Crown of Chaos

Chapter 455, Krurich Demon

Duke Bilgard never imagined that he would actually summon this one when he prayed for the help of the snake god Mershok!

The Krurich is one of the most powerful demon species in the Abyss. There is a saying that the Krurich is always higher than the Balor Balrog. This terrifying creature is born to command everything. Even if it is a Balor Balrog, if it disobeys its orders, then Krurich's big ax will never be slower just because it is a Balor Balrog.

On the battlefield of the bloody battle in the abyss, the appearance of a Krurich demon is enough to put the demons on the highest alert, and also make the demons hurriedly hide for fear of being used as cannon fodder by this guy.

A krurichkid stands 10 meters tall, its broad, muscular body covered in dull skin like a corpse slain by extreme cold.

Terrifying, blood-red bat-like wings stretched out from his back, and his four arms kept bending and twitching as if he wanted to crush and destroy living enemies. His face resembles a cross between a mule and a snarling orc, with thorns covering his face, neck, and shoulders.

The most terrifying feature of this creature is in the middle of its abdomen: a huge, drooling tongue and two rows of blunt, strong molar teeth.

Located on top of the abominable stomach pouch is a pair of huge, sharp claws that resemble large willow-leaf sickles.

When resting, the pincers will slowly open and close, and saliva will slowly drip from his loose lips.

In combat, the pincers twitch and bite in response to the Krurich's movements.

Duke Birgaard had no choice.

From the moment he summoned the Abyss Demon, there was no turning back. Summoning the Abyss Demon was not a transaction request. It doesn't mean that you can return it if you think I didn't summon the right thing, or that the summoned thing was not what I wanted.

On the contrary, any decision that disturbs an existence of the level of the Krurich Demon is likely to lead to sudden death on the spot.

Just by appearing, the huge mouth on the Krurich Demon's belly began to chatter crazily, and saliva dripped from the continuously grinding rows of sharp teeth.

This whisper made Duke Bilgard feel like he was going crazy. He couldn't help lying on the ground and vomiting loudly.

The huge head perched on top of the demon's torso looks slightly like an orc, but more animalistic and cruel.

There is another smaller mouth growing under the dark eyes, and in one hand it holds a giant talisman ax as long as Birgard's height.

A deep sound came from the mouth of Krurich's demonic face, and the power contained in it almost knocked Ferien down. While this mouth was speaking, the huge mouth on the torso was still drooling and giggling: "Are you sure you want to do this? Mortal?"

To the surprise of Krurich Demon, Duke Bilgard may indeed be related to the snake god. He barely controlled himself after vomiting all over the floor. After withstanding the fearful aura of Krurich Demon , Duke Bilgard opened his mouth for a long time, as if he was confused about how to communicate with the devil in front of him.

"Do a small thing for me, twenty thousand souls." He tried to bargain with Krurich.

"Twenty thousand? Ha, twenty thousand." Demon Crurich burst out laughing: "I can get twenty thousand souls in a bloody battle. This price cannot make up for the fact that I was summoned to the main material plane. Loss! Idiot!"

Duke Bilgard turned pale.

"However, today is your lucky day, mortal." Krurich licked his lips with interest, and from the huge mouth in his abdomen, a fat tongue also stretched out across the sharp sawtooth: "Your despair Very fresh and very delicious. This is the first time I have met a mortal who dares to ask me to offer compensation. Tell me your wish and I will consider it. As for the compensation... I will take it when I think it is appropriate. Go and get the reward I want.”

"Deal." Duke Bilgard agreed without hesitation. He pointed into the distance: "Help me destroy the army of the Kingdom of Cormyr."

The demon grinned, its gurgling murmurs sounded again, it flapped its wings, and its knees passed by Duke Bilgarde.

"Watch my performance~!"

The devil will not tell Duke Bilgard a bloody truth.

In fact, the price for summoning it was paid by a god.

We are devils! Not the devil!


Tick ​​tock~tick tock~

At the same time, in the cave deep in the rocky ground, in the water prison surrounded by golden runes, Aaron, Eleanor, and Samir were surrounding the gnoll leader Kao Dik in the water prison.

"This guy is really tough." This is Samir's evaluation.

At the moment when the Chaos Hell Cannon exploded, Caudick pulled his subordinates in front of him to block the explosion. The gnoll ran all the way. Before he sacrificed all his subordinates, he was buried by the collapsed ruins, but the fallen stone wall miraculously Like forming a triangular structure on his head, he was not killed by the first wave of explosions.

