Crown of Silence

Chapter 277 Sudden Happiness

Chapter 278 Sudden Happiness

The eagle wings soared into the sky and disappeared into the night sky.

The robin looked up at the night sky, and after a long time, he retracted his gaze and sneered.


Behind him, in the darkness under the tree, a figure walked out silently.

The man stared at the place where Mapas disappeared seriously: "The great demon transformed from the mortal body and was given an etheric body by the natural disaster.

To a certain extent, 'omnipresent' is not empty talk. Now that you have this, it is much more convenient. As long as you ring the bell, he will immediately come from thousands of miles away. It is easy to use and fast.

It seems that you are really trusted and favored by the Holy Spirit, Master Priest."

The robin glanced at him, "Naberis, you are late."

Naberis is a middle-aged man with gray hair and his hands folded in his sleeves. He looks like a scholar, not a black musician at all.

Hearing the question from the robin, he just smiled: "I came a long time ago. But Mapas is a messenger of God after all, the incarnation of the great demon representing the will of the Scourge. I am in awe and dare not approach him.

After all, I am the kind of person who likes to play tricks on contracts. It's okay to take advantage of it, but it's better not to hang around the eyes of God and make it upset."

"You are so smart that you took advantage of the deal with the Scourge. Who can you blame? Back then, you were so smart that you were locked in the resonance level by the power of God for eighty years and could not make any progress.

I thought such a punishment should make you learn a lesson."

Naberish was not angry, He just shook his head and sighed: "It's my nature, what can I do? It's not easy to take advantage of the natural disaster, and it's reasonable to suffer a little loss."

"Next, I will start preparing to explore Elizabeth Tower." The robin handed him a bloody conch: "The matter of revenge for the evil spirit is left to you."

"This is a small matter, no problem."

"Small things are worth doing seriously, aren't they?" The robin looked at him coldly, "You have been doing penance for so many years to atone for your sins, and you don't want to fail at the last minute, right?"

"That's natural."

Naberish seemed to glance at the holy emblem on the robin's chest unintentionally, and the eye in the eye on the holy emblem seemed to be looking at him.

One of them had a faint smile in his eyes, and the other was entrenched in the darkness, indifferent and cold.

"May you protect me."

Naberish leaned over respectfully and left, melting into the darkness.


In the afternoon, the Royal Academy of Music, the sun was bright.

The warm sunlight shines through the window and onto Old Fei in front of the window, giving him a layer of golden light, making him look so sacred, so majestic, so... majestic.

The sunlight shines through him, onto the bowl of fragrant pork chops in front of him, and the young man who is praying prostrating himself.

"Brother, this time it's up to you."

Ye Qingxuan grabbed its front paws, looking expectantly: "You must help me! Help me lead the way~ I really want to go into the Shadow of Avalon for something.

Oh, by the way, when I send a signal, can you take me out again?"


Old Fei remained silent. Dogs certainly can't speak, but the contemptuous look seemed to be angrily scolding this useless scum, as if there were thousands of words to say.

"Yes, yes, you're right!"

Ye Qingxuan came over shamelessly and stroked its fur flatteringly: "I'm a weakling, how can I compare with you, big brother? Right? Stupid human, how about you show me the way to a lost lamb? In the future, pork chops, lobsters and other things will be easy to deal with..."

Old Fei looked at him with a squinting eye, then looked away with a cold face.

Ye Qingxuan lay on the ground awkwardly, but heard a puzzled voice from behind, "Cousin, what are you doing?"


Ye Qingxuan stiffened for a moment, and forced a smile: "Ahaha, I think the weather is good today, I just want Lao Fei to take me out for a walk."

"Why do you look like you want to be walked by Lao Fei when you are obviously walking the dog?"

Bai Xi curled her lips: "By the way, you looked stupid just now."

"Hehe, this is called great wisdom and foolishness." Ye Qingxuan was embarrassed and tried to save face: "Cousin's IQ has returned to its original state. Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand."


It was a rare opportunity to laugh at Ye Qingxuan, and Bai Xi certainly wouldn't let it go. After eating melon seeds and watching for a long time, he went over and rubbed Lao Fei: "It's rare that he is so miserable, you can help him? Let's go play later, okay?"

Lao Fei glanced at Ye Qingxuan with a squint, and nodded reluctantly after a long time.

For some reason, Ye Qingxuan had the urge to cry: Times are changing, and Lao Fei's top little brother has unknowingly become Bai Xi. No wonder his words are useless...

All those years of sharing joys and sorrows are not as good as two words from a little girl. Ye Qingxuan suddenly felt inexplicably wronged.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan's frustrated look, Bai Xi snorted twice and touched Lao Fei: "I'll go upstairs to order something, wait for me."

