Crown of Silence

Chapter 209 Why is it you again!

Chapter 210 Why is it you again!

"What's more, they still have a fatal weakness."

"Tell me."

Ingmar seemed interested.

"Indeed, since the beginning of the school year, the Department of Music and History has simply stolen the limelight with that trash and the Oriental brat, and even swept away the chief student.

But this does not mean that the Music History Department is any different from the past. On the contrary, because of Ye Qingxuan's overactivity, the Music History Department is in an extremely embarrassing and dangerous position.

Their strengths have always been their speed and toughness. But their weakness is also obvious, that is their own strength.

In terms of strength, they are far from comparable to other colleges. "

Bart said, “Because of this, before the game started, they prepared so many ways to offset the numerical difference.

Yes, the method was implemented very successfully. The School of Change was completely messed up by them and they completely controlled the rhythm.

However, this little trick can only be used once. As long as they are prepared, their failure will be just a matter of time. "

He lowered his head and looked at the phantom in the ether ball, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "What's more, isn't grasping the enemy's reality what the Revelation School is good at?

The same trick won't work in front of us. "

Ingmar was silent for a long time, then suddenly laughed softly.

"Very good, Bart, I am very pleased. You have not been carried away by your own hatred and anger. Reason and knowledge are the best weapons of the Revelation School. I look forward to the day when you defeat that Eastern brat."


"Did you hear everything clearly?"

In another lounge, an ocelot squatting on the ground looked askance at the group of students sitting obediently on the bench in front of them.

Next to the ocelot, a silver fly vibrated its wings, and the sound of Ingmar and Bart talking in the next room came unexpectedly.

As the sound gradually ended, the ocelot glanced at the fly, and the fly dissipated into a cloud of dust, leaving only two 'fly wings' as the summoning medium falling from the air and disappearing.

One of the species of phantom beasts cultivated by this summoning school, a by-product of some kind of detection technology. Although it is not as sensitive as originally imagined, it is more invisible. If it is hidden, there will be almost no ether fluctuations.

The ocelot yawned lazily, but its animalistic eyes were filled with the brilliance of humanity. It was the incarnation of Ludwig.

"Look at others, then look at you."

Ludwig breathed out of his nostrils angrily: "Whenever you guys can have some brains, I'll be less worried!

I don't pay attention to any tactics, I just know how to use force. Don't be like that unlucky team from the Academy of Change, who were treated like dogs as soon as they came on the field. "

"Okay, teacher."

The lazy female student in front of the ocelot whistled: "Even if we win the musician department in the next round, that won't happen."

"Huh, James and those idiots were thinking the same thing as you when they came on the court."

"But after all, the areas of expertise are different, and the competition is still a competition. If students are not allowed to compete in killing, the Academy of Change will always be the most constrained team."

The female student snorted twice and suddenly laughed, "After all, if the number of people takes advantage, we have the strongest advantage."

In her arms, the dark and huge cheetah woke up, yawned lazily, nudged its owner with its head, then twisted a little, and fell asleep again.

It's like yawning is contagious, under the bench, at her feet, on the cabinet in the lounge, behind her, in the corner...

A total of nineteen black cheetahs yawned at the same time.

One seemed to have had enough sleep, stretched out and scratched its paw on the ground. There was a stabbing sound, and a deep crack appeared on the mirror-smooth floor.

Above the cheetah's head, a colorful-winged parrot squawked, flapped its wings and flew up.

In this lounge, which was large enough for thirty people to rest together, there was a sudden uproar.

Shadow leopards, iron-backed orangutans, six-eyed lava dogs, eight-armed crawlers, sludge monsters, silver-scaled snakes in clay pots, mist spirits sealed in glass flasks that are constantly changing... These groups of animals were originally raised in the musician's mind. The monster was released into reality, roaring with joy and making a scream.

“Being more prepared is always necessary.”

Ludwig glanced at her helplessly, "Elsa, am I pampering you too much? After all, it's the teacher who is giving you instructions, so you should sit up straight."

"Teacher, don't worry."

Elsa geared up: "In this competition, except for the Royal School, which I am a bit unsure about, for the other competitions, just wait for me to shave their heads..."

Ludwig sighed, and the ocelot's figure became illusive and was about to disappear. At the last moment when he disappeared, he looked back in a certain direction, showing a gloating smile. ,

It seems that some people have lost their temper.


The lounge of the Change Academy was in a mess at the moment. After the fire storm and thunderbolt swept through, all the students turned into refugees, with their faces scorched and their bodies in utter distress.