But then when Aaron's army was cleaning the battlefield, they found Caudik. This guy was pretending to be dead at first, and the soldiers didn't pay attention. But when the soldiers passed by, Caudik suddenly burst out and killed two people in a row, and then fled all the way, chasing It took him dozens of kilometers to catch him.

With half of his head pierced through, numerous wounds from swords and axes, and five or six spears stuck in his body, the gnoll leader just wouldn't die.

Samir, a well-informed member of the Harper Alliance, commented that it was rare to see such a tough-minded jackal.

"He should know something." Miss Pastor judged based on her own perception: "He may be able to unlock the secret of Birgard's belief in the snake god for us."

"I'll do it." Aaron began to prepare himself an enhanced version of the five-ring divine spell Slaanesh Charm.

"Hey, kid." The Jackal opened his eyes: "I have seen your parents, just under the city of Tifanton."

"!!!" Aaron's pupils dilated slightly.

Caudick continued to laugh ferociously, and a series of blood drops dripped from its chin: "Manuel Salian and Elizabeth, they were killed by me personally. At that time, your father died like a jackal on me. In front of you, there is your mother. When her belly was exploded by the newborn Yeenoghu fetus, the scene was simply art!"

The air in the room became quiet.

"...Okay, now I can confirm that you have never met my father and my mother." Aaron said very calmly. He stretched out his hand to stop the angry Eleanor and Samir: "I'll do it."

Aaron recited the spell softly, and the five-ring Slaanesh charm spell came out of his mouth.

Creatures like gnolls are supposed to be immune to charm, but Aaron uses a higher-level charm ability, which cannot be resisted by Yeenoghu's protection!

Slowly, Caudik calmed down, and the emblem of Slaanesh appeared on the gnoll's forehead.

"What is the origin of Bilgard's snake god belief?" Aaron asked first.

"The egg of the snake god... was stolen, transformed... and ordered to be found..." Caudick whispered.

Snake egg?

Eleanor and Samir didn't understand, and Aaron had a weird smile on his face, but he quickly continued to ask the next question: "Do you know my parents?"

"I've heard of... the name, Bilgard said... it might be useful."

"Does Bilgaard have any secret weapon?"

"The Guards...all died in battle...the original snake-man ceremony...the snake god is always unable to wake up and is very, very, very sleepy." Caudick's words slowly became complete: "The snake always responsive to requests... Very sleepy."

"Any other valuable news?" Aaron nodded.

"There is... a sword of Assan IV... inserted in the keel, in the city." Caudik's eyes were dull: "When Bilgard deems it necessary... it can be used to surrender conditionally."

"very good."

Aaron slowly drew out his Dark Moon Sword, he released the charmed state, and faced the crazy and angry Caudick and whispered: "As a price for insulting my parents just now, I heard from Liu Kang , there is a kind of punishment in the ancient Xianglong Empire, which only requires a skilled craftsman and a small knife."

A Thousand Phantoms, Aaron the Keeper of Secrets emerges from the shadows, and as Aaron said, he holds a knife in his hand.

"Come on, let's go out." Aaron motioned for Eleanor and Samir to go out with him: "Let's resolve the matter in Tifanton as soon as possible."

Eleanor couldn't help but glance at the secret keeper Aaron, who was preparing to take action. The pastor's face showed a look of unbearability, but she thought of Caudick's bad mouth and finally said nothing.

Samir, on the other hand, was smiling as foolishly as ever. If Aaron hadn't said he wanted to leave, he would have really wanted to see what the "Special Punishment of the Xianglong Empire" was.

After all, Samir's life is to stay active in endless freshness and excitement, just like his ancestor Vanderlon Thorn.


When Aaron came back from the torture, something happened.

After inspecting Aaron's camp, everyone from Alice Sayre to the Purple Dragon Knights were suffocating. Taking advantage of Aaron's failure to return, Alice Sayre immediately began to mobilize the army, preparing to make a big move. Take Tiffanytown.

The Cormyr Army is naturally dominated by the Purple Dragon Knights and the royal family's troops. The surrounding strongholds are raided by Ms. Raul's Arabel Army and a large number of troops organized by the Susar nobles themselves.

Originally, according to Alice Searle's idea, although the attack on Tiffany could not capture the city in one battle, it would not be a big problem to advance to the city in one day and surround the city, especially since all Duke Bilgard's personal guards were killed in the battle. Behind the semi-greystone fortress, Tiffany Dun should soon choose to surrender.

