Crown of Silence

Chapter 290 On the Shoulders of Giants (Part 1)

Chapter 291 On the Shoulders of Giants (Part 1)

Under the same moonlight, dim lights were on in silence.

Between rows of huge bookshelves, an old man in a white robe looked solemnly at the spines of heavy books.

He looked to be in his forties, his hair was almost gone, and the few remaining gray hairs were scattered in a mess. His white research coat was covered with dirt and dust, and it seemed that it had not been washed for a long time. He exuded a strange sour smell, like the smell of pickles and wine lees that had been left for too long.

He looked like a beggar, but when he stared at the books in deep thought, his eyes were so deep that you could not see the bottom.

"Charles, I always think: the reason why I succeeded is because I stood on the shoulders of giants, what do you think?" he suddenly said.

"Tsk!" The blond young man snorted coldly, "You can think whatever you want."

"No, I'm asking..." The old man jumped vigorously, then stepped hard with his feet, looking very happy, as if he was going to do a happy tap dance:

"--How do you feel about becoming this 'giant'?"

Under his feet, Charles carried the damn old man humiliatingly: "...Can I curse?"

"Sure, you can't curse me anyway."

The old man named Newton stepped on his shoulder, whistled, and took down an old book from the top of the sixth-layer bookshelf, excitedly: "Ahahahaha, finally found it! Charles, you have made great contributions as a 'mount'! I want to commend you on behalf of the Institute!"

"... Commendation!" Charles' expression twitched, and the sound of his teeth rubbing against each other was like a kitchen knife rubbing against a pallet. He wanted to eat this old man alive.

As the saying goes, there are people beyond people, there are mean people beyond mean people, and there are people beyond people. This bitch, Charles, has been dominating Avalon for so many years, but he never thought that there would be such a big pit waiting for him.

He accidentally signed the work agreement of the Royal Research Institute, and after coming to work happily, he was kicked into the gutter by this damn old man.

In name, he rose to fame overnight and became the world's leading mechanical engineering master, the experimental assistant and personal secretary of the director of the Royal Research Institute.

But after going to work, he found that all his colleagues looked at him with pity.

"Don't even think about keeping up with me."

Newton said at the time: "You are mediocre people who cannot understand the realm of genius, so just do your job well and shine quietly in places where others can't see.

I don't need you to make boring contributions in experiments and research. Anyway, your brains are almost the same... Well, as for the specific work content, just perform a fire ring to relieve my stress and have fun."

In short, Charles' job is to be tossed around by this old man in various ways... For example, in order to satisfy his desire to take a bath while overlooking the beautiful scenery of Avalon, he ran all over the city to find construction teams and materials to add a swimming pool on the top floor of the institute.

Well, it's private, and it's equipped with a full set of fine wines and the best bartenders.

Then at the ribbon-cutting ceremony on the day of the completion of the building, when the world's top bartender traveled thousands of miles to report in a tone full of aristocratic reserve and cordiality, Newton, the bastard... blew up the swimming pool in front of him!

"Okay, it's none of your business, you can go back."

He looked at everyone's stunned expressions, laughed heartily, and was overjoyed.

He had spent one-third of the institute's budget this month in such a fancy way!

So, it's not scary to be a lunatic, but it's scary that after this person becomes lunatic, there are still all kinds of idiots who go to great lengths to give him money to burn for fun.

In this regard, Charles can only say: This kind of person is sick!

Fortunately, after using all kinds of unimaginable methods to burn the entire institute's budget for the month, the budget review agency of the first department of Anglo sent a letter with euphemistic words, saying that you have been playing for six months and it's time to finish playing. Start working quickly, otherwise we will not be able to reimburse your bills for all brothels and private clubs in Avalon this year.

——The reason why the wording is so euphemistic is that this guy used to work as a financial advisor for the Anglo National Bank for a month. During a month of eating, drinking and having fun, he solved the problem that the previous person couldn't solve in decades.

In fact, he finished the proposal to solve the problem on the first day of work, and spent the remaining 29 days on whoring and gambling. If the secretary hadn't found out early, he could have continued to do so for half a year!

In short, since the patience of the money-giving master was almost exhausted, Newton used his lower body to think about it and decided to pay more attention to his work in order to keep his VIP membership.

So, Charles's tormented career began like this... In just a few days, he fought wits and courage with this old man, and started a bloody and tearful life in order to keep his "decent job".

