Crown of Chaos

Chapter 462: Son(s) of Baal in jail

PS: This is the first update. I will go out to eat first. The second update will be before 12 o'clock, but it may be after 12 o'clock.

In the prison, in the damp dungeon, Eboud, the son of Baal, was sitting with Shafrok, the son of Baal. The Helm guards led Aaron and Nestia down to confirm, which caught Eboud's attention.

Ever since his adoptive father died, Eboud has been unlucky. After being captured by Be'lak, he was taken to Amn. On the way, Be'lak was attacked by Dorn, the original body of the Imperial Fist. He was seriously injured and was killed by the Succubus. Wang Meikanshute rescued him. At this time, Bealak needed to find a place to recuperate, so he threw Eboud to an archmage, Erinikas, and cooperated with Erinikas to crack the secret about Baal. The secret of the Son of God’s bloodline.

Among them is the connection between Marke Kidd, the King of Brands.

Also captured along with Eboud was Shafrok. These two sons of Baal were tortured repeatedly and cruelly. The mage continued to conduct various experiments on them. Eboud was repeatedly unconscious and It was a long and painful time to wake up.

For this reason, Eboud met Shafrok. The two sons of Baal were forced to face the same fate, making them true friends of life and death. They hated each other, loathed each other, and were hostile to each other, but in this situation We had to huddle together for warmth.

After a long period of time, things took a turn for the better. Imon relied on the financial resources supported by Aaron, the help of the Amn Shadow Thieves Guild, and the rescue of Jahira Kalidminsk Danahe and others. Escaped from the dungeon of Irenikas, but at the moment of successful escape, the mage, who was unwilling to fail, used his research results to inspire the bloodline of Eboud and Shafrok. They each transformed into killers and began to fight. Differentially attacks all enemies.

Shafrok attacked Imoen first, but Imoen had the flickering dagger given by Aaron, and the girl again escaped the attack and was forced to flee.

Khalid was not so lucky. He was stabbed in the chest by Eboud, who transformed into a killer.

As for why Eboud did not attack his sister or another killer Shafrock immediately after he transformed into a killer. He must kill Jahira's husband Khalid first. Perhaps only Eboud himself knows. .

Two crazy murderers fought in the ten-mile long street of Astkara. The two sons of Baal fought on top of the big market. With every move, the avenue (referring to the floor tiles of the big market) was wiped out.

In the end, Eboud and Shafrok were personally captured by the Eye of Judgment, the legendary guard of Helm who happened to be escorting the goods to be sold in the big market, and the two brothers were imprisoned again.

The treatment in the Heim Church Prison is naturally better than that in the Erinikas Prison. At least there is no torture and various experiments. However, Eboud and Shaflock will face the fate of accepting charges-intentional homicide. 18 counts and 25 counts of financial destruction.

Heim's guards are indifferent and they only follow the rules.

In the dungeon at this time, Shafrok, a very strong bald man, was huddled in a corner. He was full of reluctance, but he was helpless against the iron chains on his body.

Shafrok once tried to use his extraordinary strength to break the iron locks and escape from prison, but gave up after seeing the masked mage and the large group of Helm guards outside. As for Eboud, the two-meter-three-meter-tall The giant man was still counting the time on his fingers, waiting for Imoen to save him.

"Old Sha." The painful years in prison made Eboud grow a lot mentally. Although he is still not very smart, he has at least begun to mature: "Where did I just say?"

"Are you going to tell the story again about how you couldn't control yourself in your sleep and were stopped by a big golden man?" Shaflock said impatiently: "Big golden man, Tartarus? I've already heard it. Three times.”

"You know, Lao Sha, I really didn't mean it..." Eboud explained frustratedly and hard.

"I've heard this five times!" Shaflock covered his face: "You want to say that you didn't kill Khalid on purpose, but what's the use of explaining to me? You should talk to that Jahira Said the lady!”

"Jahila, Jaheira, she has a new husband now, maybe she hates me..."

"Kill if you want. Go get it if you want. Kill if you want. I have heard you tell me about your obsession with Jaheira no less than thirty times. Now is not the right time. Her husband is dead and your opportunity has come. "Shafrok snorted coldly in the corner: "Of course, we all know that it was an 'accident', but regardless of what you told me, you should first think about how to explain it to your female Druid! "

After saying that, Shafrok leaned against the wall in low spirits: "But the premise of all this is that we can still get out of here."

"Imon is already thinking of a way." Eboud is confident about this.

