mr. Gillian!" Imon helped the old mage up: "This is the only place that is safe."

"Really?" The old mage closed his eyes and shook his head: "They have already come to the door!"

As if responding to Gillian's call, the earth began to tremble, and the ground cracked only two hundred meters away from the temple, and the giant beast - the Skaven Hell Pit Abomination appeared!

The Hellpit Abomination is the behemoth of Clan Model, a rapidly regenerating mass of flesh with (possibly) a large head and a collection of rat heads.

The Abomination of the Pit has a large number of mutated limbs, and is also equipped with mechanical parts such as wheels, chimneys, and drills. It seems to be a mountain made of meat, moving slowly on the battlefield, and its stinky body stretches out Several arms constantly pull those unfortunate enemies into his mouth that can never be filled.

The appearance of the giant beast smashed the nearby houses. It had already smelled the fragrant smell. Relying on instinct, the lower body of the pit abomination was like a reptile dragon beast, and the upper body of the rat head was surrounded by a circle of mouse heads at the same time. With a squeaking sound, each of the six arms was loaded with the same pinnacle of dimensional stone technology, and they immediately headed towards the location of the temple!

"Enemy detected."

The two Iron Warriors guarding the door reacted immediately. One of them raised the giant crossbow in his hand, fired it, and fired the crossbow bolts carrying the power of explosions. A series of explosions hindered the advance of the Pit Abomination.

Another Iron Warrior stood firm, raised its sword diagonally in front of its right leg, and was ready for battle. A long stream of steam erupted from behind it, indicating that this Iron Warrior had reached its limit.

The thick smoke dissipated, and two poisonous gas bombs were shot out first, hitting the Iron Warriors one after another. The plague venom from the ratmen corroded the Iron Warriors' breastplates, making a sizzling sound, and the exquisite patterns collapsed along with the acid. The liquid flowed downwards, and Spinner Ratlin's fire blasted clusters of warpstone bullets onto the Iron Warrior's body, and lightning struck from time to time!

Fortunately, the Iron Warriors tenaciously withstood the attack of the Abomination of the Pit. They all took a stance, sent out their swords, and pierced the chest of the Abomination of the Pit from both directions!

Was it successful?

Mortals looking out from the temples of Ilmater couldn't help but pray.

The rat blood surged wildly, but the Abomination of the Pit showed no sign of stopping. It pushed away an Iron Warrior with its chest, and the plague incense burner swung by one arm instantly fell on the Iron Warrior's head!


The Iron Warrior was so dizzy from the blow that it took two steps back and sat on the ground.

The other Iron Warrior was not so lucky. It escaped the control of one of the Iron Warriors, and the weapon on one of the Hell Pit Abomination's arms was fully activated.

Warpstone cutter!

Sizzssssss~ The dimensional stone cutter's hotel was placed on the Iron Warrior's chest, and the bursting sparks cut through the Iron Warrior's solid exterior, revealing its fragile interior.

The invincible Iron Warrior has fallen?

There was an exclamation in the temple, followed by panic. People began to flee in all directions, scrambling to get out from the back door of the temple. There were crowds of people, chaotic footsteps, and the sound of leather shoes, cloth shoes and straw sandals on the wooden floor. Turbid current.

At this time, only Ilmater's priests and paladins were still working hard to maintain order.

"Let the elderly and children go first!" Father Lal directed people to evacuate: "Ilmat is on top!"

An old woman on crutches fell to the ground. She seemed to have no relatives and no one cared about her. She was as weak as a maggot and could only twist her body on the ground.

Eboud Adrian, a tall man of 2.13 meters, just passed by the old lady without seeing anything.

"Brother Eboud!" Aimeng quickly jumped to the old lady's side using the "Flashing Dagger" given to her by Aaron. The girl helped the old lady up: "Mr. Gillian is looking for you!"

"Gillian?" Eboud nodded blankly. He turned around and saw that his adoptive father was at the end of the corridor.

