Crown of Silence

Chapter 316: This Place Forever

Chapter 317: Forever Here

"Then, let's do it without further delay."

One of the thirteen saints of the contemporary era, the peerless musician who inherited the name of 'Haydn' opened his eyes and spread out an ancient scroll from his hands.

On the ancient scroll, there were dark strokes depicting notes, connecting into a mysterious movement, and with the turbulence of the ether, scenes suddenly appeared.

It may be chaos and emptiness, or darkness on the surface of the abyss, or an indescribable existence running on the water, or... a ray of light!

Haydn said, "Let there be light."

So there was light.

Between heaven and earth, the nine layers of the ether sea resonated and sang, and all things sang, praising the birth of light. The endless light merged into the Avalon Great Barrier that was on the verge of collapse, but merged with it, and a miracle came.


Ye Qingxuan looked up dully, looking up at the light falling from the sky.

This is the pinnacle of the forbidden school, the source of the universe observed from the essence of ether, the source of all births, the music of the origin and destination of all things!


In an instant, Ye Qingxuan was almost melted by the light and sacrificed himself to merge into it. On the top of the white tower, the bells roared and echoed, singing the creation of the world!

Endless power sprouted from the depths of the barrier, almost crushing his tiny will. Ye Qingxuan only had time to activate the Nine Heavens Ring and tried his best to guide the endless and mighty torrent to gather in the sky.

"So that's it!"

Ye Qingxuan was so excited that he couldn't help himself. His will merged into the barrier, controlling the barrier to merge into the light, as if he was personally experiencing the magnificent changes of "Genesis".

That was the pinnacle of the forbidden school, the source of all music theory, and the essence of ether.

——Creation and destruction are just a thought away!

In just a moment, his understanding of the essence of the Forbidden School rose steadily, and his confusion about the music theory of the Stone Heart School was solved. The music in his heart fell apart and then reunited. The angle of observing the world suddenly shifted and then recalibrated.

This feeling was unprecedented, and it seemed that his soul was infinitely enlarged, and he was immersed in the light of creation. It was like observing the whole world with the eyes of ether.

The world was brand new.

Then, it was as if time was reversed!

Under the foundation of the White Tower, in the dark cellar that had been silent for hundreds of years, the alchemical fortifications that had long been broken apart and silent were awakening again.

On the sixteen dark stone tablets, layers of notes lit up, and the melody of the music roared.

It was the control center made by the alchemist for Avalon hundreds of years ago. The alchemical technology that surpassed that era created the largest "tuner" in the world at that time.

The efficiency of any ‘difference machine’ or ‘analyzer’ in the world cannot be compared with it. The ‘ether ball’ is just a byproduct of its research, and its control over the movement is not even one ten-thousandth of its.

Only such a behemoth can carry the precise control required for the operation of the Avalon Great Barrier, the capital of an empire. With the shattering of ‘Heavenly Advent’ hundreds of years ago, they also fell apart with the city, becoming legends and secrets hidden in ancient files.

But under the shining of light, it seems that time has also become an ancient book that can be read at will.

The past recorded in the ‘ether’ was re-extracted, rewritten, and reflected in this space, bringing them back to their former glory.

So, the tuner lit up again, and on the sixteen stone tablets tens of meters high, countless notes jumped, flashing countless complex music theories, until finally, under the control of the core, it was reconnected to the barrier.


The barrier shook violently. Under the reflection of that mysterious light, its strength soared, and it even took over the Shadow of Avalon, completely closing off the kingdom of shadow and isolating it from all external interference.

In the Shadow of Avalon, the magnificent melody and singing sang the melody of creation. The barrier and the scepter domain were integrated into one place, and it was endlessly improved.

So, the extinguished stars lit up one by one, and the stars in the sky moved. The twelve zodiac signs released dazzling light, until finally, a star ring spanned the sky, like a river of stars.

Endless starlight gathered and merged into the high sun and moonlight, so in an instant, the violent sun and the cold moonlight fell from the sky.

The dead scepter domain was resurrected?

Under the reflection of that ray of light, it seemed as if a new world had evolved...

"This place is here."

Some people said, "This place will always be here."