We are all the people of Cormyr. If it is not a last resort, Aliceser does not want to attack the city. Once the city is attacked, a large number of civilian casualties will definitely be inevitable.

But no one expected what happened next.

Early the next morning, the Queen's Headquarters and Ms. Raul's Headquarters marched separately. The two sides originally agreed to start the attack at seven o'clock in the morning, but before the time came, the local nobles of Susar dispatched in advance.

The reason is that I don’t know who shouted like this:

"Bilgard has no one left. All 300 of his guards were killed. When we go to battle in person and defeat the rebels, let all Cormyr see whether the kingdom needs nobles like us!"

As a result, the local nobles of Susar set off an hour in advance, riding tall horses and cheering in front of each other. Followed by their retinues and mercenaries, they entered the battlefield for the first time. The noble cavalry could not even hold their lances. They charged directly.

With this charge, the entire battlefield situation was thrown into chaos, the front and rear teams were disconnected, and Alice Searle's arrangement was completely disrupted.

However, the charge of groups of noble cavalry, all dressed up in gorgeous costumes, caused Tiffany Dun to misunderstand, thinking that Cormier had sent out all its elite cavalry.

The result was that the local honorary nobles of Susal, the weakest on the Tifanton side, met the abyss demons led by the Krurich Demon.

Naturally, needless to say, the army of demons. Under the leadership of Cruridge Demon, the noble cavalry were instantly defeated. The defeated troops carried the defeated troops and poured into the formation of Ms. Raul’s Arabelle army, taking Arabella with them. Bell's army was in chaos.

The consequences of this chaos were extremely serious. The entire flank of Cormyr's army fell into chaos and was quickly defeated.

At this time, even Ms. Raul was deeply surrounded. Her phoenix crown was so dazzling in the crowd that the Krurich demon came all the way to kill her.

As a well-informed lord and a member of the Harpers' Alliance, it was impossible for Ms. Raul to not know about the Krurich Demon. In desperation, she even dropped the phoenix crown on the ground, dismounted to avoid it, and ordered the handsome flag to be brought down. Embarrassed.

Just then, the Sallian army arrived.

A piece of silver helmet and silver armor, the murderous Salian army swept in under Egil's simple order. The roar of the half-griffon knights attracted the attention of the devil, and then the prototype of the legendary power dragon Egil appeared in the sky. Down, the destructive jet of white light swept across. When the demons saw that Cormyr was actually protected by the legendary guardian dragon, they felt timid at first. However, when the defeated Arabel army and the retinue army saw the reinforcements arriving, their morale soared.

Egil immediately fought with the Krurich demon, and the dragon and the demon lord fought on the top of the mountains. Even the nearby peaks were wiped away by magic and breath.

And just when the battle was at its fiercest, the elite troops of Duke Kayneth and Duke Gordon also arrived. The two dukes happened to appear at this time, and they attacked from both sides. The demon army finally couldn't support it and was defeated.

Seeing that things were uncontrollable, the Demon Crurich laughed wildly and disappeared into a sea of ​​blood.

At the same time, Alice Thel's army also won the frontal battlefield victory. Since then, the Cormyr army has been defeated first and then won. Although it failed to take Tifanton in one go, it has completely surrounded the city, which can be regarded as barely completed. combat mission.

The battle was won, but this battle made Alice Sayre very angry. The Regent Princess had been victorious on the frontal battlefield, and was planning to announce her comeback to the whole country, but she did not expect that the battle ended like this. .

Ms. Raul was even injured in the battle. Arabelle's army and nobles were full of complaints. Although they did not openly mutiny, their morale was broken and they were no longer useful. Even Alice Serre doubted that she would rebel again next time. The king ordered, will Arabelle still answer the call and come?

The Queen of Steel's temper immediately rose. Irisel ordered to severely punish the nobles who acted privately, and killed many people. The Queen's Blade searched one by one to find who shouted such words that caused the entire army to take action in advance.

In the evening, Aaron came back with Eleanor and Samir.

As soon as he returned to the camp, Aaron felt something was wrong. When he walked into Alice Ser's inner tent under the leadership of Queen's Blade, the regent princess finally broke out the moment she saw Aaron.

"Remove armor!"


"Didn't you hear me telling you to take off your armor? Take off your armor, take off your armor!"

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