Crown of Chaos

Chapter 81, this ambition, chasing stars

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and thick fog spread from the sea level.

The ocean seemed to be sick. Black and greasy tentacles stretched out of the sea one after another. Black rot marks appeared from the ocean surface, spreading out in a twisting and serpentine shape, dyeing the originally not very bright ocean into a complete black.

The behemoth in the deep sea slowly reveals its head. Just a little bit of it can be seen how huge it is. Its wings spread out from both sides and extend into the sky. The top of its head A huge wave of more than ten meters high arose, blocking all sight lines.


The beast let out a terrible scream that penetrated the souls of all nearby mortal beings.


Aaron covered his head. He only felt a splitting headache. A crazy will controlled his thoughts. The resentment in the air made him tighten his muscles and his hands and feet twitched constantly.

Unknowable power, power from higher dimensions.

Indescribable, fear.

The murlocs on the beach are kneeling before the behemoth. They are no longer the vicious and murderous butchers before, but just a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered. They are kneeling on their knees with dull expressions. They just call the name of the great one deeply and pray over and over again. With His forgiveness.

The worship of the great has a long history even among nations.

The custom of worshiping the old rulers was born in the deep sea of ​​the country thousands of years ago. Legend has it that many deep sea races encountered the boundaries set by the gods when they continued to explore the deep sea. Some deep sea races chose to give up and continue exploring. Return to their own realm, but some deep-sea races ignore the warnings of the gods and insist on exploring the deep sea.

Most of the explorers disappeared, but a few successfully returned. They either gained powerful power, gained unparalleled wealth, or entered a new world.

Among them, a self-proclaimed prophet began to preach. In his mouth, there existed a supreme existence outside the world, and He would eventually rule over all things.

When the stars align into the correct shape, the sleeping Supreme Being will awaken and bring about the destined end of this mortal world.

The prophet promised mortals that as long as they were loyal and gave up doubt, they could survive after the Supreme Being awakened.

Some deep-sea races, such as the sea elves, sneered at this legend, but some deep-sea races believed it deeply. As they spread, more and more people secretly worshiped the supreme being.

Finally, the truth about the Supreme Being is revealed.

The Great Old One - Cthulhu!

The majestic power of Cthulhu is vast, and its existence at the end of the ocean is just an insignificant aspect of it. With the spread of its belief, believers are growing rapidly, those crazy madmen, those with resentment and fear, those who are seeking revenge. People who collapsed under the pressure were absorbed.

Then, they basically went crazy, because very few people could understand the whispers of Cthulhu. Just a tiny glimpse of the Old Ones from the endless deep sea was enough to make mortals go from the most sane reason to the most extreme. of madness.

But there are always a very small number of scholars, especially mystical scholars, who through hard study and study can decipher a little bit of the language from the mouths of the old rulers.

They became enlightened.

The destined end of all things represents a complete end and complete annihilation - the body is broken, the soul is dissipated, and the breath disappears. All existence will be completely erased with the awakening of the old rulers.

But if they can make a contract with the evil god and please the great Cthulhu, believers can transcend death. They will abandon the physical body, reach the realm of psychics, and transcend the endless starry sky and ocean to reach the other shore. Life and death will be just greater. Just a shadow cast by the light of the truth of existence. They will achieve ultimate purity, the supreme glory that transcends the grasp of the living and breaks through the dreams of the dead.

This is the origin of the Warlock, the master of the Old Ones.

Now, the projection of the sect leader appears.

The ocean surface is boiling, and pure corruption has gathered the hatred of thousands of years. It is mixed with the sea breeze and is blowing towards the face, constantly beating the hearts of mortals. Hundreds of tentacles are hungry to capture the creatures in the sea. Giant objects emerge from the abyss. Revealing their true colors, the murlocs who had no time to escape from the sea slid helplessly, begging for forgiveness and trying their best to escape from the abyss.

The corrosive seawater melted the skin and flesh of the fishmen, destroyed the gills they used to breathe, got into their swollen eyes, corrupted their minds, and turned them into more terrifying monsters.

