Crown of Silence

Chapter 320 Difficulty in making choices

Chapter 321 Difficulty in making choices

"In view of Mr. Holmes' outstanding performance yesterday and his great contribution to Anglu, His Majesty has agreed to Mr. Maxwell's request to open the Stein secret room for you and let you choose one of the collections.

As a representative of the royal family, I will witness Mr. Maxwell's choice and the result, and approve it. Of course, if you choose an item that involves the national pulse, I'm sorry I can't agree. Otherwise, you are free to choose."

Mary's voice was polite, and it can be seen that she deliberately kept a sense of distance, but it was not disgusting.

"Please rest assured, I have no desire for Anglu's national pulse."

Ye Qingxuan lowered his eyes, and a self-deprecating smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I sincerely hope that this country can last forever."

"That's too..."

Before Mary finished speaking, she stumbled and fell to the ground.

During the conversation, the distance between the two was shortened, and they followed closely. But Ye Qingxuan, who was emotionally complicated, stepped on the corner of Mary's skirt without paying attention.

In a low cry of surprise, Mary shook, and the lantern fell from her hand, rolled in the air, and fell to the ground, about to break into pieces. But the expected breaking sound did not sound.

It was held steadily by a palm at the moment of landing.

Including Mary.

At that moment, Ye Qingxuan stepped forward, walked around to Mary's right side, held the lantern in one hand, and supported her left arm with the other. Then, he felt that the princess, who had lost her balance, almost crashed into his arms.

Mary lowered her head in panic, as if she was not used to others getting so close to her. A whispered voice came from under the veil: "Mr. Holmes... please let me go."

Ye Qingxuan took a step back and helplessly spread his hands to show his innocence.

Mary lowered her head, hid her cheek behind the brim of her hat, just bit her lip and whispered:

"We are here."


In the next few minutes, Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes as required and saw nothing.

He only heard the sound of the hinge turning, as if the elevator was operating, but he could not feel any changes in movement. Until he opened his eyes again, he was already in a huge stone chamber.

Under the light that came from nowhere, the huge stone chamber was already filled with things, like entering a huge antique shop, and everything he saw was dazzling.

Masks from an unknown era, ancient books from the East, strange long swords with complex patterns, broken and damaged majestic armor, corpses wrapped in layers of ancient bandages, and placed in golden coffins...

"And this?"

Just a casual look, Ye Qingxuan stood there in a daze. After reacting, he hurriedly moved up and touched the huge stone tablet that looked unremarkable, and sighed in a low voice:

"The earliest tuning instrument-Rosetta Stone? The foundation of all ancient documents and music theory research today, I didn't expect it to be collected here?

The inheritance festival of the Semites in the Thebes Desert, and this sword..."

For a moment, he forgot his reserve and etiquette, and was attracted by those precious treasures that only appeared in legends.

Just as Mary said, there are many legendary disaster-level music pieces, the original manuscript of "The First March of Majesty", the inheritance seal on it has not been used, the core music of the illusion faction "Nocturne", and even the fragments of "The Fifth Concerto Emperor" left by the first generation of the Red King...

The manuscripts of saints of all generations are casually placed on the display shelves here, and have become ordinary collections of books. According to Ye Qingxuan's guess, the dried corpse in the golden coffin is no longer a saint's relic, but a complete saint's body!

The main body of the Avalon Great Barrier-the design of the Elizabeth Bell...placed in the center, the book contained in the golden box is the fateful chapter "The Golden Chapter of Victory" written by King Arthur himself, combining the essence of the change and summoning factions!

There are more things that Ye Qingxuan can't recognize scattered around. There is no doubt that anything that can be placed in the same room with these things is definitely not junk picked up randomly on the street.

However, everything was sealed up, without any ether fluctuations. Undoubtedly, this was to better preserve the items. After all, there were so many alchemical products here that no one knew what strange consequences would result from their mutual influence.

But this also brought some trouble to Ye Qingxuan's selection work.

He didn't want to pick up something that sounded awesome but was completely useless.

So, can we only rely on our eyesight?

While thinking, he suddenly saw a vague shadow flying through the corner of his eyes. He turned back in surprise, but saw one after another blurry translucent shadows walking out of the wall.

It was Gawain.

Mary seemed to be unaware that Gawain's shadow raised his fingers and made a silent gesture.

Ye Qingxuan blinked his eyes and remained silent.

He thought about it and looked back at Mary at the door:

"I wonder if there is anything suitable for me?"

Mary came back to her senses from her trance and just smiled: "Then you have to choose it yourself."

