Crown of Chaos

Chapter 436, The biggest winner and the biggest loser

Inside the Iron Warriors Manufacturing Factory.

The heaviness of industry is everywhere in the factory. The heavy iron doors have collapsed in the explosion. The tall double-story factory buildings are shrouded in a thick layer of gray. The ubiquitous pipes and cables have been damaged in many places. , in addition to the corpses of workers, there are many semi-finished products of the Iron Warriors on the ground.

The technology used to make the Iron Warriors is a mystery. It is a black technology brought back from Karatu by the Grand Duke of Takashi. No one knows how the Iron Warriors are made or how they are controlled. Everyone only knows about this kind of mass production. War Machine brought a huge shock to the Baldur people, and once caused a discussion on whether most of the Warden and Flamefist formations could be cancelled.

Now an uninvited guest comes to the manufacturing plant.

The five-year-old wolf boy Ana was carrying his Storm Fang giant sword. He sensed the aura of his brother in the giant factory, which made Ana frown. He strode into the destroyed iron gate. , I found that someone had already arrived.

The sun elf lady was also standing at the gate of the core. The air was filled with the unimaginable smell of steam, coal, and the burning smell of electricity. When she saw someone coming, the sun elf lady showed doubts. eyes.

"Who are you?"

"Debt collector," said Ana, the reincarnation of Dorne. "I have come to collect my debt."

"Debt? I'm surprised. Sure enough, what price did the Grand Duke of Taxi pay to obtain the technology to make the Iron Warriors?" The sun elf lady's eyes immediately shone with light, and she said tentatively: "You know how to make steel? warrior?"

"Takshi does not owe me any debt. The one who owes me is Baldur's Gate." Ana was too lazy to talk nonsense with the sun elf lady: "Now, get out of the way, otherwise I will not show mercy and seize Inner demon!"

The sun elf lady was exposed by Ana and was forced to reveal her true identity - the legendary mind flayer monarch.

The monarch was as elegant as ever. He raised his octopus head with his hands behind his back. There was a strange smile in his purple eyes, but he was actually very cautious. A psychic black hole in his hand was already silently opening. Aiming at Ana: "This city owes nothing to anyone, kid. If you know the secret about the Iron Warriors, maybe we can cooperate?"

"I'm not interested in cooperating with the Mind Flayer, get out of the way." Ana has become impatient: "Moreover, this city owes me a lot. Her founder once promised me that now that I have returned, maybe this city will Passed away, but I still have the right to claim my interest.”

"What's the proof?" The monarch's purple eyes locked on Ana.

"Just because the city wall was made with my power." Ana glanced outside.

what are you? Is it really you? !

The legendary Mind Flayer Lord's heart suddenly shrank (if he had one), and the purple eyes on the octopus head were locked on Ana, the five-year-old child.

he came! He's really here!

"You seem nervous?" Ana keenly felt the change in the Mind Flayer's expression: "Do you know about this?"

Phew~ The Storm Fang fell, only five centimeters away from the monarch's forehead. The legendary mind flayer didn't even have any time to react before the shadow of death enveloped him.

"I... really like learning and researching history. I once learned about the agreement between the founder of the city, Bodean, and a demigod in Bode Zonggui's brain." The monarch slowly backed away from the giant sword. Attack range, he told what he knew unhurriedly: "So, you are the demigod Rogal Dorn? Bodean has been missing for centuries, how do you plan to get your back from this city? interest?"

"I haven't thought about it yet... but the Iron Warriors were made using filthy and depraved evil technology. I must destroy it." Ana thought that no one in Baldur's Gate knew about Bodur's shameless breach of contract. Seeing this The legendary mind flayer understood, so he said a few more words: "Okay, if you don't want to die, just get out of the way."

"Let me help you!" The monarch immediately changed his attitude. He first bowed to Dorn to show respect, and then pointed to the door sealed by magic: "I know how to break these magics, and you can avoid hurting innocent people. Workers can also save a lot of time.”

"Why do you want to help me?" Dorn really didn't understand magic.

"I own a knighthood in this city, a Bode sect seat, and a lot of real estate." The monarch said naturally: "The city is good, and I can be good. If serving you can offset Bode's debt, In case, to offset my original sin, I will be happy to serve you."

"Lead the way." Dorn thought for a moment and felt that the monarch's proposal was reasonable.

"Sir, this way!"


The air was filled with the cheers of the Baldur people - the rat people were gone, and the Baldur side had secured victory.

The timely reinforcements of the Flame Fist and the Silver Dragon Knight destroyed the Skaven front. The Disaster Lords who were arrogant a moment ago were all reduced to broken parts. The Skaven Warlord's warpstone armor full of technological sense was scattered. The land was destroyed, and the Skaven demons summoned by the Gray Seers were banished with the defeat of the Horned Rat.

