Crown of Silence

Chapter 303 I have a killer trick...

Chapter 304 I have a killer trick...

In the darkness deep in the White Tower, the boy-like voice sang softly, and the song echoed in the dark city and penetrated everyone's ears.

"The emperor and his accomplices kidnapped the queen and imprisoned her in her dreams... We have power and the ocean, where should we wander? Yo ho, thousands of hands, hoist the sails! Pull, thieves and beggars, we will get eternal life... The bells have sounded from the cemetery, do you hear the gloomy tune?

Respond to our call, the blood debt will be repaid... Yo ho, pull up the sails, we will embark on the road home! Pull, thieves and beggars, we will be immortal from death..."

From death, immortality!

Ye Qingxuan gritted his teeth: "What do you guys want to do?"

"That's the second question, Mr. Holmes."

He clenched his fists, and the magnificent music echoed around him, calling for the power from the abyss: "Unfortunately, you no longer have the opportunity to get the answer!

Next, please fight with me!"


The wind tunnel from the abyss opened from behind him and hung behind his head, like a dark vortex. The moonlight flickered like a candle in the wind.

Ye Qingxuan almost suffocated under the power that burst out again.


His face was pale, he raised his hand to signal a pause, gritted his teeth, and squeezed out a voice from his teeth: "Mr. Naberis, I advise you to stop while you are ahead.

I still have a trump card in the bottom of the box, I advise you not to force me to use it."

"Oh? Then please come!"

Naberis laughed, his expression was happy: "Now you, Even if you say that you have learned the destructive movement like "Genesis" or "Ode to Joy", I will not doubt it at all! Could it be that your trump card is "Destiny" that is difficult for ordinary people to understand? Or "Ride of the Valkyries"? "Symphony No. 1819"? "

"Where is the real power of what you said? Naberis."

Ye Qingxuan showed a trace of regret in his eyes and sighed softly, "What is more powerful than those movements... is "calling people." "

"-Butcher, get him!"

"Roar! ! ! ! ! "

A roar like thunder suddenly exploded, and a bone saw suddenly flashed from the void, and layers of musical notes lit up on the rough blade covered with layers of dried blood.

The bone saw was raised high and fell, almost tearing the void, leaving a thick layer of bloody marks wherever it passed. The blood was like ink smudged in the air, transforming into a group of young faces.

The roar of a long river sounded, that was the sound of blood rushing in the pulse, the thunder turned into a beat, that was the deep echo of the huge heart beating.

In that hoarse and crazy melody, it seemed as if a demon was bathing in lava, singing happily:

"God, please give me mercy, I kneel in this river of soul, trying to wash away the filth. God, please give me salvation, the curse has overflowed my waist, can you hear my wailing? God, please give me a gift, the blood has flooded my neck, I wailed and prayed for liberation..."

Then, the countless faces hidden in the blood and qi laughed in response:

"La la la ~ la la la ~ la la la la ~"

In just a moment, the bone saw suddenly appeared from behind Naberis, roaring, surging, and slashing down!

The defensive barrier was broken layer by layer.

The counterattack movement was useless.

The wind tunnel leading to the abyss was torn in half neatly by its chopping.

The interwoven notes on the bone saw released a frenzied glow, completely tearing the delicate and magnificent music theory into pieces, unable to mend it, but tragically falling apart.

In an instant, Naberis's face suddenly changed, and he dodged quickly, but the bone saw had already rubbed the face behind his head, splitting it in the middle, leaving a tragic scar on the bones, spreading all the way down to his waist, almost throwing his entire back off.

A fierce look flashed in Naberis's eyes, and mercury-like blood spurted out of the cracked wound - the blood contained countless changes in the ether, constantly revealing the properties of earth, water, fire, wind, etc. After leaving his body, the power in the blood annihilated each other, attacking and killing, and bursting out the power of annihilation.

But the bone saw suddenly pulled back and stood up, blocking the path of blood. When the blood fell on it, it was defeated by the tyrannical will contained in it, and it was no longer magical.

The scattered blood mist flew, burning like a flame, attached to something, and faintly revealed half of its hideous outline.

Like a giant dragon hidden in the dark clouds, it showed a scale and a claw, but more dangerous things were hidden in the darkness.

Even if it had been attacked, the invisibility effect was still not broken-this was the highest level of illusion music, and the effect had been written into the rules of the world through resonance.

At least it was a distortion level!

"Since when..."

Naberis retreated quickly, feeling cold all over.

"Of course from the beginning."

Ye Qingxuan said lightly, "Last time you beat me so badly, don't you think I won't learn a lesson?"

From the beginning, the butcher was invisible by Laura with the highest level of illusion music, and then replaced by Ye Qingxuan into the Shadow of Avalon.

The hiring fee was covered by the Shaman package, and he also generously contributed the materials and expenses needed for the illusion. Ye Qingxuan not only had an extra helper, but also earned a lot of money from the profiteer Lola.

This time, he was hired specifically to deal with Naberis and Robin.

In order to hide him, Ye Qingxuan deceived everyone.