After watching Bai Xi go away, Lao Fei lazily got up and flicked the boy with his tail, signaling him to follow him.

After turning left and right all the way out of the back door of the school and walking into a deserted alley, Lao Fei squatted on the ground, squinting at Ye Qingxuan, like a gangster driver looking at his guest, and barked.

As if asking where to go.

"As long as it's in Shadow of Avalon."

Ye Qingxuan rubbed his hands and smiled flatteringly: "If it's convenient, it's better to have more demons nearby."

Old Fei nodded, casually pushed open the sewer cover beside him, and barked again. This time the meaning was much simpler, just one word.



Ye Qingxuan looked at the thick fog and pungent smell in the sewer in astonishment, and felt that it was a little unreliable: "Will this work?"


Old Fei began to get impatient, meaning, if you want to jump, jump, if you don't want to jump, don't waste my time...

"Okay, okay, I jump! I jump!"

Ye Qingxuan sighed in his heart: Old Fei's temper is getting worse and worse, what can I do? Will I have to be humble every time I come in and out in the future? The old Fei who used to be kind and generous has changed...

He shed two lines of tears silently, gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, closed his eyes, and jumped in.

With a plop.

There was no sound in the well.

Old Fei stared at the thick fog that engulfed the boy quietly. After a long time, he nodded, pushed the sewer cover back, shook his tail and turned away.

The alley was quiet again.


With a plop.

Ye Qingxuan felt like he had fallen into some damn pond, and his body was instantly filled with sticky substances. While struggling violently, his whole body suddenly became lighter and hit the wall.

In the darkness, he turned on the light and saw the fog slowly dissipate.

In the deserted and silent small waterway, the blood flowed forward, as if the blood was running in the blood vessels, leading himself to an unknown place.

"You really came in?"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a moment, then threw the heavy backpack in his hand to the ground, put on the heavy coat and various equipment in the backpack, and after confirming that all the equipment was intact, he folded the backpack and hung it around his waist, popped out the cane, and walked forward cautiously.

The Shadow of Avalon is a particularly haunted place. Who knows what he will encounter this time?

As he walked forward in silence, his steps paused and he looked up: the young boy's tender singing voice rang out again.

I don't know if it was because he was wearing a hat, but this time it was particularly clear, as if he was singing right next to his ear. He could even feel the singer's cold breath.

He turned back in horror, and behind him, there was nothing.

"The king and his accomplices kidnapped the queen and imprisoned her in her sleep..."

Here it comes again, the same song again. The song was like a curse entangled in the shadow of this city, and every corner and every inch of land was filled with chilling resentment and hatred.

For a long time, it never dissipated, but just lingered in the ears, entangled in the wind and the tiny sounds, and you could hear it if you listened carefully.

Ye Qingxuan took a deep breath and stopped thinking about it.

The bloody road had disappeared.

He had returned to the shadow of Avalon.


When he finally pushed open the manhole cover and climbed out of the manhole, the first thing he saw was a thick layer of cotton wool. The dusty cotton wool and silk threads covered the entire hall, crisscrossing.

It was vaguely clear that this was a huge old house, but for some reason, the old house was full of strange eggshells. Giant eggs as big as children were piled up in the dust and cotton wool. There were hundreds and thousands of them everywhere, just like walking into an egg store.

He instinctively took a step back, and the sticky feeling under his feet, as if he had stepped on glue, finally made him feel something was wrong...

This was not some damn cotton wool, this whole hall was crisscrossed with something that covered every inch of the place, it was a dense spider web!


There was a crisp sound in the air, and something fell down, like a huge cocoon.

Ye Qingxuan picked up the silk threads on it expressionlessly, and then saw a skeleton that was sucked to the skin and bones, and he could vaguely distinguish the painful expression on its face before it died.

There was a crisp sound of snapping above his head. It seemed that many things in the darkness had awakened, waving their bony limbs and crawling out along the spider silk.

He looked up and saw the brilliant green "stars" in the sky. They were the compound eyes of countless spiders. They were also staring at Ye Qingxuan, and their mouths opened and closed, secreting liquids representing hunger.

"Old Fei, you are really my confidant and my confidant!"

The boy had an impulse to burst into tears.

I remember that when Old Fei asked him where he was going, he said that it would be better if there were more demons. Then Old Fei opened the door... Old Fei was indeed Old Fei, and he did not disappoint him: there were indeed many demons here...

Because Old Fei sent him directly into the demon's lair!

He was so happy to have such a considerate friend.

The demons seemed very happy: they had been sleeping for so long, and they were almost unable to taste the bones after licking them over and over again, and today there was suddenly meat delivered to their door! It looks pretty fresh...

In short, everyone is happy, but this happiness came too suddenly...

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