Crown of Silence

Chapter 288: Cleansing the Black River

Chapter 289: Washing the Black River

In the blink of an eye, Ye Qingxuan had lost everything.

The monks in India said, 'One snap of a finger contains twenty moments, one moment contains twenty thoughts, one thought contains ninety moments, and one moment contains nine million births and deaths'.

In the nine million births and deaths in one moment, so many thoughts and emotions came and went, and in the interweaving of music theory, Ye Qingxuan was defeated hundreds of times. Often every time he regrouped, he was completely wiped out by the curse.

And in this process, he had gradually sorted out the general situation from the black river, and all kinds of negative emotions were clearly layered and combined with each other.

The thousands of negative emotions were gradually tempered into one, and the black river gradually became clear in countless destruction and rebirth.

All the extra notes and inappropriate music theories were removed from it, and after nine births and deaths, the meaning of the black river became extremely clear, colorless and almost traceless.

In the East, the evil thoughts planted by the heart musicians in other people's hearts have a high level called "other transformation". Such hints come and go without any signs, like spring breeze and rain, without any traces, and can turn people into their own puppets imperceptibly.

Now, in the struggle and entanglement of music theory, Ye Qingxuan has been able to maintain a few seconds without collapse.

The evil eye emblem seemed to understand something and was furious!

This bastard is actually stealing the teacher! No musician from the heart school dared to play like this!

Even if it is just a note representing divine power, it is the creation of the Hundred Eyes God after all. Ordinary people either struggle painfully in the infection and are finally transformed into demons, or they end their lives to avoid pain. Where is such a bold thing?

Ye Qingxuan's repeated provocations have caused the will dormant in the evil eye rune to fall into rage. It suddenly shook and split into nine, and actually gave up the entanglement with the Ripper, and rushed up along the traces of Ye Qingxuan's collapse and decadence!


Ye Qingxuan grinned, and the colorless river in his heart burst out again.

This time, it was defeated as it should be, but after the collapse, it did not retreat, but entangled endlessly, and it was entangled with the cursed music theory.

The next step is that the curse uses this as a springboard to enter Ye Qingxuan's body.

But there is no next step.

In an instant, the colorless and traceless river suddenly collapsed inward, and the defeated music theory in it reconnected, but it seemed to have turned into another form.

The new music theory swallowed up the music theory of the Hundred Eyes, covered the nine evil eye runes, and finally revealed its appearance - moonlight!

That was moonlight!

A huge moon that covered the sky and the sun rose from the heart of the Ripper, illuminating the infinite darkness. Wherever it passed, everything was purified with equality and compassion!

Wash away the black river, and the bright moon will appear in your heart!

It finally transformed into moonlight!

This is what Black Friday produced after washing away all distractions and growing to its peak - the "meaning" of "Moonlight" planted by Ye Lanzhou at the beginning!

Although it has not yet reached the terrible level of "the bright moon rises on the sea, and the world shares this moment", it has already revealed a rudimentary shape.

From a certain perspective, Ye Qingxuan really has to thank the curse of the Hundred Eyes. It not only gave himself, who has always been focused on the crooked ways, a good basic lesson, but also came with countless application skills of mind duels, just like the grandfather who teaches skills in adventure novels.

And now, the "grandfather" no longer needs to exist.

Under the moonlight, the evil eye rune was washed countless times in an instant, and all evil thoughts and malice were completely melted in the moonlight.

Across thousands of miles, it seemed as if a will had sensed something, rising from the abyss in anger, roaring with deep hatred and viciousness, and the sound came along the connection of music theory.

"——Ye Lanzhou, you are here!!!"

Then, the frantic divine power was running, following the entanglement between the music theory, sweeping from tens of millions of miles away, to destroy everything.

But at that moment, the moonlight was like a knife, completely cutting the remaining evil eye emblem.

The twisted evil eye emblem shattered, the endless negative emotions disappeared, and the curse completely fell apart. As the music theory connection was cut off, the divine power that broke through the air also disappeared.

In the void, there was a faint roar of anger, and countless resentful and deep breaths were scattered in all directions. In an instant, the entire continent, I don’t know how many people woke up from the sudden nightmare, sweating profusely.

At the same time, outside the dungeon, Naberish, who was watching, felt that the breath of the Hundred Eyes had completely dissipated. He paused, and the same surprise appeared on both heads.

"Is the curse really lifted?"

Then, the dark breath that had been suppressed for a long time burst out like a fountain, and the burning darkness swept out, breaking through the bloody Danube domain of Naberish, making his eyes black and staggering back.