Everyone was fleeing outside, only Gillian was running backwards.

"Adoptive father, you called me?" Eboud strode to Gillian's side. He found that his adoptive father was looking at him with strange eyes: "I...I will carry you!"

Gillian pushed away his adopted son's big hand, and the old mage stared at the pit approaching from the window with hatred: "Eboud Adrian, do you know why I gave you this name?"

"Gillian, what are you doing? Come on, let me carry you!" Eboud suppressed the desire to kill deep in his soul and motioned to his adoptive father to let him carry him.

"Ebud-Adrian, in the ancient Nese language, means son of darkness." The old mage looked at his adopted son with a complex expression: "Did you know? You are the son of me who came from the depths of Baldur's Gate. Rescued from the Temple of Baal."

"Me?" Eboud was also stunned. He glanced out the window and couldn't understand why his adoptive father wanted to tell him about his life experience at this time: "Weren't you always unwilling to tell me?"

The abomination in the pit of hell outside the temple has cut an Iron Warrior into two pieces. The behemoth retracted its slightly worn warpstone cutter, and the fully charged warpstone lightning cannon "boom" exploded another one. The head of the Iron Warrior was framed. The broken pieces of iron were mixed with a large amount of human tissue and blood, which showed that the Iron Warrior was essentially a human-controlled fighting machine made of iron.

"Your mother is the love of my life. I can never forgive Barr for taking her away and giving birth to you." Gillian was like a bleeding old lion, his eyes were full of memories, more Still hateful: "But you are innocent, child, you are innocent, do you know? There are some places where you look a lot like your mother..."

"Gillian?" Eboud understood what was going on, no matter how stupid he was at this time.

"Haha~ A life has been burdened with original sin since birth?" Gillian was old and haggard. He looked at the adopted son who he loved and hated, and shook his head: "I don't know. I haven't figured it out in so many years. I All we can do is raise you up... You have to decide for yourself what the future holds, Eboud."

"I..." Eboud was stupid. He couldn't say a word, and his thick arms hung down stupidly.

The Hell Pit Abomination continues to approach, and it is less than twenty meters away from the temple gate. Many people hope that the temple's divine shield can prevent the invasion of this giant beast, but Ilmat's thin layer of divine shield The shield only slowed down the giant beast slightly, allowing its body to squeeze through a gap with difficulty amid the resistance.

Obviously, the temple's divine shield cannot stop this giant beast.

This triggered even greater panic, and cries for help continued.

But Gillian seemed very calm, and even a little relaxed. When he heard the cries of survival and prayers downstairs, the old mage took out the Harper's badge from his pocket and handed it to Eboud's hand. : "You have never been very smart, so I will teach you one last time now."

"What is the Harper? Where is the Harper?"

"When people call, when people pray, when people cry for help, Harper, be here!"

Old Gillian forced the Harper badge into Eboud's hand. At this moment, the old mage finally showed a smile. He gently poked Eboud's forehead with his finger: "I'm sorry, Eboud, this This is the last lesson.”

"When faced with a crisis, we have no choice but to take responsibility!"

Outside the temple, the Abomination of the Pit finally broke through the divine shield. When it was about to find the direction of fresh food, a frozen sphere formed by freezing energy struck from the window above the temple, and when it touched the Abomination of the Pit It exploded instantly, freezing all areas within twenty meters in diameter!

At the same time, Gillian glanced at his adopted son one last time: "Run quickly, find Jaheira and Khalid, and promise me that you and Imoen will survive!"

"Gillian!" Eboud's eyes were already wet. He wiped away the tears with all his strength, stuffed the Harper badge into his arms, and called his adoptive father's name: "I can carry you, I am very strong, Gillian! "

"promise me!!!"

"Okay, I promise you!"

Seeing his adopted son agree, the old mage nodded, and he released a magic towards himself.

Six Rings of Magic - Tasha's extraordinary form.

With the spirit body behind his back and his wings, a series of fireballs bombarded the frozen abomination in the pit, and the old mage Gillian firmly protected the temple behind him.