"Lost?! Actually lost!"

The sounds of cracking frost and burning flames mixed together to form Yegor's roar. In the roar, James and the others lowered their heads and stood obediently in the corner.

The other people from the other team also suffered the disaster of Yuchi, and they were no better off either.

"I can accept losing to the Enlightenment Academy, the Summoning Academy, and the Royal School, but you actually lost to a music history department that is about to be abolished?!

Is it a shame? You tell me, is it a shame? "

The students lowered their heads obediently and did not dare to speak.

"It seems that the training given to you is still too light. After today, everyone will meditate in the thunder pool for three hours before going to sleep! Those who can't persist are not allowed to eat.

James, did you hear that? ! "

James nodded with a bitter look on his face: "Yes, teacher."

"And you!" The voice of Frost and Fire turned and landed on another student: "What are you still doing? Glenn, go draw lots!"

If you run into those bastards from the music history department again this time, just use your most powerful music to wash them out of the competition!

Have you learned so many formulas in vain? ! "

Glenn quickly obeyed, got up, slapped his butt and ran away. Seeing another loud noise coming from the lounge behind him, he couldn't help but wipe away the cold sweat.

In all these years, no one has ever caused bad luck to all four branches of the school at the same time because of one team...

Now in the competition, Leshi is already a famous durian player.

I can't bite it off, I can't chew it, and it smells...

This group of bastards will bring their opponent's moral integrity to the same level as their own, and then use their rich experience to defeat him.

It's so difficult to deal with.

I heard that there are reincarnations of stars in the East. Could it be that Chief Ye was reincarnated by some disaster star?

It seems that no one who has anything to do with him ends well.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh: "I hope I won't get it again, otherwise it will be bad for everyone."

Fortunately, if you are willing to go all out, this kind of opponent may not be impossible to win...

Rely on strength, rely on numbers, or rely on the insight of keeping an eye on the opponent's every move. Each college has its own approach.

Moreover, if you are ruthless, you may not be able to make a lot of money.

Now the credits accumulated in the Music History Department have exceeded 10,000, right?

A cold light flashed in his eyes: With so many credits, it may not be worth taking some risks.

He began to plan carefully.

Similarly, on the high platform where the lot was drawn, everyone exchanged glances. After integrating the information, they all involuntarily turned their eyes to the Leshi department.

This is a big piece of fat.

It just depends on how you bite it.

Glenn, Bart, and Elsa looked at each other's colors, and after realizing that they had the same idea as themselves, they suddenly became on guard involuntarily.

Behind everyone, Banner watched indifferently, not participating in the competition between them, just staring at the sky in the distance. Beside him, the manticore's eyes were full of ferocity.

Being stared at by those animalistic eyes, one feels like a ray of light on one's back, making one immediately filled with fear.

This is the last part of today. The teams that will face off tomorrow will be determined by drawing lots. On the high platform, representatives of all teams.

"Are the representatives from each team here?"

Sidney called his name again and frowned again: Why is it that the music and history department is doing something wrong again? No one came!

Damn it, they always fail!

"Department of Music and History? Has the Department of Music and History arrived?"

His expression became gloomy: "If you don't arrive, you will be treated as a withdrawal and all credits will be reset..."

There was silence in the crowd, and someone coughed twice in embarrassment: "Ahem, Mr. Sidney, the representative of the Department of Music and History is here."

"Then why didn't you say anything when your name was called!"

Sidney was furious: "Where are you? Stand up! Don't you understand any rules?"

Soon, the crowd surged and separated, and then a dog walked out of the crowd.

That's right, it's that big golden retriever dog. That vicious dog that looks more powerful than the emperor, has more power than the prime minister, and has eyes that are more contemptuous than the principal!

Why the hell is it you again!

A few months later, they met again, but that condescending and disdainful look made Sidney fall into the shadow of the past again.

"What does the music history department mean?"

Sidney's face turned red and he became furious: "Are you looking down on other contestants? Or are you deliberately stirring up trouble?"

The dog gave him a lazy look, and dropped the roll of paper at Sidney's feet.

That piece of paper clearly stated that Lao Fei was participating as an honorary member of the Music History Department and had all the normal player qualifications!

In the lower right corner, there is also a signature that Sidney is extremely familiar with.


Sidney felt like he was going crazy, and looked back at the stands, where the old principal was whistling with an innocent look on his face.

Just try your best to torment people! Sooner or later, you have to change it back!

Sidney's face turned livid, he looked back and squeezed out a few words through his teeth: "Start drawing lots."

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