The Lord of Darkness, who was about to disappear, was suddenly "bounced" back to this world, and was almost cut in two by the Sword in the Stone that followed closely.

He roared in anger, and suddenly stretched out this increasingly narrow world.

——The strength of this realm has increased, which means that he can do his best!

However, before Maxwell's almost desperate attack, his movements were restrained, as if he was afraid of something extremely dangerous, something more terrible than the Sword in the Stone.

The only thing that can make the natural disaster afraid is another natural disaster.

He can feel: there is another natural disaster, and there is another natural disaster in this realm...

But who is it!

This incarnation of God thought quickly, constantly eliminating other clues, and finally locked on a target.

"I see..." The Lord of Darkness gritted his teeth, his face grim.

In the etheric world, an angry voice spread:

"Hermes! Why did you break the contract!"

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense, Bai Mu. Look at your red mouth and white teeth, how can you slander someone's innocence?"

A frivolous voice responded, "I have abided by the contract well - I will never interfere in the war between humans and natural disasters - from the beginning to the end, I have not said a word, nor have I handed you a stick. Finger, not even the Shadow of Avalon has been inside for many years.

Sorry, I won’t bear the blame! "

"Lies!" Hundred Eyes roared.

"Well, if I have to say it, I did guide it a little bit, but... what can you do to me?"

Hermes' tone became cold and vicious: "You are on the wrong team, Baimu! You think you are secretly hooking up with that bitch of a son of a bitch like the Prince of the East, and I don't know about the things that are causing trouble in the East. ?

Three sages, three pillars of gods, four living creatures... In so many natural disasters, I have no objection to whoever you hook up with, but if you dare to help him, I will dig your ancestral grave!

I advise you to stop obediently and not get involved in the matter between the two of us. Otherwise, do you believe that I will fight against this old face and join forces with the 'Holy Blood'? "

"One day, you will pay the price!"

The Hundred-Eyed One was furious, and the ethereal world was filled with violent waves, but Hermes just sneered, "You should worry about yourself first! I'm also curious, who is watching you from the side..."

Communication is cut off.

In the abyss, the Hundred-Eyed One's rage has not stopped, but... the incarnation has descended into the material world. The connection between him and the avatar has been severed. Even if the avatar is sealed and imprisoned, or even beheaded, there is nothing he can do!

One-ninth incarnation is also one-ninth of his essence... This is not just one-ninth of the power. If you want to use a metaphor, this is one-ninth of his profile.

Just like human beings have different images when viewed from nine directions, each one is crucial and no one can be missing. With the loss of one-ninth of the incarnations, the other eight incarnations will definitely suffer heavy losses.

Over the years, it has finally accumulated so much strength in an attempt to occupy more tributaries of the great source and condense a complete 'River of Styx', but today it capsized in such a gutter.

For a time, black musicians all over the world were able to sense the murderous intent and rage that had condensed into substance in the abyss.

However, amidst the chaos, there is a question that is becoming more and more concerning:

——If that natural disaster is not Hermes, then... who is it? !

There is a possibility.

But that possibility made the abyss tremble.

There are countless secrets hidden in the darkness.


And in the Shadow of Avalon, the Lord of Darkness was retreating steadily, with cracks on his body intertwined. The complex music theory deep in the body keeps collapsing, and it is almost impossible to suppress it.

This body made of ether and music has reached its limit.

He roared hoarsely, took off his right eye, and crushed it angrily. In the bursting darkness, a shadow suddenly shot out, seeping into the Sword in the Stone like ink.

Contaminated by the curse, the light suddenly dimmed.

Immediately afterwards, the Lord of Darkness spread out his five fingers and stabbed down suddenly... towards his chest, and the scar on his chest that was slashed by the Sword in the Stone burst open again. Under his tearing, the whole person was split into two.

One of them pounced on Maxwell, burning all his strength to block him in place.

And one of them rushed towards the palace that was on the verge of collapse in the turmoil!

This is the home of the Sword in the Stone. With the power of the incarnation, the ultimate plan and the power accumulated by Angelou's deliberate efforts are difficult to compete with, so the only thing left is... to draw out the fuel from the bottom of the cauldron!

