Crown of Silence

Chapter 227 Regular Meeting

Chapter 228 Regular Meeting

Afternoon, Royal Academy of Music.

Regular weekly meeting of the School Committee.

There was silence in the huge conference room. The hanging red curtains blocked the dazzling sunlight, and the dim sunlight illuminated the vaguely dark interior.

In addition to teachers from several major academies, there are also several guests sitting on both sides of the long table. They do not belong to the Royal Conservatory of Music, but their representative backgrounds cannot be ignored - they are all agents of the main members of the school committee. They represent the will of the families, institutions and masters behind them.

These lawyers, personal secretaries and butlers are responsible for solving trivial matters for their masters and ensuring that their ideas are implemented.

In front of them, Sidney could only sit with him.

Next to Sidney, there was another representative who looked too young to attend the meeting.

The man had iron-grey eyes and a handsome and determined face. He looked about twenty years old, like a student in school.

It was Gavin.

He was recognized by the school committee through his talents and outstanding performance in the student union, and as the Adrian family re-emerged after many years of decline, he was absorbed by the school committee and became a member of it.

Now, he is finally expressing his opinion after a long silence on the problems encountered in the school committee recently.

"Gentlemen, we must admit that we have made mistakes in the management of the school recently. Especially in some places, we have taken wrong countermeasures."

He paused and said solemnly:

“—We are creating enemies for ourselves for no reason, for meaningless reasons and inexplicable hostility.”

Having said this, he glanced at Ingmar, the coach of Enlightenment Academy. Ingmar's face was ugly and he didn't say a word, just silent.

A representative looked at the briefing: "Are you talking about the Department of Music and History?"

"That's right."

Gavin nodded, "To be honest, I still can't understand why the conflict between the school committee and the Music History Department is so tit-for-tat that the Music History Department must be abolished.

They did not squander the budget, did not oppose the school committee's decisions, and did not even interfere with any of our initiatives. They didn't even get involved in our dispute with the principal.

Why should we cling to and turn them into our enemies? Don’t we just want to unite all the forces that can be united to maintain the glorious tradition of the college? "

"Gavin, you are still young, don't question the school committee's decision."

Ingmar said coldly, "It is also part of our work to eliminate a department that has no significance from the current bloated structure of the college and improve the operating efficiency of the college."

"No meaning of existence?"

Gavin frowned, "Excuse me for being rude, you are saying that a department that cultivated a chief and achieved such results in the school anniversary test without any support of resources does not exist. significance?

What are the four major departments that account for more than 90% of the budget? Tumor? What is it about Enlightenment College that failed in front of the Department of Music and History this year? "

"Careful with your words, Gavin!"

Ingmar's expression became increasingly gloomy: "Even if you are about to become a royal musician, you are not qualified to dictate to my academy!"

"Cough cough cough!!"

Sidney coughed hard and kicked Gavin quietly to signal him not to fight Sigma. But Gavin didn't flinch, he just looked into Ingmar's eyes and said calmly:

"Moreover, are you determined to eliminate the Department of Music and History from the college to improve the efficiency of the college, or because of your own personal grudges? I hope you will not bring your personal feelings into the meeting."


Ingmar was furious, with illusions of stars, sun, moon, and black holes passing alternately in his eyes, and the air in the entire conference room seemed to become thinner at that moment.

It was the angry Star Eye that interfered with reality and almost completely changed the environment.

He glared at Gavin with a cold voice, "Do you dare to question me? Gavin! Don't forget that you are sitting here just because the school committee appreciates you. Don't be arrogant! I see that you have become arrogant recently. It’s a bit too much!”

"I'm just telling the truth."

Gavin said calmly, looking at the representatives, "I believe you gentlemen can also tell how unreasonable this move is based on my briefing.

Perhaps the existence of the Department of Music History is not enough to attract our attention, but what Abraham once represented, and the letter of recommendation brought by his students... I hope you will consider it carefully and not push them to our Opposites go up. "

In the silence, Ingmar was furious and speechless.

