Crown of Silence

Chapter 207 Are you satisfied?

Chapter 208 Are you satisfied?

"Hey, which one of us is the shameless one?!"

Ciel stood up. He still had the nerve to put on a righteous look and accuse the opponent: "Do you still have the spirit of competition! Where's your integrity!"

“It’s a good idea to win!”

James, who was behind the human wall, was shouting from a distance, clearly ignoring moral integrity. There is no way, people are forced to come out, especially when the superiors have already told me so much, even if they don't want to face it, they still have to force it.

Otherwise, what should I do if I can’t graduate? ! Or repeat a year at an elite institution like the Royal College of Music? Just kidding, once this is written on your resume, you will be looked down upon no matter where you go!

Both left and right are looked down upon by others, so just choose the one that will not affect your future. Anyway, the opposite party has already done the first year of junior high school, so there is no pressure for me to do the fifteenth year.

Seeing the dead pig displayed on the opposite side as if it was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, Ye Qingxuan was also a little confused and looked at Brother Stool:

"Is there any way?"

"...Do you think I'm that strange blue cat in the children's bedtime books?" Brother Stool glanced at him angrily: "The most famous skill of the Academy of Change is division of labor and coordination, supported by a dozen people Even if the musician class comes, you can't open the iron wall shield. Do you want me to go up and ignite the ether in my body and die with them?"

As soon as he said it, he regretted it, because the eyes of Ye Qingxuan and Xiaer became extremely bright.

"This is also... a way!"

"Since Brother Shitou is willing to sacrifice, then we won't stop you, we will miss you!"

Brother Stool was furious: "It's not enough for me to be a cow and a horse for you, you still want to die? Where is your humanity?"

"If you can't lose face in this world, why do you still need humanity? Can you eat it?"

Charles shrugged and watched the 'big circle' on the opposite side advancing towards the goal, and couldn't help but sigh:

"Then we can only get out of the way?"

Brother Stool nodded, "If you don't want to be crushed under your feet by the iron wall."

"I didn't expect that I, the invincible man in the world, would end up kneeling in front of a meat-munition chariot!"

Charles sighed sadly, gritted his teeth and stamped his feet: "Damn it, referee! We admit this game..."


Ye Qingxuan suddenly made a voice and interrupted his words.

This guy squatted in the penalty area in front of the goal, looking at the iron shield wall advancing like a forest from the opposite side, his eyes changing and struggling:

"I think about it again, there is still a way, there must be a way..."

He stared at the ten-year-old rules in the referee's hand with the corner of his eye, racking his brains and thinking, completely ignoring the approaching iron wall array that was about to run over him.

It’s not time to admit defeat yet.

There is a way.

If you lose here, there will be no room for maneuver later. If you admit defeat in every game, all your credits will be drained by just a few league games, and it won't even be enough to compensate.

If the opponent is more ruthless and applies for a bet that doubles the credits, I am afraid that the currently struggling Music History Department will be on the verge of collapse.

Damn school committee, damn graduation trials, and these damn rules from ten years ago...

etc? Ten years ago?

Ye Qingxuan stared at the iron wall array that was almost pressing in front of him, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hey, James," he called out.

"Want to ask for mercy now?!"

James controlled the ball and moved forward without hesitation, his voice hoarse and hateful: "It's too late! From the moment you humiliated me and the Academy of Change, it was too late!"

"That's why I'm most annoyed by you guys who only look at others and never look at yourself." Ye Qingxuan shook his head and sighed, "I just want to ask you, you should have read the rules, right?"

"so what?!"

James shouted angrily, his eyes becoming cold and stern: "Speed ​​up and crush this oriental bastard!"

Seeing the large circle of changed players squeeze into the penalty area and crush him, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help laughing:

"Thank you for your hard work, Lao Fei!"

Before he finished speaking, he grabbed the dazed Lao Fei next to him and threw him into the air. The heavy golden retriever bit him at the last moment, and Ye Qingxuan was so painful that he rolled on the ground.

But Lao Fei flew into the sky under Ye Qingxuan's hard throw, drew a short arc, and even crossed the iron wall of the Academy of Change, falling straight into their large circle.

The next moment, James only felt that the sunlight above his head dimmed, and Lao Fei, who had fallen from the sky, turned over nimbly and landed in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, before James could lift his feet, Lao Fei fell to the ground, let out a whimper, and rolled on the ground, looking like a complete rogue.

Blackmail! It's simply blackmail!

Seeing Ye Qingxuan come up with such a rogue method, James was furious: "Ye Qingxuan!!! Do you think you can stop us!"

But Ye Qingxuan was still calm and calm. He just looked at the iron wall array that had been pushed in front of his face and slowly raised his hand:

"Referee! Someone fouled!"

A sharp whistle sounded suddenly, and the entire field instantly froze, and everything was forcibly stagnated in place.

Including James' expression of surprise that was too late.

"I...what's wrong with me?"

He looked at the referee blankly and his expression changed: "No, the big circle tactic was banned only the year before last! I didn't make a mistake! Did you make a mistake, referee?!"

