Crown of Silence

Chapter 285 If you are sick, you need to treat it

Chapter 286 If you are sick, you must treat it

"My lord, I am guilty."

In the cage, the shackled white-haired child stared at the newcomer, his dirty face full of flattery: "I betrayed my mother's expectations and returned to Avalon."

"My lord, don't listen to his nonsense! I am guilty!"

In another cage, the white-haired man screamed in fear: "I am guilty! I betrayed the priest's teachings and did many unjust things!"

"My lord, I am also guilty!"

In front, in the cage, the haggard white-haired old man poked his head out, his face vaguely resembled his own. He stared at his younger self and left two lines of tears: "I missed so many opportunities for a vague reason, I wasted my life, achieved nothing, and gained nothing."

"I was born guilty, sir!"

The angry white-haired young man pounded the railing and screamed: "I was imprisoned in this fateful cage since I was born! I am destined to be miserable and suffer all my life!"

"I am also guilty! In order to return to Avalon, I deliberately approached and used Wolf Whistle to gain his trust..."

"I am guilty! I broke the priest's heart for my own ideas!"

"No, I am guilty! I had ulterior motives and kept it secret from my teacher and senior brother, I never told them what I wanted to do..."

"I also took advantage of a little girl! That girl regarded me as her brother!"

"I... am guilty!"




The silent prison was filled with voices coming one after another. The children, teenagers, men, and old people behind the cages shouted hoarsely, begged flatteringly, accused indignantly, cried, howled, screamed, and laughed wildly...

The voices came one after another, drilling into Ye Qingxuan's heart, occupying his mind, and pressing him to the point of being unable to breathe. The whole person seemed to split into thousands, constantly accusing and denouncing the sins he had committed.

Guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty...

The sins are serious!

The consequences are numerous!

Ye Qingxuan was sweating profusely, breathing heavily, and the whole world was left with only the angry and noisy accusations, until the end - collapse!

A crisp sound suddenly burst out, and the lingering sound from the end of the piano kept echoing in the mind, and finally turned into rolling thunder, dispelling all the chaotic sounds.

Everything returned to silence.

The cages on both sides were still silent and empty, and Ye Qingxuan had been kneeling on the ground without knowing when. The dagger in the boot was already against his chest, slightly piercing the flesh and bringing a cold sting.

Ye Qingxuan threw the dagger away as if he had seen a ghost, and looked down at the slight wound on his heart, as if he could feel the pain after his heart was pierced.

"What on earth is this..."

This time, when he looked at the empty cages on both sides, he felt hair all over his body. There was a foreign breath everywhere here, and every inch of the air was filled with extremely thick guilt.

Dark springs.


In the deepest part of the darkness, there was a hoarse **.

Ye Qingxuan looked up in horror. In the burning darkness, a figure was imprisoned in layers of shackles and chains.

The figure exuded a frenzy, and the twisted demon-like side face was hidden behind the veil. The golden hair was stained with blood, and the white dress was covered with dust.

Through the red veil, you can vaguely see her pupils. There was endless darkness and madness in her pupils, with the fire of sulfur and lava.

Like a dying dragon.

——The Ripper.


In an instant, Ye Qingxuan's whole body tensed up.

He finally understood how the group of demons outside died... Perhaps it was just like himself, infected by the chaotic aura around the Ripper, and fell into madness?

He lost control again?

Ye Qingxuan was startled by the sudden thought in his mind, but after holding his breath and waiting for a moment, he still didn't notice any change in the Ripper's eyes.

It was still empty, full of chaos and madness, but without any focus. Even if it fell on him, he looked at it as if it was nothing, without any awareness.

Ye Qingxuan stared at the Ripper in silence. After a long time, his eyes fell on the layers of shackles, and finally realized that so many shackles and handcuffs were probably put on by the Ripper himself, right?

The Ripper knew that he was going to lose control, so he came here, closed the doors layer by layer, and imprisoned himself here with so many shackles and handcuffs.

Along the way, all the demons that were infected could not bear the madness, and they killed each other madly and destroyed themselves.

It was all because of the terrifying aura that she subconsciously exuded.

If it weren't for the Jiuxiao Ring Pei, I'm afraid I would have dug out my heart with my own hands and died in this dark dungeon.

But compared to such a terrifying aura, the Ripper's own power was too weak... as weak as a candle in the wind, as if he was burning himself desperately and venting this power.

In an instant, Ye Qingxuan seemed to have thought of something, holding his breath, and looked up at the blurry darkness.

The moonlight lit up in the boy's eyes.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, the blurry darkness finally became clearer, and he finally saw what was hidden in the deepest part of the darkness.