Even so, the fish people on the beach were still kneeling down and praying.

The sea level rose higher, and the thick black water reached the sky.

What a terrifying giant it is. It has a vague outline of a human being, but it has a head like an octopus with many tentacles. Its body is covered with scaly green glue, and its huge claws are long. Behind it There is also a pair of long and narrow bone wings, a bloated and fat body with mucus constantly dripping from it, and the huge green body is like a mountain walking between heaven and earth.

Is this the incarnation of Cthulhu?

Aaron swallowed deeply, his crazy emotions constantly peeling away his sanity.

The Sons of Chaos have never felt such intense hatred, as crazy as the mountains of the North. Under the spiritual pollution of bone-deep resentment, everything in the world has become blurred, and emotions like tides are getting higher and higher.

He seemed to be mentioning the call of God the Father, calling him to return to Him. He heard the desperate cries of the water birds and heard the pleadings of the fish people.

For the first time, he felt that the Four Gods of Chaos were not omnipotent.

But fortunately, with the divine sparks of the Four Gods, Cthulhu's power was enough to corrupt all nearby creatures and go crazy, but Aaron was still able to barely resist.

He tried his best to get rid of the voices in his mind and struggled towards the fishing village. He felt madness coming from all directions like a tide. He heard the fish people singing an unknown melody with the same rhythm and the same tone. He I smelled thousands of smells - sweat, fish, sea, blood, rot, burning, pollutants, and of course the faint cologne on his body.

He didn't know what he should do. His only reaction at this time was to find his companions.

At this time, Dark Light Village has fallen into a more terrifying madness. The fish-men's attack has stopped, but the remaining humans cannot resist the roar of the giant giant in the distance. Some of them are in so much pain that they use their fingers to clasp their eyes. Mouths, ears, and noses, some fell into hallucinations. They saw endless wealth and stretched out their hands to embrace a better future.

More human beings are forced to have a mental breakdown, and the subconscious self-defense mechanism in their bodies is turned on. The warning from the depths of their consciousness clearly expresses one thing: even death is better than complete madness.

Some people committed suicide, some accused others of being bad, and some even put all their resentment on Aaron and others, thinking that they had brought disaster and made the village become like this.

Leonard, who had been organizing the villagers to defend themselves before, instantly became a public enemy. The paladin was not crazy yet. He kept trying to appease the villagers and keep them calm.

It was useless. The villagers who were furious and still had the ability to move knocked the paladin down, smashed it with their fists, bit it with their teeth, and hit their heads with their heads. They pressed Leonard to the ground and beat the paladin who was unwilling to fight back until his face was covered with blood. .

At this time, Aaron came.

The Viscount was not bound by an oath like the paladin. He raised his foot and kicked away the crazy villagers. He lit fire on his fingertips to scare them away. He raised his sword and killed a guy who had tentacles spurting out of his nostrils and mouth. , motioning for everyone to get away.

The villagers were frightened, and some of them turned their hatred towards those who were not strong enough. Others sat there and cried bitterly.


In the distance, the giant giant moves slowly, but gets closer step by step.

His eyes were fixed on the small fishing village.

"Ah~ Aaron." Leonard lay on his back, and the college principal smiled bitterly: "Did you see that thing?"

"I see, He is staring at us." Aaron also sat down, and the Viscount looked strange: "That is the incarnation of the gods, the great incarnation of Cthulhu - Krasin."

"Great Cthulhu, that is the master of the magicians, right?" Leonard stared at the sky with his eyes empty, and his limbs twitched from time to time: "I just took one look, and my head felt like it was splitting. Now I feel like there are a thousand ants crawling in my head, I can’t think anymore, Aaron, what should I do?"

"What should I do? What should I do if I only have silver?" Aaron hammered the ground hard: "Pray."

"Praying is of no use." Leonard struggled to get up, and he said silently: "I can't feel my Lord's power anymore."

Aaron's eyes widened, and he immediately raised the Dark Moon Sword in his hand.

Sure enough, the light that originally represented Su Lun's blessing had been completely dimmed, and the god's power could not be linked to it at this time.

