Crown of Silence

Chapter 329 Graduation?

Chapter 330 Graduation?

Maxwell said some words in an understatement, but Ye Qingxuan could imagine the bloodshed and tragic sacrifice hidden in those indifferent words.

In the war with natural disasters, even if you are as strong as the three kings, you may fall. Scepter-level musicians cannot even enter the core of the battlefield...

"Ye Lanzhou, he participated in the research on the Hundred-Armed Giant? Although he is talented, he is not even a summoning musician. He is just a telepathic musician. What's the use?"

"Have you forgotten? Your father's title."

Maxwell glanced at him: "'Moon Yin', the purifier of all alien species, the natural enemy of demons, the only person who can resonate with the pure white moon and the blue moon at the same time.

He is the one who best understands the differences between Scourge and humans. I would have been surprised if he wasn't involved in that project. "

"……And after that?"


Maxwell put out his cigarette: "After that, it's like you know it. Your father rebelled, fell into the realm of natural disasters, and became a black musician."

"I know this."

Ye Qingxuan clenched his fists. He looked at Maxwell and asked hoarsely: "Is it true?"

"have no idea."

Maxwell looked away: "When he left, he caused too much turmoil. The entire research institution was almost destroyed. All the data was destroyed, and everyone...

For so many years, I have always been confused: I often wonder whether that young man back then has become my enemy. Will one day we meet on the battlefield?

Even, sometimes I would be better if he died. "

"Although I don't want to agree with you, I feel the same way." Maxwell was stunned by Ye Qingxuan's words.

The young man lowered his head, hid his expression, and said lightly: "The kind of guy who only causes trouble for others will die early and be reborn. However, I can't let him die in an unknown way."

Maxwell was silent for a long time and patted him on the shoulder.

"Human beings are powerless to interfere in the past, but if you want to find out the truth of that year, you have to become stronger. At least after you become a scepter musician, you will be able to understand the secrets."

"It's a bit too early to say this now. I'm still confused about the resonance level. Not to mention finding the origin of resonance, the barrier of knowledge is enough to bother me for several years."

Maxwell was stunned for a moment and fell silent. As if he thought of something, the look in his eyes became strange.

It was like looking at some non-human monster, astonished and haunted.

"……What's wrong?"

Ye Qingxuan had an ominous premonition.

"You've only been in school for half a year, Ye Qingxuan!"

Maxwell pinched his chin and marveled: "In half a year, you have become an official musician with zero foundation, and you are a fellow student in the fourth department... According to the regulations of the college, you can already graduate."

"Uh, ah, eh?"

Ye Qingxuan was also stunned: "Graduation?"


Maxwell nodded: "Although the Royal Conservatory of Music has a six-year academic system, in fact, you can graduate by at least becoming a formal musician.

You know, there aren’t many formal musicians among this year’s graduates! With your current grades, four graduations are enough! How about I just..."

"Wait! I, I..."

Ye Qingxuan was a little confused, and finally slapped his thigh: "I have paid enough tuition fees for one year! I still have half of it left!"


Maxwell looked at him like he was mentally retarded: "So many smuggling businesses in the lower city have been taken care of by you, and you still lack so much money now?"

"I don't care! I'm not graduating anyway!"

Ye Qingxuan was lying on the sofa and said: "Otherwise, I would lie down in front of the palace and go on a hunger strike to protest. Do you believe it? Maxwell was completely unconscionable. The principal of the college was corrupt and bribed! The civilian students were expelled!"

I’m going to hang you up on the Musicians Association’s bulletin board and send you to the headlines! "

Even with Maxwell's thick skin, he was a little stunned when he encountered this trick. In so many years, he had only encountered people who could not graduate, but he had never encountered such a guy who stayed in school and refused to leave.

"Hey, don't make trouble, please do me a favor. This year's graduation quota is not enough yet. With someone like you, I can at least ask the superiors for a budget next year."

"It's your own fault that the graduation indicators are not enough! Which college's graduation exam is as messed up as this one?"

"...Are you determined not to graduate?"

"Why are you so anxious?" Ye Qingxuan picked his nostrils with a scoundrel look on his face: "I'm only in the first grade. I can wait until I'm in the sixth grade to finish my graduation!"

"You really don't want to leave?"

"Don't leave! What can you do to me?"

"Well, that's easy to handle." Maxwell rubbed his hands and smiled, with a mysterious expression: "So, you won't refuse the trial task assigned to you by the academy, right?"


Ye Qingxuan was stunned and suddenly realized: "You are waiting for me here, right?"

"You said it yourself if you don't want to graduate. I didn't force you." Maxwell spread his hands innocently: "You can either graduate or go to work. It's your choice."

