Crown of Chaos

Chapter 442, the season of war!

————(above omitted)————

The next day, exhausted and with sunken cheeks, Aaron lay in the carriage returning to Cormyr. He twitched occasionally and looked like a dead dog.

It wasn't until the last moment yesterday that Aaron was sure that Nastia was serious.

She really wanted the people attending the hot spring bath to witness the most precious moment in her life. Zhuoer's brain circuit was so strange. Compared to Eleanor, she didn't want anyone to participate in her and Aaron's relationship. In the world, Nestia is eager to show her and Aaron's good deeds to her competitors.

The situation was chaotic at that time. Eleanor, who was unwilling to come, was kidnapped by Nestia and Charlotte and forced to stand up. They said she must be involved in everything. Charlotte excitedly expressed that she was looking forward to this day. It has been a long time, but Egil, who wanted to participate the most and had previously proposed to Aaron to "lay a nest of dragon eggs with me", did not come - the big dragon was so excited about counting money that he fell asleep on the pile of treasures. .

What happened next, only Aaron's aching spine, stiff shoulders and numb waist knew.

Ugh~ It hurts!

Aaron was lying on the carpet in the carriage, his face turned pale. He vaguely remembered that he met the leader of the chariot, Nestia, at the end of a wheel battle. The dark elf sister used a small electric motor to make Aaron just All that's left is the air-conditioning reaction.


Gently rubbing his waist, Aaron leaned on the armchair under the service of maid Jingxiang, letting the soft cushions and strong pillows support his body, and began to deal with many matters.

Well, she was involved last night.

The maid Jingxiang only wore a standard black and white maid dress with a woolen trench coat. It was not the improved maid dress like Aaron's previous life, but the most orthodox Victorian style maid dress of the British Empire with a black and white skirt and an ankle-length maid dress. , the whole body is only slightly dressed up with the silk scarf on the head and the ribbon on the chest. Other than that, it is very serious.

Aaron remembered that maids should have originally come from the full-time maid costumes in aristocratic estates in France. As a result, they gradually became what they are now through the spread of the word. It can only be said that human desires and imagination are endless.

Slaanesh, Slaanesh!

However, even the most serious maid outfit can't cover up Kyoka's proud figure. The buttoned neckline and a circle of white lace around it are held up high by her proud bust, and a thin belt outlines it. Her devilish waistline, the wifely feet under the long skirt are only wearing a pair of the most delicate velvet impermeable white stockings, stepping on the walnut floor covered with cashmere carpet, sitting next to Aaron, looking at Aaron from time to time Likewise, her complexion is as red as a ripe peach, and her moist and shiny skin has a thick blush.

Jingxiang is in the last golden age of a woman. She is almost thirty-five or sixty-six years old. This woman is a real beauty. According to her, her husband, Sir Raymond, was strong and energetic when he first got married. His eye sockets became dark, his cheeks were sunken, his body became thin, and his weight dropped by 30 pounds.

From this, we can imagine that this woman in her mid-thirties still has such amazing looks, and what her looks should be like when she gets married around the age of eighteen.

Aaron had experienced this last night, thinking that it was no wonder that Mrs. Raymond would become a widow early. Even if the monarch did not intervene, Sir Raymond would not live for a few years.

To be fair, Jingxiang has indeed begun to age. There are already a trace of crow's feet in the corners of her eyes. Her skin is not as shiny and beautiful as Eleanor Charlotte, and some parts have begun to loosen. What kind of skills, career levels, and magic types are there? A woman who doesn’t will age quickly.

Fortunately, she met Aaron.

Aaron needed her alive, needed her to be bright, young and beautiful, so that Nestia could take over her identity for a long time.

Jingxiang will be Aaron's first contracted sorcerer, and Aaron will serve as Jingxiang's master, granting her strength and youth... and by the way, he will also test the practical application of the Golden Law.

When Aaron was looking at Jingxiang, she was naturally also looking at Aaron, but there weren't many things she could imagine in her poor brain.

Damn it, why is it so comfortable?


No, no, as a noble of the Botoku clan, how can I do this? I was obviously coerced and intimidated...

"What did Anana say?" Aaron leaned on the backrest tiredly. He looked at the document. Outside were his Silver Dragon Knights. All the property was taken into the space ring by Charlotte. The big dragon was Riding horses outside, laughter could be heard from time to time... The legendary young power dragon controls gravity. The most ordinary packhorse can easily carry the dragon, which controls its weight under 100 pounds (almost 90 pounds). dragon.

