Crown of Silence

Chapter 238 Preparation

Chapter 239 Prepare

"Yo! Boy, you look radiant."

Under the desk lamp, the blond boy was lying lazily on the sofa. On the back of his hand, the entangled emblem of the two snakes reflected a ray of silver light.

The faint light illuminated his sincere smile, but the young man sitting opposite him had no expression on his face. He just put his face under the desk lamp with a pair of dead fish eyes:

"Boss, look at my face, does it look a little radiant?"

"Ahaha, I just want to praise you, don't worry about it."

Hermes waved his hand and pointed to the table: "I made some good tea, try it quickly. In the East, it's a good thing that's worth a thousand dollars!"

"I have a suggestion."

Ye Qingxuan said with a bitter expression: "When you want to find someone in the future, can you not wake up Seton who is drunk and asleep? I always feel that he has been looking for opportunities to kill me along the way..."

"Haha, mistake, mistake."

Hermes whistled, thoroughly gloating.

This guy who looked like a handsome young man was curled up on the exaggeratedly large sofa, looking at him with a half-smile:

"Don't be angry, I'm worried about you too, right?"

"Worried about me?" Ye Qingxuan smiled bitterly: "Boss, your worries are really special."

"It's because you don't know anything that you're fearless, right? I've heard everything about what happened during the day."

Hermes sighed in shock: "It's really dangerous to attack the teacher in front of everyone. If the principal had stood up a little later and you had given him such a look, maybe tonight would have ended in vain. "

Ye Qingxuan frowned: "What does it mean to die without any illness?"

"Oh, in layman's terms it means death, some people say it's hair curling, or..."

"Okay, I know." Ye Qingxuan interrupted him, a little unsure: "You mean if he glares at me, I will die?"

"Say kid, are you a little too arrogant lately?"

Hermes was amused by Ye Qingxuan, and when he squinted at this guy, his eyes were full of mockery: "Don't forget, Ye Qingxuan, he is a resonance-level musician who has broken through the barrier of knowledge and vision for many years.

If below the resonance level, musicians can be seen as humans, then above the resonance level, they are 'non-humans' who can interfere with things.

And you are just a little shrimp at the rhythm level.

If he wants to 'interfere' with you, he doesn't even need music!

The transformation system can turn the iron elements in your body into blades that wander in the heart and brain. The summoning system can make you be corrupted by animal nature. If the chant faction interferes, it will basically cause all kinds of strange diseases, and it may also be contagious. . Mental visions and illusions are even more vicious... and the intervention of the enlightenment faction is the most difficult to contact. He will directly plant the cause of death for you. When the time comes, you will receive your own result. ’

Or suffer a cardiac arrest, or fall and suffer a cerebral hemorrhage, or be killed by something falling from the sky... Anyway, you will die 'normally'.

In short, none of the seven musicians are easy to deal with! If Ingmar wants to kill you..."

Hermes rubbed his two fingers together and said lightly:

"——It takes just a matter of minutes."

Ye Qing Xuanting was silent for a long time after hearing this, and suddenly he couldn't help but want to laugh: "Then he must be regretting that he didn't kill me before things got serious."

"Yes, if you want to die, you can only die quietly after the matter is over. Now, he is riding a tiger, but he will do everything possible to ensure your safety. If you die, his crotch will not be clean."

Hermes said calmly, "But, in a sense: shouldn't you be more careful?"

"What are you careful about?"

Hermes glanced at him, and there was a hint of coldness in his smile:

"Be careful with that principal."

Even though it was just a few words gradually, Hermes' words were like an ax striking through the air. Even though there was no murderous intention, even if it was an understatement, the aftertaste of the words quietly opened a door in Ye Qingxuan's mind.

Indeed, if he died, the most indefensible would be Ingmar and the school committee behind him. They will be at an absolute disadvantage in public opinion in this battle.

Even without using his brain, Ye Qingxuan could think of dozens of slogans for headlines for newspapers. And behind the news, there must be a principal who is calm and smiling, gloating about his misfortune.

"The principal... wouldn't do that kind of thing, would he?"

