Crown of Chaos

Chapter 636, One certificate, one proof

PS: Sorry, I've been sick recently, very sick, and I feel very uncomfortable, with symptoms of continuous dizziness, constant sweating and diarrhea. I've reached my limit, so I may not be able to maintain stability in the recent updates, sorry.

It was originally an impossible proposition to fight against the first generation magic goddess.

You know, the first generation magic goddess Misriel is different from the second generation magic goddess Mistra and the third generation magic goddess Midnight. The second generation magic goddess is the first generation magic goddess Misriel who died to save the world and was temporarily reincarnated in a fisherman girl with enough magic talent in Netheril. In this process, Misriel lost a lot of abilities and priesthood.

Before this, Misriel was the only god who could claim that I was 50-50 with AO.

The magic goddess's status naturally changed from the supreme existence of "having seven colors of hair and eating lollipops in the long river of time" to "secret bitch".

As for the third generation of the magic goddess Midnight, her performance is even worse. There is no doubt that Midnight also has amazing talent, otherwise she would not be able to participate in the adventure of the Saint's Catastrophe when she is just an elite-level mage.

But compared with Mystra, Midnight's level is even worse. She relies more on the mage god Azuth than others. At the same time, Midnight is not so closely related to the legacies of Mystra, such as Elminster, the Seven Sisters of the North, and Khelben-Black Staff.

Moreover, Midnight is very selfish. She always tends to those in the good camp, and in the judgment of spells and magic nets, she tends to be brave and altruistic. Similarly, her lover, the god of death, Kelanwo, is also said. It is said that the souls of the good camp can get a better ending in Kelanwo's soul trial.

From a personal point of view, of course there can be a tendency.

But from the perspective of gods and priesthood, it should not be so.

The long river of time began to move rapidly and rotate. When Aaron landed holding Eleanor and Charlotte's hands, they had returned to the past.

The Netheril Empire, which had once flowed with endless glory and beauty.

Endless oases filled the nearby vision, the sky was shining with arcane light, countless villages spread along the river, the air was full of strong magic, and space sailboats were moving in the sky.

Zariel and others also landed, and they didn't seem to have recovered. Only the thick-skinned Ladugu moved his mouth under his thick beard: "Are we back to the past? How do we get to the Temple of Time?"

"Of course, go directly!" The great dragon Egil put his hands on his waist and laughed triumphantly: "I am here, let these mortals kneel down and listen to my call!"

"You are right, but do you know where the Temple of Time is?" Aaron smiled at Egil.

"Well, anyway, this guy knows, right?" Egil was embarrassed for a few seconds, and immediately pulled Charlotte. The big dragon did not care and pressed his majestic body under the black silk jumpsuit tightly against Charlotte: "Hey, tell me quickly, where did your good father hide the Temple of Time?"

"Don't call me this guy!" Charlotte hummed in dissatisfaction, thinking, do I know you well? You damn big dragon? How can you have such a mean figure and such a bad personality.

The daughter of Amaunator, and Egil are both in the absolute neutral camp, but the eldest lady and the big dragon just don't get along, and they are not even familiar with each other.

So sometimes you can't simply think that people in the same camp can talk together. A typical example is that lawyers and bureaucrats are mostly lawful evil, but they regard each other as mortal enemies.

"We've arrived." Aaron separated Egil and Charlotte, and pointed to the sky mysteriously: "The entrance to the Temple of Time is right there."

The crowd then discovered that there was an imperceptible black dot high in the sky.

Floating City!

The Lower Nether is not the real Nether, the Upper Nether is the real Nether!

The true essence of the Arcane Empire is concentrated in the floating city in the sky. In this highly developed magic brain, the Netheril people moved the floating city, bestowed destruction and magic on the kingdom of the sky, and ruled an entire era (except the elves)!

"Will the Netherese allow us to enter the floating city directly?" Zariel frowned: "Yes, we are strong, but..."

Ladugu shook his head. The two guys were very old and naturally knew the rules of Netheril: "The floating city has an arcane barrier. If they encounter danger, they will instantly move to other places. Each floating city has at least one high-level archmage. With the strength of our current incarnation, plus the time period when Misriel does not restrict the magic network, we may not be able to enter easily."

"Where are Amaunator and others?" Egil realized that the ancient sun god was missing.

Aaron smiled: "He cannot return to the past that is strongly related to him. This is the law of AO."

"But I can, that's why I have to go in person."

The group did as Aaron said, through the portal coordinates he gave, through the astral realm, and instantly arrived at the top of the floating city high in the sky.

And the moment they appeared, a gorgeous staff flashing with the nine-ring meteor explosion spell was already pointing at their heads. A high-level legendary archmage and three legendary archmages prepared four spells respectively, and the meteor explosion, law of death, energy absorption and imprisonment spells were ready to be cast.

Behind them, twenty-two quasi-legendary Grand Arcanists and hundreds of other legendary quasi-legendary professionals were all guarding the portal, ready to attack at any time.

Eleanor immediately felt a lot of pressure. She subconsciously looked at Aaron and thought, "Isn't this right?"

Aaron? ! you?