However, several representatives flipped through the briefing paper submitted by Gai Wen in their hands, and after reading it, they exchanged opinions in low voices. Finally, the elected secretary raised his head and looked at him seriously:

"We have heard similar rumors, but they are not enough to confirm."

“I don’t know if it’s true or not, so why not take it seriously?”

Gavin asked, "If we make a good connection with the Music History Department, even if the rumors are false, all we will pay is a tiny budget.

There are only four people and one dog in total. Even if they eat and drink and spend extravagantly, how much money can be wasted?

But if the rumors are true..."

Gavin did not finish speaking, but several representatives understood what he meant and pondered: If it is true, then why bother saying it? It’s a huge profit!

After a long silence, the old housekeeper raised his head and nodded slowly:

"Perhaps this was a mistake."

“We should reconsider our approach to the music history department.”

"At least don't push them against us..."

Soon, the representatives exchanged opinions, and after reaching a consensus, they looked at Gavin: "This is your proposal. I believe you have already considered it. How do you think we should express goodwill?"

"It's very simple."

Gavin smiled, "I'm about to graduate and enter the Royal Orchestra. I'm afraid I won't be able to participate in the recording of regular meetings of the school committee within five or six years."

Before resigning, I recommended Ye Qingxuan to take over my job. His talents and talents are as good as mine, and I believe he can make greater contributions to the school committee. "

Hearing what he said, the representatives fell into deep thought.

"Isn't this a little too deliberate? It loses the dignity of the school committee..."

"Anyway, there won't be anything big going on at the regular meeting, right? It's a record position without any real power. It just represents the goodwill of the school committee.

As for qualifications, there is no need to worry. As a chief, he is naturally qualified to hold the position.

If during this process, we confirm the rumor, we can commend Ye Qingxuan for his outstanding contribution to the school committee and absorb the entire Music History Department into the school committee..."

Gavin spread his hands and said with a smile: "From beginning to end, all we have given is just a little bit of kindness."

Hearing what he said, the representatives were moved, but Ingmar became furious, "What are you talking about?"

This is a rare gaffe.

He pressed the table angrily, stood up, and asked Gavin, "Abraham? A half-assed cannon fodder who was trained in the army for three or four months. He is a quick product. To allow him to retire in the academy is already the limit of tolerance." .

How dare you allow yourself to be treated as equals to us!


Among all the music conservatories in the world, there has never been a precedent for a school to allow a defective mass-produced product to become a member of the school committee! Those guys are a disgrace to musicians!

Do you want to make the academy a laughing stock? ! "

The furious Ingmar made the representatives stunned and looked at each other, but Gavin remained silent and did not say a word.

Instead, Ludwig, who had been dazed and yawning from beginning to end, came to his senses and raised his head to glance at him.

"You can't say that, Ingmar..." Ludwig asked calmly, "You know whether he is a quick mass-produced musician, right?"

"What do you mean?" Ingmar's expression changed.

"He means there's something wrong with your brain."

Yegor threw a file in front of him with a cold face: "You have actually seen this file a long time ago, right? I went to the big library to investigate, and it was destroyed. The backup attachments are still there. Keep it.

If it weren't for Gavin's reminder, I wouldn't even know you had done this! "

Seeing the file thrown out by Yegor, Ingmar was stunned, but his expression changed - it was Abraham's file. When Abraham came to the Institute of Apocalypse to report and became a handyman teacher, Ingmar himself Destroyed.

From that moment on, Ingmar regarded Abraham as a thorn in his side.

But he didn't expect that this file actually had a backup...

damn it!

Indeed, it is written in the incomplete file that Abraham was an engineer who volunteered to join the army. Because of his quick learning and quick movements, he participated in the army's accelerated musician training program.

Four months later, the training was completed and he became a military musician. Although the files for the next thirty years were incomplete, the previous resume alone was enough to make people jaw-dropping.