Except for the one time when the Butcher broke the barrier at the entrance of the White Tower, he did not make any move. Even though Ye Qingxuan was close to death, he did not send any signal for help.

And the Butcher also watched the show from the side with great trust, watching Ye Qingxuan fight to the death, hiding his killing intention, as if it were non-existent air.

Until now, he suddenly killed people, and almost stunned Naberis with one blow.

At this moment, the Butcher was still hidden in the void, revealing only half of his vague outline, which made people feel creepy.

This monster was now covered with armor like an archangel's armor, but the color of the armor seemed to be black, and it was larger and more ferocious than the archangel's armor.

It was like a sharp iron welded together. As he moved, hot steam gushed out from the back of the armor. The sharp voice merged into the music on his body, making the chanting more violent.

On the shoulder of the armor, a long-lost emblem can be faintly discerned.

"The Spear of St. George? This set of armor is... the Dragoon Corps?"

Naberis gritted his teeth and squeezed out a ferocious smile: "I know you, you are the Butcher... Haha! I didn't expect that it was the result left by Gaius back then!

It seems that you have been transformed many times, right? How much demon blood is in your body? You look more like a monster than I do now..."

The Butcher was silent, but his eyes under the mask released a shrill red light, shocking people. The sound of steel rubbing came, like a sword being unsheathed.

The outline of a huge bone-picking blade faintly emerged in the air, and the violent ether fluctuations on the blade could hardly be hidden even by the illusion movement.

Just appearing, it made all living things feel the pain of flesh and blood separation. The bone saw and the blade collided with each other, making a cold sound, like the cry of a hungry monster thirsting for blood.

Right in front of the hideous outline of the butcher, the skinny boy propped up his palms, lifted the brim of his hat with his fingers, and showed a mocking look:

"To borrow your words...

- Next, please fight with me!"

Before he finished speaking, the moonlight above his head shone brightly, and the cold moonlight spread in all directions. The butcher roared, and rushed towards him along with the figure of the boy.

Naberish roared, and two faces chanted music at the same time, the muscles on his back squirmed, and the two palms broke out again.

Two fists can't beat four hands? Then add another pair of hands!

The wind blade and fire sword condensed between his hands, and the light of destruction emerged from his body. In an instant, he guided the ether, the darkness surged like a **, and the power from the abyss emerged again, making him seem to have become the incarnation of destruction.

The originally spacious and huge room had become extremely narrow in this horrific battle. In just a few rounds, it was already devastated and the walls were broken. Naberis was smashed into the cold storage room and stood up from the rotten food to fight again!

The butcher faced Naberis's power head-on. This former ace of the dragoon unit and the executioner who had fought against the natural disaster once again showed his former frenzy.

Under the armor rebuilt by Hermes, blood rushed like lava, turning him into a monster.

Monsters against monsters!

Demons fighting demons!

It was a pure collision of force and force, a contest of destruction and destruction. The saw and the chop gave birth to a mighty wind and thunder. Under the surging power of the music, he actually confronted Naberis in his prime head-on!

It was a head-on collision!

In the insane fight, everything that stood in their way was broken, shattered, and collapsed between them, crushing everything in its path!

Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut!

Even Ye Qingxuan, the employer, saw for the first time how terrible the Butcher was when he was at full strength, and Naberis was defeated by the frenzied power.

And Ye Qingxuan's figure was as elusive as moonlight, constantly assisting him, and the moonlight fuse extended from his body, entangled with the Butcher and Naberis.

Read, interpret, respond, crack... observe the actions of both sides, and exert his power at the most critical point.

Moonlight, lightning, illusion, suggestion...

The untapped power made Naberis's battle difficult, and he was confused by the moonlight that was constantly eroding.

This was not a hearty battle! This was clearly the torture of cutting meat with a slow knife...

He became more and more furious.

Everyone who fought against Ye Qingxuan had the same painful feeling, like being stuck in a quagmire. No matter how powerful the counterattack was, it was ineffective. They were defeated step by step.

They could only watch helplessly as they slowly and powerlessly sank into the quagmire.

His feet suddenly stood still, and he suddenly repelled the butcher. He looked up to the sky and howled. The roar contained a call from the abyss, which spread in all directions in an instant.

In his hand, the dark bell was struck.

"You want to call that big demon?"

Ye Qingxuan saw his intention: "It's useless!"

Instead of retreating, he seized the opportunity and rushed forward with the butcher again, completely controlling the rhythm of the battle in his own hands.

Naberis was stunned and rang the bell in his hand vigorously, but no matter how the bell echoed, Mapas' figure did not appear!

Facing his astonished eyes, Ye Qingxuan smiled mysteriously: "Have you noticed... today's moon is particularly large and round?"

Just outside the big hole in the wall, the blue moon hangs high.

The moonlight is like water, turning this world into an ocean.

And looking up from this 'bottom of the sea', I found that beyond the layers of clouds, above the 'sea surface', there were faintly beautiful waves.

In the waves, there was a hallucinatory chuckle.

It was like a dream.

Endless ice and snow and illusions came into the dream.

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