Crown of Chaos

Chapter 51, shocking secret!

The two-handed halberd sliced ​​through the air, and the one-handed war hammer smashed open the skull.

A simple encounter ended with the result: three bandits were killed.

Aaron originally wanted to be tortured alive, but with the power of Slaanesh, the last thing he was afraid of was how to pry open the mouths of some die-hard elements.

But neither Eleanor nor Asha seemed to intend to survive.

Aaron knew that Eleanor was angry at the murder caused by the robbers. Aaron didn't know what Asha was thinking, but seeing her blood splattered all over her body without fear but with an excited look on her face, Aaron thought that she must be fine. After experiencing this kind of thing, I don't have any objection to killing people and selling goods, I just need a reasonable reason.

The robber committed the murder, and he had a legitimate reason. Aaron was a Purple Dragon Knight, and he was qualified to kill legally.

No wonder this guy is so excited.

"It's so cool! It's right to team up with you!" Asha shouted, "I just want to team up with a spell caster! Haha!"

With the magic and divine skills of Aaron and Eleanor, the barbarians only need to worry about playing. Someone will help control, someone will increase the status, and someone will be responsible for supplementing the output.

Asha has never fought such a rich battle!

The female barbarian was very excited, and Aaron also had a deeper understanding of the barbarian profession.

Barbarians are really strong in the early game.

With the blessing of wildness and fury, the "rage" of the barbarian can attack more violently than the warrior, and can also withstand more physical damage.

Moreover, in the early stage, when most adventurers lack good equipment, barbarians can rely on their understanding of the primitive ways of the wilderness and wholeheartedly accept their own animal instincts to strengthen their bodies. This ability is equivalent to the barbarians wearing an extra piece of leather armor. .

Including the animal skin jacket Asha is wearing, she is equivalent to a double layer of leather armor.

This is really powerful in the early stage of adventurers. Except for some ultimate geniuses, how could early stage adventurers run around wearing heavy armor?

Aaron and Miss Priest are now wearing leather armor + breastplate for flexibility.

Unfortunately, barbarians are only powerful in the early stage.

Because as the adventurers enter the middle stage, the number of people wearing heavy armor gradually increases, and the caster's spell list is further enriched. The weaknesses of the barbarian's short legs and monotonous output method are fully exposed.

To make matters worse, the barbarian's relatively low intelligence attribute makes it easy for him to be manipulated by enchantment magic.

The savage becomes a "behold" savage.

As for the legendary barbarians, it is true that they are super strong, but... haha, there are not many barbarians who can live to be legendary.

If there are really barbarians who can live to be legendary, they can often make up for their shortcomings in this area through powerful equipment, divine favor, and teammates. Coupled with extraordinary strength and extraordinary physique, barbarians once again become a top profession.

After thinking wildly in his head for a while, Aaron left a label for discussion on whether Asha would be included in his future plans, and then he came to Eleanor's side and squatted down.

The pastor is offering her last prayers to the deceased newlyweds, hoping that their souls can rest in peace.

Aaron lowered his eyes. The dead man stretched his hands in the direction of the road, with an expression of grief and anger still on his face. The woman's hair was neatly combed and carefully tied with jewelry, and her cuffs were tied with bows.

"Newlyweds who want to travel, either hire a guide or hire a guard." Aaron sighed, gently pressing his hand on Eleanor's shoulder, inspecting the body: "Want to enjoy a trip Went on a wedding trip, if I guessed correctly, they were deceived by these bandits, young people are always too naive."

"All living beings are equal, regardless of high or low." After Eleanor recited the prayer, the pastor lady put away her sadness: "But the evil thoughts in people's hearts will never disappear."

"If there is no evil, how can we promote good?" Aaron comforted Eleanor: "Evil and good are the two sides of the coin. This struggle will continue until the end of the multiverse. We will do our best."

"Yeah." Eleanor nodded silently.

"What should we do next?" The female barbarian also finished checking the thief's body.

She found a handful of scattered coins in the corpse, counting more than 30 gold lion coins, and two rings, one was a ruby ​​wedding ring, and the other was an ordinary gold ring.

Two short bows, a fine scimitar, two daggers, and a short sword.

Lin Lin is worth about 200 gold lion coins in total.

No wonder there are so many adventurers in the kingdom.

It can be seen that the female barbarian is an expert at touching corpses: "Aaron? Give me a word!"

Eleanor also set her sights on the man: What are you going to do next? Head directly to Wanxing Town, or?

"Do you barbarians yell before fighting? We will move secretly in a while." Aaron said with a smile: "Obviously, there is a bandit's den nearby."

"Get ready, follow my cues, and obey my orders! Let's take down this den and avenge the newlyweds!"

