Crown of Silence

Chapter 9 The Avalon Bridge Collapses

In this foul-smelling fog, countless iron pieces scraped sharply. The sound was like a ground dragon crawling on the stone, and sparks burst out when its scales collided with the stone, so it made a fragmented and gloomy sound.

The sound rushed into his mouth, nose and eardrums along with the stench, torturing his reason, making Ye Qingxuan's eyes suddenly darken and difficult to walk.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!"

In the blur, he suddenly heard the sharp roar from Lao Fei, and then Lao Fei bit his thigh fiercely.

Lao Fei is really a fierce man among dogs and a gangster among dogs. This bite is as vicious as ever, and the pain can make people roll on the ground, tears and snot flow.

But Ye Qingxuan suddenly woke up.

Then Lao Fei turned around and bit again, making Vito, who was in fear, return to normal.

This painful therapy is simple, strong and effective, but it is not completely selfless. At least Ye Qingxuan feels that Lao Fei is taking revenge on him for not leaving sausages for him to eat.

Now, Lao Fei looked at him sideways. Every time when Lao Fei looked at him with such disdain, it always contained the meaning of being disappointed with him, which made Ye Qingxuan feel that he was really useless. He had not made any progress in all these years. Until now, he still had to rely on you, his big brother, to save his life. He was really ashamed and troubled.

But Lao Fei just turned around and skillfully whipped the two idiots with his tail twice, signaling them not to stand there stupidly and to catch up.

The stench can confuse other people's five senses, but it can't fool Lao Fei.

He could smell the smell of Ye Qingxuan secretly eating sausages across half of the town, and it was no exaggeration to run back along the smell when he came.

But now, while running wildly, Ye Qingxuan felt that the sharp sound of the iron sheet rubbing was getting closer and closer. In such a huge fog, the other party finally locked their area... What will be waiting for them next?

"Ye! Its vibration is getting stronger and stronger!"

Vito looked at the black box, and the instrument in the box made a low hum of vibration.

The next moment, the low hum in the box suddenly erupted, and the sharp friction sound that seemed to echo burst out from under their feet!

"Build it with iron bars, iron bars, iron bars..."

That was the low voice in the mist giving orders again!

So, iron grew out of the tree, right in front of Ye Qingxuan!


On that dense withered tree trunk, iron branches broke out of the seal, like bamboo shoots or some kind of proliferating crystals, splitting wildly. In an instant, an "iron railing" emerged out of thin air, cutting off the front.

That was the thorns that made it difficult for all creatures to cross. They rubbed against each other, making tiny sounds, forming countless spikes. Steel is the branches, and the thorns are the leaves.

Those thorns are growing and closing rapidly, like two big hands slapping in the middle, trying to pinch them to death.

But Lao Fei didn't care about these. He shouted and signaled the two useless people behind him to follow closely, then accelerated and rushed towards the thorny jungle of death.

This is really a fierce and vicious old dog. It hates itself and is even more vicious to others. Not only does it go through the knife mountain, but it also wants its two younger brothers to jump into the fire pit with it.

There was only a moment of time. Ye Qingxuan had no time to hesitate. With a fierce look in his eyes, he joined Lao Fei in this life-threatening run.

He ran along the rapidly growing iron edges, and almost felt the coolness of the iron scraps brushing against the corners of his eyes.

His heart was completely chilled.

Lao Fei jumped out of the thorn bush at a very fast speed, without even a tuft of hair falling off. Ye Qingxuan followed closely behind, but was only scratched a few times. The worst was Vito, who almost rolled out on the ground in the end, with his clothes torn and his pants half torn, which was extremely funny.

There was no time to hesitate. Ye Qingxuan pulled Vito and ran away. The fog was too thick and he was almost out of breath.

An angry breath emerged in the singing, and the tone suddenly increased by eight points, and the fog began to dance wildly.

Countless hands suddenly appeared in the wildly dancing mist. Those illusory hands swept past Lao Fei in front and Vito behind, and grabbed Ye Qingxuan directly.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned. He tried his best to dodge, but he didn't have time to avoid every hand.

Those hands didn't even exist in substance, but they all had weak power. One or two were just a breeze-like resistance, but once the speed was reduced, they were captured by more and more hands.

In a flash, Ye Qingxuan was covered by palms, which clamped the boy tightly, making him unable to move.

"Hey, you can't be so unlucky?"

He was stunned and talked to himself. The anxiety of agitation rose from his heart.


Vito rushed over with red eyes, and Lao Fei was faster than him. Lao Fei rushed towards those hands like crazy, fighting with the invisible palms, but those hands ignored Lao Fei, and more and more hands grabbed Ye Qingxuan. ♦♦  ♦♦

Those hands were like evil spirits, wrapping him layer by layer and pulling him into the fog.

At the same time, the low singing voice suddenly became louder.

Between countless dead trees, the iron ridges broke out again, and the thorns began to increase again. This time they gathered together and turned into a burst of iron streams. The thorns were growing and entwined with Ye Qingxuan.

This time... he was going to be completely crushed to pieces!

At that moment, Ye Qingxuan heard the sound of countless iron pieces rubbing against each other, like the sound of frost condensing and breaking. The fog was broken by countless tangled iron thorns. Extending forward, piercing everything.

