Crown of Silence

Chapter 212: False Sun

Chapter 213 False Sun

The next day, on the field, the competition reached a fever pitch.

The Shadow Leopard of the Summoning Academy was ignited, roaring and strangled in the same place as the various destructive movements of the Transformation Academy.

The atmosphere of the entire stadium has reached its climax, and the audience is cheering the players' names with great enthusiasm.

Compared to the inhumane and shameless first game, the subsequent games simply regained the students' confidence in football.

The teamwork, offense and defense are all remarkable, and the power of the music and ether is the finishing touch, greatly improving the visibility of the game.

The outcome and the advantages of both sides have become ambiguous and disparate. No matter how great the advantage is, if you are not careful, you will be overturned by your opponent.

In just half an hour, all the players on the field exhausted all their energy. In the end, they were almost carried off the field by the chanting musicians for emergency treatment.

On the field, the victorious Glenn wiped the sweat from his forehead and enjoyed the cheers of victory with satisfaction.

Even Yegor's gloomy face for the past few days relaxed a little, became satisfied, and nodded slightly.

The stigma attached to the School of Change was washed away, and it once again proved its irreplaceable position in frontal combat.

What needs to be done next is to find out the guy who used despicable means to defeat James, and then bring them back to their original form!

Glenn suddenly clenched his fist, and the phantom of the Flame Claw behind him passed by, dissipated in the sky, and exploded with a dazzling fire, causing a burst of exclamations in the audience.

His expression became more and more proud, and he controlled the hot temperature to spread around, blowing away the coke and ashes, and solidified the ground into a piece of hard stone again.

Amidst the tyrannical ether fluctuations, he looked coldly at the lounge of the Music and History Department.

Did you see it?

This is the enemy you need to face next. This is the power of the anger ignited by you! This is...

He was stunned for a moment: I thought something was wrong again!

It seemed like no one was looking at him at all.

On that empty chair, a dog was basking in the sun out of boredom, its head drooped on the chair in the front row, and sticky saliva fell from the corner of its mouth, falling on the rabbit-shaped pet in the front row.

The little rabbit was trembling on the chair, pinned down by Lao Fei's dog paw and unable to move. Being rubbed around like a toy. There was no time to pay attention to what was happening on the field.

That bitch Ciel was looking through binoculars at the hot school girl in the audience opposite, his expression constantly changing, becoming more and more obscene.

Brother Stool has disappeared without a trace, and I don’t know what he did. As for Ye Qingxuan... what is that guy doing?

Glenn looked at it with a pale face for a long time, realizing that the way he had just shown off his muscles was just to show off to a blind man.

That guy, in broad daylight, in this noisy arena, was sleeping in the sun?

On the lounge of the Department of Music and History, Ye Qingxuan slumped down on a chair and fell asleep with his head up, his mouth wide open, and his snoring loud. It's like a patient with advanced tuberculosis sleeping in such a noisy environment until he can no longer take care of himself.

Bai Xi didn't even know that he was in a strange posture of meditating with his hands clasped together.

Now, Bai Xi was holding a pen in his hand and concentrating on drawing a little turtle on his face, and next to it there were pictures of a little rabbit, a little alpaca and a little fox on his forehead.

Sensing that Glenn was looking over, she turned back and looked at the ugly-looking student in confusion. She quickly understood what she was talking about and waved her hand, signaling Glenn to wait a moment.

Then, he bent down and after tinkering for a while, he lifted Ye Qingxuan's stiff arm.

On that arm, she had four fingers curled up, and an extremely upright middle finger was waving in the wind.

"What a fart!"

Bai Xi looked at him provocatively, and the arrogance and contempt on his face could make people's lungs explode with anger.

Soon, she no longer looked at the furious Glenn, but lowered her head and continued to prank Ye Qingxuan.

But for some reason, the newly drawn drawing was quickly washed away by sweat and turned into a blur, looking extremely ugly and weird.

In just a few minutes, Ye Qingxuan was sweating all over his body.

Bai Xi frowned, took out the paper and touched it casually for him, then looked back at Charles: "He is sweating again? Should we wake him up?"

"Oh, maybe it's a little hot under the sun, right?"

Charles glanced at him and shot a frost ray on Ye Qingxuan's seat. Then he watched the sweat frost on Ye Qingxuan's face and nodded with satisfaction:

"Look, he should be cooler now, right?"



Ye Qingxuan is not only cooler now? It chilled him to the core.

The strong wind whizzed in with thumb-sized snowflakes. The snowflakes collided with each other in the air and broke into powder. The powder fell in Ye Qingxuan's eyes and gradually melted, turning into tears flowing out of the corners of his eyes and freezing in the frost on his cheeks. .

He raised his eyes and saw only darkness.

Endless wind and snow are coming.

My feet were numb in the ice and snow beneath my feet. Every time you step into the snow, it's like stepping on a pointed cone.

Only at this time can you feel that life is burning like a flame.

But in this cold world, the flame was like a candle in the wind, swaying and about to go out. Every breath made the flame dissipate from the mouth and nose, turning into misty hot air and disappearing without a trace.