Riding a horse is really fun, but I don’t know what it feels like to ride a dragon. Dalonglong plans to give it a try next time he has the chance.

Eleanor encountered the Darkest Night again last night. The poor pastor lady had forgotten how many times she had been coerced. She is currently in isolation. Charlotte is playing games with Buyer... Although Buyer He didn't participate last night, but Aaron had a vague feeling that the fairy princess might be peeking. When she saw Aaron today, she was so ashamed that she turned herself into a mushroom beast, and deliberately said "Na na na" to say that Aaron couldn't listen. If you understand.

"Mr. Ana said..." Jingxiang told Aaron what she knew.

Dorn and Varro met each other and got in touch with the monarch. The three of them formed a team. The monarch told Dorn that he knew the whereabouts of a secret weapon of Imaskar. If Dorn was interested, they could go and see it together. .


Dorn was a little interested. The Primarch of the Imperial Fists believed that he should not return to the 40K universe empty-handed. He should either offer a salute for the Emperor's resurrection, or he should give the Emperor Fists who were not his true heirs a victory over the Phalanx. Gift.

Aaron expressed his understanding. As for how to place the children of Dorne in Happy Castle, this task fell to Nastia, and she would find a suitable place for them in Baldur's Gate.

Then there’s Imoen’s Chanem Rescue Squad.

Imoen formed a team of five, including her, Jaheira, Khalid, Dynahei and Minsk.

Aaron also saw Minsk’s cute mini space super hamster, Bubu, for the first time. Although it is a mini space giant hamster, its size is only about the size of Minsk’s palm. It seems to be no different from ordinary hamsters. .

But Aaron could feel that Bubu did have a special bloodline in his body, which could perform telepathy.

Dana Black is as her name suggests, just like Cui Heizi, she is so black that her facial features cannot be seen clearly. She even does not have a white hair like Cui Heizi. The black-haired black-skinned witch has the ability to be passively invisible in the dark night. Her temper Not very good, but still quite nice. When Imoen asked for help, she agreed to join without any hesitation, without even bargaining.

This is a very valuable quality for a spellcaster, and Aaron gave her a magic scroll of amber magic called Crows Dance as part of the reward.

As for Minsk, Aaron gave him a disposable magic wand. He told Minsk in a bad way that when he was in a crisis, he only needed to use this and he wouldn't need to worry about the rest.

The effect of the magic wand is that Bubu's size will increase fifty times, becoming a real "super giant hamster in space" that can release atomic breath. The transformation lasts for three minutes.

After sending away Dorne and the monarch, and sending away Imoen and his rescue team, Aaron checked the casualties and other precautions of the Silver Dragon Knight,

His mind turned to the devil businessman Bald Singer. Morgan said that he would introduce another big devil to him. They had a big deal.

"Well, what should I do now?" The topic suddenly stopped, and the married maid knelt down next to Aaron, very confused.

"Smile." Aaron didn't even raise his head.


"Just smile." Aaron continued to look at the document.

The carriage was quiet for a while. After more than half an hour, there was a sudden noise outside.

"Sir, there is a situation." Silver Dragon Knight Ramsey knocked on the car door: "A group of red-robed mages from Sel stopped us!"

"They said there is a wild wild mage named Nera hiding in our convoy, and they want us to hand her over?"

"Crazy Wild Mage Nera?"


Susar, the royal capital of Cormyr, the Royal Palace of Obeszil, and the study room of the Princess Regent.

When she heard the rhythmic knocking on the door, Princess Regent Alice Searle raised her head from the piles of documents. With a faint magical light, the piles of documents she had processed were automatically sorted into several folders. , then naturally there will be bureaucrats to deal with it according to her instructions. Behind her, several large bookcases are filled with thick files, meeting materials and Assan IV's state affairs notes.

All the knowledge stored here is quite precious. Some of the documents are worth more than a noble manor. A row of fire-proof, dust-proof, theft-proof and anti-detection magic was released by Kelben Blackstaff himself. At the same time, some books are on the Magic lock.

"Come in."

Alice Searle rubbed her eyes, and she stretched her waist in annoyance. The regent had always thought that she was a warrior, a general, and a marshal, but now she had to put all her energy into handling national affairs. She had a lot of At that time, I would rather go to the battlefield and fight a hundred violent goblins alone than find a few useful words among the thousands of words of bureaucrats on a long circle of parchment and give my own instructions.

