Crown of Silence

Chapter 343 You are late

Chapter 344 You’re late

"Grind your scissors and sharpen your kitchen knife~"

In Auschwitz in the early morning, in the chaotic and dilapidated market, the white-haired young man squatted on the ground and shouted feebly.

There was a felt blanket spread in front of him, filled with swords snatched along the way, and two carrots bought from the stall next door. After being washed, it was his breakfast.

It was early in the morning, except for a few vegetable sellers, there were almost no people in the market. The entire dilapidated gathering place is like the lower city of Avalon, full of chaos, noise, deserted and dilapidated.

It looks absolutely terrible, but not so bad that you can't live with it.

Those who can't go up or down are left hanging like this.

It is full of the feeling of living one day at a time and earning one day at a time.

In comparison, Ye Qingxuan inevitably lost his fighting spirit.

He was already prepared for a 300-round battle of wits and courage with the locals. As a result, after entering the city, I found that the locals didn't bother to care about me at all.

They don't exclude outsiders, they just pretend that outsiders don't exist.

This made Ye Qingxuan's fighting spirit go blank, and he felt indescribably uncomfortable.

After he picked up a carrot and wiped it clean, he gnawed on it one bite at a time, grinning as he ate it: the carrots grown in such a damn place were naturally not very tasty, they were completely shriveled, and they felt like they were eating in his mouth. Chewing a mouthful of mud.

"How on earth do you spend your days..."

He sighed and yawned sleepily.

He had expected a big battle last night, but as a result, some of the opponents showed great restraint. After a little probing, they withdrew and left. The remaining people were not sure of victory and did not dare to take action rashly.

The thunder was loud and the raindrops were light, so it was nothing.

It made him pretend to be in vain.

According to the plan, today he was going to communicate with the master sent by Angelo to monitor the entire trial about the specific situation, listen to suggestions, receive some teachings, and preferably some intensive special training, etc., and receive it by the way. Some mysterious trump cards.

As a result, nothing happened as expected.

Ye Qingxuan still doesn't even know the name of that master.

From beginning to end, he was hidden in the black mist, not even showing his face when eating.

After meeting Ye Qingxuan that night, I took him to a shabby hotel, pointed to a room and told him that I lived here. If you have nothing to do, don't come to me. If something happens... it's best not to come to me.

All in all, just pretend I don't exist.

"Anyway, you're already here. What happens next depends on you."

The master at that time patted him on the shoulder and said seriously: "What I promised Maxwell is to ensure that you come back from here alive. Forget about other things... I trust you very much, classmate Ye Qingxuan."

In response, Ye Qingxuan could only say the word 'haha' from his throat.

Masters from other schools don't spend much money to stuff good things into their students, for fear that their students will be eliminated. How come their own side... is so unreliable.

Oh, the mysterious master still gave him something.

"But what's the use of this thing?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at the thing in his hand with a complicated expression - it was a small whistle made by the master knocking down a section of the doorknob on the spot and hollowing it out.

Well, it's the kind of spoon for children to play with.

But the guy said in a serious tone: Don't just brag about it.

Isn’t this nonsense! What's the use of playing with this kind of ghost thing if you don't brag about it!

Ye Qingxuan threw the whistle on the stall with some annoyance, thought for a moment, sighed, picked up the whistle and put it back in his pocket - maybe it was really useful? right? Although it's probably useless...

"Hey, knife, how do you sell it?"

There was a man squatting on the stall, picking and choosing, and asking in Common Tongue with a strange accent.

Ye Qingxuan glanced at it and replied with the native accent of Romulus: "Which one? Cheaper, buy one get one free, how about charging you forty pounds?"

The man was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and glanced at him with a strange look in his eyes.

"How is it? My accent is standard, right?" Ye Qingxuan smiled proudly.


The man had an expressionless face and didn't say anything. He stood up and left, leaving Ye Qingxuan a little confused: "Wait a minute!" I am such a friendly and kind person, why are you leaving? I won't hit you! Is it wrong to speak with a good accent?

In the end, he did nothing and watched the man leave.

My only customer.

Ye Qingxuan shook his head and sighed.

The Holy City has very strict regulations. During trials and missions, musicians are not allowed to interfere with the normal lives of the locals, and they are absolutely not allowed to release any music to the locals. Once discovered, the qualifications for the trial will be revoked.

If the circumstances are serious, they will be directly sent to a silent institution for brainwashing and transformation. Make sure you are a useful person to society for the rest of your life.

"It's just...the characteristics of animal transformation are really obvious."

