Crown of Silence

Chapter 324 The Secret of the Past

Chapter 325 The Secret of the Past

Late at night, the lights in the palace still shined, illuminating the dark clouds and the endless ocean in the distance.

Amidst the low sound of the elevator, the carriage entered the silent palace square. Immediately, a servant ran over in small steps to guide the solemn-looking man on the carriage.

"When?" Lancelot asked.

"Two o'clock in the morning, sir."

The servant responded respectfully and opened the door for him. After Lancelot walked into the door silently, the servant stayed there, not daring to look in the direction he left, and closed the door for him.

As he progressed, doors opened in front of him.

Until the end, there were no more gorgeous decorations, exquisite paintings and carpets, and there was only a solemn atmosphere in the corridor.

Lancelot pushed open the door and entered.

In the empty conference room, the chandelier is always on and there is only a table and a few chairs. The chairs were already full, except for Lancelot's chair, which was empty.

There was an iron box and several ashtrays on the table. The iron box looked plain and simple, but many cigarettes had been extinguished in the ashtrays, and the pile was as high as a mountain.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, someone looked over.

Most of those men were elderly, well-dressed, wearing glasses and with serious faces. They were sitting in this undecorated, cold and monotonous room, but they didn't look out of place at all, just like the stone statues that should have been here.

While waiting in silence, they didn't speak to each other, they just smoked cigarettes and thought silently, not showing any anxiety.

This is the 'Secret Chamber' that all Anglians talk about, the core of the empire, the place where many conspiracies, bloodshed and secrets were born in legend.

—Privy Council of Angelus.

Initially, this was the highest information agency responsible only to the emperor. It was composed of the emperor's think tank and formulated government and diplomatic strategies, as well as the beginning and end of wars.

Later, the emperor decentralized more and more power and transferred it to their hands... Until now, it has become the highest administrative agency in Anglia, with royal appointments, ministers of defence, foreign affairs, internal affairs, seals and so on. political organs formed.

The last time so many people were summoned here by the royal family late at night was decades ago. Just like last time, everyone looked solemn. However, this time there was a hint of depression.

Intentionally or unintentionally, everyone's eyes fell on the iron box in the center of the table, with uneasiness and coldness, as if they were looking at their enemy.

On the table, the box that looks like a solid iron block has no lines or emblems on it. It is smooth, with sharp edges and corners, without any joints or gaps.

But if you look at it for a long time, you will feel that the iron box is squirming and exudes a disturbing smell.

"I'm afraid everyone already understands the purpose of calling everyone here today."

Maxwell was the first to speak up and said bluntly: "Then I won't waste my time and let's take a look at it—this is the worst situation now."

Maxwell stretched out his hand, pressed it on the iron box, and raised his eyes to look at the others.

The Minister of State was silent for a moment, then reached out and pressed it, followed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs... Finally, Lancelot took off his gloves, revealing a scar across his palm, and pressed it on the iron box.

When the identities of the five people were verified at the same time, there was a crisp sound in the iron box, which seemed to be the friction of gears and the opening, closing and twisting of complex mechanisms.

Amidst the slight tremors, cracks opened up on the smooth surface, rapidly shrinking downwards, and finally turned into something like a platform.

And the things that were originally sealed inside were finally exposed to the pale light.

On the black iron platform is a crystal prism that looks crystal clear - alchemists smelted the purest metal from iron sand and silver, and transformed it into such glazed gold, which looks like Crystal, but even close explosions and impacts cannot damage it at all.

It is used to make car windows and glass for dignitaries. Good lighting allows people to observe the outside scenery through the glass, and it can also give people an indescribable sense of security.

Only now, no one in the room felt safe.

Amidst the sound of sucking in the cold air, only a creepy feeling spread from the whole body.

Under the cold light, what is sealed in the prism is a face with blood and flesh...

There was nothing that the face looked like, it looked human but not human, like a face that had not yet grown up. It was not pleasing to the eye at all, but looking at it... made people feel that there was a kind of beauty in life.

The terrifying beauty shocks the human soul and makes it impossible to move.

It was solidified in the glass, as if sleeping, but the wriggling granules and bloodshot fibers spread from it, eroding and penetrating the entire crystal prism, turning it into a heterogeneous flesh and blood.

Tiny blood vessels are like purple-red tentacles. They grow slowly inside, wrapping around the prisms. The parts exposed to the air undulate slightly, looking as if they are alive...

This damn thing is breathing!

"A few days ago, it was just a piece of meat the size of a fingernail, shriveled and withered." Maxwell said: "Now, as you can see, it has been inspired by the original body and has come to life again..."

The people present looked at it in astonishment, and finally woke up after a long time. Even though they were well prepared before coming, they still couldn't believe it after witnessing all this.

The Foreign Secretary stared blankly at the prism in the iron box and reached out to touch it: "Is this true?"

"Don't touch it!"

With quick eyes and quick hands, Maxwell took hold of his wrist. His fingers almost touched the slightly wriggling tentacles before he was suddenly pulled away.