A small number of ratmen desperately tried to break out, but the priests of Gond and the mages of Mystra smashed their good wishes into pieces along with their bodies. The most courageous plague priests gathered all the remaining plague monks and rat trolls under their command, Slowly advancing towards the city gate - these priests were keen enough to have a premonition of the fact that the Horned Rat was being banished.

At this moment, Billak focused his attention on Eboud, Aimeng, and Leonard next to him. Just as he was about to take action, an explosion suddenly came from the coastline of the lower city.

The next second, all the Iron Warriors present lost control and fell down.


Someone destroyed the Iron Warriors' control core? !

Billak couldn't care much at this time. He seized this opportunity and flew up, grabbing the relatively weak Eboud and Imon.

Shadow prison!

Two dark gray shadows enveloped Eboud and Imon. Eboud was not aware of what had happened at this time. He stared blankly at himself being wrapped in gray shadows, while Imon was much more sensitive. The moment gray shadows surrounded her, the girl quickly used the flickering dagger.


Eboud disappeared, and together with Bilak, all that was left was the body of Grand Duke Takshi.

It wasn't until the thick fog dissipated, until the portal opened again, and the scarred and exhausted incarnation of the Golden King limped out of the portal that everyone realized that the battle was over.

The incarnation of the Golden King is in as bad a state as its owner. The golden law beast covering its entire body has been chopped into pieces in many places, and the body of the Great Ci Tree King inside has shocking dents and gaps in many places. Aaron is almost returning. The incarnation of the Golden King was lifted immediately, and he fell to the ground with Buyer, who was also exhausted.

The great dragon Egil was not seriously injured. She put her hands on her hips and proudly announced to everyone, "The Rat God has been defeated by me!"

The battle is over.

The smoke and dust flying all over the sky gradually fell, and in this short period of tranquility, the storm of dimensional stone thunderclouds finally subsided.

"Your Highness the Duke!"

"His Royal Highness the Grand Duke!!!" "No!!!"

There was a scream from nowhere, and several loyal watchmen discovered the body of Grand Duke Takshi.

The Grand Duke died in battle!

The news spread throughout the city in an instant. As soon as Aaron lowered the fairy princess Buyer from his body, he couldn't help but trembled.

As expected of the cunning original devil prince, he ran so fast!

He also wanted to deal with the big horned rat before dealing with him. Now it seems that he should have prepared an escape route in advance and not give himself a chance to do anything.

"Hey, servant!" Egil, the great dragon who had returned to his human form, rolled his eyes beside him, with a bright light in his beautiful amber eyes: "Our chance has come. This battle blew up half the city. In the ruins, two of the four Dukes have died, and the Watchers and Flame Fist have suffered heavy losses. Now is the opportunity to establish our sovereignty over this city!"

Aaron glanced at the big dragon and thought that it was indeed a giant dragon. For a giant dragon, no matter how big the territory is, it is never too much.

Seeing the brilliance in Egil's eyes, I think that during the time this dragon was active in Baldur's Gate, he had been fascinated by the wealth and vitality here.

What's mine is all mine, and all wealth belongs to me!

Baldur's Gate will definitely try to control it, but this is not the time to confess: "This matter is not urgent, Egil, we need to be patient."

Dalonglong still wanted to say something, but a loud noise could be heard from the deep pit.

"Our Grand Duke, His Highness Takshi, the guardian of Baldur's Gate, died in battle!"

"Our Grand Duke, His Highness Takshi, the guardian of Baldur's Gate, died in battle!"

"Our Grand Duke, His Highness Takshi, the guardian of Baldur's Gate, died in battle!"

Next to the Calamity Bell, in the deep pit, there was a burst of exclamations from the surrounding ruins.

"Your Highness!" The Watchers and Flame Fist warriors who had followed Takshi on his expeditions to the north and south and fought against the Ratmen burst into tears on the spot.

Many Bode clan nobles and local nobles headed by Antar-Silver Shield and Duke Iltan remained silent when they saw this, feeling both sad and happy.

"Priest, Priest!" A priest immediately came up and tried to release the resurrection spell, but the Grand Duke of Taxi was probably completely dead. No matter how hard the priest tried, he could not resurrect the Grand Duke.

Seeing everyone surrounding Takshi's body, Aaron finally allowed himself to enjoy a moment of catharsis. The Son of Chaos leaned tiredly on the stone pillar beside him and let out a long breath.

