Crown of Chaos

Chapter 433, The Horned Rat is here!

The bell rang, and the Disaster Lords poured out from the cracks in the void one after another.

The Skaven, which had been on the verge of collapse, miraculously managed to survive. Now that the Plague Priests have regained their fighting strength, the defeated Stormvermin are closely united around the Skaven Supreme Marshal Netanya Rat. , regrouped, strings of pustules sprouted from the edges of the wounds on the plague monks, and the wounds healed in an instant. The panicked rat engineer warlocks were shocked after hearing the bell, as if they were innocent. The country boy took a few puffs of the Rui Ke 5 e-cigarette, feeling energized and even his magic power returned to full capacity.

Bell, that bell!

Aaron and Be'lak have both fought against the Skaven. They both realize that the Skaven's warpstone technology does not have any particularly commendable advantages in the country, and their weak morale is even more serious. Deadly, the rats who always relied on large numbers to kill their enemies were often killed when they encountered the professionals of the country.

But this bell of disaster provides the Skaven with a huge advantage.

The gloomy warpstone flames flowed out from the inside of the corrupted portal, and the evil energy mixed with the fly ash transformed from the corpses of the demon elves stirred between the mountain walls.

The first Calamity Lord was the first to step out of the destruction storm. These heads had huge horns and skulls exposed on their faces. They were tall but could walk as fast as flying. They came and went without a trace like rats.

They have twisted spiral horns on their heads, and they wear a rat skin cloak. The cloak is full of decorations made of warpstone. Large pieces of warpstone can be seen everywhere on their bodies embedded in their bodies. Their sharp incisors and knives The claws can easily tear the enemy into pieces. This is a nightmarish creature. Its gaze seems to penetrate everything. No one dares to look directly at this monster.

Few creatures are more disgusting and unnatural than the Scourge Lord, a demon that belongs only to the Horned Rat.

These terrifying monsters overflow with terrible evil power, corroding everything around them incredibly slowly. There is no monster created by the Horned Rat God that is more powerful than it.

The figure of the Lord of Disaster is so strong, majestic, and disgustingly dirty. It is the physical symbol of the word "disaster" and extremely reveals its taste for dirty and rotten things. Many witnesses find that their sight cannot be seen at all. I couldn't turn away from this nightmare monster, but I strongly prayed not to meet this demon's eyes.

The gaze from this ancient monster is enough to stop a mortal's heart. A weaker mortal would die on the spot if he looked directly at the Lord of Disaster.

The dirty and unclean aura protected this terrifying monster against the repulsion of the world. Under its hooves, the land was completely dyed black, and all hope was destroyed because of its existence.

Several Flame Fist warriors just stared at the Lord of Disaster for a few seconds before covering their chests and falling to the ground. As the Disaster Bell rang, their broken armor and lifeless corpses slowly rolled down the hillside. Falling into the dust haze below the valley; an Iron Warrior fell backwards on its back - the soul-burning warpstone fel energy killed the driver in the iron knot.

The battle started again. Berak and the disaster lord "Motrich" began to fight. Not far away, another disaster lord "Squirich" also came in front of Aaron. Drizzt faced him as he wished. A scourge lord who calls himself Ticonderoga.

Nestia's opponent is the disaster lord "Bunker Hill", which is the warbringer disaster lord.

There are also three disaster lords, who respectively face off against the legendary monk Dragon Master Liu Kang, the born legendary god-demon Aturo, and the legendary storm ice elemental barbarian Braum from the North.

One-on-one, the seven disaster lords and the seven legends (Naestia barely had the strength to fight relying on the Shar artifact) began to fight.

The legendary battle shook the earth and shattered the earth.

In the deep pit, the Silver Dragon Knights led by Samir, the Watchers led by Duke Iltan, the church army of Paladin Kaidong, and the mages of the Church of the Goddess of Magic opened fire with all their strength. The steep mountain walls provided them with Excellent cover, the Bodur people made full use of the advantages brought by the high ground. Bodur's line of fire intertwined into a giant net, knocking over the rat people who wanted to approach one by one, and smashing them into the valley floor, one after another. Destructive explosion sparks exploded in the enemy formation, and the evil energy leaked from the broken warpstone armor gathered into a large thick cloud, leaving motionless corpse fragments rolling around.

The sky resounded with the chants of the Gond priests. Heavy artillery and heavy crossbows cleared valuable targets according to the instructions. Edward Teach and his companions fired at a speed like a gust of wind. The kobold Dragon Vein Warlock Kui Each shot of Tzeentch's flames spit out from En's mouth would penetrate more than two Skaven. In front of Maximian's hard-trained "Qi", the sturdy Storm Rats were pierced through the heads by flying arrows one after another.

The corpses of the rat people continued to pile up, gradually covering the bottom of the pit, and the stinking corpses blocked the road below.

For a moment, it seemed that the entire battle would end with the Skaven corpses filling the entire valley. Although the Skaven's counterattack also caused considerable casualties to the Baldurs, the battle was indeed heading towards a one-sided massacre. Trending until – DOOOOOOOOOMMMM!