It is true that the musicians trained in the army are mass-produced defective products. It is also true that they are rejected by mainstream musicians and regarded as half-baked apprentices...

But the title of musician that Abraham received after completing his training was not the title of 'musician' that was given to him irresponsibly in the army - those who obtained these titles could only reach the apprentice level in their lifetime.

What Abraham received was the official title of musician recognized by the Holy City.

The official title of musician, a third-level musician, and was given the name by the Holy City, and has his own title!

In other words, a taciturn engineer became an official third-level musician within three months through the army's shoddy mass production training...

Who knows what heights he can reach in the future?

When Yegor and Ludwig saw this file, they fully understood that they had been tricked by Ingmar - since he used the power of the school committee to suppress talents, and also instigated two People rush to the front and serve as his spearmen!

Thanks to him, after so many years, Abraham is already over 50 years old and has already passed his golden age as a musician. I am afraid that he will have no hope of reaching the scepter level in his life...

"What do you hate about him?"

Yegor sneered and said frankly: "Are you just afraid? With his talent, if he is trained by the Royal Conservatory of Music... How can you be the coach of the Enlightenment Academy?"

Ingmar was silent, and after a long time he turned angrily and walked away.


There were trivial sounds coming from the bedroom.

Through the door, it sounded like sticky wind was blowing out of a rubber tube, mixed with the sound of smoking a hookah, and occasionally one or two coughs.

The cough sounded low and turbid.

It was late at night, in the cold corridor, Gavin exhaled a breath of cold air and felt a little cold. He reached out and wiped off the dust accumulated on the windowsill. Finally, it was a little better.

He took a deep breath and knocked on the door gently.

"Father, I'm back."

The door was pushed open, and the hinges made a creaking sound. Behind the door, on the hospital bed, the man with sparse gray hair raised his eyes.

His hair was almost completely gone, and his face was covered with age spots and curse marks. He was only in his fifties, but he looked like he had decayed into a pile of dry bones - music theory backlash.

This is the head of the Adrian family.

Six years ago, he was eager to be promoted and rushed through the barriers at all costs. In the end, the backlash of the Great Source caused a heart sound collapse and he could no longer use the ether.

Until now, they can only survive with the assistance of instruments and drugs.

From that time on, the Adrian family began to decline, until in recent years, miraculously showing signs of recovery and rise.

It has been six years since I came back here... six years is so long.

Gavin was vaguely dazed and absent-minded.

A cold snort came.

Just in front of the window, Banner held the old man's hand, and when he saw Gavin coming here, he cast an indifferent glance. The old man murmured something in a low voice, nodded slightly, stood up, brushed past Gavin, and left.

The room fell into silence, and the old man with a respirator just stared at the ceiling coldly.

"Father, I'm back."

Gavin raised his voice slightly, and there was no anxiety on his face.

The old man nodded his chin slightly, indicating that he had heard it, and Gavin walked forward and lifted the board at the head of the bed, so that the old man was propped up.

He stared at Gavin and remained silent for a long time.

Gavin lowered his eyes and looked docile.

The former majesty and coldness still remained on his face. In front of him, the talented young musician bowed his head respectfully, waiting for the expected reprimand.


The old man made a sound, which was like the vibration of wood chips, mixed with the sound of bursting bubbles, harsh, obscure, and unclear. Gavin stepped forward, leaned close to his ear, listened carefully, and then froze.

"Today, the Royal Musicians sent a set of musicians' ceremonial clothes. You already have one set. I will give it to Banner."

The old man looked at him, "Banner was wronged outside, and the family must take care of him.

This kind of thing will not happen again, understand?"

Gavin looked up in astonishment.

He knew that set of musicians' ceremonial clothes, which was the armor of the musicians and the dignity of the performers. The Royal Musicians sent uniforms, which were one in a million alchemical equipment. Many movements were inlaid in the inner layer, almost like a close-fitting musical instrument, which could ensure that the musicians would not make mistakes under any circumstances.