Ye Qingxuan gritted his teeth and looked at him, as if he wanted to stare this old guy to death.

"What's going on, tell me!"

The Royal Conservatory of Music has always had a tradition of ‘trial tasks’, just like summer internships at other colleges. It takes on some simple tasks from the Musicians Association and gives them to students to gain some experience.

Of course, there are often bad teachers who often treat students as good sheep and let them work for free. For example, like Maxwell, the beam is not straight, and he takes the lead in digging holes for others to jump...

"Don't be afraid, it's quite simple."

Maxwell, who was well prepared, took out a document from the cabinet and threw it to Ye Qingxuan: "It suits you very well, but it's a little far away."

"how far?"

Ye Qingxuan felt a subtle sense of cheating in his heart. Maxwell thought for a while and said lightly: "It takes about five days by boat, six days by rail carriage, and then a month and a half of walking, right?"

Ye Qingxuan almost spit out a mouthful of old blood: "You might as well say cross the entire human world!"

"It's pretty much the same anyway."

Maxwell spread his hands and said seriously:

"Do you know about the Romulus people? Hundreds of years ago, after Romulus was destroyed by natural disasters, this group of people wandered around the world. Their elders took them to establish a kingdom in the north decades ago. A new tribe.”

"Are you asking me to go over and sign an alliance on behalf of the two sides of Anglo and make peace forever? Then we can share what we have with each other..."

"If it were a truly fertile place, do you think other countries would allow it to be occupied by a group of refugees?"

Maxwell glanced at him sideways, "You were there to help save people.

Recently, a large-scale infectious disease suddenly broke out in the gathering area. The local religious order suspected that it was related to an excavated ancient ruins, and recruited a scholar who knew how to interpret texts and understand ancient history to help. All you need to do is go over and take a shot. "

"infectious disease?"

Ye Qingxuan's eyes lit up: "Is it the kind that can turn people into..."

"Sorry, it's just a common cold."

"Tsk, that's boring." Ye Qingxuan shook his head.

"Do you think all musicians are like you making big news every day?!" Maxwell was furious: "Go back and pack your bags and get out of here. If you are still in the city the day after tomorrow, I will have the Fifth Agency forcibly exile you. "

"There's no need to be so anxious, right?"


When this was mentioned, Maxwell became angry: "Thanks to the evil god who came here and some guy's fooling around, the Great Barrier of Avalon is still riddled with holes and is almost useless.

In the past two days, the royal musicians have pulled out a lot of hair to repair it, and guess what? "

Ye Qingxuan's heart skipped a beat: "Is that so?"

“Someone sitting in this room right now is the biggest source of distraction!”

Maxwell's fingers poked Ye Qingxuan's face: "You messed with the barrier, and your fluctuations have been connected to the core! As long as you are in Avalon, the barrier cannot be repaired at all!

If I hadn't suppressed this matter, you would have been labeled a traitor by now for destroying important national security facilities! You ask me why I am so anxious? ! "


Ye Qingxuan actually felt quite guilty when it came to this matter. Although he obeyed the authority urgently, he was so bold that he dared to modify the national defense facilities and almost took them for himself... which was indeed a bit excessive.

After so many days, no one held him accountable. He thought the limelight had passed, but he didn't expect it to be waiting for him here.

"Okay, okay, I'm going, I'm going!"

He was disgraced and prepared to go back to pack his luggage, but was stopped by Maxwell again.

"this is for you."

He threw a ring over, and Ye Qingxuan took it casually and found that it was a piece of alchemy equipment of excellent quality. He could tell that it was a product of Anglo's famous alchemy workshop: 'Cavendish Laboratory', so he snatched it Those defensive rings are incomparable to it.

But on the inside of the ring, when I stretched out my hand to fumble around, I could faintly touch a few characters.

"...007·SF? What is this?"

"I helped you register the file in the Fifth Agency in the name of Holmes. From now on, your number in the Fifth Agency will be No. 7. You will be directly responsible to me. In this way, you can be considered a recruit."

Maxwell said lightly: "When you go out to help out, there's no reason for you to do it all by yourself.

Someone will bring you some notes later, write them down and burn them. Those things can mobilize a lot of manpower and material resources, so use them with caution, it can be regarded as a benefit to you. "

"Is it so convenient?"

Ye Qingxuan doubtfully took on the ring. Although he didn't understand why a mission to treat patients and save people in a homeless area would use the mysterious fifth organ, but with Maxwell's urine quality, the water inside must be very deep. , maybe there is something fishy hidden there, so you can be considered prepared.

"By the way, what's the name of that homeless area?"

Before going out, Ye Qingxuan turned around and asked.


Maxwell said with a smile: "A place that takes in poor homeless people and is full of peace, friendship and compassion."

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