The eleventh bell rings.

The screaming giant bell made its deafening sound. Now the sound wave of the Great Horned Rat has spread to the whole city. The disaster lords are even more crazy under the sound of the bell. At this time, very few people who are still capable of fighting are still trying hard to get closer to the disaster. The bell of woe.

Worked hard!

The light of Aaron's Golden Law lit up, and on the other side, Beelak also summoned his own Dark Throne. Both sides were trying to get closer to the Calamity Bell, but the Calamity Lords would rather use their bodies to resist harm than fight to the death. Aaron and others take a step forward!

At the same time, around the pit.

In Eboud-Adrian's hand, he tightly held the last relic left to him by Gillian - the Harper Alliance badge. God Son of Baal pressed his fingers hard into the earth, trying to stand up again with his body. stand up.

He had just used his fists to blow the head of a Skaven warlord, but the bell that followed caused the ground to crack, the world to turn upside down, and the shock made people's scalp numb.

Jaheira fell in pain of bleeding from all her orifices, and Khalid was rolling on the ground in pain due to the sound waves, scratching his face with wounds. Only Eboud just felt a little dizzy, and he crawled away quickly. stand up.

Also standing up quickly was Imoen. For some reason, the girl didn't seem to be affected much by the Calamity Bell. Apart from them, the hundreds of Flame Fists, Harpers and adventurers around them had all fallen down collectively, lost. increased combat effectiveness.

Eboud and Eamonn looked at each other doubtfully.

Weren't you stunned?

Why don't you?

There was a horrific scene all around, with corpses stacked in blankets scattered on the collapsed streets, broken spear shafts still protruding from the flesh, pools of blood forming in the depressions between the cobblestones, and the corpses of the Bode Alliance soldiers lying spread out. Falling to the ground, everyone's face was bleeding and their brains were fainting because of the terrible bell.

"Jahira!" Seeing that Imoen was fine, Eboud rushed towards Jaheira without hesitation. The young and beautiful Druid beauty with long brown-red hair was spurting blood from her nostrils and mouth. This made her so beautiful in Eboud's eyes, so fascinating, it was simply art.

"Ahem~" Jaheira was seriously injured. Fortunately, she was a druid and had the magic to protect herself. Her brain was also stronger because of her connection with nature. The female druid opened her eyes and barely recognized it. Eboud wanted to say something, but a stream of blood mixed with internal organs spurted out from his mouth, and then he fell unconscious again.

is blood! It's Jaheira's blood!

Eboud's body was spattered with blood. He suppressed the impulse and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, shouting to Aimon: "Fortunately, Jaheira is fine!"

This big brother! Aemon turned blue with anger, Khalid was obviously more seriously injured, the warrior had entered a state of shock and rolled his eyes, but Eboud obviously didn't care about Khalid.


At this time, a message came from the flashing dagger "Jumping Knife" in Imoen's arms.

It's Aaron's Power Word!

"Eboud, Imon!" Aaron's voice came from the dagger: "Quick, destroy the big bell!"

Destroy the bell, how to get there?

Aaron didn't answer, but Imoen already had the answer, the flashing dagger in her hand "jumping knife jumping knife"!

The eleventh bell has caused most mortals to lose their combat effectiveness. At this time, the Baldur coalition can only stand no more than 500 people, and the Skaven have also suffered heavy losses. After an entire area was destroyed, only The remaining few elite ratmen around the Calamity Bell were still resisting tenaciously. Eboud and Imon passed smoothly through the crowd who were still fighting fiercely. On the way, they met Leonard, a master paladin.

Strange, why didn't this person faint?

Leonard was a little nervous. Hearing that Eboud and Imon were going to destroy the bell, the paladin's sense of justice immediately came to him.

"I'll cover you!"

In the center of the battlefield, what they met piecemeal was not a tattered battle line, but the most elite troops of the Skaven.

The Council of Thirteen Guards Corps.

When the Skaven entered close combat, the gunmen were unable to provide reinforcements, but this also allowed the Engineer Warlocks to join the battle and form their own firing line. Be'lak's Daedra, Aaron's Silver Dragon Knight and Baldur The few remaining strong men of the sect risked their lives to get entangled together. Higher up, the soaring Dark Throne and the Golden Rule Beast were less than ten meters away from the Calamity Bell, but with the blessing and protection of the power of the Great Horned Rat, , Aaron and Billak just couldn't move forward!

The Skaven Supreme Marshal Benjamin Netanya Mouse already had an expression of ecstasy on his face. He spread his arms and said, "It has never been such a wonderful start. Please cheer for the Mouse, drink for the Mouse. Drink... cheer, yesyes?" "

After saying that, Netanya Rat took out a dimension stone from his arms. He hesitated for a second, then immediately put the dimension stone into his mouth, chewed it vigorously, and let the energy of the dimension stone flow throughout his body. When he felt After he had established a mysterious link with the Horned Rat God, Netanya Rat quickly selected a prayer from the thirteen taboo names of the Horned Rat God.

