Crown of Silence

Chapter 297: Traitor's Gate

Chapter 298 The Traitor’s Gate

Under the dark clouds, red fire burned.

Between the black clouds, thunder and lightning dance wildly.

The endless ocean set off a wild tide, and chaotic whirlpools were born one after another, and then collided and annihilated in the next moment.

The roar of earth shattering.


A majestic voice sounded, making the world tremble, but it was vague.

On the silver-white throne, the shadows burned like flames. The figure sitting on the throne lowered his head, overlooking the pure white city at his feet. The spreading shadow fire infected the pure white city.

The city was falling apart, and the flames pulled the wreckage away from the material world with itself, falling into the deepest part of the ether sea.

The shadow of the giant stood up from the throne and pulled out the sword from its sheath. The sword shone in all directions, like the scorching sun falling into the world.

The long sword pointed towards the sky, but the light on the blade was extinguished in an instant. The sword blade fell apart and flew in all directions...

In the darkness, he roared and fell into the shadows.

Fallen into eternal darkness.

Eternal isolation.

"What a lonely ending."

The shaman opened his eyes and whispered softly.

In the silent dark room, there was only the soft sound of the alchemical equipment that sustained his life. Guishou, who was dozing in his arms in the corner, opened his eyes and looked at him:

"What's wrong?"

"I had a dream, and the sign is not good." The shaman stretched out his hand and motioned for the ghost hands to help him up.

The candlelight passed through the big hole in his chest and fell on the wall behind him, casting a ferocious spot of light. The shadow of the incomplete heartbeat can be vaguely seen.

As he stood up, mucus flowed from his nose, looking down and miserable.

Guishou sighed and took out his handkerchief to wipe it for him.

"What day is it today?" the shaman asked.



The shaman nodded, "That's today, right? The star sighters told me that on this day the blue moon wakes up from the white moon, and the stars will stop moving.

After the power of the Shadow of Avalon enters a low ebb, the power in the Elizabeth Tower will also be weakened to the limit.

If the guys in the House wanted to take action, they would definitely choose today. "

Ghost Hand nodded, "Mr. Holmes took the things you prepared for him and has already set off. He came to see you before he left. You were sleeping, so he didn't wake you up."

"Did he say anything?"

"Nothing, just let me remind you to abide by the agreement."


A trace of guilt flashed in the shaman's eyes, and he closed his eyes. After a long time, he slowly opened them, and the late twilight light had dissipated.

His eyes became firm again, like a sword blade that had been polished away from rust, with a hint of brilliance like the sun.

"Stay outside the door."

He said, "Don't let anyone in."

Ghost Hand nodded, turned and left.

Silence returned to the darkroom. The remaining candle jumped and finally went out. In the darkness, the pair of pupils with a faint flame slowly closed.

Darkness swallows everything.


"It's over, it's over."

In the same late night, falling into the dark city of the devil's realm, Naberish rang the bell in his hand: "The great one has arrived, the holy god has arrived, and the princes of darkness have arrived! The followers will come!"

Behind him, several followers of the evil god in red sacrificial robes praised the gods and sang poems in unison. In the hoarse poems that were like a nightmare, the conch in Naberis's hand suddenly collapsed and fell apart.

The bloody conch shattered into pieces and turned into a scarlet halo. In the halo, the demon with the head of an eagle was summoned from the void, spread out its wings that blocked the moonlight, and chirped above the darkness!

That was one of the six incarnations of the Great Demon under Scourge, the Eagle's Nest Mother.

- Mapas!

He looked down at the city that had fallen into the shadows, with a strong expression of dissatisfaction on his face: "Such pure power is tainted by such dirty resentment... The scepter is covered in dust, it's so funny, so ridiculous..."

Layers of wings emerged from behind him, and a vague face appeared on each wing. Thousands of faces spoke at the same time, but they made the same sound along with Mapas.

"O king who sleeps in the shadows, the hour of wrath has come!"

Mapas raised the crystal eyeball in his hand, echoing the white tower rising into the sky like a phantom: "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

In an instant, in the deepest part of the city, the huge phantom-like white tower roared.

Under the swing of the mechanism, the levers operated, the gears rotated, the huge copper bell trembled, and roared in response. In the solemn and terrifying roar, the barrier that enveloped the entire Shadow of Avalon trembled. .

Wherever the bell struck, all darkness surged crazily, and frantic shadows rose into the sky.

As the eagle's wings spread, countless feathers fell down one after another, fell into the shadows, absorbed power, were given shapes, and turned into thousands of pitch-black hawks, sweeping across like a tide.