Since this incarnation is on the verge of collapse, let's change it to another body.

As long as he finds King Arthur first, transforms him into the Dark Lords under his command, and then takes over his body, then the advantage accumulated by Angelou will be completely reversed.

In front of Arthur, whether it is the Sword in the Stone or the infinitely enhanced Great Barrier of Avalon, they are nothing more than the possessions of the past, an extension of the Kingdom of Heaven. At that time, these things will no longer pose a threat to him, and may even... be thrown into his hands!

"Stop him!"

Maxwell was furious, but couldn't catch up.

The black shadow swooped down, and then, eight beams of light rose up one after another in the city.

The first one to bear the brunt was Tristan. The burly knight who looked like a giant spirit stood up from the ground, slashed with his sword, and rushed towards the black shadow, causing a majestic wind and thunder.

In an instant, the black shadows intertwined and disintegrated into mist in an instant, passing through Tristan and falling towards the earth.

Tristan's body shook violently and froze in the air, almost swallowed up by the evil thoughts inside.

Geraint's armor was made of flesh and blood like a living creature. It was like a beast. It ran on all fours, jumped up from the ground with a roar, and bit hard, but with its rapid speed, it could not stop the swift black. film.

Immediately afterwards, the three people behind Gareth, Lan Malok and others took action at the same time. The shadow of the red dragon flashed and breathed out cyan dragon fire. But the giant dragon lost its flexibility, and its wings were cut open in the blink of an eye.

Signs of cracking suddenly appeared on the bodies of the three knights. With one blow, the cracks were found and they were severely injured.

"——In the name of a knight, I will fight against all evil thoughts!"

The crisp sound of the sword sounded. Under Galahad's armor, Christine drew her sword and solemnly declared. The sound of the sword condensed into substance and spread in all directions.

Everywhere it passed, all the connections of the ether were completely cut off and forcibly suppressed.

But the speed of the shadow did not slow down. A hand stretched out from it and pressed down suddenly.


Christine's long sword flew out of her hand, her body shook violently, her face under the mask turned red, and she vomited a mouthful of backlash black blood, unable to move.

The breath of the abyss... this abyss breath that was everywhere.

She could feel the evil thoughts sprouting from her heart one after another, almost controlling her mind, and unprecedented killing intent, greed, madness and anger continued to burst out.

Even with the sword of Galahad, it could not be suppressed.

As long as it was infected by that breath, it would induce the evil in its nature and be eroded by that movement. If you don't fight against that power with all your strength, I'm afraid it will be deeply implanted in your heart and cannot be driven away, until one day you completely degenerate into a natural disaster follower.

It's really hateful.

"It just happened to be at this time..."

It just happened to be this situation!

If I were stronger, if I had been prepared, if my father had not been seriously injured in his early years and could still fight now, this would never have happened!

Christine gritted her teeth and fell into deep humiliation.

Unlike other inherited families, the Lancelot family has been trusted by the royal family since the founding of the country. It has not been just one, but two.

As early as the first generation, Lancelot and Galahad were father and son, and both were listed among the Knights of the Round Table. Therefore, the title of Lancelot of each generation must be inherited by Galahad after his father's death.

In other words, Galahad is Lancelot's reserve.

Among all the existing armors, Lancelot's status is also the highest. In addition to the inheritance of blood, it also requires absolute integrity and the seven virtues of knights to be recognized by the fantasy beasts, turning people into the perfect knights of the lake in mythology.

Only Lancelot and Gawain have the highest moral standards, are not afraid of the breath of natural disasters, and have no risk of falling.

Unfortunately, in his early years, Lancelot of this generation was severely injured in an assassination in order to protect the royal family. His lungs were damaged. Although he can move around normally, he can never go to the battlefield again.

Otherwise, this kind of collapse would never happen.

"It's terrible..." Maxwell gritted his teeth and cursed, his expression gloomy.

In an instant, the situation was in danger.

The mere approach of the Lord of Darkness made the seal of the palace gate on the verge of collapse. Once he entered, the preparations and plans for so many years would become empty promises in an instant. The sacrifices and efforts of so many people would no longer be meaningful.

The only thing that can stop him now is...


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