——The eye of the eye, the evil of the evil.

It was an evil eye emblem!

The evil eye emblem, which seemed to be painted in blood, was engraved on the Ripper's chest, as if it had seeped into the flesh and blood, occupying that place tightly, and continuously exuded a dark and crazy aura, eroding the Ripper's body.

This is the curse of the hundred-eyed man.

Wherever the evil eye emblem is, it is where the Hundred Eyes can see.

The Hundred-Eyed One has taken the Ripper into his eyes, projected his power from the abyss, and poured it into its body.

In other words, the Ripper is transforming into a demon at every moment. But the frenzied power he possesses is resisting this process.

The two forces used Ripper's body as a battlefield and were strangulating crazily.

Wherever it passed, there seemed to be invisible flaws in the sword and axe, blood burst out, and the wound healed rapidly, and then, it was torn apart under the chaotic force.

Ye Qingxuan bent down and looked at the pool of blood on the ground that had formed a stream - I'm afraid the Ripper had been suffering like this for several days, right?

He stepped forward slowly.


When he was only one step away from her, a sharp scratch suddenly appeared out of thin air under his feet, and gravel flew out, splashing onto Ye Qingxuan's face, causing pain.

It was like waking up from chaos, but immersed in a nightmare. Ripper screamed, and she raised her eyes. Various emotions flashed through her eyes, full of madness.

She was clearly looking at Ye Qingxuan, but she seemed to be looking at something lingering, just muttering confusedly: "Dirty, dirty...all dirty..."

Ye Qingxuan looked into her eyes, but he seemed to see faces hidden in the darkness. He felt that he could not grasp the key point, as if there were thousands of people in front of him.

Moreover, the ancient common language...

Is this guy really possessed by King Arthur? King Arthur becomes a murderer after being possessed... It's such a bad joke that you can't laugh out loud.

"Calm down."

Ye Qingxuan raised his hands: "I have no hostility, maybe I can help you... We don't have much time."

"It's you! Mordred..."

In the shackles, the Ripper stared at him, his eyes wandering, and his voice was hoarse and crazy: "Why don't you kneel down when you come to see me? The ghost is still there, the ghost is still there...You evil bastard, the ghost is still there, I I know!

I should have killed you long ago! No, you are already dead... Mordred, you are already dead... Merlin? What did Merlin do again? ! "

The Ripper's body twitched and he roared frantically: "Traitor! You bunch of traitors! Guinevere, Percival, and that monster Merlin all want to betray me!"

Suddenly, there was a sound of steel friction, and the Ripper in the shackles suddenly rushed forward, trying to tear him apart, but was shackled by the cage and stuck in mid-air.

The burst of power scratched Ye Qingxuan's cheek, leaving a tragic blood mark, and the blood slowly flowed down from his face.

It fell to the ground and merged into the bloody stream.

In the silence, his body staggered, and the pain of heart twitching reappeared. He turned around in shock and heard the approaching footsteps outside the dungeon's iron door.

That damn black musician is catching up again...

"Where are you? My friend!"

Naberish's voice echoed in the ruins, approaching slowly, his tone full of expectation: "Escape can't solve any problems, how long do you want to hide?

Are you testing my sincerity? Please rest assured that my enthusiasm will definitely melt the ice in your heart! "

Are you sick? !

If possible, Ye Qingxuan really wanted to throw these words in his face: This bastard seems to be really determined to make him a black musician and make big news.

What are you trying to figure out!

How come everyone seems to be sick these days! There is a sick black musician outside the door, and a sick ripper inside the door.

The entire Shadow of Avalon feels like it's been a ghost...

"This is a disease and it needs to be cured."

Ye Qingxuan gritted his teeth, wiped away the blood seeping from the corners of his mouth, finally made up his mind and said hoarsely:

"——Friends, you need treatment!"


"Mr. Holmes? Why are you hiding from my enthusiasm? Can't you still see my sincerity?"

In the heavy fog, on a messy square outside the dungeon, Naberish walked slowly, looking around, smiling enthusiastically.

Every few meters, the soil in the ruins would roll like a boil, and a skeleton-like villain crawled out from it to guide Ye Qingxuan in the direction of escape, making him slowly and straightly approach Ye Qingxuan's location.

Until the end, he stood in the ruins outside the dungeon, staring at the dungeon where Ye Qingxuan was hiding, with joy in his eyes: "Is it because my enthusiasm makes you shy? It's understandable, it's understandable! My reckless pursuit is really It’s so rude, I must have made you feel embarrassed, right?”

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