"We are too old, Elminster, and you are right."

"So, this is my, Gillian's, final battle!"

One minute later, the effect of Tasha's extraordinary form ends.

Five minutes later, the Abomination of the Pit broke open the temple door, but the patients inside had safely retreated.


In the area near Baldur's Gate, high in the sky, three rotating Tzeentch Frisbees are racing against time to take Aaron, Nestia and Drizzt through their familiar environment.

No one is more familiar with the sound of Skaven bells and the mapping of chaotic energy.


Aaron knew very well that this was the fifth bell. As a person personally chosen by the Four Gods of Chaos, no one understood chaos better than him - the descendants of the Great Horned Rat were trying to summon the body of the Great Horned Rat to come to the country. The sound gave Aaron his bearings with crystal clear clarity.

What is Bilak doing?

Didn't he become the Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate? Why are there no signs of Beelak's activity at this moment?

Aaron thought about what he should do.

Because he had to go to sea to find Dorne, Aaron was a little slow in dealing with the Skaven. Baldur's Gate had already withstood the bombing of the warpstone nuclear bomb, and the first priority now was to prevent the arrival of the Horned Rat.

"A god with medium divine power wants to come to the country?" Nestia may have experienced the previous catastrophe of the Spider Queen, and witnessed the arrival of Shar, and also controlled a pair of artifacts in her hands, the Sanye Sword and the Dual Sword. , the dark elf sister did not frown like Aaron, she even didn't care a little: "Didn't Shar say it? Treat the Pantheon and the god AO as decorations?"

"You are right, Sister Nestia." Aaron's face still looked unhappy: "The Horned Rat God may eventually be punished, but as long as he comes, he can easily destroy the entire Baldur's Gate. He can easily crush us to death like reptiles and destroy everything we hold dear. Even if He will be punished by other gods by then, do you think these things will come back?"

"You're right, Aaron." Drizzt put on a cool face: "So what should we do?"

"Destroy the Calamity Bell before the thirteenth bell rings."

Despite such and such interludes, Aaron's trio never stopped for a moment. They quickly landed in the lower city where the flames were raging. Aaron himself took the lead in galloping, while Nestia and Drizzt followed quickly. thereafter.

Although the trio rushed forward at lightning speed, the Rat Man was still ahead of them and set up an ambush in a complex of buildings.

While passing through this place, Aaron's flank was hit by a sudden wave of gunmen. Warpstone bombs swept in with the poison of corruption. The Tzeentch Frisbee was also affected and was followed by the wizard. It was hit by magic and turned into scrap metal in the violent explosion.

The three of them landed on the ground effortlessly. Nestia's body flashed past the team of warp bearers. Sanye's sword gave her incredible speed and armor-breaking ability. The Skaven Engineer Warlock's dimensional stone slab A can't bear Nestia.

Drizzt skillfully used his scimitar to deal with the Skaven Runners, and tried to go back while the black-robed rats screamed: "Rat~rat~This pointy-eared thing can jump faster than me." The sentinels who returned to life were all eliminated by Drizzt.

Aaron placed a chain of lightning in the storm rat shield array and swept it across, leaving only a piece of charred flesh and blood with a scent.

As the three of them continued to move towards the location of the Calamity Bell, they encountered a large group of vampire spawn.

The leader is a young man with snow-white hair, delicate features, and ruby ​​eyes. He is very beautiful. He is also wearing a purple velvet Hakata Munuki costume that does not fit well, with pointed ears and elegant curly hair. Under his hair, the man's expression was full of intoxication and joy. He spread his arms and breathed in the sweet air.

since! Depend on!

At this time, Aaron and others happened to be passing by. The man noticed the three of them, and his eyes lit up and he immediately stopped in front of them.

"Lady Julia! Lady Julia! Please stay!"

"Hello, my name is Asdelon, do you remember? We met at my master Kazador's banquet!"

"Can you help me? Please!"

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