The sleeping demon city has awakened. The demons that were originally sealed everywhere and sleeping in the darkness were inspired by the natural disasters. They woke up one after another, got out of their cocoons and shells, bathed in the cold moonlight, and roared.

The dead city began to move in an instant. The lower city, the middle city, the upper city... with the Elizabeth Tower as the axis, started to rotate spontaneously.

Amidst the loud noise of the sky and earth shattering, the phantom-like white tower condensed into reality, and the road hidden in the layers of fog finally appeared.

——The traitor's door opens!

"Go! My servants."

Mapas looked down at the black musicians on the ground and solemnly declared: "Dedicate all the water and soil in sight to the God of the Hundred Eyes!"

"It's over! It's over!"

The black musicians chanted in unison and set out on the road to the White Tower.


At the other end of the city, amid the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth, a blood-colored vortex opened silently.

Figures in black cloaks walked out of it, and the strong wind lifted their cloaks, making a rustling sound. On the cloak, the silver-white emblem of the 'Red Dragon and Sword' seemed to come alive, howling silently.

The Royal Musicians!

The leader Jerome leaned toward the vortex behind him, "Thank you, Princess."

At the other end of the vortex, the weak girl nodded slightly, "In the name of His Majesty, please do your best to not let the glory of Anglu be tarnished."

"We will do our best."

Jerome watched the girl's figure dissipate in the vortex, turned around, and stared at the royal musicians behind him: "From now on, enter a state of war.

There will be no support and logistics here, and your names will not appear on any list of casualties. If we fail, you will only die here in obscurity.

I believe you have already made such a determination.

-May all glory belong to Anglu!"

"All glory belongs to Anglu!"

The royal musicians responded in unison, and their etheric fluctuations intertwined.

"Very good." Jerome nodded with satisfaction, "Any other questions?"

"Sir, I have a question..."

In the queue, a young man raised his hand tremblingly.

Jerome frowned, "You say."

"I am innocent, sir! Since it is the mission of the Royal Musicians, why should a technician like me accompany them?" In the crowd, Charles cried, "Can you let me go back? I am only here to provide technical guidance..."

Jerome frowned, "Your mission is technical guidance, yes. But didn't Newton tell you that you were accompanying the team?"

Charles was stunned, his face pale, and then he cried out to the sky: "God damn it! Newton, that old bastard! You can't do this to me! I want to see that old bastard! I have shed blood for the Institute, and I have made contributions to Anglu! I want to see that old bastard..."

Jerome frowned, clenched his five fingers, and Charles' voice stopped abruptly, and his mouth was sealed. He grabbed the two musicians beside him with an innocent face, as if he was saying something, but he couldn't make a sound.

All he could see was grief and grievance, and he sat on the ground and refused to move, but was forcibly lifted up by the Royal Musicians on both sides, with a face worse than death.

"Okay, no one should have any questions now."

Jerome turned around and said coldly: "Let's go!"

The target is the Traitor's Gate! ——

"Finally arrived."

Under the White Tower, the boy in a top hat looked up at the huge arch in front of him, but above the huge and gloomy arch, there were corpses that had already turned into skeletons.

"——The Traitor's Gate."

He whispered softly.

Green Tower, Cross Street, and Traitor's Gate are the three major execution places in Avalon. Green Tower imprisons musicians who are seriously guilty. Every year, musicians who have committed serious crimes are thrown into the "Silver Cellar" there and turned into nothingness in the turbulent ether.

Cross Street is the execution ground, where those who are convicted are sent to the guillotine, their heads are chopped off, and blood gathers into a river. And this huge arch in front of them... is the patent of the nobles.

Traitors will be hanged under this gate!

The bloody handwriting was the tragic handwriting left by the executioners. Since the founding of the country, countless nobles who committed treason have been hanged here in a decent manner wearing their gorgeous clothes and jewelry.

Now hundreds of years have passed, the gorgeous clothes have turned to ashes, and the jewelry no longer shines. Only the bones are hanging on the locks, swaying in the wind, playing a gloomy song like a wind chime.

In the song, the boy walked into it like a phantom and stepped onto the stairs leading to the white tower.

The huge white tower that pierced the black clouds stood on the steps. With the violent operation of the city just now, it has emerged from the illusion and turned into reality.

Twelve roads converged at its feet, with twelve heavy iron gates respectively. There was no opening hub on the iron gates, and even the door gap did not exist, as if it was solidly cast.

Ye Qingxuan frowned, stretched out his hand and knocked, and found that the door was faintly emitting etheric fluctuations and a fine rhythm... The iron door and the entire white tower were integrated together. If you want to force it open, it would be much more difficult than welding the Avalon Great Barrier head-on.

"Don't you have a way for people to get in?"

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