Crown of Chaos

Chapter 453, deterrence!

There is an unwritten convention in the country's army, that is, the number of troops should be refined rather than large. Since the gap between professionals is very large, legendary warriors can fight hand-to-hand with yak leaders in the star realm, and ordinary soldiers can solve several problems. It is quite difficult for every goblin, so the true measure of the combat effectiveness of an army depends on the combat effectiveness of the "elite servants" directly under the lord.

Today Salian showed everyone his servant.

One thousand two hundred elite warriors wearing extraordinary full-body plate armor and holding extraordinary weapons.

The Snow Elf Magic Archer Camp is a rare thing.

Armed with broad-bladed swords, they are bloodthirsty and violent Orc soldiers.

There are also the half-dragon troops under the command of the great dragon Egil.

Of course, everyone has heard of these things, but today we can only see the real thing, so it will not surprise everyone.

What really surprised many nobles in Susar and Ms. Raul who came here was Aaron's determination in this northern expedition to Tifantun.

The king's recruitment order was issued by Alice Sel, the army was summoned by her, and the Purple Dragon Knights were on the way.

In this case, the custom has always been that the Obeszil royal family is responsible for the most important combat tasks.

Now Aaron actually launched an attack before the princess arrived, and showed his secret weapon without hesitation.

What's that cannon? What is the fireball?

Is there such a thing in the kingdom? Is this power more terrifying than the Nine-ring Meteor Explosion?

Salian of Cormyr, are you so loyal to Obeszil...?

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes behind him, Aaron had no reaction. He just ordered an attack.

Naturally, the Shepherd Legion only obeyed Aaron's orders. With a flick of the sword, these heavily armored soldiers, armed with only a tiny slit on their helmets exposed, formed a tight formation and advanced as a whole. They flowed directly across the river unreasonably, and then He launched a charge towards the semi-greystone fortress.

The vibration of the iron boots on the ground alerted Ms. Raul who was standing aside. The lady lord of Arabelle looked at Aaron's back with a complex expression, and the gun barrel next to him had just faded from pure white to orange. Red Chaos Hell Cannon.

With such a neighbor, who can rest assured?

Fortunately, Aaron has always had a good relationship with Arabelle, and now we can only hope that Alice Searle can properly handle the relationship between her and Aaron.

Ms. Lauer thought.

The local nobles in Susar next to them didn't think so.

Most of these local nobles had obtained Alice Ser's permission and couldn't wait to buy themselves a set of equipment. They took a few retinues, recruited some adventurers and family private soldiers and rushed to the front line.

When they heard Alice Searle announce that "the local nobles of Susar can organize their own troops and rush to the front line," these nobles were very happy!

Finally, I finally have the opportunity to make a difference!

In their inherent impression, Aaron Salian, a mediocre guy as a child, can do it, so why can’t we?

Alice Sayre, please don't look down on others, okay?

In the minds of these local nobles, war is not about blood and fire, but about adventure novels and popular readings about knights in the country. Everyone enthusiastically thinks that this is a victory parade. As long as you go up and walk around, you can gain a lot. Flowers, applause, honors, and trophies, so everyone enthusiastically and even worked hard to bring people here.

For example, Duke Birgaard mentioned before, the young Marquis Solbrez-Montague. After hearing the news, he hurriedly took out the shape, took out his ancestor's armor, and pawned his beloved collection of famous paintings and antiques in the Adventurer's Guild. He gathered a group of mercenaries, thinking that he must not miss this war.

Another example is Baron Clifford. His family titles were passed from duke to border marquis to honorary earl to honorary baron. Before his death, the old baron knelt down to Assan IV who came to visit him and paid tribute to Clery. Ford sought a position as a palace tableware purchaser, which was the last official position held by the family. Baron Clifford had already felt a deep crisis. He was afraid that he would be late and the war would end.

Every Susar noble who came to participate in the war was trying hard to prove to Alice Searle and the Regent Princess that they and their family still had remaining value.

The opponent this time was great. He was neither the Great Khan Tukan who had ravaged the entire wasteland and desert and fought all the way from the Karatu continent to the country, nor was he a destructive and violent alien race like the Great Khan Tujin of the orcs.

The opponent is also a noble! The nobility of mankind!

In human wars, generally no one would focus on attacking officers. Even noble officers would be respected by both sides, and even if they were captured, they would be well fed. Basically, it is a model where aristocratic officers serve as commanders, and the scumbag soldiers below serve as cannon fodder and die. The aristocratic officers happily reap military exploits and honors.

Perhaps as Duke Birgaard commented: "They thought it was an outing."

As a result, things have turned out like this now!

Tymora's coins, if we don't take the military merits that fell from the sky, why don't we let the Mudbloods of the Shepherd Legion...well, the elite Mudbloods wearing heavy armor take it?

Baron Vanderburgh of the Passi family drew his sword without thinking, pointed into the distance, shouted unskilled slogans, and tried hard not to fall off his horse.


"For Assan IV, for the throne of Cormyr!"

charge! More than 2,000 troops of Susar's local nobles rushed across the river in a chaotic manner, following closely behind the shepherd army, greedily preparing to gain their own military exploits.

And the scene that happened in front of them today, Aaron's majestic back, the power of the Salian army and the breath of that terrifying artillery were also deeply engraved in their DNA.

In a daze, they saw the shadow of Assan IV.

Aaron, strong! Salian, you are awesome!

Today, Cormyr's army won a great victory.