The answer is simple. The will of Cthulhu has sealed off the entire nearby area. Although this may only last for a short period of time, it is enough to destroy all the areas within dozens of miles and force all mortals. Crazy enough to crush several of them into pieces like ants.

Crazy warnings kept ringing through Aaron's mind, and the incarnation of Krasin in the distance gradually broke away from the sea. Its body was so huge that it dwarfed the distant coastal cliffs. Its whole body flashed with the endless chaos that can only be seen in the depths of the stars. Possessing strange colors, the physical world could not bear such a terrifying existence, and began to twist and overlap under its tearing.

As the tentacles surged higher and higher, the black mist began to gather around them, showing mysterious colors like a nebula, rolling with five-color lightning. Huge tentacles protruded from it, waving up and down, tearing the sky and the earth into pieces. , as if stretching their muscles and enjoying the long-lost freedom.

Not to mention Dark Light Village at this time, all nearby areas have noticed this scene.

In many fishing villages a few kilometers away, people pointed at the huge black shadow in the distance with curious expressions on their faces.

In a town more than ten kilometers away, the guards could not help but break into a cold sweat when they saw the twisted limbs of the giant giant.

Twenty or thirty kilometers away in Masanba, the Cormyr admirals holding monoculars were filled with doubts.

"what is that?"

"Damn it, what the hell is that?"

The admiral realized something was wrong but had no answers at all.

From the surface of the ocean to the slender coastline, from one fishing village after another to the town buildings where noble men live, the influence from the old rulers has appeared. Some people began to lose control of their reason and the breath of hatred Flooding the brain like a tidal wave. Pain sweeps over the heart like a cold, deadly cloud, and the scent of deceit and deceit flows down the rain in the dark cloud of resentment.

It started to rain, pouring.

"Run away quickly, Aaron, his target is probably me." Leonard was still making his last effort, and the paladin forced out a smile: "I have thought of this day for a long time."

"Haha~" Aaron snorted twice from his nostrils. He was still laughing, and the rain had already wet his hair: "Hahahahahahahahahaha~!"

He laughed wildly, nervously.

He suddenly felt that his time traveling was an out-and-out comedy.

Yes, it is a comedy, because the core of any comedy is tragedy.

Does he want to time travel? Does he want to be personally chosen by the Four Gods? Does he want to come to this world to participate in the games of the gods?

No, he didn't want to at all!

He doesn't want to time travel! He doesn't want to be the chosen one of the Four Gods! He doesn't want to come to this shitty world at all!

What kind of world is this? This is a world where you will be attacked by warlocks when you go out in a carriage, your head will be chopped off by goblins, and you will die from unknown assassinations!

This is an extremely cruel, extremely realistic, and extremely fucked-up world!

If he had a choice, he just wanted to go back to work, live a nine-to-five life, play games from time to time, play with his Warhammer chess figurine, go out for a walk, and live a healthy life. This was enough for him.

But he had no choice, he just traveled through time, he was chosen by the Four Gods of Chaos, and he was thrown into this world, relying on the dispute between the Four Gods and a certain supreme being to find a chance of survival.

Okay, okay, in that case, let's work hard.

Aaron reluctantly accepted his situation. He exhausted all his efforts. He was smooth and oily. He tried to play both sides between several forces. He used the power of chaos to strengthen his own power. He took advantage of the dead all day long. The father was deceitful, he used the power of Slaanesh to please the goddess Selun, and he used the power of Tzeentch to please the eldest lady. He kept tricking the priestess and spent several days reading the edicts of the regent princess and trying to figure out what she might ask.

Every step he takes is full of calculation.

Does he want this? No, he didn't want to at all!

If he had a choice, of course he would also want to be upright and aboveboard, disdain these scheming ideas, give up these greasy tricks, speak well, and be a good person!

But he can't help it! There were too many threats around him, and his talent before awakening was very average, so he could only do this.

Now after two months of training, you are already an elite spell caster. Let’s try to deal with Krasin, the incarnation of Cthulhu in front of you!