"Okay!" The pastor lady and the female barbarian both nodded excitedly.

Aaron never lets them down.

Under the order of His Excellency the Viscount, the three people changed into bandit clothes. The tall Asha wore the bandit leader's wide cloak hood, while Eleanor and Aaron changed into the bandit's clothes.

An hour later, eight kilometers away from Wanxing Town, there was an abandoned elf temple in the Forest of Kings.

The afternoon sun's waning light fell on the overgrown temple.

With luxuriant grass, ruined walls, and the infinitely glorious Elf Temple, all that remains now are only collapsed statues of gods, weathered and eroded architectural remains, blurred stone slabs, and empty open-air courtyards.

The dilapidated buildings seem to be telling a fact that is unacceptable but has to be accepted: no matter how glorious and great the empire is, it will eventually decline and fall.

The buildings on the ground have been abandoned for a long time, but the door leading to the underground buildings is brand new. A heavy iron-clad wooden door that was obviously made in recent years isolates the passage between the underground buildings and the above-ground buildings. The door is inlaid. There was a long iron bar, and some discarded wood and sacks were piled at the door.

Obviously, there are people living in it!

With their backs to the sun, three bandits in bandit costumes came back dragging two large sacks. The tall guy among them knocked on the wooden door: "Hey, boys! We got the 'big stuff', come out quickly!" "

"Dong~dong~dong~" The knock on the door was rough and impatient.

"Big guy? What big guy, is it Zach?" came the response from inside the door: "Why don't you say the secret language?"

"Secret word, what secret word? I don't remember it! You guys change it all day long, who can remember it!" The tall bandit at the door said impatiently: "Don't you have any eyes? Can't you just look at it?"

"It's really troublesome!" The person inside the door opened the iron bars on the heavy wooden door and looked outside through the railings.

He saw a pair of sky-blue eyes, as bottomless as the endless sky.

"Yes." The guard standing at the door lost his voice.



"I'll open the door for you right now."

The heavy wooden door was opened, and the bandit standing at the door called to his companions: "Brothers, go out and help them. This thing is very heavy."

There were six people sitting in the basement hall. They heard the doorman's words and complained to each other. Three of them who were not so busy got up and followed the doorman out.

Sure enough, there were some noisy sounds and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground outside, and silence returned immediately.

Another ten minutes passed, and just as the three remaining bandits in the house were getting a little impatient, the guard came in again and clapped his hands: "Brothers, come out quickly, we found gold bars!"

"What?" The remaining three bandits threw down their spoons, put down their weapons under maintenance, and all stood up: "Really, did you really find a gold bar?"

"Really, come quickly!" the guard said blankly: "Gold bars are being distributed, everyone has a share!"

"Coming, coming!" The remaining three people followed excitedly.

The only thing left in the empty basement was the light of the kerosene lamp and the sound of burning torches.

The sound of heavy objects falling on the ground and the faint sound of human voices could still be heard faintly, but even such weak sounds gradually disappeared into the air.

The underground Elf Palace was completely quiet.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

The gentle sound of water, following the distant echo, slowly rippled through the walls of the underground palace, undulating back and forth.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

After more than half an hour, the middle-aged man reading in the innermost part of the underground palace couldn't stand it anymore.

What are these bastards doing? How come it took so long to move something and you still haven’t come in?

How did Zach lead these people? Such a waste?

"Zach? Matt? What are you doing?" The strong man shouted to the outside: "Where are the people?"

There was no response from outside. It was not until the middle-aged man became impatient that someone answered: "Boss? Come out quickly, we are in trouble."

"Boss? Who is your leader?" The middle-aged man became even more impatient: "How many times have I told you that my name is Balder. Only when you have completed my mission can you idiots be qualified to call me boss. Do you think anyone can call me boss?"

"Okay, Mr. Balder, we are in trouble. Come and see who this is?"

"Who?" The middle-aged man was stunned for a second. He dropped the document in his hand and hurried out.

F**K, these bandits didn't mess up things by messing with the wrong people, right?

No, our long-planned plan must not be shelved here! They are just a few bandits. If they really cause trouble, then kill them all!

The mature man had already thought about how to "justly cut off" his relationship with these bandits. He came out of the basement cursing.

When a person moves from a dark place to a bright place, his eyes always need a little adaptation process.

In this brief moment of about 0.5 seconds, human vision temporarily fails.

When Balder came to the door, the dazzling light that hit his face made him subconsciously squint his eyes.

He only saw a blur of light and shadow.

Damn it, is the afternoon sun so dazzling?