"This is nothing new and interesting, Your Excellency." Maxwell's eyes were terrifying: "For it, living creatures are just nutrients... and will be drained away."

The Foreign Secretary retracted his palm as if he was electrocuted, took out his handkerchief, and wiped his fingers that had not touched anything over and over again, his eyes frightened.

The Minister of State smoked in silence, and after a long time, he made a sound:

"Really it?"

His voice was hoarse and not very pleasant, but it carried a gloomy and solemn aura.

"That's right."

Maxwell nodded and stared at the fleshy prism: "Leviathan is one of the four living creatures in the natural disaster and the fateful monster entangled with the Anglo Kingdom.

Gentlemen, we are in trouble. "

If there is anything that can frighten this group of people who have wielded great power, then this incident will definitely bear the brunt.

The huge shadow that has shrouded this country since the founding of the country, the natural disaster among natural disasters, the monster among monsters - Leviathan, has begun to resurrect!

Just after solving the evil god's infiltration and conspiracy, we encountered this situation...

Simply, terrible!

Lancelot reached out and took out a cigar from his colleague's cigarette case, hesitated but did not light it, and finally put it back. He covered his mouth, coughed twice in a low voice, wiped away the blood from his lungs, and asked in a low voice:

"How long do we have?"

"Archbishop Mephistopheles told me that with the power of Westminster Cathedral, it can be extended for another five years at most... In five years, we will face this enemy who has made countless sacrifices for our ancestors."

Maxwell's expression was solemn: "A real natural disaster that has come to the world."

As soon as he said this, everyone's expressions turned ugly.

Five years?

Where is enough...

Five years is enough for a person to rise rapidly, earn countless money, and become a very important rich man. It is also enough to train a group of elite soldiers, enough to make a group of apprentices successful, and the best among them to become musicians.

Five years can build countless weapons, launch several wars, plunder countless city-states, and accumulate countless wealth... But for a country, what can it do in five years?

But for a natural disaster, five years is too short.

This is even more true for humans.

"Too little."

The Minister of Defense put out his cigarette and lowered his eyes: "There is too little time."

Three wise men, three pillars of gods, four living creatures... these are the monsters that stand at the top of all natural disasters.

If compared with the "phenomenal" natural disasters that are thoughtless and unconscious, they may be slightly inferior in terms of pure destructive power, but if they can be ranked at the top of all natural disasters, they must be terrifying.

As one of the "Four Living Creatures" along with the "Hundred-Armed Giant" and the "Dark Earth Mother", Leviathan does not have the ubiquitous divinity like the Three Pillar Gods, but it also does not need The long steps of descent and the risk of crossing the etheric sea.

They do not exist in the etheric realm, but are giant monsters that roam the material realm.

Once it is truly resurrected, the first thing Angelou needs to face is a god who has completely descended into this world and can exert all his power at will without regard to any restrictions.

Imagine a monster that can cause natural disaster-level destructive power at will...

"Is there no way to stop it?" someone asked.

"The manpower is limited, sir." Maxwell shook his head with a cold expression: "We do not live in a world where everything can be solved by shouting a few hot-blooded slogans."

"Where's Hermes? He gets so much consulting fees from us every year, does he just watch?"

"He said he had a way, but His Majesty prohibited him from checking the matter, and he was helpless."



Lancelot and Maxwell looked at each other and explained: "Hermes behaves strangely, is not trustworthy, and has no loyalty.

If he had intervened in this matter, it might have gotten worse. "

"Are we just waiting for war?" asked the Defense Secretary.

"That's right." Maxwell nodded.

"Then... the lifting of the seal of the Royal Fleet should be put on the agenda. I don't think I will have a bunch of landlubbers in my hands when I go to fight against the natural disasters."

"The royal family is ready. Except for the key Zero, the rest of Stein's chamber will be opened one after another."

"So many years of savings will begin to gradually turn into strength. Within this year, the Great Barrier of Avalon will be completely renovated and restored to the power it had when the Kingdom of Heaven came. Otherwise, we will not have any position at all."

"The Holy Spirits of the masters should also begin to awaken. In five years, they should be restored to the level they were before. How many saints' remains can we gather together?"

"It affects the entire western defense line, and the three kings should not stay out of it. If we fail, no one will be able to laugh."

Someone thought for a while and asked, "Where is the sword in the stone?"

"Still in the underground palace of Jianlan, the last time I was forced to go out was very reluctant to be honest."

Maxwell rolled up his sleeves and showed them the horrific cracks on his wrists and arms.

There seemed to be a burning glow in those cracks, stinging people's eyes, like burning carbon in a furnace: "Not only it, but also me, has reached the limit."

"Then, where can we find the weight that can make the final decision?"


In the long silence, Lancelot suddenly said: "The Spear of St. George is still sunk in Guixu. Should we negotiate with the Holy City to retrieve this artifact?"


Everyone was silent. In the silent room, there was a faint echo of the hollow wind in the vortex.

Sometimes, in order to find the past, you have to dig up the secrets buried in the past.

But once the grave is dug up, will anyone be willing to see those bloody and dirty secrets? -

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