The murderous intent that seemed to have substance turned into a storm, blowing his face painfully.

The power of the Ripper is awakening...

"It seems that Mr. Holmes would rather be with the Ripper than accept my affection?" Naberish stared at the dark dungeon and shook his head slowly:

"It's really disappointing, you broke my heart..."

Although he said so, he left without hesitation...

He has stayed here for too long. If he continues to tangle with him, it will be fine if he fails to achieve his goal. If he attracts a monster of the same level again... I am afraid the result will be tragic.

He is just running errands for the Hundred Eyes, not risking his life! If he can't deal with Holmes this time, can't he wait until he is alone?

Why bother to fight the Ripper, a monster whose identity is unknown?

"See you next time, Mr. Holmes." He chuckled twice, and the ground under his feet boiled. A giant snake opened its mouth and swallowed him into its belly. The giant snake dived into the mud again and disappeared.

In the distance, the Elizabeth Tower still stood. When the three pointers were close together at the top, a dark bell sounded, and the bell sound echoed in the city that returned to silence.

Midnight has arrived.


In the dungeon, the dark breath that burst out like boiling water soon disappeared without a trace.

Naberish thought that the Ripper had recovered, but she didn't expect that she was already at the end of her strength under Ye Qingxuan's folk remedy of killing 1,000 enemies and injuring 800 of her own.

When she sensed that the hostility had dissipated, she closed her eyes and fell into a coma.

In the dungeon, Ye Qingxuan sat on the ground, feeling that there was no part of his body that didn't hurt. Fortunately, he still had a lot of life-saving medicine on him, all of which were good things looted from Laura. Anyway, Laura had money, and when he took drugs, it was as justified as Laura drinking his blood...

But, what should I do next?

He lowered his head and looked at the sleeping girl beside him.

The Ripper... He had never been able to connect the mentally ill patient who killed people in the foggy night with the girl in front of him. Perhaps the difference was too big?

Dominated by the uncontrolled power, the dark side of her heart continued to magnify. So far, I'm afraid that every time she fell asleep, she would find that her long skirt was stained with blood after waking up?

Wake up, dyed red by the blood of innocent people.

Such nightmares haunt her day and night... Is she still immersed in nightmares at this moment?

He reached out and brushed away the messy hair on her forehead, his fingertips accidentally touched her forehead, and he could vaguely hear the sound of weak crying in his ears.

The sequelae of mind synchronization...

He sighed, took off his coat and covered her.

Through the broken veil, you can vaguely see the familiar beautiful face, with tears in the corners of her eyes. No longer cold and arrogant as before, only fragility and loneliness.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a moment, and gently wiped away the tear.

"Really weak, Princess Mary..."

He whispered softly, "The curse has been lifted, have a good dream."

After a long time, the boy walked out of the dungeon, closed the door for the sleeping princess, and his figure gradually disappeared in the mist.


When the midnight bell rang, all kinds of clocks in the watch shop rang at once.

In front of the window, the man who was eating heartily finally stopped, sucking the sauce on his fingers and savoring the stewed pig's knuckle just now, and he let out a happy laugh.

He seemed to have gained another ten pounds.

But it didn't matter, who cared?

Hermes didn't care anyway.

He was no longer the thin and feminine beautiful boy a few months ago. After his height increased by more than ten centimeters, his weight increased by at least thirty pounds.

He looked... as if he had grown several years older and had become an adult man in his twenties... Oh, an adult fat man.

It was not a problem that his old clothes could no longer be worn. Anyway, the best tailor would come to his house every day to measure his size and tailor it for him.

After he lowered his head and loosened his belt a notch, he felt that he could still eat, so he happily picked up the bell beside him and rang it.

Soon, the waiter outside the door ran away at the speed of a 100-meter sprint, and ten minutes later, a steaming hot meal was delivered to the door.

It was great to have another meal!

"Bai Xi, do you want to have a midnight snack?" He turned to look at the girl behind the counter. Bai Xi raised her head and glanced at him: "No, teacher, please eat slowly. I wish you will die of obesity soon."

"Young people should not be picky about food!" Hermes showed a smile that looked a bit honest after being fat: "You are still growing up. What if you lack nutrition and grow up to be like a reed stick? I will marry you..."

A knife appeared out of thin air and nailed to the table, interrupting his words, making him look helpless. He patted his forehead, nodded and said: "Since it is rare to have time, why not give you a history lesson!"

Without waiting for Bai Xi to respond, he spoke to himself:

"Bai Xi, do you know? King Arthur left behind a bloodline..."

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