The energy is endless! The Supreme Marshal immediately felt the great horned rat's divine power filling his body. He seized this moment to stretch out his claws, snatch the chain from the rat troll, and whip it like a whip!

The chain snapped, releasing its energy.

"The Horned Rat walks among us!"


The twelfth bell rings!

The sky was covered with clouds. In the whirlpool of the storm, the dark energy gathered at an alarming speed, converging into a terrifying vortex of dimensional stone. Suddenly, even the drow ranger Drizzt, who was fighting a bloody battle, felt an incomparable feeling. of fear.

——With a supernatural sense of oppression, a filthy rat-bone humanoid rat god with giant horns stuck out its head from the whirlpool.

The Great Horned Rat, the first born with eight pairs of twisted giant horns and ten sharp claws and nails engraved with Skaven runes, lowered its head and stared at all living beings.

The supreme silent horned rat god showed a ferocious smile.

The warpstone lightning branched and a dirty rain began to fall from the sky.

The rain was a holy baptism for the children of the Horned Rat as the men burned under the caustic rain, their flesh flowing like necrotic ooze and falling away to reveal the putrid bones beneath. It healed their wounds and filled them with unnatural vitality.

The Horned Rat God looked at his dependents who fought until the last moment with admiring eyes. He just stretched out his nails and tapped lightly in the void, but it directly distorted the laws of the country.

The flames of the warpstone flashed, and the disaster lords were immediately covered in a light shield that could absorb any damage. All injuries on their bodies were healed, and their strength was stronger than before. Just now, they were defeated in front of the demon elves and silver dragon knights. The thirteen-person parliamentary guard army and the storm rat trolls suddenly became fearless of all magic. The fireball spell could only create a ripple on the shield. The invulnerable rat men reversed the situation in an instant, and in an instant there was Dozens of silver dragon knights and demon elves were killed. Their bodies rolled down from the side of the bell, leaving a long series of shocking traces of blood and broken bones on the mountain.

It seemed that the situation had suddenly changed. Aaron's face was heavy. He dodged Lord Calamity's full-moon scimitar and subconsciously looked for the figures of Imon and others.

Got it!

Take advantage of now!

Just when the rat people were cheering for victory, the battlefield situation changed again!

Imoen, Eboud, and Leonard suddenly disappeared into the gray mist of the battlefield. In the flickering light, the three of them appeared next to the Calamity Bell. To the Ratman's surprise, neither the bell nor the Neither Skaven's magic barrier nor the power of the Horned Rat God could stop these three guys!

Eboud raised his terrifying weapon - a halberd infused with light fell down, forcibly knocking off the mana shield of the Calamity Bell, while Leonard raised his arms high, the holy warrior of the paladin. The slash was triggered, and the sword blade in his hand passed through the surface of the Calamity Bell, penetrated deep into the giant bell, and cut the top of the giant bell. The crack spread from the middle of the giant bell!

Everyone was stunned, including the Horned Rat.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

The Calamity Bell is an artifact of the Horned Rat and cannot be destroyed at will by mortal weapons. Moreover, the Calamity Bell is essentially a living thing, equivalent to the Horned Rat's clone, and is the key to its advent.

Only gods can fight against gods. If there is no divine power or the power to kill, the Calamity Bell cannot be destroyed!

There was no time to think about why. The flashing dagger in Imoen's hand had already cut through the wooden link above the Calamity Clock. The girl kicked it hard and cheered: "Now, this thing can no longer be used!"

The suspension structure broke, and the big bell immediately fell without support, killing the two rat trolls below. With a muffled sound, the Disaster Bell cracked and broke.



The thirteen bells ring forever at the twelfth!

The Golden Rule Beast spit out golden red lotus fire and forced the Disaster Lord in front of him to retreat. Aaron saw that the Disaster Bell had been destroyed, with no expression on his face.

This is just the beginning.

Next, if I guessed correctly, it is impossible for the Horned Rat to accept this kind of loss. He has tens of thousands of troops and seven disaster lords. He has already spent a lot of money...

The thing was only half thought, and sure enough, there were changes on the battlefield again!

Thousands of green thunderbolts suddenly erupted from the destroyed Calamity Clock. They flashed continuously around the broken clock, and then all shot towards the Skaven High Marshal Netanya Rat.

"Ahhhh!" Netanya rat screamed, being wrapped in the dimensional stone lightning. A thick layer of green smoke covered the place where it was standing before, and a green light pillar rose into the sky.

This explosion was so powerful that the entire city seemed to tremble under its influence. Electric arcs exploded among the ruins of the lower city of Baldur's Gate. The dust haze in the deep pit seemed to have broken away from the shackles of gravity, rising in the process. Converging into a cloud of dimensional stone ions with lightning and thunder.

In the beam of light, a sixty- to seventy-meter-tall giant beast stood proudly. The eight large horns on its head were constantly twisting. The red eyes in the smoke and the glowing green inverted triangle-shaped Skaven Holy Emblem all explained one thing.

The Horned Rat comes to rule the kingdom!

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