They came towards him.

Ye Qingxuan struggled hard, but was pulled into the bondage again, powerless.

At the last moment, he only had time to hear an angry roar, and then the yellow shadow jumped up high, blocking in front of him, biting the invisible palms with all his strength.

"Old Fei!"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned. He saw Lao Fei's hind legs entangled in those thorns. But Lao Fei was angry. He refused to admit defeat, and the ground was dripping with blood.

"Old Fei!!!" Ye Qingxuan shouted: "Get out of here!"

Do you think this is useful? He suddenly felt scared in his heart.

This old dog was angry. He didn't listen to anything, bared his teeth, drooled, and his eyes were red. It wants to stand in front of this person and bite those invisible enemies. He doesn't care even if he is killed by invisible enemies.

The iron branches wrapped around Ye Qingxuan's neck.

So, it went crazy and rushed to death.

Ye Qingxuan stretched out his hand to shake it off, but was unable to do anything.

Until now, he finally felt fear.

Once again, overwhelmed by tangible despair.

It's like the fear of having nothing when I was ten years old, like falling in the snow and struggling with a high fever, like my mother's whisper before she died... It's a fear of losing something, a fear of losing something. The pain of something being crushed.

My heart was trembling, and it was about to beat out of my chest with rage. Then the blood swelled in his body, causing veins to rise from his cheeks, and his blood vessels were about to burst.

All the power gathered in his chest, burning his heart like lava, as if he wanted to penetrate through layers of barriers to touch the forbidden area...

Then, he heard a clear voice coming from the back of his hand.

——It seemed like a familiar voice was sighing.

He lowered his head in astonishment and saw the ring wrapped with silver threads on his fingertips glowing brightly. A long dragon's roar burst out in the void, and invisible vibrations came from his fingers, tearing apart a piece of white mist.

At his fingertips, the white mist was disturbed and pulled into a whirlpool by invisible forces. In the whirlpool, the scorching sun that clearly shouldn't exist here bursts out, illuminating all the darkness.

That's an illusion.

But the hallucination was so real, so real that he could sense the ether again. That kind of power filled the sky and filled the earth. They come with the wind, scatter in the mist, and create ripples.

After a moment, the illusion dissipated with that sigh.

However, the iron branches and thorns that were coiled up layer by layer were stagnant, as if they could not find their target and fell into confusion. They were twisting around in confusion, not knowing what to do.

That feeling was so brief that one had no time to think about it carefully.

Ye Qingxuan only had time to hug Lao Fei, took out the prison cage, and rolled on the ground in confusion.

Immediately afterwards, irresistible drowsiness and darkness hit him, and the hallucination of that moment drained all his strength. It was as if the whole person was hollowed out in an instant and it was difficult to breathe.

"Leaves! Leaves!"

It was like someone was shouting his name loudly and shaking him hard.

Before the last of his consciousness dissipated, he pointed in a direction with his last strength.

"Go from there to the church..."

He fell into darkness.



Just half a minute later, a thin figure walked out of the dark forest.

In the thick darkness of night, he seemed to be able to identify the terrain and roads without relying on his eyes, and the journey was smooth.

At the end, he stopped somewhere and looked coldly around the wreckage. Pierced by steel thorns, there was nothing left... Those damn thieves had already escaped.

What he couldn't understand more than his anger was why the 'Fog Demon' lost control for a moment just now?

Among countless steel thorns, he stared coldly in the direction where the thieves were fleeing, but suddenly, his cold expression froze - the resonance between the instrument and him disappeared? !

He ran along the last remaining traces, and finally stopped beside a river. He stared at the rushing river in front of him and roared angrily.

The smell of blood still lingers in the wet mud beside the river.



ten minutes later.

At the other end of the town, there was a knock on the back door of the church. Over and over again, until the priest pushed the back door open and froze in place.

At the door, a wet boy was carrying his companion on his back, and there was a wet dog next to him. The old dog still had a black box filled with water in his mouth. On the boy's back, the fainting white-haired boy was almost out of breath.

"Ye Zi is dying."

Vito, whose lips turned purple from the cold: "Father, save him, he asked me to find a man called Wolf Flute."

"Come in." Ben stepped out of the way and quickly closed the door after they all entered.

He took the white-haired boy from Vito's back, hurriedly walked in the corridor, and finally kicked open the door of the room almost violently.

Behind the door, Wolf Flute, who was reading a novel with a pipe in his mouth, was almost frightened and rolled out of bed. He looked at the priest who rushed into his room in amazement. Soon, he saw in his hand the Oriental boy who had been talking and laughing with him during the day.

He was soaked all over, had fainted, and was barely breathing.

"Hey, you won't be so strong, will you?"

He looked at the fainting Ye Qingxuan blankly: "There is no need to commit suicide by jumping into the river if you can't be a musician."

"Stop talking nonsense."

Ben tore off the boy's shirt and pointed at the boy's bloody heart: "Heart sound, revive the heartbeat, save him."

"It's really killing me." Lang Di looked down at the wound on his waist that had just healed, and he was about to cry.

At this moment, Lang Di deeply realized what it meant to redeem the sins he had committed, even if he cried.

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