After conquering the semi-greystone fortress, Aaron ordered to rest in place and wait for the arrival of the main force of the Kingdom of Alicesel (although some people began to believe that the Salian Army was the real main force of the Kingdom of Cormyr), and he used mysterious artillery. The news that the semi-greystone fortress was destroyed in one attack also spread to the surrounding countries.


Crow Duke Zamaron-Uskron III took the information from the spies and frowned.

Zambia has always been afraid of the Purple Dragon Country next door. The two countries are opposed in ideology and stance. Zambia is a country formed by a merchant alliance. Commerce and slavery are the foundation and key of this country, while Cormier founded the country by force. , adopted the royal system and the feudal system, and there were constant minor frictions between the two parties.

The terrible thing is that since the rise of Aaron Salian, the business that Zambia relied on has also been eroded by Cormier. Aaron's products are under a special sale system, so now merchant ships are more willing to go to Feilong Water Lake in Long Lake. From sunset Collect supplies, then follow the paths of the Stormhorn Mountains, occupied by the great dragon Aegir, to the Vale and Moonsea trade.

The tax imposed by the great dragon Egil is very heavy, and Egil must take at least 30% of the profit from each product.

But after 30% of the profits were taken away, the merchants could still earn 70%!

There is no reason for businessmen not to make stable profits.

At this moment, a man in blue robes appeared in front of Duke Crow.

"Are you aware of the threat from the west? Your Majesty Crow?" The man in blue robe's voice was smooth: "Can you consider our alliance proposal again?"


Cyre, the Church of the Sons of Darkness in Bane.

The divine son of Bane, Ichiatu-Shamu, is sitting on his throne. Under him is the Zhentarim tyrant Fozor Chebery.

Shamu slowly put down the parchment: "What a mistake. I thought he would need at least a while. It has only been a few years now... He has swelled to such an extent. This child must not be kept, otherwise the Moon Sea will There will never be peace."

"Lord Shamu, what should we do?" Fu Zuoer asked hesitantly: "The red robes of Ser are unwilling to support us, and Mansu chose the side of Dark Sun."

"Don't be anxious." Chamu raised his hand, while Son of God Ben remained calm: "There are people who are more anxious than us."

"What about Disma?" Fu Zuoer's eyes were a little wandering.

"He will soon realize his true nature." Shamu smiled gloomily: "Warmaster? Warmaster!"

As long as I inherit my father's throne, Aaron? Can be destroyed with a backhand!

Valley, Valley of Shadows.

Storm-Silverhand and Elminster were chatting by the pond garden, which was cool and balmy from the summer heat. Sitting next to them was Dove Hawkhand.

"The King of Darkness and the Four Evil Gods just showed one of their fangs." Storm-Silverhand's gorgeous long silver hair hung down from the back of his head like a waterfall: "It's hard to imagine that if Aaron Salian is allowed to develop rise up, how many such cannons can he make, and how many troops can he draw from his dominion.”

"I'm pretty good at judging people." Elminster, holding his pipe in his mouth, said with a sad expression as always: "Half the Dark King hasn't left yet, here comes Salian! The belt of the goddess Mystra, it's... Can't we let the old man really enjoy tobacco and tea for once?"

"You are already enjoying it, Elminster." Storm-Silverhand pointed at the gift on the table with a dark face: "Isn't this from Phil Farrell?"

As soon as these words came out, both Storm Silverhand and Elminster's eyes lit up.

Yes, the Purple Dragon Queen Phil Farrell is the daughter of Elminster. Isn't the old mage Alice's grandfather?

This relationship can be used!

"The good news is that Aaron can communicate better than the Lord of Humanity. The bad news is that sometimes it may not be the old man's turn to give advice on what a god like him will do." The wrinkles on Munster's face deepened: "But no matter what, the recovery of Tiffanytown is Cormyr's internal affairs. We Harpers should not interfere, but we must closely monitor the next move."

Moon Sea.

In the darkest and lightless corner of Raven Fortress, Cyric's shrill roar penetrated the walls.

"Stop him!"

In the east of Cormyr, in a noble manor.

After receiving the news, the Duke of Kayneth-Ireland and Duke Gordon-Marelli met here urgently.

What the hell is Aaron doing?

Our two dukes together have to gather more than 1,200 elite soldiers wearing extraordinary full-body armor and holding extraordinary weapons, and we have to empty every gold coin in our wallets.

Are you here to join the war? It looks like you want to rebel!

Also, the princess hasn’t arrived yet. Are you in a hurry to get your balls cracked? Aaron, why are you so loyal? In this kind of kingdom war, the most important thing is to preserve strength. Whenever possible, fill it with elites and use secret weapons whenever possible.

Did Manuel teach you how to be a noble lord?

Well, it seems that there is no more.

The two dukes discussed it for a while and murmured: If we fight like this, Tifanton will be beaten to pieces in less than a month!

But after all the murmurings, the attitudes of Duke Kayneth and Duke Gordon suddenly turned 180 degrees. They hurriedly ordered all their elites and rushed to the front line.

There are two reasons for this. One is that Aaron cannot take all the credit. The other is that the two dukes have become wary. Aaron's current military quality in a viscounty has faintly surpassed that of the two dukes. The role of their participation in the war It will drop greatly. If it continues to push three blocks and four blocks as before, it will be thrown away by Alice Searle as a "abandoned piece".

If he cannot show his value to the Obeschier royal family, even if he is a real duke, he will be excluded from the inner circle over time and his status will not be guaranteed.

On the last day of October 1365 in the Valley Calendar, the regent Princess Alice finally led the Purple Dragon Knights and the main force of the Obeschier royal family to the front line.

This also means that an all-out war against Tiffanydon is imminent.

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