Crown of Silence

Chapter 29 Notes

At this moment, thousands of miles away.

In the afternoon, the blazing sunshine fell on the wasteland. Pulled hard by sixteen horses, the train galloped on the rails.

Public long-distance carriages are just the result of Anglo's transportation vision that has been vigorously developed in recent decades. Powered by modified and modulated horses, the carriages are pulled along the rails. It avoids the 'special troubles' that may be caused by large mechanical power and also takes practicality into consideration. Although the fare is high, there are still many travelers willing to choose this convenient method of travel.

In the empty carriage, a young man in a black trench coat was leaning on a bench, seriously thinking about how to enjoy the low-quality after-dinner glass of red wine in front of him - this was the last remaining pleasure on the journey. .

Apart from him, there were only a few people in the long carriage, an elderly couple preparing to return to their hometown, a writer who seemed to be living in embarrassment, and two young men and women who were passionately in love.

This afternoon was exceptionally quiet.

"Now that brat has almost reached Avalon, right?"

Langdi counted the time and looked back in the direction of Avalon: "With the teacher's recommendation letter, his admission should not be a problem. Well, with that notebook..."

After thinking of this, he couldn't help but want to laugh three times.

Being ridiculous would cause new wounds between the chest and abdomen, so he gave up.

From midnight four days ago to now, he changed his clothes and identity sixteen times, took countless means of transportation, and went through three brutal battles that almost brought him to death, leaving behind ten dead bodies.

Now, he finally got rid of that group of people temporarily, but after a while, they will catch up like wild dogs again, right? How long will they follow them around the entire West for the black box that no longer exists in them?

Thinking of this, Langdi couldn't help but want to laugh three times, admiring his own cleverness.

Who would have thought that he would hand over the contents of the black box to a child with whom he had spent less than ten hours in total? Who would suspect that a white-haired kid of Eastern descent would be involved in such a thing?

Is this what the teacher calls ‘secretly hiding in Chen Cang’?

Attract the firepower yourself, and the real holy object will sleep in the cover of the notebook and be sent to Avalon safely to complete its mission. As long as it's in Avalon, there'll be no problem...

He squinted his eyes, enjoying the laziness brought by the warm sunshine and feeling sleepy.


"Yeah, who would have thought?"

A soft and childish voice sounded in front of him, waking him up from his drowsiness, but he felt that he was still sleeping.

Because if it wasn't a dream, how could the scene in front of me appear?

In this place, which is only 300 kilometers away from the nearest human habitation, and has nothing to offer except quick-frozen beef pasta and chicken rice, this shabby carriage can actually afford such a feast?

Fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables are topped with salad dressing, exuding a sweet aroma. The fragrant French mushroom soup was cruelly thrown aside without even a taste.

The Marseille fish soup and foie gras steak were so crowded by the huge lobster that they almost fell under the table. The chicken cooked in red wine still has an attractive color, but it is not worthy of even a glance from its owner.

In this huge meal that is enough to drain the wallet of any gourmet,

The inferior chicken baked rice that Langdi had just finished looked particularly lonely and pitiful.

"I have to say, this plan is quite good." A young man's voice sounded.

Just behind the table, a young man in a black dress slowly combed his waist-length blond hair back, and then wrapped a napkin around himself.

Finally, he held the knife and fork, raised his beautiful face, and smiled flawlessly:

"Unfortunately, some people have already begun to suspect."

Wolf Flute's body tensed up subconsciously. He held his flute tightly and felt the pre-recorded music score reverberating in it. With just a snap of his fingers, he could instantly burst out and summon a pack of ghost wolves.

But even so, he still felt uneasy and felt depressed from the bottom of his heart.

"Who are you?" he asked in a deep voice.

"It's a boring question." The young man glanced at him: "Why don't you relax a little? After all, being nervous won't help."

As he said that, he pushed the French soup in front of Langdi: "No, do you want some? It's better to drink it while it's hot."

Then, Langdi's saliva came out unsatisfactorily...

He swallowed his saliva and struggled to avoid the temptation to avoid dying in a bowl of thick soup:

"Hey, what do you mean by what you just said?"

"That's what you mean, some people have already begun to suspect." The mysterious young man glanced in the direction of Avalon: "Now, I'm afraid all the lowlifes in Avalon City are looking for that white-haired boy.

Someone paid a pretty big price, and it didn’t matter whether he lived or died, as long as he took notes. "

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Wolf Flute responded coldly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know. It doesn't matter if you know. Anyway, things have turned into such an interesting situation. However, you don't have to worry, there won't be any big trouble with Dongfang Xiaogui...probably."