Gradually, gradually, it was frozen in this endless blizzard by frost.

Ye Qingxuan could almost hear the tiny condensation sound.

That was the sound of his eyeballs freezing.

He raised his head, his eyes passed through the thick white snow, and looked at the sky.

In this dark world, in the endless storm, there was not a single inch of light.

But in the sky, there were clearly three suns hanging.

Those three suns seemed to be burning vigorously, releasing thousands of feet of fierce light. But that light never shone on his head, nor did it favor him at all.

They just stood far away, watching the land immersed in the erosion of ice and snow with cold eyes.

"That's not your sun."

A hoarse voice came from the howling wind, like a resentment that has been lingering in this storm for thousands of years.

"Go find..."

"Go find it..."

"Go find your...sun!"

Ye Qingxuan used up his last strength and took a step. He felt his feet soften, and then he saw the ground rushing towards him.


He fell into the snow and felt himself suffocating. Before suffocating, he froze into a cold corpse.

In an instant, he woke up from the nightmare and felt the warm fire.

The blizzard was blocked outside the cave, and the warm fire comforted him and woke him up from the dream that had frozen him to death just now.

But his expression suddenly lost its joy, and he just stared at the dancing fire in front of him.

The nightmare started again.

He got up with difficulty.

It's time to leave.


This seemingly warm fire will only lead to death.

After a while, the blizzard will get bigger and bigger, completely blocking his way out, and the fire will eventually burn out.

In the end, he can only be trapped in this cave and freeze to death bit by bit.

And now, Ye Qingxuan stared at the raging fire silently. After a long time, he mustered up the courage, put his palm into the flames, grabbed something, and pulled it out suddenly.


The flame trembled, then dimmed, gradually extinguished, and turned into a pile of ashes.

And in Ye Qingxuan's hand, he was holding a body that was burned beyond recognition. Pulled out of the flames, the original features can be vaguely distinguished.

Height, bones, and a piece of white hair that was not burned out.

"Isn't this the corpse that I froze to death last time?"

Ye Qingxuan suddenly realized, but he was not happy at all: "Relying on burning your own corpse to keep warm, has this nightmare become so cold?"

He took a last look at the corpse in front of him, kicked it into the extinguished fire, and turned to walk out of the cave.

Outside the cave, in the endless blizzard, there was a dark world.

"I saw three suns in the sky..."

In the frosty wind, there was a hoarse singing: "I stared at them tightly, and they stared at me, as if they didn't want to leave.

False sun, false sun..."

In the oncoming frost, Ye Qingxuan walked barefoot on the snowfield. Sometimes he would look back and look behind him. There was still a warm light behind him.

It was like calling him back.

He suddenly became very scared, turned around, and ran away from the fire. Gradually, the illusory fire dissipated in the blizzard.

The endless wind and snow drowned him.

The storm between heaven and earth howled, echoing with the voice of loneliness.

This feeling seemed familiar, it seemed to condense into substance, blending into the frost and snow, penetrating itself bit by bit from the outside to the inside.

Ye Qingxuan's steps suddenly stopped, because the memories that were evoked in his mind were covered with dust.

"That day, it was also snowing so heavily, right?"

A voice whispered softly in his ear: "That day, you were also so embarrassed, right?"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned, he didn't dare to think about it anymore, he took a step, moved forward, ran in pain, like fleeing.

He wanted to escape from here, escape far away, at least, away from that damn voice.

But that voice chased him closely, it followed his footprints like a shadow, whispering softly, whispering hoarsely, questioning resentfully, and roaring furiously.

Until the end, that voice shook the wind and snow, and the storm also resonated with it. A cold voice.

He was screaming Ye Qingxuan's name, and the sound was like the sound of flames burning and firewood cracking. It was like a call from the past, calling him to return from the darkness.

So, the dark world was illuminated by the fire.

Ye Qingxuan's footsteps stopped abruptly.

He saw the burning light, which was the light of the dilapidated wooden house ignited by the flames. The flames burned so vigorously, as if they would never go out.

In the flames, the wooden house was collapsing, but a gentle call came from the collapsed wooden house.

"Shut up!"

He gritted his teeth and lowered his head, not daring to look again. But the call became louder and louder, as if it was going to tear him apart.

In the cold frost and storm, the voice dominated everything, shook the earth and the sky, and seemed to tear himself apart.

It was calling its own name.

The sky and the earth were shaking, the world was in turmoil, and the voice seemed to be roaring in his ears.

"Ye Qingxuan!!!"

He suddenly opened his eyes, sweating profusely, and almost jumped out of his seat.

It was not until now that he realized that it was Bai Xi who was shaking his shoulders. It was already afternoon, and she grabbed him excitedly and woke him up from his dream.

"Wake up, cousin, wake up!"

"What's wrong?"

He looked blankly at the joyous atmosphere around him, sat back in his chair, and gasped.

After calling for clear water and ice frost and wiping his face covered with cold sweat, he took a breath and looked at Bai Xi:

"I hope it's good news?"

"You will never guess what's going on."

Bai Xi showed a strange smile, she picked up the disdainful old Fei on the ground, and shook him hard:

"——We are byes again!"

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