The two people in the dungeon were silent for a while. In the darkness, the two looked at each other silently. The guards only provided two candles every day, which were used for eating and excreting. It was the middle of winter again. As soon as the topic stopped, the chill immediately Spreads from the ground upward.

Shaflock leaned against the wall in pain.

Why are things like this? Isn't he the dignified son of Baal?

After Shafrok awakened to the divine power of Baal, he was extremely excited to discover that he was the bloodline of a god. He immediately tried to make a big cause, rule the entire Baldur's Gate, and become the master of the Sword Coast.

However, just after his debut, Shaflock received one blow after another.

First of all, his team suffered a disaster just after it was formed. A four-meter-tall golden man with the appearance of the ancient continent of Karatu - the same person Eboud met happened to pass by and killed Shafer casually. Locke's men, faced with the double-headed eagle on the chest of the big golden man and the flaming giant sword in his hand, Shaflock seemed so powerless.

Then back to Baldur's Gate, Shavrok was defeated again by Be'lak and imprisoned. It was during the journey of imprisonment that he met Eboud.

The two sons of Baal finally escaped from the prison of Erinikas, and now they are in the prison of the Church of Helm.

Is it possible that the fate of our dignified son of Baal is to go to jail?

Shafrok realized for the first time that perhaps Baal's bloodline could not bring glory and power. On the contrary, endless curses and turmoil might be the essential manifestation of this bloodline.

In this way, the two sons of Baal slowly became friends. Compared to Eboud, who was a bit dull under Gillian's teachings, Shaflock was more like a forced reflection after suffering a series of blows.

At this time, a voice came from the distance.

Guard Heim brought Aaron and Nestia down. During the process of coming down, Aaron listened in detail to Guard Heim's description of what happened to these two guys and Eboud's confession. He really felt dumbfounded.

Because of his arrival, the plot of "Baldur's Gate 1" has been messed up due to his intervention with the Horned Rat, Be'lak and others. Chanem, Imoen and others are still because of their involvement in the Battle of Baldur's Gate. He became the hero of Baldur's Gate through his heroic feats, but the matter of the Son of Baal was suppressed due to the intervention of a series of external forces.

The most tragic among them is Shavrok. This was originally the big boss behind the plot of Baldur's Gate 1. The mastermind behind many things became a tragic figure because of his and Be'lak's intervention. His plan failed from the beginning. , moving from one failure to the next, defeat after defeat, invincible, until they were imprisoned in the dungeon by Irenicas to draw blood for experiments, and they were in jail together with Chanem. They were supposed to be able to make waves outside. Lao Sha spent more than a year being tortured and imprisoned.

Seeing Aaron, Eboud's eyes immediately shone, and he rushed to the cell door: "Sir Aaron! Ms. Julia!"

Eboud was not actually familiar with Aaron, but Eboud still understood what it meant for Aaron to appear here at this time.

It must be Iamon who is showing off his strength!


Shafrok immediately got up from the ground. The warrior-born Son of Baal felt an extremely dangerous aura on Aaron's body.

That's a sense of oppression coming from a higher level.

"Eboud!" Aaron greeted Eboud and asked about what happened recently.

Eboud's experience is basically consistent with Nastia's description, but unlike Shaflock, who is slightly frustrated by the setback, Eboud is still full of fighting spirit for his career.

"I have already negotiated with His Excellency the Eye of Judgment. I will try to get you and Shafrok out of prison. You guys wait for my good news." Aaron nodded.

"Lord Salian, um... thank you for your help this time. Hey, it's just that Khalid and Danahei are... I feel very confused." Eboud was very upset after receiving Aaron's promise. He lowered his head in frustration: "They all died because of me."

"They died honorably. They died fighting against evil and for a just cause. Eboud, you don't have to be too sad. It was Irenikas who killed them, not you." The corners of Aaron's mouth twitched. A hint of smile: "And, no matter what, Ms. Jahira still needs your comfort~"

"Lord Salian, how do you know?!" Eboud's eyes widened, and he shook his head guiltily: "I...I didn't mean that...really!"

"I heard that the son of Baal has always been a heroic figure, the legacy of Wei Wu, Ebud, love often requires your own efforts to win!" Aaron continued: "Emotional matters are of course natural, why should you be shy? I I understand you! You didn’t mean it, you just happened to like Khalid’s wife, am I right?”

"You still understand me! Sir Aaron!" There were tears in Eboud's eyes.