"Hahahaha!" Aaron continued to laugh wildly, laughing until tears came out of his eyes, just like the warlock before.

Everyone wants to have fun, but... who can understand me?

He was losing his mind, and his mind was filled with the horrific scenes brought about by the incarnation of Cthulhu. Accompanied by terrifying loud noises, huge godless tentacles kept erupting from its body and drilling into his brain.

Give up, give up reason, go crazy.

Whispers from the Great Old Ones tempt Aaron, and his will is being tested.

So, this is really a comedy... After being wronged, sad, and sad, countless hatred suddenly rose in Aaron's mind.

It's all your fault, the Four Gods of Chaos. It's all your fault. You only gave me this little spark of divinity! Why don't you give me a little more power? Otherwise, how could things have turned out like this?

Father, mother, I blame you too, I blame you for not being a duke! I blame you for not having better blood! Why aren't you time dragons?

And grandpa, if you hadn't escaped from the battle...

Princess Regent, you deserve to be hated! You tested me over and over again. Did you get what you wanted this time?

And mentor Lucian, and those annoying recruits, and the Silver Virgin Suellen. I brought Slaanesh’s gift to please you, and you’re going to give me a sword that I won’t need at a critical moment?

Aunts and uncles, you parasites...

And Miss Warlock, and Eleanor...

Crazy hatred poured into Aaron's thoughts, and he cursed everyone he knew. Just like a drowning man looking for hope of life at all costs, human instinct is to shirk responsibility and find excuses to excuse himself. When reason disappears, human nature is always so dark.

However, when Aaron read Eleanor's name, his mouth opened, but he could not utter any curse words.

When he thought of Eleanor, her bright golden braid, and her pair of ocean blue eyes that always had a gentle look, Aaron's hatred and anger suddenly stopped.

He had no such feeling for Miss Vicar, not at all, and he thought only that it was a good thing that he had not asked Eleanor to come with him this time.

After the endless hatred faded, there were many beautiful memories.

Auntie rolled on the carpet in front of the royal court just to gain some benefit for him.

Su Lun saved his dying self for free without considering any reward.

Mentor Lucian always pays attention to him and thinks about his own interests, Leonard's bright smile, Disma's awkward dinner invitation every evening, and the attention of the regent princess to him.

There is also his agreement with the eldest lady, and his lifelong contract with the pastor lady...

Aaron silently watched the approaching giant, Krasin, the incarnation of Cthulhu.

The warlock was really right. This thing was indeed caused by himself. There was too much pain, crazy villagers, and huge destruction.

The sky was dark and heavy rain poured down. The black rain drenched Aaron's whole body.

He suddenly remembered the words "Without sacrifice, there is no victory" and "Sacrifice is the cornerstone of the empire, and blood is the fertile soil of the empire."

Yes, even if the sky is covered by darkness, the light of hope never fades in human hearts.

We always eagerly look forward to the day when human beings, and even all races, can enjoy peace and happiness. We always eagerly look forward to the day when people can understand each other and work together for a better future.

But until then, I have to survive!


This is the meaning of fighting.

Unknowingly, Aaron's belief became stronger and stronger, and the madness was being pushed out of his brain by a force. A white-gold ring flashed along the top of his head, and the approaching darkness was dispersed by the light.


There seemed to be fire burning in his body, and the power called courage penetrated into his body. Aaron clenched his fists, and his soul was now full of fighting spirit!

The extreme changes in emotions brought with them a huge amount of energy. The power of Slaanesh has never been so violent and exciting.

Aaron felt the chaotic power in his body, and he suddenly thought of something.

"I have a plan, a damn plan!" Aaron said to Leonard.

"Is there still a plan?" The paladin covered his head. He was going crazy: "Thom, how sure are you?"

"50%, either dead or alive." Aaron laughed wildly, took steps, and ran straight up the cliff.

He's going to face the incarnation of Cthulhu.

To survive!

He thought about it, if life never stops, progress will never stop.

This ambition is to chase the stars!

I feel so tired. Let’s take a rest.

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