Suddenly, everything in the world became so funny, so ridiculous that Balder couldn't help but start laughing wildly. He opened his mouth as hard as he could until pain came from his jaw. He stuck out his tongue and laughed like crazy.

"Ha ha ha ha!"


Tears quickly gathered in his eyes. He held his stomach and smiled, and a sharp two-handed halberd passed through his chest from behind as he laughed!

violent! reckless! Huge weapon!

"Hmm!" The severe pain penetrated Balder's nerves. The cerebral cortex of the mature man was covered by the pain information transmitted by countless neurons, but he still couldn't help but laugh wildly. On one side he was in severe pain and on the other side he was laughing wildly. Balder His expression showed complete madness. He rolled his eyes upwards, stuck out his tongue, and grinned. The wrinkles on his face were stretched to the extreme, and his skin was extremely tight!

His body instinctively reached for the weapon at his waist.

This isn't over yet! Miss Pastor opened the heavy tome at her waist with one hand, pressed it on the book with one hand, and made a gesture with the other hand to push Balder.

Human body-fixing technique!

Spiritual weapons!

Balder, who was controlled again, could only continue to laugh wildly.

violent! The barbarian's attack continued, and the halberd was drawn out. This time, it was stabbed instead of slashed. With Asha's deafening roar, the halberd with both hands crossed a perfect semicircle and cut a several-inch deep cut on Balder's neck. The mouth!

This blow didn't chop off his head? The female barbarian was secretly frightened.

This guy's professional level has reached the master level threshold!

But at this time, someone is telling the truth!

Aaron's figure quickly approached. After releasing the spell, he clenched the sword with both hands and assumed a standard purple dragon knight posture.

Tidal wave of action!

The long sword thrust! Following Balder's open mouth, the sharp military sword penetrated his throat, directly piercing deeply into Balder's head!

Blood gushes out in large volumes!

The strong man twisted his body unwillingly.

He is a professional who is almost promoted to the master level! He shouldn't be defeated so easily, he shouldn't die here so easily, he still has tasks to complete, and there are things left in the room...

It was no longer useful, and my body began to lose strength.

Full of unwillingness and resentment, Balder fell down, along with the seven robbers outside.

Aaron drew his sword and nodded towards Asha and Eleanor: "It seems these are the people."

"Huh!" Asha breathed out, and the female barbarian put her hands on her hips proudly: "How is it? I'm so strong!"

"Great!" Aaron gave Asha a thumbs up: "What a great idea to come to you! Asha! I cheer for you."

"Hey, just know how good I am!" After receiving praise from Aaron, she violently raged four times in a row. The female barbarian, who was already showing signs of fatigue, suddenly felt that she still had energy.

Female Barbarians are really useful!

Aaron charms and then uses magic to seduce, the priest lady controls + armor-breaking hammer, and Asha is responsible for harvesting with all her strength.

Relying on a simple three-person black shop, they killed all the bandits in the entire bandit den at almost no cost, and they also killed a professional who was just one step away from the master level!

"Eleanor, you did a great job too!" Aaron did not forget to praise the pastor: "At least we can comfort the souls of the newlyweds."

Eleanor forced a smile, Miss Priest didn't like killing, even though it was reasonable and legal revenge.

"Tidy up, we'll spend the night here today." Aaron ordered, looking at the sinking sky.

Asha has gone berserk four times, the female barbarian is exhausted, and Aaron and Miss Priest have almost used up their spells.

After touching the corpse, the female barbarian took off the useful equipment and props. After taking away the money bag, she stacked the corpses of the bandits and the mature men together. Aaron released the last magic "Tzeentch Blue Flame" to set the corpse on fire. The individual entered the basement of the Elf Temple and locked the door firmly.

The illegal gains of the bandits were piled in the underground temple, as well as 22 bags of coffee beans.

22 bags of coffee beans, each weighing 2 pounds, are worth 50 gold lion coins per pound at the market price.

Coupled with the bandits' scattered coins and equipment, Aaron and the others easily gained more than 6,000 gold lion coins!

After taking stock for a while, Aaron felt that his mind was a little wandering.

Making money, is it so easy? !

No wonder those mercenaries in Ferrara are not willing to seek a stable job at all, the adventure is just too enjoyable!

Before he could think about it, Eleanor came out of the inner room with a letter in her hand. The pastor's face was serious: "Aaron, come here, take a look at this."

"What is this?" Aaron took the letter.

"I just discovered this." Miss Pastor said very solemnly, "I think I must show it to you."

"Yeah." Aaron opened the letter with nothing written on the outside.

After just two glances, the Viscount of Cormyr felt cold sweat break out on his forehead and back.

The content of this letter tells a shocking secret!

"This is……"

Come on JDG, believe in Brother 69, he will take action!

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