How does he understand me so well? !

Uh...what does Wei Wu's legacy mean?

Charm success!

Aaron felt that his Slaanesh magic was working. Seeing that Eboud had already regarded him as a confidant, he snickered in his heart: I have been playing Chanem for so long. If I don't understand you, it is such a long game. Isn’t time wasted in vain?

But Aaron could also see it from Eboud’s expression.

After he transformed into a killer, his first reaction was to kill Khalid. This was not an accident, it was just a manifestation of subconscious reaction in specific behaviors.

In his subconscious, Eboud wanted Khalid to die. In normal times, Eboud would suppress this deepest instinct in his heart because of the constraints of friendship, morality, and rules, but after becoming a killer, The subconscious mind replaced the conscious mind, and Eboud's first reaction was to attack Khalid.

Therefore, it is difficult to say whether Khalid was murdered by Eboud. It may be intentional, it may be accidental, or it may be intentional and careless.

God Son of Baal himself should understand this to some extent.

"Come on, Eboud, it may take a while for me to fish you out. During this time, you think carefully about what to do and what to do after you get out." Aaron continued: "What happened between you and Jahira , and also, the matter of you being a descendant of Baal."

"This, this, as long as Jaheira doesn't hate me because of this matter, I will be satisfied. I really can't even think about anything further." Eboud said this, but his body language and his His look clearly told everyone that not only did he really want to do it, he also dared to do it!

Shaflok behind him had already covered his head. During this period, he had to listen to Eboud talk about his desire for Jaheira at least once every day, and everyone else was numb.

"You have to fight for feelings by yourself. If you don't do anything, you will definitely regret it in the future." Aaron whispered.

"Oh? Really? I see that you are very passionate about fighting for love, more passionate than anything else, too passionate!" Nestia spoke, and the dark elf sister grabbed Aaron's waist with her hands in a sinister manner. , after picking and choosing, he pinched a suitable place and twisted it hard: "Go and ask that dragon, when is the next hot spring bath? I will definitely attend!"

"Ouch! Don't be like this, I'm discussing things with Eboud!" Aaron quickly covered his waist.

"Hey, can Jaheira and I be like this with Sir Aaron and Ms. Julia in the future?" Eboud couldn't help but whisper.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Aaron and Nastia played around for a few times, avoiding Nastia's fingertips, and his expression became serious: "Through these things, you must have discovered, you Are they all the bloodline of Baal, the King of Slaughter, who fell into the mortal world, Eboud and Shafrock?”

The two sons of Baal in prison nodded.

"The blood of the gods brings you power, but it also means endless turmoil and endless curses. Baal's filthy blood is always slowly eroding your sanity. If it continues, Baal will be resurrected in your body. Your own The will will be swallowed up by your father. If you retreat, your fate will be very tragic. Let me put it this way, if you don't embrace your blood, then you will be like a three-year-old child holding a large piece of gold in Amn. Walking around the Woking Market, everyone is eager to rob.”

Aaron leaned forward slowly: "This is your fate."

"What do you mean by this?" Before Eboud could understand, Shafrock took the initiative to answer: "Are you the same as Irenekas? You want to steal our blood and steal our bones?"

"Same, but different." Aaron stretched out his hands, and two furnace hearts and seeds of chaos emerged in his palms.

"I'd like to offer you a deal."

"You voluntarily sacrificed Baal's blood and divinity, and I have a way to take it out of your body intact. As the price of the transaction, I will give you the seed of chaos, and you will get more powerful power, complete I have autonomy and the ability to transform into a demon prince. At the same time, I also promise that I will do my best to fulfill one of your wishes."

"You can choose to accept it or not. I will not force you."

"Is it like Anomin under your command?" Shafrock obviously knew more. His eyes flickered with suspicion, but also bursts of excitement and curiosity: "Transformed into an immortal warrior? A demon king in the extraordinary realm. ?”

"If that's what you expect, fine." Aaron nodded.

"Really? Sir Aaron, can you help me chase Jahira?!" Eboud excitedly rushed to the door of the cell and pressed his chest against the iron fence of the Demonic Prison: "If you can, I will Think about it!”

Aaron: "…………"

Nestia: “…………”

Shaflock: "..."

The dark elf sister rolled her eyes calmly, feeling strange.

Aaron, you... you are a profiteer who deceives people into signing a contract of betrayal!

No wonder you want to save Watkin!

Wait, do you also have feelings for Ms. Fortune...

Updated, please vote~

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