The referee looked helpless and shook his head slowly: He just watched James fall into the pit from beginning to end. Even if he wanted to favor him, he didn't know how to protect him.

"Don't you understand where you are wrong?"

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and looked at the white line of the penalty area that was crushed under James' feet, and sighed softly:

"If I were you, I would definitely not choose to collide with the goalkeeper in the penalty area."

Yellow card.

The referee showed a yellow card, unfrozen the field, and swept the group of players standing there, becoming more and more unhappy: Why can't this group of mud be helped?

"What are you still standing there for? Kick off again!"

He snorted and turned away: Damn it, I don't care!

James' expression twitched, looked at the dog's mouth full of sharp teeth, and forced himself to resist the urge to kick it again. He reluctantly let the ball go, stepped back, and handed the ball to Ye Qingxuan and others.

But before he could take a few steps back, he saw a sly smile on Ye Qingxuan's face.

Immediately, his face changed: Damn it.

Before he could make a sound, he saw Ye Qingxuan's figure move, stride forward, and then kick the football in front of him!

Long shot!

In an instant, the football passed the people from the Transformation Academy. Charles and his friends had already gone around to the back under Ye Qingxuan's disposal. The football came over, circled around their feet, and rushed straight to the goal of the Transformation Academy.

Originally, someone should have returned to defense at this time, but because of the Transformation Academy's own tactics, all the players are still in front of Ye Qingxuan's goal...

Behind them, there is an empty stadium, a void, without any defense, and even without a goalkeeper!

It's simply, an empty goal.

James and his friends didn't even have time to say polite words, and hurriedly wanted to rush back to defense.

Fortunately, the music history department hadn't run to the midfield yet, so they could still catch up...

But suddenly, a yellow shadow passed by them, as fast as lightning, and caught up with the football in an instant, pushing the ball towards the empty goal.

It was that dog!

No one expected that Lao Fei, who was lying on the ground like a dead dog, would jump up and catch up.

Just because people are slow doesn't mean that dogs can't catch up, right?

Has anyone ever seen a person run faster than a dog? Especially since this dog is not a Chihuahua that those ladies raise for fun. Just looking at its skeleton, you can tell that this vicious dog is a natural hunting dog. Not to mention a ball, even a fox can't escape.

"Stop it!"

James' eyes moved, and he took out his musical instrument, ready to release the melody and notes, but he didn't expect Ye Qingxuan behind him to suddenly attack.

"What's the hurry? It's not good to leave right after you get here."

Ye Qingxuan blocked him in front, waved his right hand, and a thick mist spread out to cover their eyes. His left hand fired five frost rays to block his way. If he hadn't dodged quickly, he would have been successfully attacked by this guy!

After a moment's delay, Brother Bench blocked Lao Fei, looking like he had blocked all your attacks, escorting this dog's way to score.

Seeing that Lao Fei was running farther and farther, James got anxious:

"It, it... isn't it a goalkeeper!"

"Look at what you said."

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but whistle, and his smiling face was particularly hateful: "Although it is a goalkeeper, it has a heart that wants to be a striker."

James' eyes turned quickly, and in the panic, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed, and he shouted hoarsely: "Protest! Protest! The dog fouled!"

He couldn't help laughing, laughing, pointing at Lao Fei's back, with an ecstatic expression: "Even if it is a dog, it must abide by the rules of the ball!

It can't touch the ball with its front legs!"


In an instant, there was a chorus of boos.

Not to mention the audience outside the field, even Charles's chin couldn't help but drop to the ground. People learn to be bad faster than anything else. I didn't expect James to become so crazy so quickly.

Ye Qingxuan was shocked, "Do you still have any shame? Do you want it to kick with its hind legs?"

"Anyway, this is against the rules!"

James snorted coldly, and it seemed that he was about to call the referee.

But at that moment, he didn't know if it was his illusion. He saw the dog in front stopped and looked back at him.

That look was extremely contemptuous, as if it was looking down at his tiny soul from a high place, which made him feel humiliated from the bottom of his heart.

Then, Lao Fei snorted a disdainful "sneer" from his nostrils.

Then, it changed its mouth...

That's right, it changed its mouth!

This dog actually opened its big mouth and rushed towards the goal with the football? !

This run was so chic and elegant, as fast as lightning and as fast as thunder. It was three points faster than kicking the ball with his feet.

James was dumbfounded and shouted instinctively:


Beside him, Ye Qingxuan sneered and watched the show with his arms folded: "Don't waste your time, the rules don't say you can't use your mouth."

In the end, Lao Fei's speed became slower and slower, and he walked to the front of the goal like a leisurely stroll and put the ball in his mouth down.

Then, he turned around, looked at James from a distance with a particularly provocative look, raised his hind legs, and put the ball into the goal.

It seemed as if he was asking: "Are you satisfied now?"

James felt a sweetness in his throat, his body was shaky, and he almost vomited blood.

Apart from anything else, this is definitely the most rubbish goal ever scored by the Royal Academy of Music...

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