"But, father..." He opened his mouth to speak, but the old man's expression suddenly became furious.

The skinny palm hit his face, weakly, but it made his voice stop abruptly. The old man glared at him, gasping for breath, his voice was muddy and hoarse,

"As a brother, you actually want to snatch things from your brother!"

He scolded hoarsely, "This matter is settled."

Gavin was stunned for a moment, and soon, he lowered his head, rubbed the corner of his old dress, and responded softly:

"Yes, father."

"I heard about what you did at the school committee today."

He looked obviously dissatisfied, but he didn't pursue it. He just said: "You will leave school soon, don't get involved with those low-class people. You have dealt with a guy and insulted the family's style for no reason. Do you understand? "

"Yes, father."

"Also, when you go to the Royal Orchestra, don't talk nonsense and cause trouble, and smear the Adrian family. Remember, if you have the chance, tell them more about your brother, don't just be in the limelight. "

Gavin just lowered his head:

"-Yes, father."

"Very good."

The old man's angry expression slightly subsided, and he said coldly: "You go, I want to rest."

Gavin nodded, without arguing anything, and turned away respectfully.

But when he turned back, he seemed to glance at his father unintentionally, looking at his aging face, turbid eyes, and green pupils that were completely different from his own...

'It's really not like him.'

A sigh echoed faintly in his heart, and he closed the door and left.


On the bed, the old man closed his eyes and fell asleep.

After a long time, the sound of birds flapping their wings came from outside the window, and something came in the night and broke through the air in the darkness.

In the thick night, its blurred outline and pale color can be vaguely seen.

——It is a white crow.


"Teacher, are you there?"

Bart knocked on the door, and there was silence behind the door. He waited for a long time and called a few times until finally, a cold voice came from the office.

"Come in."

Bart pushed the door open, but was stunned: the room behind the door was no longer luxurious and exquisite as before, and it was in a mess as if a hurricane had passed through.

Even the teacher's favorite porcelain pieces were smashed into pieces.

"What are you standing there for? Come in."

Behind the desk, Ingmar's expression was gloomy. He was still as dignified and majestic as before, with his hair not messy at all, which was intimidating.

It was obvious that the teacher was in a bad mood. Bart didn't dare to ask or look more. He stood in front of the desk with his head lowered and just said respectfully: "Teacher, do you have any instructions?"

"In a few days, you can go to the Music and History Department for me."

Ingmar's words made Bart unbelievable: "Ask Abraham. If he is willing to return to Revelation College, I can give him the treatment of deputy dean."

Bart looked at him dumbfounded: "But...but..."

"Just go if you are told. Why do you ask so many questions?"

Bart hesitated for a long time and finally said: "Teacher, aren't you afraid of attracting a wolf into the house? What if he agrees..."

"Wouldn't that be a great thing?"

Ingmar sneered, "The influence of the Department of Music and History is too great now. We need to change our approach... If he winks at that time, just be obedient and don't mess around. Otherwise, in the Institute of Apocalypse, I will have Ten thousand ways to deal with him!"

He lowered his eyes and said calmly: "So what if I'm a genius? After my results are published, he will only be able to look up to me for the rest of his life!"

Even if you go back to the Apocalypse Academy! "

Bart was stunned for a moment, and then he became happy, "Teacher, have you made a breakthrough in your interpretation?"

Ingmar just looked at the manuscript on his desk. After several years of hard work, which took him endless time and even delayed breakthroughs and research in music theory, he finally completed this masterpiece.

When the masterpiece is published, that guy Abraham will no longer be able to compare with him. A dabbler from the Forbidden faction can never hope to keep pace with him in the Revelation faction!

"So what if you get the training from the school committee?"

Ingmar whispered softly: "In two months, when the Holy City Summit is held, I will become a universally recognized master. Abraham only deserves to be stepped on by me!"

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