Why does this happen?

As Alice Searle's voice sounded, a middle-aged male noble with a serious face and an appearance of about forty years old came in. He was the new Kingdom's Finance Minister Fortiscu, and the previous Kingdom's Finance Minister Olivier Once, he and Aaron's aunt Mellie exchanged insults on the red carpet in front of the palace. It was originally a palace joke, but Olivier often described the incident as "There is a crazy woman in Salian's family, begging me to come." The tavern patronizes her”.

However, with the rise of Aaron, no one made fun of Aunt Meili anymore. On the contrary, Minister Olivier was "retired" when his term was up, and Alice Searle took the initiative to treat Aunt Meili and Olivier to a meal. After dinner, the "misunderstanding" was resolved, and after seeing that Aunt Mei Li had no intention of pursuing it, the matter was over.

The finance minister was slightly attached, placed a thick stack of documents on the table, and said slowly: "Your Highness, the Silver Chamber of Commerce has delayed the total trade tariff report for one month. This is the tariff and luxury tax for the past three years. , the total of port taxes and customs clearance fees, including military escort fees, trade purchases and ground rent for commercial stations, please take a look."

"Last year, the Silver Chamber of Commerce paid a total of about 300,000 gold lion coins to the kingdom's treasury. The largest profits came from silver lotion, Chaos Cola and new stockings."

"Seize the young master?" Alice Serre was stunned for a moment.

300,000 gold lion coins? !

The total financial revenue of the Kingdom of Cormyr for the whole year is only one million.

She took the document and glanced at it a few times: "...very good."

There was no expression on the Princess Regent's face, but the rapid tapping of her heels on the carpet under the table still revealed her thoughts.

As a powerful royal state in the center of the country, Cormyr also has a high-quality port, so it is naturally very wealthy.

But Cormyr is also very short of money. After Asan IV, the country needs a lot of real money to restore its army, production, and population. The Kingdom of Purple Dragon needs to train more Purple Dragon Knights. Compared with Asan IV, When she was alive, there were 2,000 full-time official Purple Dragon Knights. Now, including the trainee knights, there are only 800 people in the Purple Dragon Knight headquarters, which always makes Alice Sayre feel uncomfortable.

There is also the training of war mages. Learning magic for newcomers is a costly business. The eldest lady has been clamoring for the best wizard tower. Alice Sayre originally planned to build it for Charlotte 30 years later.

As for now? Humph~ Go ask Aaron for money!

I'm going too far, this tariff revenue... Alice Sayre thought that this tariff revenue is almost equivalent to one-third of the kingdom's fiscal revenue. This can't help but make the princess feel proud of her wise decision and her personal promotion and discovery of Aaron. satisfy.

As long as trade can be stable, with a steady flow of tariffs and wealth in and out, the economy will revive, the kingdom will be strong, and a return to the glory of Assan IV is just around the corner.

"Your Highness, there is another news here."

The finance minister's face was not optimistic. He took out another document and said in a deep voice: "This is some gossip we have received. It seems that many nobles in the kingdom are somewhat dissatisfied with such huge profits. They think The historical mission of development and research and development played by the Silver Chamber of Commerce has been roughly completed. Next, we should 'nationalize' technologies such as silver emulsion, implement a monopoly system, and control the technology in our own hands."


Alice Searle took it over and looked at it. The regent sneered and shook her head: "Is this nationalization going to be owned by the state or by the nobility? Is it going to become public ownership or actually become private ownership?"

The Minister of Finance did not answer. He just reminded the princess that there is a risk of a sudden motion in the Kingdom Parliament. As for how to do it, he only has the right to make suggestions: "But Your Highness, there have been rumors among the people that Sir Aaron Salian implemented it in the Sunset Territory." It’s a system different from ours in Cormyr. He formed a knighthood of his own called the Silver Dragon Knights. Suzal seems to have no... restraint ability on him. Should we pay attention to this?"

"...I'm still too full." Aliceser sighed. She also wanted to move around: "Without the war, these guys would be so idle that they would almost get sick."

"It just so happens that such a large sum of money has just been received into the national treasury, and the time is almost here...Issuing the king's mobilization order, I will form the kingdom's army after this autumn harvest to recover Tifanton in the north. Every noble of the kingdom must participate! It’s an order.”

"Now is the season of war!"

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