Ye Qingxuan watched the people coming and going from a distance, talking to himself in a voice that only he could hear.

Compared with other races, the skeletons of adult male Romulans are obviously thinner, and the skin is slightly bronzed. Due to the living environment, the skin quality is usually not good.

But the hair on their faces and limbs is obviously lush, and many people have sharp, thick and hard nails, like wild animals. This is caused by the demon bloodline polluted by natural disasters in the body. It is said that this situation is particularly obvious in some newborns in recent years.

Fear of light, water, and aggressive...

If this continues, in five or six generations, in the foreseeable hundred years, I am afraid that the Romulans will really be reduced to the level of half-human and half-beast.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but sigh.

In such a ghost place, what other hope can there be?

Auschwitz is simply a wilderness.

Outside the towering gray walls, there is no one.

It is dry, desolate, overgrown with weeds, unable to be cultivated, and there is no geographical convenience, let alone any possibility of habitation. It is just a pure place.

If there is anything that can be developed, there are only rare copper mines to be mined. As a result, with the discovery of the ruins a few years ago, there is no copper mine now.

The environment is so bad that it is really hopeless. No wonder people here live a lazy life.

He was awakened from his contemplation by the sound of a low bell.

Just opposite, the door of a dilapidated church slowly opened, revealing the simple courtyard and buildings.

Seeing this, Ye Qingxuan didn't care about the stall, got up from the ground, dusted himself off, and walked forward.

Since the locals were too lazy to care about him, and Anglo's thighs were unreliable, he could only go to the church.

At least, the people of the church couldn't be cold to him as a reserve clergyman, right?

What's more, Ye Qingxuan accepted the commission of the church before he came.

Putting aside the reason for the trial, he came here at the beginning... but he really planned to cure diseases and save people! ——

As he expected, there were no full-time members of the church in this dilapidated little church. There was only a priest who looked old and dim-sighted, and two mixed-race children born locally who were responsible for cleaning.

There are not many believers among the Romulans. It is not easy for the budget allocated every year to be enough for the priest to eat, not to mention that repairing the church is also a huge expense.

The old priest with blurred eyes looked at Ye Qingxuan's ID for a long time before he remembered.

"Oh, you mean the flu... I reported this matter several years ago, but it fell into the sea. I thought the commission had been abandoned."

The old priest patted Ye Qingxuan on the shoulder: "I didn't expect someone to come. It really scared me. Unfortunately, you are late."

"... Late?"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned: "Did the patients die?"

"No, it's just a common cold. It will be fine after a few days."

The old priest spread his hands: "So, Mr. Ye, you are late. The flu was eradicated half a year ago."


Ye Qingxuan looked at him dully, and he couldn't accept this development: he was still planning to devote his heart to curing diseases and saving people, how come the flu was cured before the people arrived!

It was like an adventure novel, where the hero just set out on his journey, but in the end the villain got the plague and died.

The world was saved, everything was beautiful... but Ye Qingxuan felt particularly bad.

"Why don't you cancel this commission?"

Ye Qingxuan was in tears: "Otherwise, how could I be tricked by that old bastard Maxwell to come here."

"Wait until I finish."

The old priest sighed helplessly: "It's true that the flu has been eradicated, but... the virus is still there."

Ye Qingxuan fell into a stagnation.

The virus is still there?

What's the reason? -

In the basement of the church, in a simple surgical laboratory.

After a long silence, Ye Qingxuan looked away from the small microscope, rubbed his eyes, and cursed in a low voice. Now, he can be sure that this flu is absolutely man-made.

Someone created the flu and plague for this group of Romulans, and left a backup.

The sample observed came from a corpse of Romulus who died of old age recently.

It can be clearly observed that a large number of this virus parasitizes in the blood and organs of the dead. Although it has been dormant and completely harmless, it is still tightly bound to the human body.

The immunity of ordinary humans is enough to kill these viruses and eliminate them through metabolism. The demons are not afraid of such flu at all. Their bodies are even completely different from those of humans, and they are naturally immune to corpse poison and other pathogens.

But the Romulans with mixed demon blood are in trouble.

This virus is obviously made for their immune deficiency. The gap between human and demon blood is filled by this virus... In other words, it may even accelerate the deformity of Romulans, allowing demon blood to completely replace human part...

"It's terrible."

Ye Qingxuan sighed: "How many people have been infected with this virus?"

"Almost... all."


Thanks to the twisted key for the reward of 50,000 starting coins.

By the way, it's the end of the month, everyone should give more monthly tickets to support it, I'm so afraid of being counterattacked by the people below...

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