"Hey, servant!" Egil was very dissatisfied: "You just look at it like this? We are the ones who defeated the Rat God! It's us, not that demon prince. Are you going to let him take away our honor just like this? "

Dalonglong waved his fist, very dissatisfied with this result.

"It is expected that he will escape. In our current state, are we capable of stopping him?" Aaron chuckled and told Egil to take it easy. He stretched out his right hand to touch Egil's warm and jade-like skin. Dragon horn.

"Ah!" Dalonglong quickly backed away, his cheeks turned red, and he covered his head with his hands and complained in an embarrassed and awkward manner: "Didn't I tell you not to touch my horns? It's very, very itchy!"

"It's okay, let him run, he can't run far." Aaron said meaningfully: "He wants to become the hero of this city in this way, and be worshiped and believed by everyone. He wants to use this way to become the hero of the city." There is a way to understand the secrets of becoming a god in the country and to gather the power of faith... But has he ever thought about what would happen if he was the original devil prince, the darkest and most evil existence, and was worshiped as a hero who saved the city all year round? "

The beliefs of the kingdom are very complex. Many times, beliefs will in turn affect the gods themselves. Some gods choose to create a new aspect to absorb, some simply clone themselves, and some even completely block a certain belief.

For gods, not all beliefs are necessary for them.

Beelak has not yet understood this layer. When he intends to remain in the hearts of the Baldur people as a savior hero like Takshi the Savior to harvest the power of faith, it will inevitably be affected.

"Mr. Knight, do you plan to let Billak's mind break and consume himself? Or do you plan to force him to split?" The fairy princess was happy that she finally helped Aaron: "Split into two, one good and one bad. of?"

"Don't you bear any grudge against Bilak?" Aaron replied: "If you find a good one, how about capturing him and becoming your servant?"

"That's really interesting. The former demon king has become my dependent. Doesn't this make it possible to write a new story?" Buyer blinked with his big, watery eyes.

Seeing that Buyer was really interested, Aaron thought he might as well forget it.

The best ending for Beelak is to be trained into a new Chaos Sacred Artifact by himself.

Just like the horned rat that was trained to be the seed of the golden tree in the palm of his hand!

Now, it's time to deal with the aftermath of "Takshi".

Aaron smiled slightly and released the oracles of Tzeentch one after another.

Next, it’s harvest season!


Compared with the bloody and long battle of Baldur's Gate, things went very smoothly next. The remaining people in the city waited for the purification operation, the corpses of the rat people were burned in batches, and paladins and priests walked through the streets. , purifying the Skaven of corruption, the mages summoned strong winds, blowing away all the storm haze created by warpstone technology.

The Bode clan nobles turned a deaf ear to all this. They were currently executing the magical will of Grand Duke Takashi.

In his will, Grand Duke Taxi made the following instructions regarding his affairs.

First, half of all the property in his name was used for the reconstruction of Baldur's Gate, and half was donated to Aaron Salian, Viscount Cormyr, with whom he had an unbreakable and indestructible friendship.

Second, the Grand Duke of Takashi hopes to abolish the position of Grand Duke and return Baldur's Gate to the four dukes. Among them, Lady Julia, the noble lady of Baldur who performed well in the battle, was designated by Takashi. One of the dukes, to fill the vacancy after Duke Lila was assassinated, Takashi also gave his mansion in the upper town to Lady Julia as a thank you.

Third, the Ratmen are a new species from the abyss. Starting today, the whole city will be searched and the demon believers eliminated.

Fourth, the reconstruction of the city is left to the Jerry Reinsdorf Chamber of Commerce. He will handle the matter and Tucker can rest assured.

Fifth, thanks to Aaron’s help, starting from today, Baldur’s Gate will lift restrictions on the Silver Chamber of Commerce.

Someone soon discovered that except for the third of the five provisions in the will, it seemed that all the provisions were beneficial to another human hero who saved Baldur's Gate, Aaron Salian from Cormyr, although according to the tower Keshi's will, Aaron was indeed invited by him, but this was too... Do these two people have a special relationship?

Although the two remaining Dukes of Bode (Duke Belt Belt died in the explosion) criticized the will, at this time Tucker was the heart of the Bode people, and they could not find any flaws in the entire will, so they could only promise.

In this way, Billak earned a little face, and Aaron earned all the face, becoming the biggest winner.

And the real loser in this war is...

A little gray mouse was struggling hopelessly at the bottom of an unfathomable dark well. It squeaked hard and cursed the instigator, but to no avail.

The golden tree seed in Aaron's palm shook slightly. Half of the horned rat's divine power, soul, and godhead were here.

Shushu, ah, is about to be planted in the Sunset Territory and become the national pillar of the Purple Dragon Kingdom!

Updated, please vote~

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