"You really think so?"

Hermes came closer and looked at him as if looking at his tombstone, and his voice became like the cold wind in the tomb:

"Children, there is an Eastern proverb: There is a gap between the heart and the belly. Even the dead Arthur can't guess what he is thinking. You don't think you are his personal vest, do you?"

Ye Qingxuan leaned back subconsciously: "But my biggest problem now is Ingmar, right?"

"That's right."

Hermes nodded, "The situation now is extremely unfavorable for you and your teacher! We are surrounded by enemies from all sides, and he will definitely try his best to make you give up your 'undue thoughts'..."

"Everyone has eyes and can distinguish right from wrong." Ye Qingxuan said coldly: "I believe the teacher will get the honor he deserves."


Hermes sneered, "One is a heretic, one is orthodox in the academy, one is unknown, one is a queen of a famous family, one is a disabled old man from the Department of Music and History that is on the verge of being abolished, and one is the coach of the Institute of Revelation... What do you think of everyone? Who will you believe?

——Moreover, why do you think they will approve the interpretation method? "

"But that result was obviously obtained through interpretation."

"Hahahaha, naive and naive... 1+1=2 is true, but as long as you know in advance that the result is 2, no matter what nonsense reason you use to explain it, the argument process seems to work.

This is one of the funny things about humans: the limitations of what we can see. "

Ye Qingxuan was speechless, but Hermes' expression softened, full of kindness and kindness, and his smile was full of sincerity:

"Ye Qingxuan, I came to you tonight to tell you: If you really want to rectify the name of the Interpretation Method and regain this honor for your teacher, then you can only come up with it through the Interpretation Method. New results and evidence are coming.”

Ye Qingxuan was silent. After a long time, he shook his head slightly: "I... don't have time."

Interpreting ancient documents is a long-term task for anyone. It not only requires a combination of music theory at the time and long-term research on ancient languages, but also ethereal inspiration.

Moreover, it is often only after a few years that you discover that your direction was wrong and you can only overturn it and start over. All of Ye Qingxuan's understanding of interpretation methods is based on pure theory, and he has never had any experience in interpreting ancient texts.

In this regard, even a genius like Charles would not dare to say that he was confident. What's more, he had only been Abraham's assistant for a few months.

There was absolutely nothing he could do about it.

"Don't worry, the results are not big or small."

Hermes smiled, and his voice rang in the young man's ears: "Even if you can decipher a sentence using the interpretation method, it will prove that the interpretation method is valid.

As luck would have it, I have an excellent template right here. "

A broken piece of stone slipped out of his sleeve and fell into Ye Qingxuan's hand as his palm turned over.

On the palm-sized stone fragments, there are still mysterious handwritings written like wedges. The sharp and unfamiliar characters exude a faint coldness between the lines, like some kind of truth hidden under the deep sea.

Just by looking at it, Ye Qingxuan understood that this kind of thing could never be forged. It contains some kind of music theory that echoes the ether, and it is definitely the notes written by ancient musicians.

Such fragments are common in the world of inspired musicians, often excavated from ancient ruins but unable to be explained. It is worth tens of thousands of dollars to relevant scholars, but to ordinary people, it is worth nothing.

"What's this?"

Ye Qingxuan rubbed the cold stone in his hand and asked subconsciously.

"It seems like it's just a piece of junk I picked up before, but it's just right for you to practice on, isn't it?"

Hermes patted him on the shoulder, and his voice was full of bewitching magic: "It is said that when the heavens and beings sense, the sense of music theory is particularly clear.

The waves of the etheric sea will push your mind to the heavens. Like a ghost, wandering between the ethereal sky and the turbulent ocean.

If you can find peace in the turmoil and chaos, you can sense the existence of the Great Source. Even if it is only for a moment, if you are willing to push the interpretation method with that state, you may not be unable to explain it. "

In the shadow where the light cannot reach, Hermes smiled like a devil:

"This is a gamble, Ye Qingxuan, if you are really willing to take a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to gamble on the 'Heaven and Human Sensation'..."

"——You might as well give it a try."

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