After acting as a mount and carrying the old man for several hours, he finally found what he wanted from the piled-up archives.

But he was extremely curious about this.

What kind of research data was worthy of Newton, a bastard who was too arrogant, giving up the important secret demonstration that was about to begin and standing up the entire project team for several hours to find it?

And it was stored in the top-secret archives...

"Why, do you want to see it?"

Newton, who was reading attentively, noticed his curiosity. After pondering for a moment, he nodded: "That's okay. You have devoted so much to this project, and you are indeed qualified to share this great masterpiece with me."

Charles was stunned, not expecting this old guy to be so generous. After hesitating for a moment, he came over. The ancient click book has turned yellow and curled, and many pages have been stuck together. The key parts seem to have been splashed with something, making them extremely blurry.

"Ah, my great knight, quickly unsheath your dragon-slaying sword, I can't wait... Ah, what a majestic holy spear, I have been impressed by your bravery... Ah ah ah... come on , my little wolfdog, treats me violently..."

The more Charles continued reading, the uglier his expression became, until he finally dropped the whole book to the ground: "Isn't this just a pornographic book?

You let go of so many people, and even left the representatives of the Royal Orchestra in the air. You stepped on my shoulders and searched for three hours, delaying the final steps of the experiment, just to find a pornographic book in the top-secret archives. Book! ? "

"What are you talking about? This is my treasure from a long time ago."

Newton picked it up from the ground with a distressed look on his face, and said with a serious look on his face: "Don't you think that at this time, it is more necessary to have a little pornographic book to cheer up?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the yellow spot on it: "Look, I've used it so many times! Because of your hard work, I wanted to reward you with it."

"Please don't!"

Charles seemed to have seen a ghost and was filled with indignation: "Forget it about pornographic books, but why are they all aunts?! Not even a younger one! And they tear stockings and lick shoes at every turn... You can't have some taste. What!”

“Young man, you are quite picky.

Newton's smile suddenly became mysterious. He came closer and lowered his voice: "I also have the younger one, the manuscript of Marquis de Sade a hundred years ago: "Holy Land"! The story of nineteen little girls who fell in paradise..."

Ciel's eyes lit up: "Really?"


Newton became more and more mysterious: "There are still three undisclosed chapters, which will definitely make you stunned..."

Under the dim light, the two people whispered, their expressions constantly changing.

For some reason, the original solemn and secretive atmosphere was of course gone, only an indestructible atmosphere of obscenity was created.


There were rapid footsteps in the silent corridor, and the person in charge, who was almost desperate, finally looked forward to Newton's appearance, followed him, and whispered about the situation at the testing site.

"Everyone has already arrived, why have you been missing for four hours?"

"Why do you feel like you're dead after only four hours? Then next time I go out for five or six days and come back, won't I find you all dead?"

"But, the representatives of the Royal Orchestra are getting impatient."

"What's the use of being impatient? If I'm not happy, why don't I have to keep waiting?"

Newton glanced at him and strode forward.

Seeing his confident look, the person in charge was already going crazy: "The key is that we have not done any debugging or modification before this. We rushed to complete the 'prototype' and then started production. If your calculations If it’s wrong…”

"Idiot, do you even need to ask? Then the world must be wrong."

Newton shook him off and strode away, leaving the person in charge dumbfounded.

Beside him, Charles whistled happily and patted his shoulder:

"Hey, brother, do you want a pornographic book..."



In the silent underground experimental site, there was an anxious atmosphere. All the commissioners who came to see the actual measurement results were sitting on the simple chairs specially prepared for them with dark faces, drinking one cup after another. Bad quality lemonade. But the anxiety in my heart was not extinguished, but my bladder was tortured.

No one would be happy if they were given free rein for four hours, let alone these commissioners who are at least powerful in various secret departments?

Although the Royal Academy's style in recent decades has always been screwed up, but to this extent... it's simply outrageous! But they still had to wait, like dogs...

At the very least, the deputy captain of the Royal Musicians responsible for guarding Avalon has not shown any sign of impatience so far.

From the beginning, Mr. Andre has been sitting in his seat, with his eyes lowered and his expression cold and solemn, without any anxiety at all.

Just like stone sculptures.

But now, the stone sculpture's lowered eyes finally slowly raised.


He said.

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