The young man spread his hands generously and smiled happily: "After all, this is a rare show. It is enough to make me happy for two or three months. Well, it is worth celebrating!"

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers.

A waiter appeared out of nowhere and came over holding a bottle of red wine with an old label. The mellow flavor spread from the wine glass in the boy's hand.

The young man swung the wine glass hospitably: "Would you like some white wine from my collection, the time of King Louis?"

"No, I have it." Langdi replied coldly.

The young man sneered and glanced at Lang Flute's wine glass: "If I were you, I wouldn't touch it. After all, bad wine is bad wine, even if it's flavored with poison, it won't change much."

"What did you say?"

"Well, it's a rare good ingredient. It's called 'tequila'. It's quick and powerful. It can stop the heart of a mammoth in three minutes. Apart from the strong smell of alcohol, there are no other disadvantages."

The red wine in the boy's hand suddenly changed and turned into a slender test tube. The caterpillars in the test tube slowly twisted and turned pink because of the too hot temperature in the air.

The larvae of the green shuttle moth is a strange creature that is only used when detecting poisons. Even a little bit of toxicity will cause it to react and metamorphose in advance...

As the test tube tilted, the larvae rolled into the inferior red wine, followed by a piercing scream.

Like a burning piece of magnesium falling into water, the red wine boils, rolls rapidly, and evaporates.

Until the end, there was only a moth left in the wine glass, flapping its deformed wings crazily. Under the fascination of the sun, the moth hit the glass with its head, causing liquid to spurt out.

"It's so disgusting. Suddenly I'm not in the mood to eat at all."

The young man frowned slightly and sighed softly: "If I had known better, I would have simply let you die."

"Hey you……"

"The pleasant chat ends here, Mr. Wolf Flute..."

The young man interrupted him, raised his arrogant eyebrows, and his handsome face was full of indifference: "When I say goodbye, I wish you can struggle for a few more days."

"However, as a reward for chatting with me, let me remind you of one thing."

His figure became more and more hazy, but in the blur, a cold voice came:

"Where can there be so many people who happen to be traveling together during the journey..."


In an instant, Lang Flute woke up from his brief dream, sweating profusely.

It seemed that he just blinked and stayed in the dream for a long time. But now that he woke up, everything was still in its original position.

And that glass of low-quality red wine was still intact, exuding a faint fragrance.

He silently picked up the wine glass in front of him and stared at the other passengers through the reflection of the red wine, looking at their tired or excited expressions.

Finally, he saw clearly the mystery behind those eyes.

There seemed to be soft footsteps coming from the top of the carriage, and there seemed to be some creature climbing silently under the floor.

"Even my last fun was ruined..."

Wolf Flute sighed and poured the red wine on the ground, making a sizzling sound.

"You guys are pissing me off."



Avalon, Midtown, Fierce Horse Inn.

Night is gradually coming over.

The old man known as Ghost Hand is still smoking his pipe.

He was like a common idle old man in Avalon, sitting on a bench on the street to enjoy the coolness in this summer night.

"Are you sure you saw him living here?" he asked. c

Next to the bench, the slovenly homeless man squatting on the ground nodded and pointed at the hotel: "An oriental kid with white hair and a dog, you can't go wrong."

"I wish you knew the cost of deceiving the shaman."

Ghost Hand threw a heavy money bag into his arms and waved.

In the shadow of the alley, a group of burly, masked men rushed out. They silently and orderly blocked the entrance and exit passages of the front and rear doors, and then the two leaders raised their hammers and smashed open the door.

After leaving two people to guard the door, the group rushed into the hotel in an instant with murderous weapons.

The people passing by were frightened and hid in the distance and looked in the direction of the hotel in surprise. There was a loud noise in the hotel, as if someone was breaking the door and picking the lock. The frightened guests screamed, and then shut up under the intimidation. The landlady squatted behind the counter in fear, whimpering.

After a burst of sporadic knocking and banging sounds, everything soon fell silent.

Someone got the signal from a distance, frowned, and whispered in Ghost Hand's ear: "Sir, no."

Guishou smoked in silence and glanced at the homeless man next to him.

Under his glance, the tramp froze, as if he was frozen, but he could still move and tremble. His eyes became confused and frightened.

"Look again."

Ghost Hand said softly.

Another scream sounded, a crackling sound came from the three-story hotel, and the violent search and destruction began again.

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