Egil and Zariel were even more nervous. The blazing angel looked at the people around her and thought that if she fought hard, she would only have a 30% chance of being seriously injured and retreat, and a 70% chance of being reincarnated in the pool of life.

"Did you, Gareth, Bellingford, you guys have your brains eaten by orcs?"

Faced with this situation, Aaron did not panic at all. He asked sharply: "It's me! Me! Don't you all recognize me?"

The great arcanists looked puzzled.

Such an old-fashioned routine... Charlotte was speechless. The eldest lady was thinking that it was her turn to appear. She stopped in front of Aaron and took out the Karthus Box: "I am Charlotte - Salian, the daughter of Amaunator and a disciple of the great arcanist Karsus, it was he who gave this box of Karsus to me, I..."

Before they finished speaking, several great arcanists suddenly showed shocked expressions on their faces. They quickly withdrew their spells and quickly came up to salute.

Charlotte was very satisfied with this situation. Just as the eldest lady was about to say "Thank you for your hard work, gentlemen," she found that the great arcanists passed her and came to Aaron in awe.

One of the Eight Netherese Gods, Aaron, the Lord of Reincarnation, is the most recognizable. As a god from the beginning of Chaos to the present, Aaron-Salian's name has always been closely related to the kingdom of heaven. It is said that Saluk was the first to come into contact with him. Even the witches have no way of judging the origin of this chaotic god. Everyone only knows that he has always been entangled with Surensha'er.

More importantly, the Lord of Reincarnation has always been generous to Netheril, and he has never been shy about teaching his magic to the Netherese people. This has led to many great arcanists choosing to learn Salian in addition to the Scroll of Netherese. Nine volumes, every hundred years, the Salian Multiverse Invitational Tournament (ti) hosted by the Lord of Reincarnation will start in the south of the Nese Empire. The winner can get a massive prize pool and a tribulation magic.

The great arcane magicians of Netherese are willing to sacrifice everything for the catastrophic magic that symbolizes the pinnacle of magic in the multiverse.

The high-level legendary great arcane master named Gareth did not put down his staff, but held it on his chest and heart with his left hand to show respect, and bowed slightly: "It turns out to be His Majesty the Lord of Reincarnation. Why did you appear this time? What are the prize pools and the supreme calamity magic rewards announced for this TI?”

Aaron nodded. He stretched out his hand and made a few strokes in the air. His fingertips were filled with his own divine power. In the blink of an eye, a sealed calamity spell model was formed: "This is the highest reward for this TI. , Heavenly Tribulation Magic - Elegy of the Soul."

The high-level legendary Grand Arcanist immediately took it respectfully. He took out a magic stone and said with great excitement, "Welcome, Your Majesty, the Lord of Reincarnation."

As soon as these words were spoken, all the guards put away their weapons and half-bowed in order.

This exchange between the two parties stunned everyone except Aaron.

For the first time, Zariel was confused by her 20,000-year memory. She always remembered that there were only seven gods in Nether?

Eleanor thought that Aaron was an old monster who was thousands of years old? This is wrong!

The Chaos Dwarf God Ladugue frowned deeply. He clearly remembered that in his memory, there had never been any TI in the Netheril era, let alone the Salian Nine Books and the Heavenly Tribulation Spell. said.

But everything he saw in front of him told him that it was all true.

"So do you understand why I have to come?" Aaron's lips moved slightly, and he said with a half-smile to his teammates, including the well-informed Zarrell and Ladugue: "I and you guys There are differences.”

"I am the God of Chaos, and there is no concept of time for me."

"Once I become a god, I will appear in every timeline. In your memories, I am the Seven Gods of Nese, but in other timelines, I am the Eight Gods of Nese. In your memories, I am in the Kingdom of Heaven. The Valley was only conferred as a god in 1371, but to other beings, the Lord of Reincarnation has existed since ancient times.”

"I, Aaron Salian, have a certificate that lasts forever!"

"The entrance to the Temple of Time is right below this floating city. We must be quick."

Aaron raised his head and looked at the large square of the floating city's portal.

The statues of the Nese Eight Gods each occupy one position in the square, and beside Sister Shar and Su Lun Mama, the statue of Aaron, the Lord of Reincarnation, stands out.

Aaron and others were immediately welcomed by the floating city as the top VIP guests, and the floating arcane carriage quickly left the square carrying the distinguished guests from afar.

What no one noticed was that just above the statue of Shar in the floating city square, a ray of dark light emerged from the end of Lady Night's hair.

You can actually go back to this Nese era. Amaunata, you are indeed not dead. You must have made a lot of preparations for resurrection, right?

Ah, I really miss the Nese era, although it has reached its end, it is still so noisy, still so unforgivably noisy, and still so unforgivably chaotic!

too bright!

Missriel is a loser. Is it possible that he is a great arcanist and can use the magic network as a star-fury power to fuck him?

One certificate lasts forever, Nese Yagami?

As expected of you, Aaron.

Fortunately, it is you who brought the concept of one certificate to eternal certificate here.

I will forever extinguish the light of the sun, and as a sister and brother, we will bring eternal night and tranquility to the kingdom of heaven.

Shar grinned.

The battle in heaven will end here, and our story will usher in a new beginning, my dear brother.

My sister is here.

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