She didn't intend to help. Obviously, the attitude of the royal family is to let Ye Qingxuan choose by himself. If he chooses something too outrageous, it will definitely not be acceptable if it involves the national pulse. If he chooses the emperor's favorite antique, but it is useless... then he can only blame himself.

"It seems that I can only choose by myself?"

He muttered to himself, looking at Gao Wen from the corner of his eye.

The Gawains' erratic figures moved immediately after hearing Ye Qingxuan's voice, as if they were in distressed thinking. Several figures stood together and silently argued about something, gesturing at famous collections, as if they were having a meeting.

They were originally the administrators of the Jianlan Underground Palace, responsible for the maintenance and cleaning of the area, and they knew everything about what was inside. After hearing Ye Qingxuan's needs, they immediately started a heated discussion.

It's just that most people only have a few thoughts in their minds, but the Gawains have become a group of shadows, caught in a silent dispute. Just like children, when they get excited, they almost fight.

In the end, several winning shadows proudly drove away the other "people" and stood in a good position in the room. In front of each person, there is a collection.

Some are big, some are small, some are weird, some are ordinary, and some can't be seen at all, but they just make people feel baffled.

The first one is a crystal skull, crystal clear, as if it contains some mysterious wisdom. There are clouds of smoke flowing in the scattered refraction, constantly revealing some kind of shadow that is only a scale, but it is not clear. After looking at it for a long time, I feel fascinated.

This is an alchemical equipment of some kind of mind school, and the grade is not low. According to the identification of Jiuxiao Huanpei, there should be a heart seal hidden in it. No, maybe it is the heart musician who applied the "鍆醐" that can only be used once in his life to his skull before his death, waiting for future generations.

The second one is a pipe, carved from sea foam. It is hard to see what it is used for, but according to the shape analysis and the signature on the inside, it should be the work of a certain summoning school in Anglu.

After being ignited, it can summon the spirit sealed in it, and give it a form with smoke. It is between the visible and the invisible, and it may also have the effect of flame transmission.

It has a wide range of uses, whether it is assassination, detection or guarding missions, it is no problem.

The third one is a simple monocle. If you look at it from the side, you can vaguely see the subtle notes engraved on the lens. Alchemical equipment like this is probably the result of the rare school of revelation. Excellent auxiliary detection type.

The fourth one is a wine pot, a flat wine pot with a lid. It looks like it is made of pure copper, full of scratches and vicissitudes. It is an ancient artifact, but it seems that there is still some liquid in it. When it is gently shaken, it makes a tiny sound. Ye Qingxuan couldn't tell where it came from, but could only vaguely feel the strong hunger coming from his body.

Even through the bottle, there is a strong thirst, wanting to drink the wine in it...

The fifth piece is a behemoth: a huge set of armor, but the right hand part and the face armor are already incomplete, and the interior is also severely damaged. Although it looks scrapped, Ye Qingxuan dare not underestimate it... This is a dilapidated round table knight armor!

Although it is impossible to tell which one it is, and the enclosed beast has been taken out, it is still a rare masterpiece known as the God-given Armor. If a good alchemist can be found to repair it, it may not be difficult to restore its former appearance...

In silence, Ye Qingxuan wandered in Stein's secret room, his eyes lingering on the five pieces of equipment, but he could not make a decision. He was suffering from choice difficulty... It was too difficult to make a choice.

After a long time, he sighed in a low voice, reached out, and took out the monocle.

"That's it."

Ye Qingxuan said to Mary.

Mary was stunned for a moment, nodded, and reached out to unlock the seal for him, and then the faint ether fluctuations were revealed from it.

"Eye of Silence?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at its side, which had the name left by the alchemist and a line of meaningful words: "- Sometimes, knowing the truth is not an easy thing."

Eye of Silence, an auxiliary alchemy equipment made by ancient alchemists.

Permanently solidifying the real vision, it can break the influence of most illusions and greatly increase the sensing range of the musician. The effects of telescope and magnification are just incidental, and the truly precious thing is the special music engraved in it.

This is an equipment for "pioneering musicians". As long as the items are recorded in the catalog, it can be quickly marked in the wearer's field of vision, including herbs, alchemical materials, minerals, wild animals and demons, and automatically interpreted and calculated.

Distance measurement, ether wave detection, and the enemy's approximate strength estimation, analysis... It is equivalent to obtaining the signature ability of the revelation faction, "Eye of Stars", which also has a huge bonus for interpretation.

"Are you sure?"

Mary seemed a little disappointed. The Eye of Silence was not the best among all the collections. In addition to its wide versatility, its only remarkable ability was its True Sight.

"If you want to change it, I also..."

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